I mean, we do have Khan. He hasn't killed a lot of people recently, but it's certainly above the double digits personally.
Khan isn't considered a mentality unhinged serial killer in the publics eyes.

Also, people in general wouldn't believe Doof had the real genghis khan and would just think Doof was lying.
Khan isn't considered a mentality unhinged serial killer in the publics eyes.

Also, people in general wouldn't believe Doof had the real genghis khan and would just think Doof was lying.
Like I said, it depends on if they can control themselves, and even if the public don't believe its the Real Genghis Khan, both Doof IC and us OOC know he is, and that matters.
Yeah real talk, having issues with a Body Count when you have The Flail Of God on your payroll, is pretty hypocritical. So long as they can control themselves I don't see a Cape having a body count as being an issue.
Bah! That was several hundred years ago! It doesn't count*!

A Flail of God trait for Genghis Khan would be cool. Maybe we unlock it if we finish the modernizing tree?

*It does if applied to anyone but Genghis Khan

Out of curiosity, where does your sig come from?

Dang. We'll have to satisfy ourselves with a 34% chance of finishing reading the spellbook them.
It's a poor match with Doof's type of evil. The body count isn't a few. It's up in the double digits. When you start building a body count the gloves come off. Associating Doof with that just isn't worth it in my opinion.
I think it depends on who someone killed, and why. I suspect that this particular guy (Megavolt or whatever his name was) killed people for bad reasons... But the thing is, I already folded that into "he's a maniac" as my reason not to hire him.

I have no problem with Mirage working for us even though I have reason to think she personally lured at least 21 supers to their certain doom even if probably few or none of them died by her hand. I have no problem with Genghis Khan working for us even though he murdered his own brother and fought a civil war against one of his best friends and so on and so on and that's before I even get into the shit he did to non-Mongols.

Because say what you will about Mirage and Temujin, neither of them are loose cannons. If they kill someone it's going to be either because we told them to, or because they had a damn good reason. Good enough for me either way. The same goes for Momokase, who has definitely killed people- but that wouldn't stop me from hiring her in and of itself.


But I do object to hiring someone who kills people because of their delusions, or for personal amusement, or who is generally a sociopath or whatever and likely to cause problems. The thing is, I still feel that way even if they haven't actually managed to kill anyone.

The body count isn't the issue here; the uncontrolled and reckless violence, escalating to outright terrorism in pursuit of a cause I don't sympathize with, is the problem. And would be even if nobody died from it.

Dang. We'll have to satisfy ourselves with a 34% chance of finishing reading the spellbook them.
What really matters is finishing it before we go to Xanatos' auction. But that's two turns from now, maybe three depending on the sequencing of actions in the relevant turn, I think. So we've got some leeway.

If we really wanted to push it, summoning Malifishmertz might help us make progress faster, or give us greater benefits when we succeed.
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What really matters is finishing it before we go to Xanatos' auction. But that's two turns from now, maybe three depending on the sequencing of actions in the relevant turn, I think. So we've got some leeway.
I know we have some leeway; I would rather be able to use Doof's personal action on something else. We Need More Occult, but I'd rather get it over with too!

Well, all of them. Mazdamundi sounds like he came from the Lizardmen quest (I forgot the name). Mathilde is probably from Advisor quest. Well I suppose I am asking if they are actual replies I can search for to see the context.

Wait, am I not allowed to tag the QM or something? I edited the tag in thinking I messed it up, but it still doesn't realize. It shows up in preview, but not in post.
I can mention him, I think you just messed up the formatting. You have to wait for the pop up when you @ a user, and click on the user you are mentioning, I think.
I can mention him, I think you just messed up the formatting. You have to wait for the pop up when you @ a user, and click on the user you are mentioning, I think.
That's what I did in the original post, and in the three reedits. It wouldn't show up in Preview if I messed up the format. It would show up as blank as it ended up being.

I know I can edit in mentions as well, so that's not it. I can also tag MiH because I just did that in a post I deleted. Maybe it's just some kinda anti-spam feature cancelling tagging on large posts?
Well, all of them. Mazdamundi sounds like he came from the Lizardmen quest (I forgot the name). Mathilde is probably from Advisor quest. Well I suppose I am asking if they are actual replies I can search for to see the context.
They are from those quests, the Mazdamundi quote is something I came up with, and the other two are player posts from Advisor quest.
They are from those quests, the Mazdamundi quote is something I came up with, and the other two are player posts from Advisor quest.
Thank you!

Given that he has his original's memory, he's at least an approximation of a true ressurection, surely?
That is actually an interesting question; is he the Khan? He does have his memories. I would say no if souls did not exist. The Genghis Khan we know is a different person than the Mongol Warlord who killed 40 million people. Both of them would react the same, but they are two different people. If souls do exist in Disney Villains Victorious and L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. somehow managed to capture the Khan's, then he is probably the same person. I'm not sure how L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. would have been able to recreate Khan's memories if souls didn't exist though.

It's rather similar to Ludivine Von Drake really....

You know, a genetic clone created for a purpose. Same memories, same personality, ect ect. Ludivine just had a different body.

Is that a coincidence?
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That is actually an interesting question; is he the Khan? He does have his memories.

To me, that's all that's really needed. A person is still the same person if they've swapped bodies, Dr. D and Perry have in the past, I think, and if Temujin can remember his life and his emotions, hold on to his dreams as best he can in this shifting world, and adapt to it as well, what's to call him a different person from the one that lived in the 1100s and 1200s? He might not be the only possible Genghis Khan, while time travel is forbidden, if it weren't it doesn't prevent, say, Candace from identifying her past and future selves in Quantum Boogaloo as herself, even when the timelines they came from stopped existing.
At least Von Drake probably just copied his own memories over. I have no idea how LOVEMUFFIN accessed Khan's but it must have been really on the 'mad' side of 'mad science' like they accessed the Akshashic Records or found a way to read memories through DNA.
Thank you!

That is actually an interesting question; is he the Khan? He does have his memories. I would say no if souls did not exist. The Genghis Khan we know is a different person than the Mongol Warlord who killed 40 million people. Both of them would react the same, but they are two different people. If souls do exist in Disney Villains Victorious and L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. somehow managed to capture the Khan's, then he is probably the same person. I'm not sure how L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. would have been able to recreate Khan's memories if souls didn't exist though.

It's rather similar to Ludivine Von Drake really....

You know, a genetic clone created for a purpose. Same memories, same personality, ect ect. Ludivine just had a different body.

Is that a coincidence?

I would use the 40K explanation of clones attracting the original soul, to the point even someone who had their soul destroyed might 'remember' things from their original self.
To me, that's all that's really needed.
I would use the 40K explanation of clones attracting the original soul, to the point even someone who had their soul destroyed might 'remember' things from their original self.
It's honestly a fascinating question that I am sure that some busy-body philosopher has tried to tackle. I imagine that should this be possible in real life, it could have some unfortunate implications. I don't think there is enough direct continuity between the two people. I know that shows use technobble to explain the disconnect away.
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If true, that bodes well for Lilo.

I mean... in the first movie... did he know Humans were sentient? I mean, at the beginning of the movie, most of the GalFed, baring Pleakley and, though she had forgotten by the time the movie starts, the Grand Councilwoman, along with guys and gals like Pleakley who studied Earth, and those who were with the GCW at Roswell. Gantu, to my knowledge, probably was just told, "there's a species on Earth called 'humanity'. Please try not to draw too much attention to yourself." Judging by what he said when realized he accidentally captured Lilo... "Aww, look, I even caught you a little snack." Well... like I said, it's entirely possible he either didn't know about humans, or he didn't know what humans looked like, so it's entirely possible he... just thought she was an animal and not a person. Which is entirely possible as the only thing that the GalFed seem to have that features humans in any way... is an old children's toy. Which is too small for Gantu to use. And, even if he could use it, Pleakley and Jumba took it.

It's in the Stitch! Movie that things get weird. Gantu should know by know that Lilo is a human, and that humans are sentient. Yet he still tries to send her to a zoo when Hamsterveel captures her and Stitch. Though, you could argue that he knew Stitch was going to break out and free Lilo. I mean, Ruben/625's order for baloney went through a few seconds before Lilo would have been teleported away, and he ordered that, most likely, a few minutes after Gantu put Lilo in the teleporter.
Based on her interludes, Ludivine seems to consider herself having been the 'same' person as Ludvig von Drake up until her cloning, at which point she considers them to be separate people. I dunno if that applies elsewhere?
I mean... in the first movie... did he know Humans were sentient? I mean, at the beginning of the movie, most of the GalFed, baring Pleakley and, though she had forgotten by the time the movie starts, the Grand Councilwoman, along with guys and gals like Pleakley who studied Earth, and those who were with the GCW at Roswell. Gantu, to my knowledge, probably was just told, "there's a species on Earth called 'humanity'. Please try not to draw too much attention to yourself." Judging by what he said when realized he accidentally captured Lilo... "Aww, look, I even caught you a little snack." Well... like I said, it's entirely possible he either didn't know about humans, or he didn't know what humans looked like, so it's entirely possible he... just thought she was an animal and not a person. Which is entirely possible as the only thing that the GalFed seem to have that features humans in any way... is an old children's toy. Which is too small for Gantu to use. And, even if he could use it, Pleakley and Jumba took it.

It's in the Stitch! Movie that things get weird. Gantu should know by know that Lilo is a human, and that humans are sentient. Yet he still tries to send her to a zoo when Hamsterveel captures her and Stitch. Though, you could argue that he knew Stitch was going to break out and free Lilo. I mean, Ruben/625's order for baloney went through a few seconds before Lilo would have been teleported away, and he ordered that, most likely, a few minutes after Gantu put Lilo in the teleporter.
Once again speaking as myself and not as QM-assistant, I think it likely that humanity as a whole is not yet advanced enough for broader galactic society to consider them 'sentient'. They look at us the same way we look at monkeys using sticks as tools, or elephants. Like, if you got out of your way to kill one or be cruel to them, galactic society will look down on you and see you as a jerk and a sadist, but technically don't have the same rights as 'real people'.
Gotta say, I really hope that Scrooge is dead in this timeline rather than just under lock n' key by Glomgold. "But why would you wish something so horrible Pyrros!" you might ask. Here's why:

I soooo want this scene to have happened after Scrooge died in this timeline, and that can't happen if he's just imprisoned! :p
Gotta say, I really hope that Scrooge is dead in this timeline rather than just under lock n' key by Glomgold. "But why would you wish something so horrible Pyrros!" you might ask. Here's why:

I soooo want this scene to have happened after Scrooge died in this timeline, and that can't happen if he's just imprisoned! :p

you know glomgold would be doing that in front of Scrooge's cell daily right?
you know glomgold would be doing that in front of Scrooge's cell daily right?
Yeah but then it just wouldn't be as much fun as doing it at a funeral. Feels less petty :V

Like, him gloating in front of his cell is just normal Glomgold levels of rich jerk. He does that every time he thinks he's got one over Scrooge. Making a public spectacle out of the funeral is a new low.
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