Shere Khan doesn't have so many of those things, since he's basically just an anthropomorphic tiger ruling a corporation that consists mainly of anthropomorphic animals in general.
You know, this might make him more relatable despite having the emotional appearance of a granite wall. The average person doesn't have the tolerance for weirdness or shenanigans. It's kind of why there was a whole stat for this quality when we did the recruitment drive. With the right PR and government grant( read 'tax,' breaks for his company), he can be a figure of order in these trying times. An island in the chaos and a bastion against Bellwether's biased policies.
When it comes to Bill it is good to follow the 3 main rules when dealing with Fae.

1. Always be polite, as you don't want to piss them off.
2. Follow the laws of hospitality, as that is one of the few ways to avoid getting murdered.
3. Never under any circumstances agree to anything! Especially when it is vaguely worded in a manner that can be interpreted.
I doubt the first and second would help with him. He's not exactly big on manners, but I guess it couldn't hurt to be polite. The second one just doesn't apply at all. He gives 0 anythings about any hospitality laws.
You know, this might make him more relatable despite having the emotional appearance of a granite wall. The average person doesn't have the tolerance for weirdness or shenanigans. It's kind of why there was a whole stat for this quality when we did the recruitment drive. With the right PR and government grant( read 'tax,' breaks for his company), he can be a figure of order in these trying times. An island in the chaos and a bastion against Bellwether's biased policies.
Agreed. Shere Khan only cares about money and power. But to attain and keep them, he knows not to cut corners. So I would bet that his hiring and promotional practices are all purely based on how effective and capable a person is. Sort of the inverse of the Peter Principle, where a person gets hired into their exact level of competence and then left alone unless they strive to do better. Without pulling a fast one like Benson did by forging Khan's signature on orders to evict Louie from his island under some kind of irrational belief that the island itself was worth something; rather than the business being why the island was profitable.

Hell, Share Khan probably has quite a bit of respect for Louie as one self-made businessman to another. They each found their niche, carved it out through sweat, tears and blood, and they love what they do. While Louie's aspirations are hardly as far-reaching and encompassing as Shere Khan's; the orangutan is content with what he has, rather than constantly chasing something more.
It was not. Sinatron's intrigue isn't high enough. And he was unaware of Doof being involved until Gwen ratted us out. If he'd been the leaker then he would have suspected him already, since the chip isn't something Shego would have done.
Besides, Sinatron wasn't even a player until Gwen remodeled his programming. Thus, he couldn't have leaked that info since he wasn't inclined to do so
If we don't want to risk Mirage or Russ (or because it's a masquerade) we could hire someone that is more mercenary / short term contract to investigate Oregon or Florida.

If they succeed, good. If not... not a huge loss.

Another thing from the discord:

Maybe we could use a scream-extractor-inator on Bill.
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If we don't want to risk Mirage or Russ (or because it's a masquerade) we could hire someone that is more mercenary / short term contract to investigate Oregon or Florida.

That's actually part of an idea I have to help us fight Bill Cipher. It goes something like this:
1. Get Mesmerelda.(it's important to get her as soon as possible because she might be able to unlock McGucket's memories)
2. Get old Man McGucket.( Like it or not the crazy old hillbilly probably has more knowledge about Bill then anyone besides Ford. But considering Ford is probably a statue right now... Yeah he's probably our only bet.)
3. Trying to unlock his memories and regaine McGucket sanity.(through either Mesmerelda, TECHNOR'S therapy,( or as a last result) going to the Gravity falls museum to get his memories.)

The main reason I feel that we should do this is the whole hidden message from MiH, sure it might be referring to something else but it's best to cover ALL possible interpretations. And one of those is that need 4 people from the Cipher Wheel to destroy the evil dorito.

Old Man McGucket was helping research Gravity Falls, so he more than likely does having a occult score. What was helping Ford with everything.

Even if he doesn't remember too much magic the guy is still a world-class genius, and if we're fighting BILL CIPHER well...the old coot is the only one who has any idea of what bill is capable of.
Maybe we could use a scream-extractor-inator on Bill.

Hmmm... but what would... wait, maybe? That could actually possibly work?

Alright, so, I'm guessing the plan is to get a Scream Extractor from Monster's Inc. and then soup it up with all the research Doof has. It might actually be possible to trap Bill with a heavily modified variant of that set up, if we get supremely lucky or stack an ungodly amount of bonuses on it.

Here's how I see it working. We first use Zero Point Energy or whatever other magic and/or science we have to lock Bill down for a little bit so the machine can start to work. Then, we hit Bill with a supercharged Scream-Extract-Inator, siphoning away a whole bunch of energy. Coincidentally, we see in the Monsters University movie that adults can actually be harvested for Scream Energy, and that they give off much more than kids, monsters just don't do it because adults are both harder to scare and more likely to fight back in some way. Now, how much energy do you think is contained in the screams of an immortal, almost omnipotent demon-god? Anyway, we use that extracted energy to fuel further bindings on Bill, either converting it to magical power or using it to power superscience, thus keeping Bill locked down longer. From there, we extract more scream energy to put even more bindings on Bill, rinse and repeat until the forceful scream extraction kills him, we find some other way to kill him, or we physically cannot put anymore bindings in place.

That's the way I'd try to do it, at least.
Hmmm... but what would... wait, maybe? That could actually possibly work?

Alright, so, I'm guessing the plan is to get a Scream Extractor from Monster's Inc. and then soup it up with all the research Doof has. It might actually be possible to trap Bill with a heavily modified variant of that set up, if we get supremely lucky or stack an ungodly amount of bonuses on it.

Here's how I see it working. We first use Zero Point Energy or whatever other magic and/or science we have to lock Bill down for a little bit so the machine can start to work. Then, we hit Bill with a supercharged Scream-Extract-Inator, siphoning away a whole bunch of energy. Coincidentally, we see in the Monsters University movie that adults can actually be harvested for Scream Energy, and that they give off much more than kids, monsters just don't do it because adults are both harder to scare and more likely to fight back in some way. Now, how much energy do you think is contained in the screams of an immortal, almost omnipotent demon-god? Anyway, we use that extracted energy to fuel further bindings on Bill, either converting it to magical power or using it to power superscience, thus keeping Bill locked down longer. From there, we extract more scream energy to put even more bindings on Bill, rinse and repeat until the forceful scream extraction kills him, we find some other way to kill him, or we physically cannot put anymore bindings in place.

That's the way I'd try to do it, at least.
Well. Any sort of direct confrontation is doomed to fail, as his Stat block in the real world is just "You Lose", according to the discord, and maybe the docs. The discord referred to the doc, but I couldn't find the reference they were talking about.
To be more specific, Bill isn't the kind of opponent you can go up to and punch until he goes away. Expecting to make a "Kill Bill-inator" or something similarly cheesy will not go over very well.
Yeah... Don't let me be misunderstood.

Maybe Syndrome made a deal with Bill. He seems like the perfect type to fall for Bill's schemes.
Honestly, given Syndrome's arrogance and the fact that he's arguably even more STEM-ocentric than Doof, I don't think Syndrome would be the type to realize or acknowledge that Bill exists. And now that his territory has fallen apart, he's going to be a lot more concerned with restoring his power through more direct means. Syndrome's not going to wander off to Oregon in search of a devil to make a deal with, probably, no matter what happens and even assuming he recovers his strength.

I wonder if we could bond over our own guilt for killing Perry
Maybe, though it's very different. Perry died because of an accident we blame ourselves for. Many/most of the Golden Age superheroes died because Mirage personally and knowingly tricked them and led them to their deaths at Syndrome's hand.

It was not. Sinatron's intrigue isn't high enough. And he was unaware of Doof being involved until Gwen ratted us out. If he'd been the leaker then he would have suspected him already, since the chip isn't something Shego would have done.
I mean, Shego might have done it. Making the fake chip isn't impossible for, say, Drakken, who we think is working for Shego as I recall. The catch is that if Sinatron were the one who sent the message, then he'd know "Okay, I sent the message to Shego and Dr. Doofenshmirtz. And they're both right there," because he saw us together. So he'd know we two were the ones who knew about the chip, and would probably have been able to predict that we'd stolen it as soon as he realized it was missing, even if he were mistaken about whether it was us or Shego who had it.

You know, this might make him more relatable despite having the emotional appearance of a granite wall. The average person doesn't have the tolerance for weirdness or shenanigans. It's kind of why there was a whole stat for this quality when we did the recruitment drive. With the right PR and government grant( read 'tax,' breaks for his company), he can be a figure of order in these trying times. An island in the chaos and a bastion against Bellwether's biased policies.
I would bet on that being Shere Khan's exact strategy, plus or minus the part where he even plans to establish himself as a popular figure with more physical territory to begin with.

Didn't he only come to life at the convention?

EDIT: Ninja'd.

Speaking of, can we recruit more ninjas next round?
I think I'd rather hire von Drake (a more stable Learning hero, if maybe not one as powerful as Jumba) or Mesmerella (probably a good Intrigue hero who can take some of the pressure off Russ and Mirage). Or Voyd (Martial 40, an alternative to Khan so Khan can get some personal actions done for a change) if she's available.

If we don't want to risk Mirage or Russ (or because it's a masquerade) we could hire someone that is more mercenary / short term contract to investigate Oregon or Florida.
That is an option, to be fair.

Maybe we could use a scream-extractor-inator on Bill.
I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work and wouldn't help. Either it would do nothing (because he's not screaming, he's happy as a clam)... Or it would be the equivalent of a mosquito-bite, in that it actually does drain something out of him that he needs, but in such a tiny amount that it could overload and explode our inator and blow a hundred mile crater in the Tri-State Area without even affecting him.

That's actually part of an idea I have to help us fight Bill Cipher. It goes something like this:
1. Get Mesmerelda.(it's important to get her as soon as possible because she might be able to unlock McGucket's memories)
2. Get old Man McGucket.( Like it or not the crazy old hillbilly probably has more knowledge about Bill then anyone besides Ford. But considering Ford is probably a statue right now... Yeah he's probably our only bet.)
3. Trying to unlock his memories and regaine McGucket sanity.(through either Mesmerelda, TECHNOR'S therapy,( or as a last result) going to the Gravity falls museum to get his memories.)

The main reason I feel that we should do this is the whole hidden message from MiH, sure it might be referring to something else but it's best to cover ALL possible interpretations. And one of those is that need 4 people from the Cipher Wheel to destroy the evil dorito.

Old Man McGucket was helping research Gravity Falls, so he more than likely does having a occult score. What was helping Ford with everything.

Even if he doesn't remember too much magic the guy is still a world-class genius, and if we're fighting BILL CIPHER well...the old coot is the only one who has any idea of what bill is capable of.
I do agree that recruiting McGucket is a good idea. He made a good showing at the Gala, and while he is clearly an insane genius, Doof can respect and work with that.

Besides, his insane rambling during the conversation with Xanatos and that forgettable poser guy was actually very on-point and topical!

To be more specific, Bill isn't the kind of opponent you can go up to and punch until he goes away. Expecting to make a "Kill Bill-inator" or something similarly cheesy will not go over very well.
Yeah no.

Now, to be fair, any viable Doof plan for dealing with Bill... I would be deeply disappointed if the preparations did not include one or more inators... But the plan wouldn't just be "walk up to him and punch him until he goes away."
Or Voyd (Martial 40, an alternative to Khan so Khan can get some personal actions done for a change) if she's available.
I mean, I like Voyd but we already have that. Counting Loyalty, Norm rolls 39.4/49.4, so we could definitely use him on martial actions with most DC if there's a personal action we want Genghis to take; that's likely to go up in a few turns too as we get our AI bonuses out and then integrated.
You know, we might be going about the Bill problem the wrong way. Instead of getting rid of him, we could just go out of his reach. We would just need a bigger away-inator, point at most of the planet and flee with that to another dimension. Even if the problem isn't solved, it would give more time to prepare out of his range.
That 40 on her roll was only because of the dice exploding, she normally rolls with a 28 for Martial.
Oh. I misread, then.

Shego (as a high-tier cape) may have miscalibrated my expectations for what low- and mid-tier capes are capable of.

I mean, I like Voyd but we already have that. Counting Loyalty, Norm rolls 39.4/49.4, so we could definitely use him on martial actions with most DC if there's a personal action we want Genghis to take; that's likely to go up in a few turns too as we get our AI bonuses out and then integrated.
Eh. Most Martial actions up to now were ones we really didn't want Norm taking , because they involve too much thinking and planning and Norm loses half his Martial stat when he tries to do anything that isn't a straightforward exercise in fighting or platypus-hunting.

If we can beat the The Enemy of the Platypus is Man trait, great, then we have a high-power Martial hero for most if not all situations. But we should seriously consider finding one or two more Martial heavy hitters eventually, even so.
You know, we might be going about the Bill problem the wrong way. Instead of getting rid of him, we could just go out of his reach. We would just need a bigger away-inator, point at most of the planet and flee with that to another dimension. Even if the problem isn't solved, it would give more time to prepare out of his range.

That... might work. I suppose it depends on if the Nightmare Realm's hole into our dimension only lets him into this one, or if the Nightmare Dimension was a prison for Bill and co. in general and he can go to all of the dimensions in Gridlock's canon.
That... might work. I suppose it depends on if the Nightmare Realm's hole into our dimension only lets him into this one, or if the Nightmare Dimension was a prison for Bill and co. in general and he can go to all of the dimensions in Gridlock's canon.
I would imagine it only lets him into the Earth dimension, seeing as otherwise all other dimensions would be destroyed as Bill's was and Sixer would be dead before Stanley could rebuild the portal.

Edit: Well, probably not ALL other dimensions. I'd imagine that Axolotl might interfere if Bill goes too insane. Still, the general point of more dimensions being destroyed still stands. We have no indication that he has ever freely traveled to other dimensions without being invited.
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Oh. I misread, then.

Shego (as a high-tier cape) may have miscalibrated my expectations for what low- and mid-tier capes are capable of.

Eh. Most Martial actions up to now were ones we really didn't want Norm taking , because they involve too much thinking and planning and Norm loses half his Martial stat when he tries to do anything that isn't a straightforward exercise in fighting or platypus-hunting.

If we can beat the The Enemy of the Platypus is Man trait, great, then we have a high-power Martial hero for most if not all situations. But we should seriously consider finding one or two more Martial heavy hitters eventually, even so.

Maybe we can make Norm a Titan body like Technor wants for himself, then use an Inator to Modelock Bill into a platypus-shape for a little while? It's probably weird enough to get a raised eyebrow from Bill instead of just being shrugged off. With some mystical defenses, he should be able to at least slow him down like the Shacktron did. I'm expecting a loss, like the Shacktron, but it could be crucial if we're playing for time.

I would imagine it only lets him into the Earth dimension, seeing as otherwise all other dimensions would be destroyed as Bill's was and Sixer would be dead before Stanley could rebuild the portal.

I think some post-Finale comics suggested Bill chose the dimension he did due to Mabel being more selfish than usual(keep in mind one of the discarded ones was Reverse Falls where Mabel was basically in Gideon's role and was downright murderous) which suggested any of those dimensions could work but he needed to be let in first(essentially what's keeping him in check right now) which might mean he only needs to win once to screw over all of reality as Gridlock knows it.
I think some post-Finale comics suggested Bill chose the dimension he did due to Mabel being more selfish than usual(keep in mind one of the discarded ones was Reverse Falls where Mabel was basically in Gideon's role and was downright murderous) which suggested any of those dimensions could work but he needed to be let in first(essentially what's keeping him in check right now) which might mean he only needs to win once to screw over all of reality as Gridlock knows it.
Yeah, the "being let in" was something I mentioned in my edit.
Edit: Well, probably not ALL other dimensions. I'd imagine that Axolotl might interfere if Bill goes too insane. Still, the general point of more dimensions being destroyed still stands. We have no indication that he has ever freely traveled to other dimensions without being invited.