Arathnorn actually mentioned in the Discord that he was waiting for us to notice that Janna doesn't have very good stats.
Oh, come on, they can't be that bad.
*looks* Outside of decent Intrigue and Occult (the latter of which is most likely going away), she does have stats that bad. Why have we let this stagnate?

Sidenote, @Made in Heaven, is it just my computer, or are all the Hero Unit images other than Moseby and Goofy broken?
Oh, come on, they can't be that bad.
*looks* Outside of decent Intrigue and Occult (the latter of which is most likely going away), she does have stats that bad. Why have we let this stagnate?
We haven't let her stagnate. We have sent her on more quests (the best stat-grinding method we have) more than almost any other hero. She just started really weak but lucked into a niche with zero competition.
She basically was our occult department for a long time.
He cant crit fail that, and he has a decent intrigue while also not letting our combat intrigue characters do it.
Is it confirmed that you can't critfail on global actions? That doesn't seem right. This isn't even a joke about Alan. It just does not seem like they would design the system that way.

Oh, come on, they can't be that bad.
*looks* Outside of decent Intrigue and Occult (the latter of which is most likely going away), she does have stats that bad. Why have we let this stagnate?

Sidenote, Made in Heaven, is it just my computer, or are all the Hero Unit images other than Moseby and Goofy broken?
Janna isn't really a good hero unit. She's a low tier hero, who punches above through items, luck, and lack of competition. Her Intrigue is passable and her Occult is outshined by people who are actually immersed in the occult. Which is a lot of Janna's problem right now.

The hero unit images were hosted on Discord and Discord disabled the ability to use it as an image host to save money, so the tokens don't work anymore.
Is it confirmed that you can't critfail on global actions? That doesn't seem right. This isn't even a joke about Alan. It just does not seem like they would design the system that way.

Janna isn't really a good hero unit. She's a low tier hero, who punches above through items, luck, and lack of competition. Her Intrigue is passable and her Occult is outshined by people who are actually immersed in the occult. Which is a lot of Janna's problem right now.

The hero unit images were hosted on Discord and Discord disabled the ability to use it as an image host to save money, so the tokens don't work anymore.

It may be a good idea to contact the morganians or merlianians to teach Janna magic, the former could teach her a thing or two in dark magic, she always have a interest on this particular field ever since as a child, while the latter more "normal" magic.
Janna isn't really a good hero unit. She's a low tier hero, who punches above through items, luck, and lack of competition. Her Intrigue is passable and her Occult is outshined by people who are actually immersed in the occult. Which is a lot of Janna's problem right now.
I think the Heroes best to Compare Janna to are Tobe, Russ, and Kitsune, all having somewhat similar stat spreads.

Tobe is the most similar in stats, trading 2 points of Occult for 3 Intrigue and 7 Martial. On quest, his Martial and Intrigue jump by 9, (though it may be 14 and 4 if its an opposed roll, and Marco is not present.) All Together, this makes it so Tobe feels more like an actual generalist, and makes it so on a Quest, him taking 2 slots feels warranted. +34 Martial against a strong enemy is really good, as is +34 Intrigue. Jumong also can cast spells by himself unlike her.

Russ, Meanwhile, has traded 1 occult for 1 martial, the best Intrigue score we got. He is our strongest Intrigue heroe, and while we felt how that was somewhat limited in last Quest, it let him do some insane shit, like absolutely fuck Horvath over in the mind games department.

Kitsune is the biggest jump, since shes just... better then base Janna at basically everything, being a proper Generalist with a few Specialties. 10 more Martial, 7 more Occult, same intrigue, 5 more Stewardship, 10 more Learning, baseline spellcasting, and 21 more Diplomacy.

Celena is gonna make this worse, since she is another Intrigue Occult Hero, who blast her out of the Water with her Occult score.
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Where can we find her Stat Sheet?

Because I checked the Hero Units pages, and it wasn't there.
Her hero card has 3 Dots of Intrigue (Meaning its in the 20s) and 5 dots of Occult (Meaning its in the 40s)

Also, Ludivine has 2 Personals, both which seem decently valuable

[ ] Instruct Your Coworkers.
Being ze smartest person in the room is exhausting. Zankfully, you haf years of experience in pedagogy to fall back on, and plenty of udda people to teach ze joy of knowledge.
-[ ] Choose a Hero Unit
The benefits of this roll will change depending on the aptitude and temperament of the hero unit, as well as how much of a difference there is between Ludivine's stats and theirs. This will have diminishing returns if done more than once.

[ ] Repair the Martian Robot
Ludwig may haf gotten ze Bootle Beetle when you separated, but you got ze robot! Right now though, he's not good for much of anyting udda dan some light housework. Thankfully, you just happen to be a genius!

Progress revealed: (62/150)

Outcome: Ludivine gains a martial bonus, ???
The Robot will likely take 2 Personals to do, which is a big commitment to get it; but mystery box. Meanwhile Instructing requires us to use it on heroes with alright, but not Great Learning, likely 16-25. After A short list of potential heroes would likely be, there are none who are a perfect fit.

Mr. Moseby (Learning 16) If we start using Moseby for Learning Actions, we have hit Sitcom Levels we never though possible.
Phineas and Ferb (Learning 16) They are rarely used enough now as is, and Big Ideas; their main mechanic, is Stewardship; not Learning.
Kitsune (Learning 17). She actually can use this, but not for Nationals. Even getting a +3 would let her get to a Learning good enough to be a consideration for quest (Especially as Leader), which is where she often wants to go to gain occult and being an all round good Quester, but unlikely to want to learn about anything but Pyrotechnics.
Olivia Dickens (Learning 19) Doesn't want to do lab work, limited avaliability.
Mezmerella (Learning 20). She has good, but not great Learning. Would help her be a better quest filler, but also runs into the issue she herself is infiltrated this turn (It doesn't take an action to call her back, but we might want to do one final Infintration Action with her or Olivia first).
Roddy Blair (Learning 20) He is a Stewardship Hero and thats really kinda it. He doesn't quest, but he might appreciate Terraforming tech.
Genghis Khan (Learning 20) He would be a perfect fit, if only he weren't so insanely busy with other things to benefit from this.
Wile E Coyote (Learning 21) If he wasn't a Councilor, then maybe. But on Council he doesn't quite have the freetime to use it.
Alan Bradley (Learning 23) He could work! Issue is that we have very few Programming Actions right now, just Comedy Lead. Also Alan dice might make him lose Learning, somehow.
Janus Lee (Learning 24) Councilor+Hates Ludivine+L+Ratio
Wasabi (Learning 24) Wasabi could honestly be a fine choice, main issue we mostly use him as a Steward.

If I had to make a shorter list of the 5 I want to hit...
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The Robot will likely take 2 Personals to do, which is a big commitment to get it; but mystery box. Meanwhile Instructing requires us to use it on heroes with alright, but not Great Learning, likely 16-25. After A short list of potential heroes would likely be, there are none who are a perfect fit.

Russ would be a good choice too. We often have him lead quests, but he only has 15 Learning. He has the attitude to learn from her. I think we should have her teach in this order: Russ, Mezmerella, Kitsune, Alan, Khan, Wasabi.

Russ would be a good choice too. We often have him lead quests, but he only has 15 Learning. He has the attitude to learn from her. I think we should have her teach in this order: Russ, Mezmerella, Kitsune, Alan, Khan, Wasabi.
Eh, I honestly am starting to... tire on Russ as quest leader outside of specific quest where he is super important narratively for. He is fun, but he is starting to fall behind numbers wise do to being mediocre in everything besides Intrigue; and mechanically we really need him to focus on buffing Intrigue until we can fix the Intrigue hero issue. Also he's been getting a massive amount of focus for the past 3 rounds or so, and I like him a lot as a supporting character like in Halloween and the Sands Gala. I'm not entirely against it; but wouldn't prioritize him that much, I'd personally put him below Alan; but thats in a large part since I have a soft spot for Alan.

I will say the main reason I have Mez lower then Kitsune and Alan is just she's infiltrated, so I don't think she can be taught next turn anyway,

Robot meanwhile I am hesitant on doing until we find a way to get Ludivine more personals (Like another potion of Haste), or its turned into a "Take this action multiple times" action. 6 turns that might not get it if we roll poorly is big feels bad man.
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I'd rather have her teach Alan next. As well as him being a great fit for the action, it would give him more interactions with our council/major employees.
I'd really prefer we knock out the stuff with progress bars that improve the heros in some way before doing the repeatable personal actions.

That gets the preplanned narrative stuff they already have set for the characters done before moving on to stuff that might not have any character growth effects at all.
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I'd really prefer we knock out the stuff with progress bars that improve the heros in some way before doing the repeatable personal actions.

That gets the preplanned narrative stuff they already have set for the characters done before moving on to stuff that might not have any character growth effects at all.
Eh..... I would normally agree, but Ludivine's is a bit to limited in the personal actions she has.

A bonus to a heroes Learning is a lot more valuable then Ludivine getting some martial, especially when it may take more then 2 personal actions if she rolls poorly. If Ludivine wasn't on Council I'd absolutely agree; nonrepeatable first unless needed, but Ludivine's Personal is one of the only repeatable methods we have of increasing anyones attributes, and as such it inherently has a level of value the others don't. Combined with how her story has mostly been about her place in the company instead of her vendetta with Ludwig; and I don't feel to upset about sitting on it until we find a way to make replaceable potions of Haste, which I'd be fine granting to her.

Speaking of, @Arathnorn is there a way to use a national to set up an automatic potion brewing? Especially since Celena had 20 Potion Crafting (Alongside Shyness) in the book of spells.
but Ludivine's is a bit to limited in the personal actions she has.
She has the one that we've already worked on that gives her a robot or something with a bonus ??? effect.

It will probably have some effect on her character somehow.

The repeatable teaching personal will probably not advance her character.

That's all I'm saying.

I don't dispute the mechanical advantage of boosting learning stats, I just care about that less than character boosting stuff.
She has the one that we've already worked on that gives her a robot or something with a bonus ??? effect.

It will probably have some effect on her character somehow.

The repeatable teaching personal will probably not advance her character.

That's all I'm saying.

I don't dispute the mechanical advantage of boosting learning stats, I just care about that less than character boosting stuff.
Thats fair. My big issue is mostly just the fact I greatly dislike progress bar personals, and would enjoy seeing how Ludivine would interact with others more.

Once we can choose to make potions (either by getting doof enough time to use his personal or not) I would like to give Ludivine potions of Haste to finish the robot. I just dislike the idea of doing a personal that takes a long time to get results from on a councilor, since 9 turns for one personal feels bad.
She has the one that we've already worked on that gives her a robot or something with a bonus ??? effect.

It will probably have some effect on her character somehow.

The repeatable teaching personal will probably not advance her character.

That's all I'm saying.

I don't dispute the mechanical advantage of boosting learning stats, I just care about that less than character boosting stuff.
weighing in, "having a cool robot" is unironically pretty neat character development (and now i think about it, having it up and running might make ludivine feel better in regards to her divorce, since at least what she got out of it is working now? (that could help her be a bit less short-tempered) though it probably won't reflect mechanically)

possibly more likely, it could unlock more robotics-based learning actions? that would be pretty worthwhile if they let us boost what we have already

generally speaking, it might not seem cool at first but there's lots of different posibilities to it (and the martial bonus might actually be pretty good since she's usable there), so if we have the chance to get it fixed I'd be pretty happy. even if we don't get it right away, we have to start eventually right? (although some way to speed it up would probably be ideal to avoid action sinks, at least that itself is efficient)
Gonna do a brief dissection of everything that happened this past Interlude. I think a lot of people are missing something, and it's this
Magic poured down DEI like wet treacle, strands of magic oozing downwards as they sought a power sink, a leyline, anything strong enough to contain the wayward power.

It fsound one.
Effectively, while we don't see the Leyline energy entering Burd, this implies that it did, as it's using the same format the spelling errors Burd causes do and part of why Burd could mess with magic and cast some seriously high level magic while doing so is that he got a ton of mystical energy infused into him.
But her aim was… perfect. The amount of raw magic being channeled by Burd was enough to manifest visibly, swirls of green and purple twisting Janna's spell, changing it as completely as was possible.

I do get It was a Jumba expiriment so bullshit is expected, and was overshadowed by the other effect the Crit Fail had, which was-
In the mundane world, the door creaked slightly.

On the astral plane, it slammed open as a tidal wave of raw magic coursed over the room. Celena put her hands up, controlling the flow almost instinctively by funneling it, twisting it, channeling it down-

Tom gazed in shock at the now crystal clear image of Celena the Shy, something-th Queen of Mewni, and the visibly glowing orb of magic power floating in her hand.
Celena, do to being a lot more obviously there narratively. The Leyline did empower Burd though, and that is the Negative side effect we got.

That side effect being that the Sandersons got a very potent anti-caster weapon because of Jumba and Malf.
I like the fact that Burd seems to have managed to find the one place where it truly belongs all on its own, implying that in Quest Canon this is something that all of Jumba's experiments will naturally do and all Lilo did in her series was speed up the process and limit the collateral damage.

It's a cute image.

... Unless Janna counts as our Lilo? They have do a decent chunk in common.