It was Russ.

Bill magically forced Russ to feel a lot of guilt over something he did in an alternate timeline because Bill was annoyed the Russ in that timeline kept mucking up his plans.
No, that wasn't the crit turn, that was afterwards.
Crit turn was twelfth night, Russ was there, helping out Janna and the others.
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This last turn it also meant Negaduck. Which is why I'm pretty sure that the turn Negaduck attacks, the Dream Queen will interrupt whatever Agent Russ is doing at the time.
I wonder if Negaduck might have undergone a color change next turn? My guess is that, next turn, he'll be Orange, then Red...And then Crisis. The colors showing the threat approaching.
I have to appreciate how much of an agent of chaos Negaduck is. Breaks out EVERYBODY in St. Canard, now he's got everybody scrambling to stop whatever his mega evil plan is…
I will say: I am a bit less concerned about the attack now that we're about to gain MAXIMUM Khan. Especially with these achievements:
Khagan: Eliminate Genghis Khan's maluses.
Reward: Temujin gains +1 to all stats.

Khanpletionist: Remove all of Ghenghis Khan's maluses and reach Maximum Khan.
Reward: Ghenghis Khan gains +10 Opinion.
And, if we chat with him or some such, we could even get this one:

Street Samurai: Get a hero unit with 35 or more Martial to 75 opinion.
Reward: Unit gains 3 Martial.
In which case, we would now have a near-60 Martial unit with a large loyalty bonus and NO MALUS. It wouldn't be a cure-all, the Fearsome Five fight smart, but...It would certainly be quite the bargaining chip. Of course...There are other units we need to chat with...Hrm..
I will say: I am a bit less concerned about the attack now that we're about to gain MAXIMUM Khan. Especially with these achievements:
Wait, I'm confused: What are we doing to reach maximum Khan beyond getting rid of his maluses? Because if just getting rid of the maluses themselves was already Max Khan, I don't think there'd be two separate achievements for it.
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We should really get on that, would it be learning, intrigue, or stewardship?
Keep in mind, that means we'd need to find more Khan DNA that we as of yet didn't have access to. As for where, well...Remember what Mewmans are made of? Ah, to clarify, as this Quest has covered, Mewmans are descended from a group of American settlers who accidentally fell over the dimensional boundary back in, like, the 1700s. Which...Probably means they have Khan DNA. Who knows, could give him some spellcasting to work with.
Keep in mind, that means we'd need to find more Khan DNA that we as of yet didn't have access to. As for where, well...Remember what Mewmans are made of? Ah, to clarify, as this Quest has covered, Mewmans are descended from a group of American settlers who accidentally fell over the dimensional boundary back in, like, the 1700s. Which...Probably means they have Khan DNA. Who knows, could give him some spellcasting to work with.

Why would they have more Khan DNA than actual Mongolians?

Better yet, why not try digging up some actual historical corpses and using DNA from them?
Why would they have more Khan DNA than actual Mongolians?

Better yet, why not try digging up some actual historical corpses and using DNA from them?
We used that stuff already. That's how we made Khan. Take all the bits and pieces from all of humanity, and fuse them into a single Khan. We already used all the DNA from his current crop of heirs on Earth. He's technically 300% Khan. And, given that DNA degrades upon death, I have little hope for the corpse thing. We'd probably want to search outside Earth to find further descendents. Or in lost civilizations. The Mewmans fit the bill.
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votes over man

good news all your votes won

@Arathnorn Exactly where did LOVEMUFFIN get all the Khan DNA from. Just the Danville Area or all over the world?
It's mentioned they sampled from a far wider pool then initially thought, that Khan is composed of his "current crop of descendents on Earth", and, ya know, he's literally more than 100% of HIS SELF, so...I'm gonna guess all of it?
Just imagine if we made a Signed In Triplic-inator.

Why waste time with one of you putting a signature on a document three times when you could have three of you who each sign a document once?

We could make Three Khans with it!
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