Honestly? I think she'd actually be a pretty good unit for it.

Maybe stat-wise, but personality-wise she´s made it very clear that she dislikes being used as a mere dogsbody instead of what she actually is - a *fashionista*.

I´d rather not ignore her preferences like we did with Max (and technically LM, but those were being unreasonably ornery about it among their many other failings)
Sure, but we're having her do a coat this turn, and I'm sure as long as she gets to do fashion regularly she won't take penalties from occasional excursions
Oh, yeah, it's kinda a running theme in their team-ups that the rest of the Five utterly hate Nega, mostly stick with him out of fear, and will often cut and run as soon as they're sure they can do so without him doing a murder on them. So, yeah, negotiation may be a possibility. Particularly if we get Bushroot, who is both relatively moral and relatively lacking in neuroses. Ironically for the only member of the crew with an on-screen body count (well, sorta, more he grabs someone as they struggle and scream, fade to black, but the implication is clear), he's probably the only one who A. Could actually be convinced to work for us and B. who could reasonably not be pure liability.
Bushroot is probably the only one we have a chance of recruiting and making work, but he still has his obsessions we have to keep track of. Namely the fact he adores plants. Really adores them. A lot.

It's not Megavolt or Quackerjack's level of insanity, but ol' Reggie suffers from an intense amount of anger issues and a victim complex. He can, in theory, have it worked on but he is gonna be an active effort to start with from a loyalty perspective.

Compared to the "Extremely Deranged but Accidently Correct do to the nature of DVV" Megavolt, "Whackjob and Anti-Gamer Extraordinaire Quackerjack" and "I am actually extremely fucking evil" Liquidator its a major step up; but he still has problems we would need to work on in order to keep his loyalty. It's just unlike those other 3 he has the ability to actually work on his problems.
If I were to rank Fearsome Five recruits it would be something like...
1: Bushroot (While insane, has some relatively reasonable goals and obsessions that we can use to keep a handle on him)
2: Liquidator (Is at least greedy and corporate enough we could probably keep him on-side with money and by boosting his brand)
3: Megavolt (Has a completely whacked and insane obsession we could play on for loyalty but he's at least consistent about it?)
4: Quackerjack (Just entirely insane in an unpredictable and uncontrollable manner)
If I were to rank Fearsome Five recruits it would be something like...
1: Bushroot (While insane, has some relatively reasonable goals and obsessions that we can use to keep a handle on him)
2: Liquidator (Is at least greedy and corporate enough we could probably keep him on-side with money and by boosting his brand)
3: Megavolt (Has a completely whacked and insane obsession we could play on for loyalty but he's at least consistent about it?)
4: Quackerjack (Just entirely insane in an unpredictable and uncontrollable manner)

5. a blade of grass Bushroot once touched
6. a toaster
7. Negaduck
8. an empty space
9. another empty space
10. Bradley
Sure, but it would have been the massive gamble that should have been naturally necessary from a failure of the dice. Us "succeeding" on a roll where we were supposed to fail gives me a bad feeling about the price.
I do agree that the Dream Queen is something to worry about, but at the same time this still was a bare failure, so I'm hoping guessing that consequences wise it'll be like an additional complication and not "we're immediately screwed". Especially since we haven't had the chance to do anything about the Dream Queen yet.

Plus at least this way we get guaranteed prep time to try and prevent some of the massive collateral damage coming our way.
I do agree that the Dream Queen is something to worry about, but at the same time this still was a bare failure, so I'm hoping guessing that consequences wise it'll be like an additional complication and not "we're immediately screwed". Especially since we haven't had the chance to do anything about the Dream Queen yet.

Plus at least this way we get guaranteed prep time to try and prevent some of the massive collateral damage coming our way.
The Dream Queen text was yellow. So at the very least we can assume that we are less screwed with the Dream Queen then we would be if Negaduck was getting creative, or if we didn't get the information.
Cruella is probably a good choice to send on 2 things:
1. Public Events
2. Fashion Actions.

Ideally she can do both, but those are the two she likes best.

She might also not mind diplomacy where she's only being asked to reach out to someone and convince them to make a deal.
It's unglamorous, but she gets to socialise with a powerful person and manipulate them into doing what she wants.
Personally I take Yellow as not directly bad or good, basically a risky situation, that depending of the dice or choices could turn out not that bad or actually as bad as it could possible be
Personally I take Yellow as not directly bad or good, basically a risky situation, that depending of the dice or choices could turn out not that bad or actually as bad as it could possible be
I am legitimately curious; what makes you think that? Before In the Queen's Court it has only ever been used to describe apocalyptic threats. Bill Cipher and Negaduck.

What about that is "not directly bad or good"? Are you mixing up Yellow and Orange?
I admit I sometimes have trouble seeing one for the other but then again would be weird if red and yellow mean basically the same thing, so there has to be a difference between the two
Yellow tends to be reserved for characters with a heavy association with Yellow and would be a big deal. Bill Cipher and Negaduck are the two obvious ones, but Lunaris' forces also wear yellow and have a decent chance of being the Moon Crisis.