[ ] Invade Drusselstein
DC 100
So apparently there's this thing called 'NATO', and they get reeeaallllly testy if you push up against their borders. But! Your lawyers have found the one place on Earth that absolutely nobody in any foreign government will care at all if you invade.
Oh no.
Drusselstein! The invasion is… well, it's not going to be complicated, most of the effort is going to be spent in making sure your mindless peons and normbot operators don't just leave as soon as humanly possible, but it is, technically, on paper, sort of… okay to do?
Council Outlook: This is a Dumb Idea 3/6 (Pass)
Coyote: I demand revenge for the events of our previous retreat. (Pass)
Goofy: Invadin' another country? Even if they don't care, that's awful! (Veto)
Janus Lee: Just imagine an entire country cut off from the rest of the world that is unbeholden to any of their limiting laws! (Pass)
Mirage: Doctor, this is in no way a sane idea. Please don't listen to Janus. (Veto)
Ludivine: Every scientist secretly yearns for a leettle undeveloped European backwatah to call their own. I just wish it smelled bettah. Ah well, we'll work on et. (Pass)
Malifishmirtz: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! (Veto)
Outcome: Drussestein will become sovereign territory ruled by you. Like, actually. You will have genuine absolute power over the land of your birth, with all the responsibility that implies. Just don't, uh, expect international recognition or anything. Everyone will continue to pretend that Drusselstein doesn't exist and hope that if they do that long enough, it will be true.
Here is the councils take on Drusselstein for people that dont want to go back and find it.
OK, so while I dislike both ideas; I might as well talk about the pros and cons of the 2 actually worth considering (AKA the ones that dont piss off the Feds).
Drusselstein: Pros
Isolated-We can do whatever mad science we want there without issue
Tax Benefits-Own a country lets us do crazy things with our taxes, and even collect taxes!
Pride-in your face dad
Foothold-Gives us a foothold in europe
Easy-One action Genghis Khan is guarenteed to succeed at
Drusselstein Cons:
Poor-The taxes won't be very high, and I don't think Drusselstein has a lot in the way of natural resources outside of it's flora. We will be using it first and foremost for the physical land
Traditionalism- Any Attempts to perform actual reforms will fail, Drusselstein simply is to small-minded and superstitious to do so.
Loyalty Issues-Half our Council dislike the idea, and I'm certain a lot of heroes such as Wendy would as well. Malf is also a bit agitated do to the fact we're summoning Celena already, so doing something even worse then getting a better ghost wizard would infuriate him.
Action Economy-Running a Country is Hard
Colony Pros:
Better Rewards-Since we get an entire dimension, we can probably stop buying shit like metal and oil from other companies.
Less Concern-Our heroes are more likely to be enthusiastic and not irritated about this
Complete Control- What we say, goes; no angry mobs or anything
Foothold-First steps for Interdimensional Profit
Public Relations-People will likely be enthusiastic when we do this.
Colony Cons:
Harder to Start-Better Profits come with higher cost. There are a lot of actions (And likely Income) spent to prepare the Colony before we start
Under Public Eye-While we can do whatever we want without legal consequences, this project will almost certainly be public
Interdimensional Freakshow-Magic Lizards, Life-Draining Birds, Cyborg Newts, and Phobos all can and will pose a fret to the colony.
Action Economy-Even when its set up we have some major issues keeping it afloat.
I will say this, I can be pursuaded on Colony towards the end of the quest. When we aren't juggling a ton of flaming torches.