Overall, this looks like a good plan!
We didn't plan this out ahead of time because we weren't thinking that both options would be taken in the same turn, but I felt it necessary to warn you of not only a lack of synergy, but a bit of a negative one if you were to release SPLIT/SECOND and titan wrestling on the same turn. Trying to promote two major televised sporting events in the same turn will probably have them end up eating into each other's demand and result in a bit of a net loss.
Thanks for the heads up!
Guess Monogram is going to do the retreat. Which means we'll probably be visiting Vegas. Who knows, maybe we could have some of our hero units visit Daffy and Bugs' casino!
[ ] Research extradimensional tech, DC 60, entire worlds (plural) of opportunity.
[ ] Hold a Powerline concert, DC90, for 3 funds.
[ ] Research the market, DC 90, for info on the economic situation.
[ ] Establish a Bakaemono Supply Chain, DC 90, for 2 income and robotics progress.
[ ] Research Silphium, DC 90, for Food and Agriculture progress.
ODI I'd rather do next turn with a learning unit.
Powerline might fall too close to being mass media so maybe not. Not as bad as S/S Titans but still.
Research the market and Bakemono supply chain maybe, but Monogram has a bonus of 55 for stewardship which is kind of meh for hitting those stewardship options right now.
Out of all of these options, I'd rather that Monogram just does the retreat or does the Silphium research.
Edit: Doing retreat for now and changed Moseby personal to interact with toons for the potential synergy of Russ doing the same to unwind.
[] Plan: Star Hunt Part Two - v4
-[] National Actions:
--[] [
Martial] Form a black ops group (Technor, Juniper (+10 Duet Act), Gomez)
--[] [
Diplomacy] Guard against hats: Mandate Company Dress Codes (Cruella)
--[] [
Diplomacy] Establish the Titans Wrestling Federation (Kermit)
--[] [
Stewardship] Restore Zootopia Climate Systems (Roddy)
--[] [
Stewardship] Develop Civilian AI (Alan)
---[] Soup Kitchen Volunteering PR Stunt
--[] [
Stewardship ->
Monogram] Host a company retreat
--[] [
Intrigue] Seed corporate sleeper agents (Active Infiltration): Sycorax (Mezmerella)
--[] [
Intrigue ->
Nemesis Action] Reclaim the Odd Object (Agent Russ)
--[] [
Learning] Greco-Roman Terraforming (Lizzy)
--[] [
Learning] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
--[] [
Occult] Repair the Avatar of Felldrake (Janna)
--[] [
Occult] Summon Celena the Shy (Tom)
--[] [
Corporate Action] Establish a Corporate Court (Funds)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Spend Time With Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Kitsune)
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Ludivine)
---[] Throw an Action in the Trash
----[] Research Flubber Weather Modification
----[] Research Flubber Antigravity
----[] Research Flubber Power
----[] Steal nuclear launch codes
--[] Council
---[] [
Coyote] (Look through subsidiary records)
---[] [
Goofy] (Look into Pete)
---[] [
Janus] (Finish incubating Tech E. Coyote)
---[] [
Mirage] (Recruit at an SFIT Career Fair)
---[] [
Ludivine] (Instruct your Coworkers: Doof)
---[] [
Malifishmirtz] (Watch El Matador de Amor)
--[] Activate Inator
--[] Genghis Khan (Study history)
--[] Norm (Spend Time With Father)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Kitsune (Find Someone to Talk To)
--[] Max (Hang out with Agent Russ)
--[] Wasabi (Obsessively Check San Fransokyo Cape News)
--[] Marion Moseby (Interact with the Toons)
--[] Tobe (Train ''''''your ninja'''''' some more)
--[] Assign an Item
---[] Ruby Wings: Cruella