" He hasn't done anything for toons besides mouthpiecing though. Other than a single declaration way back when and donating to a minor toon rights organization, he's done nothing. In fact, his notes indicate they slipped out of his attention…about 9 months ago. This was someone's personal project, and it certainly wasn't yours." Mezmerella poked Mirage in the chest accusingly.
We really should do more for Toons, but i'm not sure how. We put, like, 3 toons on our Council and we haven't yet been offered any new options. Maybe Comedize? Hm. Makes me vaguly want to put Russ on Council in place of Mirage, get his take, but, then, I think Russ probably works better in the field...
I should clarify: We think. There are a lot of hints, but we do not know yet.

Also, I should note, this whole string of events: I now kinda REALLY want Mez heading our Black Ops. I had my doubts about her compared to Technor before, but now, with that trait, well, given our idiom, it feels only fitting. Plus, not folding Technor into Black Ops means we could use his 33 Diplo more consistently, which could be VERY useful. But, then, his stats are still more well-rounded...Hm...
Eh, as it stands intrigue is our pool that's much thinner on the ground.

Even if we assume we have Russ back, that leaves us with Mez/Russ/Tobe vs our Diplo who will have Cruella and Kermit as mains alongside a fair few pinch hitters (Kitsune and Wendy once she returns for the main rotatio). Technor's diplo is useful but inteigue has more direct problems with filling a rotation.

With Tobe being dragged into occult, quests, and strong personals, alongside infiltrate actions being a thing that can leave hero units indisposed for awhile, intrigue is a more important dedicated stat to keep around independently in my eyes.
Eh, as it stands intrigue is our pool that's much thinner on the ground.

Even if we assume we have Russ back, that leaves us with Mez/Russ/Tobe vs our Diplo who will have Cruella and Kermit as mains alongside a fair few pinch hitters (Kitsune and Wendy once she returns for the main rotatio). Technor's diplo is useful but inteigue has more direct problems with filling a rotation.

With Tobe being dragged into occult, quests, and strong personals, alongside infiltrate actions being a thing that can leave hero units indisposed for awhile, intrigue is a more important dedicated stat to keep around independently in my eyes.
Um...Bold assumption Wendy is gonna come back to our roster without incident. And Kitsune's availability is...Limited. But I suppose I take your point. Also, I will note, both Kitsune and I belive Cruella are also pretty good Intrigue units, and Kitsune can do Intrigue more often due to it fufilling her "being a jerk" quota.
That's fearmongering. We got it from Drusselstein. An RER of eighty eight. The single highest RER roll in the quest! It's not like the fairy book Fowl bargained to see had this sort of problem.

... it's fearmongering to say what I thought a nat1 might logically result in after finding out I was wrong?

There are a lot of way things could have gone and with the combination of Jumba's mad science and the possibility of things being monitored whether magically or technologically, it seemed like an entirely plausible siteuation to me that that Jumba might type a small tidbit into a computer and post it by accident that Artemis, Foaly or somoen else might have a program screening for

I didn't go about making a big deal about the idea so wasn't affecting other player, all I said was "huh, I thought it'd be worse"
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... it's fearmongering to say what I thought a nat1 might logically result in after finding out I was wrong?

There are a lot of way things could have gone and with the combination of Jumba's mad science and the possibility of things being monitored whether magically or technologically, it seemed like an entirely plausible siteuation to me that that Jumba might type a small tidbit into a computer and post it by accident that Artemis, Foaly or somoen else might have a program screening for

I didn't go about making a big deal about the idea so wasn't affecting other player, all I said was "huh, I thought it'd be worse"
Ah, I had read your post wrong. I thought you were adding onto @Angelform's desire to not translate the object period. Apologies.
Um...Bold assumption Wendy is gonna come back to our roster without incident. And Kitsune's availability is...Limited. But I suppose I take your point. Also, I will note, both Kitsune and I belive Cruella are also pretty good Intrigue units, and Kitsune can do Intrigue more often due to it fufilling her "being a jerk" quota.
While I doubt it will be without incident, Kermit and Cruella can cover the next 2 turns a lot better then Russ and Tobe can, especially since we might infiltrate a unit and not have easy access to them going forward. Technor also benefits more in terms of the main stat bonus' the others provide, of Martial, Diplomacy, and Learning being better then Mez in all 3 of those stats. We should prepare for the eventual return though, probably by infiltrating Sycorax and preparing an extraction team (Either Big Hero 3 if we get them that turn since they'd probably be better around San Fran, or sending the Black Ops if we do not) if things go south.

As for the fairy object, translating it won't alert the LEP to us unless we do something immensely stupid with it. Its just a book, one they're deeply protective of; but not something they will use to just go at us.
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We really should do more for Toons, but i'm not sure how. We put, like, 3 toons on our Council and we haven't yet been offered any new options. Maybe Comedize? Hm. Makes me vaguly want to put Russ on Council in place of Mirage, get his take, but, then, I think Russ probably works better in the field...
Well, Russ getting back probably helps give us a place to start evidence wise for Murderous Toon, on top of Coyote having a related personal. This should give us insight into Doom's whole deal, even if its just more details on the murderous toon we think works for him.

At which point that pretty easily should lead into helping on Bonkers so we can get the ball rolling there for helping toons.
I should clarify: We think. There are a lot of hints, but we do not know yet.

Also, I should note, this whole string of events: I now kinda REALLY want Mez heading our Black Ops. I had my doubts about her compared to Technor before, but now, with that trait, well, given our idiom, it feels only fitting. Plus, not folding Technor into Black Ops means we could use his 33 Diplo more consistently, which could be VERY useful. But, then, his stats are still more well-rounded...Hm...
A Black Ops team doesn't have to be good in all stats.

It's perfectly reasonable as an alternative for them to be very good at some things, and merely adequate at others, such that they can cover for their weaknesses with their strengths. For instance, the team we sent to the gala heist (Monogram, Russ, Technor, Mirage, Doof) was not a Martial powerhouse. If it had come down to a shootout with Omni-Droids, we'd have been in a lot of trouble. But it didn't come to that, because we had a plan that got around even needing to do that, and because we knew going in that Shego would likely be involved in the event that we needed muscle.
We really should do more for Toons, but i'm not sure how. We put, like, 3 toons on our Council and we haven't yet been offered any new options. Maybe Comedize? Hm. Makes me vaguly want to put Russ on Council in place of Mirage, get his take, but, then, I think Russ probably works better in the field...

Thematically, I feel like one of the biggest things you could do for Toons is invest in performance opportunities. Finish the play and put some Toons in it. Open a TV studio and let the Toons create some shows. That's what they love to do and it's been taken from almost all of them since Doom took over. It'd also tie into various Toon heroes' arcs: once Max gets the hang of Toon humor he could give performing a try, Dennis could make a show about sandwiches, and I think Kermit would love the chance to try and follow his dream (and I suspect the other Muppets would slowly arrive in Doofania if they saw Kermit on the big screen, even if they didn't know him before in this verse).

Best of all, this would absolutely enrage Doom, and fuck that guy.
Don't we own the ramshackle remains of Disney? Let's reinvigorate it. Let's win entertainment!
You do! Though its unlikely they made all of the things they would later be known for.

Initially we told people not to worry about owning Disney since it was a bit hard for us to wrap our heads around, but now we're just rolling with it.
Thematically, I feel like one of the biggest things you could do for Toons is invest in performance opportunities. Finish the play and put some Toons in it. Open a TV studio and let the Toons create some shows. That's what they love to do and it's been taken from almost all of them since Doom took over. It'd also tie into various Toon heroes' arcs: once Max gets the hang of Toon humor he could give performing a try, Dennis could make a show about sandwiches, and I think Kermit would love the chance to try and follow his dream (and I suspect the other Muppets would slowly arrive in Doofania if they saw Kermit on the big screen, even if they didn't know him before in this verse).

Best of all, this would absolutely enrage Doom, and fuck that guy.
We did finish the play. It was a big hit, we got two Income off of it. That said, the idea of having Kermit start the "Doofenshmirtz Evil Studios!" sounds fun. Make a TV channel maybe. And it wouldn't just be animation. We could have other stuff too. Wendy Wower's Science Hour for the early morning block. For mid-day, we have Ask Dr. Technor, where DEI's resident licensed psychotherapist advises you on resolving your life problems!* And in addition to toon shows, we have regular animation, like Guardians of Earth, where a team of heroes defend Earth from the mechaniations of interdimensional lizard people trying to wipe out humanity.**

*Note: The opinions of Technor do not reflect those of DEI and are for entertainment purposes only, do not become a supervillain based on the advice of discount MODOK.
** Any resemblance to people's living or dead is purely coincidental.

...Hm, actually: @Made in Heaven What would be the DC of a Stewardship action to found our own TV channel/Studio?
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probably by infiltrating Sycorax and preparing an extraction team (Either Big Hero 3 if we get them that turn since they'd probably be better around San Fran, or sending the Black Ops if we do not) if things go south
I still don't get how infiltrating Sycorax gives us any advantage over on Funtelligence, or why we'd open a new front now with Yokai instead of infiltrating Doom and getting that mess over with. Particularly since L.A. is about to blow up, metaphorically but possibly also physically, and infiltrating Doom lets us know ahead of time what is going on there.
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I still don't get how infiltrating Sycorax gives us any advantage over on Funtelligence, or why we'd open a new front now with Yokai instead of infiltrating Doom and getting that mess over with. Particularly since L.A. is about to blow up, metaphorically but possibly also physically, and infiltrating Doom lets us know ahead of time what is going on there.
Uh, no, it seems like San Fran is about to blow up. And that interlude was more about Liv, the head of Sycorax, then Doom, wasn't it? I mean, I do get some of your point, but Joe Young was Sycorax's action, not Doom's.
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Uh, no, it seems like San Fran is about to blow up. And that interlude was more about Liv, the head of Sycorax, then Doom, wasn't it?
Yeah, Sycorax makes more sense. Doom is stable, why is LA going to blow up? San Fran is prepping to be exploded literally and metaphorically from lots of different angles.

Plus infiltrating Sycorax lets us potentially steal their research or hero units.
Yeah, Sycorax makes more sense. Doom is stable, why is LA going to blow up? San Fran is prepping to be exploded literally and metaphorically from lots of different angles.

Plus infiltrating Sycorax lets us potentially steal their research or hero units.
Honestly, I do get Lab's point, inasmuch as Funintelligence may make more sense in the short term, given that our Hero Unit is more directly involved with them, but, honestly, any of the Zaibatsu works.
Uh, no, it seems like San Fran is about to blow up. And that interlude was more about Liv, the head of Sycorax, then Doom, wasn't it? I mean, I do get some of your point, but Joe Young was Sycorax's action, not Doom's.
Yeah, Sycorax makes more sense. Doom is stable, why is LA going to blow up? San Fran is prepping to be exploded literally and metaphorically from lots of different angles.

Plus infiltrating Sycorax lets us potentially steal their research or hero units.
Don't forget about Doom's other actions this turn, like all the info we got on mysterious object that he went out of his way to get a hold of and his mysterious leap ahead in AI technology. Those are both very troubling, and it doesn't even just involve us being quote unquote world police because him developing AI cuts into our market.
Don't forget about Doom's other actions this turn, like all the info we got on mysterious object that he went out of his way to get a hold of and his mysterious leap ahead in AI technology. Those are both very troubling, and it doesn't even just involve us being quote unquote world police because him developing AI cuts into our market.
I suppose we could do both...Plus, I kinda want to steal that thing.
We did finish the play. It was a big hit, we got two Income off of it. That said, the idea of having Kermit start the "Doofenshmirtz Evil Studios!" sounds fun. Make a TV channel maybe. And it wouldn't just be animation. We could have other stuff too. Wendy Wower's Science Hour for the early morning block. For mid-day, we have Ask Dr. Technor, where DEI's resident licensed psychotherapist advises you on resolving your life problems!* And in addition to toon shows, we have regular animation, like Guardians of Earth, where a team of heroes defend Earth from the mechaniations of interdimensional lizard people trying to wipe out humanity.**

*Note: The opinions of Technor do not reflect those of DEI and are for entertainment purposes only, do not become a supervillain based on the advice of discount MODOK.
** Any resemblance to people's living or dead is purely coincidental.

...Hm, actually: @Made in Heaven What would be the DC of a Stewardship action to found our own TV channel/Studio?

Don't forget "Under the Open Sky with Genghis Khan," a reality TV show about him and his Mongols acclimating to modern life, and "Prehistoric Earth," a gorgeous documentary with footage from Doofrassic Park and narrated by David Attenborough