Your declaration ends as a saw blade passes through your left deltoid.

"Oh. Hey, that wasn't so bad. Barely even felt it."

Mezmerella grimaces from across the room a brief moment before blood begins spurting wildly from your arm.
Aren't his arms pure titanium?
Well, that, or I suppose that it's possible that Blot and Artemis strike a gentleman's agreement over the artifact without fighting, I guess. I wouldn't lay good odds on either of them not attempting to double-cross the other, though.
Artemis notoriously hates jokes. So that's a further point against cooperation.
Mezmerella hidden traits revealed!

Never Show Your Hand: Mezmerella hides 1/4 of her true Martial score from external forces.
Huh, that's kind of neat that she has that.

Much more importantly, have we been looking for this kind of thing in our rival stats tracker? In retrospect, I think we knew something like this was possible from Bill's rolls in the dreamscape, but...

"But technically speaking, you sign my paychecks, and when has a little field duty ever killed anyone? Build character, and all that stuff." Mez cracked.

Mirage flinched.
Mirage is very well aware that a little field duty can kill someone. That used to be a key part of her MO, after all.

... all the more reason for a little fieldwork to do her some good!

Unseen to any of them, the odd object was gone, vanished from the table, leaving nothing behind but a large and pooling coffee stain.

625 cracked an eye as the jet-black arm retreated.

"Huh." He said.
You know, I'm beginning to notice that Jumba isn't very good at keeping track of his specimens. This is the second one that's been stolen out from under his nose, not to mention the ones that have wandered off on their own. Not that I'm actually that upset about missing out on that plot hook, really, it's just the principle of the thing.

I do find it interesting that 625 noticed, though. I still think he's kind of wasted in Jumba's heroball. Sure, he rounds out Jumba's stats nicely, but it's not like that actually does much for us (unless we wouldn't have known how we lost the artifact otherwise?). I still want to heroball him with Dennis for maximum sandwich power. Maybe we can do that after the black ops ball? I dunno. Probably not gonna happen, but I still want to harness the power of sandwiches.
And through nearly all of it, Mirage screamed.
0.0000000000000000000000000000000003% of karma paid off.
Mezmerella, for her part, found it, hmm, she wasn't sure how she found it. On the one hand, she was quite loud, but on the other, it did set the mood quite well as they tumbled down the building's side-elevators and secret passageways.
No other opinions on the matter?
Never Show Your Hand: Mezmerella hides 1/4 of her true Martial score from external forces.
That's fun for the negaquestors.
Do It All The Time: Mezmerella gains a +10 to all rolls involving Supervillainy. Real Supervillainy, not simply criminals who wear masks out of convenience. It can come from her, or someone else, but the capital S Supervillainy must be there.
I should read some silver age comics.
Max Goof jolted in surprise as yet another odd thing threatened to consume his day.

Max looked up from his comic book. "Uh… hey."

"Anyone touch the car?" Mez asked as she rummaged around behind the lobby Christmas tree.

"What car?"
Max! The majority of your teenage screentime was as a valet!
Unseen to any of them, the odd object was gone, vanished from the table, leaving nothing behind but a large and pooling coffee stain.

625 cracked an eye as the jet-black arm retreated.
Well there's a lead. Not much of one but its something.
Mezmerella shot a hole through the sign with her gun.
BANG. She got to use it.
Mirage blinked. "You're trying to… establish a working relationship."

"Yes, of course. What did you think I was doing?"

"Punishing me? Wanting a witness to whatever this was? Possibly just acting on pure instinct with no intent whatsoever."
Character arc,
Ominous Holding Company Abandoned Warehouse (a subsidiary of ACME Company)
I know the Blot is involved but I feel like Wasabi should have caught this.
Meh, we lose the arm we can just super science a new one. Revolutionize the medical prosthesis World while we're at it and really get started on both Medical stuff and that good old cyberpunk feel.
Also can I just mention that Ominous Holding Company Abandoned Warehouse or "OHCAW" seems like it's pronounced very similarly to "OWCA"
So, I had a thought regarding the ongoing discussion of whether or not continuing to activate Inators is a good idea, tactically.

One thing that we haven't considered is that we've already been informed that DEI's dominance of the hardware doodad market is a result of Doof's employees sifting through broken Inators in search of new parts that can be reverse engineered and mass produced.

We have devoted absolutely zero national actions to maintaining that dominance of the widgets market. Despite that, we've maintained our grip pretty solidly.

I think our R&D department are almost certainly still turning our Inator wreckage into brand new products in the background. And because we've been pretty consistent about activating Inators every turn, they have plenty to work with.

We're not just raining meat down on Danville, we're getting paid to do it.
I think our R&D department are almost certainly still turning our Inator wreckage into brand new products in the background. And because we've been pretty consistent about activating Inators every turn, they have plenty to work with.

We're not just raining meat down on Danville, we're getting paid to do it.
I think there was something about "we make an inator like every day, but most don't have any major effect" but I don't want to go look for it.
Point, but does not activating an Inator mean that we still make a bunch of minor ones, or does it mean that Doof is busy enough that he makes noticeably fewer Inators in general?
I don't know where the quote is either, but I believe the general reasoning was we activate a ton of inators regardless, us choosing mechanically to activate an inator just means one sticks around for a lot longer
So, I had a thought regarding the ongoing discussion of whether or not continuing to activate Inators is a good idea, tactically.

One thing that we haven't considered is that we've already been informed that DEI's dominance of the hardware doodad market is a result of Doof's employees sifting through broken Inators in search of new parts that can be reverse engineered and mass produced.

We have devoted absolutely zero national actions to maintaining that dominance of the widgets market. Despite that, we've maintained our grip pretty solidly.

I think our R&D department are almost certainly still turning our Inator wreckage into brand new products in the background. And because we've been pretty consistent about activating Inators every turn, they have plenty to work with.

We're not just raining meat down on Danville, we're getting paid to do it.
Honestly, I wish that was the case, but I suspect that it isn't, given that we're constantly making new Inators.
Hmm, but if we're just making them and not using them, then they probably aren't getting scraped and converted into saleable product either.

Plus, as irritating as the bad inators can be, I've always found them one of the more entertaining aspects of the quest. Their tenancy to backfire would become a lot more palatable if, win or lose, simply rolling the die was mechanically beneficial, even if only in retrospect.
One thing to think about with [Widgets] are repairs.
Widgets / Miscellaneous: Stuff. You know. Weird stuff. Doodads. Whatsits. All the springs and sprockets you've never heard of until it breaks in your washing machine and you have to order one direct from the manufacturer. DEI, apparently, is the undisputed leader in this industry.
DEI has been the standard for long enough for it to become a mega-corp off of widgets alone. To make our nuts and bolts obsolete, folks need to scrap everything made in the last 20 years and convince/bribe every company to stop using our sufficiently advanced screws.
One thing to think about with [Widgets] are repairs.

DEI has been the standard for long enough for it to become a mega-corp off of widgets alone. To make our nuts and bolts obsolete, folks need to scrap everything made in the last 20 years and convince/bribe every company to stop using our sufficiently advanced screws.

*Glances at the US and switching over to the metric system.* Yeah. I think we're fine on that front.
Well, that was interesting; it's encouraging that Mez is trying to reach out to Mirage and the conspiracy stuff was fun

Martial Check: Avoid Bodily Harm
DC 110
CF 9- CS 100+
14+21+0 (Power Armor Removed)= 35
Extremely painful failure

Wait Blot actually took the time to disarm Doof? what kind of Toon villain even does that?

Your declaration ends as a saw blade passes through your left deltoid.

"Oh. Hey, that wasn't so bad. Barely even felt it."

Mezmerella grimaces from across the room a brief moment before blood begins spurting wildly from your arm.


Pity the titanium get retconned... though, maybe we could make it true now

Unseen to any of them, the odd object was gone, vanished from the table, leaving nothing behind but a large and pooling coffee stain.

625 cracked an eye as the jet-black arm retreated.
Honestly Blot stealing it (which is what I assume is what happened) is probably the best case scenario for the object, considering the other main options were DC increase or I think the speculation was it would be destroyed.

I was personally imaging it might send out some kind of signal which would attract Artemis/LEP's attention to the fact we have a Fairy artefact
Thanks for the great update! Its a joy to see the characters so alive!

Why would we want it back? It is the gateway to opening yet another front we don't even begin to have the action economy to make use of. And risked attracting the attention of yet another hostile king/prince.
Good riddance to it.
oh? does that mean its origin is know at last? if so, what is it from?
It's a fairy book/book of the people from Artemis Fowl
I should clarify: We think. There are a lot of hints, but we do not know yet.

Also, I should note, this whole string of events: I now kinda REALLY want Mez heading our Black Ops. I had my doubts about her compared to Technor before, but now, with that trait, well, given our idiom, it feels only fitting. Plus, not folding Technor into Black Ops means we could use his 33 Diplo more consistently, which could be VERY useful. But, then, his stats are still more well-rounded...Hm...
Never Show Your Hand: Mezmerella hides 1/4 of her true Martial score from external forces.

Do It All The Time: Mezmerella gains a +10 to all rolls involving Supervillainy. Real Supervillainy, not simply criminals who wear masks out of convenience. It can come from her, or someone else, but the capital S Supervillainy must be there.
These traits are fairly neat. I would guess that Mez would use her full twenty Martial if her life was in danger- no point in hiding your full capabilities if you don't use them when seriously threatened.

Do It All The Time was pointed out to have proc'd on Moles, I would guess that it worked because the Phantom Blot's moles are about Supervillany as you could get. I'm not sure about where else it might proc, but this could be useful for any number of situations. I do hope we'll be able to use it.

Dragging her package out the front door, Mezmerella looked around, before her eyes landed on a 1974 AMC Gremlin sitting by the curb.


"I- what?!?" Mirage asked, hurrying out the doors to where Mesmerella was even now trying to stuff a corkboard into the front seat of a very sad looking car. Mezmerella kicked the corkboard and finally managed to force it in, breaking off the side mirror in the process.
So this is definitely set some time before Mr. Moseby's First Day. The car was outside of DEI and Mez only just put the corkboard in it.

"Ask when we're driving, if we hurry we can still run Coyote's lookalike over."


Acting more on premonition than legal observance, Mirage buckled her seatbelt.
I love both of these two lines. They're just nice and short with a bunch of hilarity packed into them.

"It's almost like someone took one of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Inators and scrambled the letters, it's illegible. I'm pretty sure I've even read some of them, but I can't process it, the fallbacks I've set up kick in and I just wake up on the floor." Mez grumbled. "Are you getting this down, by the way?"

"Of course I am." Mirage replied, shifting the corkboard slightly to reveal the tablet she was operating off of. Mez scoffed and started tying more strings together on the cork.
I love it that Mez is used enough to DEI that she defaulted to Inators as a comparison for bizarre effect that can't be explained with any logic whatsoever. Mirage also just typing down the answers instead of using the corkboard

The records say that Max kid did an entire spy network on his own. I asked him, and he seemed just as confused, but also thought he did it alone. Could you imagine?
Lol. Definitely not. I would have sworn one of us pointed this out but I can't for the life of me figure out where it would be.

You said you had to be bailed out by the Phantom Blot, who is, incidentally, here, for reasons we apparently don't know."
I guess this can be taken as confirmation that Dougal La Mancha is the Phantom Blot?

The entire cafe stared at the two blatantly disguised aliens as they went about their snack run. What were they? Mutated hippos? Extremely unlucky Supers? Dear god.
The fact that Jumba and Pleakley just walk around like this is absolutely hilarious and fitting. It's even funnier that the crowd just rolls with it.

It was like stargazing for the faintest and most distant of celestial orbs. To see it, you had to not look at it. Hold it in your mind without focusing on it. See the hole without looking for what was missing. Believe that there was something there while your mind was fully certain there was not.
It was pointed out to me that this is probably how the Blot remembers to search for Russ and gets through the memory block.

I wonder how Riddle was able to get past without seemingly this much effort.

The little trinket had been a useful find, if not particularly necessary.
....I hope that the Blot took it and we need to recover it rather than it getting damaged or something like he mentioned in the letter. That was our single best RER, it'd be annoying if the DC got even higher than it already is.

Mezmerella shot a hole through the sign with her gun.
And she's driving through town doing this. I suppose that Danville Doofania is at least used to this sort of thing.

"Mezmeralla, why aren't we slowing down?

"Why aren't we slow-
I hope she did this knowing it was a Toon car....

But you can't fault her style.

As the vehicle finally came to an abrupt stop slamming against a pile of wooden crates containing ACME-brand crash dummies, the figure plastered across the front went flying through the air, landing in a disgruntled heap right at the feet of-
I have no idea how it could have gotten from here to the Lobby and I am eager to learn more.

Mezmerella shoots him with her 9mm.
She really likes that gun doesn't she?

"Why did you try to escape without our help!?" Mezmerella yells as she sprints towards you.

"I don't know, it usually worked fine for- just get over here!"

"Now!" The Blot declares as the runes begin to glow. "The real entertainment can begin!"
And now onto Part III!

I was personally imaging it might send out some kind of signal which would attract Artemis/LEP's attention to the fact we have a Fairy artefact
That's fearmongering. We got it from Drusselstein. An RER of eighty eight. The single highest RER roll in the quest! It's not like the fairy book Fowl bargained to see had this sort of problem.