We do need a straight-man or two to make everyone else's wacky Evil even more enjoyable. Janus and Mirage both perform that role admirably, though Mirage will be better at it once she finishes her character arc. Honestly, Goofy is the one I'm not too sure about? He either doesn't understand things, or object on moral grounds.

There's only so many times a turn I can read "Gawrsh, that's evil, Doc!"
Honestly, I think we need a moral compass, and Goofy/Mirage work out well enough. That said, yeah, Goofy's instincts are good (we chose him in large part because he has a certain degree of common sense that is lacking in our company), but I think he needs to finish that degree of his. Hopefully, that'll give him enough understanding to be able to acquaint himself better. The ones I find hardest are Janus (who is not only just generally unpleasant, and not in the fun way, but also a major roadblock to our wackier projects: He tried to veto the Signals), and, oddly, Mal. Which is not what I what I was expecting, being as he's just Doof, but also, he's Doof pre-character development and with his Learning and Occult swapped, meaning he has very little idea about most of what's going on and, unlike Goofy, is not self-aware enough to realize that and recuse himself. Basically, my distaste for Janus and Mal is that I just don't find them entertaining.
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Honestly, I think we need a moral compass, and Goofy/Mirage work out well enough. That said, yeah, Goofy's instincts are good (we chose him in large part because he has a certain degree of common sense that is lacking in our company), but I think he needs to finish that degree of his. Hopefully, that'll give him enough understanding to be able to acquaint himself better. The ones I find hardest are Janus (who is not only just generally unpleasant, and not in the fun way, but also a major roadblock to our wackier projects: He tried to veto the Signals), and, oddly, Mal. Which is not what I what I was expecting, being as he's just Doof, but also, he's Doof pre-character development and with his Learning and Occult swapped, meaning he has very little idea about most of what's going on and, unlike Goofy, is not self-aware enough to realize that and recuse himself. Basically, my distaste for Janus and Mal is that I just don't find them entertaining.
Personally Janus and Mal were the two most entertaining members of the council for me.
Each person has their own tastes after all.
They were all fantastic. Wile and Ludivine being my favorites.

Goofy was a bit weak but only because so much went over his head. Definitely need to focus on his degree.
Actually I have the time to field this question right now. This would be about a DC 110 Stewardship action that would cost 5 funds and grant 1 income.

And the slow creep of public outrage as workplace automation becomes a prominent political issue, followed by escalating protests as other companies follow suit.

Yes, the economy overall would be more effective once more people are retrained, but who knows what'll happen when you knock several million people out of a job?
Couldn't we do things to lessen the blowback? Break the replacing into chunks so to making less people would be getting replaced a one time? Possibly set up job training in advance for those we'd be replacing?

Could we possibly do something related to education with Ludivine and Wower?
Couldn't we do things to lessen the blowback? Break the replacing into chunks so to making less people would be getting replaced a one time? Possibly set up job training in advance for those we'd be replacing?

Could we possibly do something related to education with Ludivine and Wower?
That would probably increase the fund cost and DC of the action. It could even decrease the gains we would get Income wise.
We probably make automating more effective by running a campaign reminding people that human employees spit in food (and do worse things). While our kitchens are clean and safe.
Just found this thread, binged it over the past month, and I am in love.

Same here, this story and the whole setting you've built up here is amazeballs.

Reading over this last most recent discussion, while the other factions seem to be accomplishing more material things than DEI, what stands out to me is that so many of our characters have had real character development. Wile E self actualized, Doof has been having earthshaking realizations about himself on the reg, Vanessa dedicated herself enough to go to a very challenging college, Genghis has steadily continued to become even more Genghis, and even fairly minor characters like Wendy are realizing a lot about themselves.

You technically failed with Hego and I'd still argue you helped him sort out his worldview and become a better person!

When you guys feel like you aren't accomplishing as much as the other factions or that things seem too scattered, I'd argue it's because your focus is more on the characters and helping them as opposed to advancing business interests. I sure don't see Xanny or Glomgold having any heart to heart discussions with anyone and becoming better (or "better at being evil") any time soon.
We probably make automating more effective by running a campaign reminding people that human employees spit in food (and do worse things). While our kitchens are clean and safe.
Eh. I don't think that solves the issue. Putting people out of work is gonna be unpopular. And it's not like our PR is going great. I'd rather have Jumba geneticslly enginner burgers the size of your head.
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Honestly, I was really more thinking Jumba making chemically amazing burgers, although we'd need to be careful with that...Also, Silphium.
I suppose Jumba could cook up genetically extra-delicious cows, though I'm not sure chemically-enhanced burgers are inside his usual wheelhouse.

Maybe he could make more efficient cows instead? Raising cattle is not eco-friendly, if we could make the process cheaper, that'd be a coup.

And now I am thinking of Jumba making photosynthetic cows.
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Maybe he could make more efficient cows instead? Raising cattle is not eco-friendly, if we could make the process cheaper, that'd be a coup.
Or we could just do the lab grown meat tech tree, we can even flavor it when we make it. Its a DC 100 learning action to create, and a DC 130 Stewardship action to make make a big advertisement wave.

The first is basically a guaranteed action with Jumba to, and if we are willing to risk a 4% fail chance, Lizzy can do it as well.
When you guys feel like you aren't accomplishing as much as the other factions or that things seem too scattered, I'd argue it's because your focus is more on the characters and helping them as opposed to advancing business interests. I sure don't see Xanny or Glomgold having any heart to heart discussions with anyone and becoming better (or "better at being evil") any time soon.
Incredibly valid perspective, and quite accurate too! Even though a not-insignificant amount of people fret and salt over a lack of visible gains compared to other factions, we overall tend to focus on developing our heroes... or even just doing good deeds for others. Such as backing Olympia-Winston, or voting to help with the Zootopia crisis.

The DC to make lab grown meat normally is 100. What would be the DC to make lab grown meat which is also tastier (and maybe even healthier/more preservable) than normal meat for being served in restaurants?

And would the DC for implementing that still be 135? What benefits would we gain? Would our food be cheaper due to cutting out steps from the supply chain?

The DC to make lab grown meat normally is 100. What would be the DC to make lab grown meat which is also tastier (and maybe even healthier/more preservable) than normal meat for being served in restaurants?

And would the DC for implementing that still be 135? What benefits would we gain? Would our food be cheaper due to cutting out steps from the supply chain?
Yeah, not even taking that into account. Meat you don't have to farm, raise, or butcher. Hell, we could sell it to vegetarians.
Yeah, not even taking that into account. Meat you don't have to farm, raise, or butcher. Hell, we could sell it to vegetarians.

Pretty much why I am such a fan of the concept, yes.

...Now we (both in-quest as Doof and in RL as those developing it) just need to get rid of the perversion that is FBS to make it truly "cruelty-free"...

As for vegetarians and especially VEGANS, wouldn´t be surprised if they´d still be against it because of goalpost-moving.
Can't wait to corner the market with Doofpossible(TM) burgers and chicken patties. On the other hand…making cruelty-free food isn't very evil of us, is it???
Think of all those poor innocent major businesses we'd be running out of the market by doing this. Or all those people we'd be "addicting" to ideally good tasting food. Truly, such a despicable thing to plan for. Its clearly evil.
There´s *evil* and there is *EVIL*.

We are petty and vindictive as hell, but just letting living beings suffer because we´d stand to gain from it? *That´s Doom/BWs brand of sick*, pal.

Right, I forgot about TECHNOR, the Mechanical Man's valuable insight into the nature of Doof's evil.

Think of all those poor innocent major businesses we'd be running out of the market by doing this. Or all those people we'd be "addicting" to ideally good tasting food. Truly, such a despicable thing to plan for. Its clearly evil.

Also an excellent point! Objections withdrawn!