Yeah, as awesome as it would be to become POTUS legitimately, Doof being an immigrant renders him ineligible according to US law.

...Provided that we would be able to run for the office after all, what do you think would be the opinions of the other Kings be?
There's one more reason we might want to try to become President: Agent Russ, when he gets back, might be in real trouble thanks to whatever the hell Riddle is up to. We may need to get a spot in government to help Russ not become a fugitive or in danger from Riddle.

And for a sillier reason: maybe we can satisfy Doof's ego if he can spin winning the Presidency as annexing the US to Doofania, thereby resolving that whole mess.
There's one more reason we might want to try to become President: Agent Russ, when he gets back, might be in real trouble thanks to whatever the hell Riddle is up to. We may need to get a spot in government to help Russ not become a fugitive or in danger from Riddle.

And for a sillier reason: maybe we can satisfy Doof's ego if he can spin winning the Presidency as annexing the US to Doofania, thereby resolving that whole mess.

Yeah, but we already got enough trouble "ruling" the Tri-State Area - RULING the US would be infinitely worse
Article II Section 1 said:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Send Heinz back to the 1780s with a freeze-inator and a robot accountant.
I mean, you could get a constitutional amendment passed to make it so if you wanted to go the legal route, but considering the sheer effort involved in just making the HEROES act and repealing the SRA? We'd be better off focusing our efforts pretty much everywhere else. Which may or may not include other planets (in order to become ruler of the tri-world area).
Ok, tbh, there's basically no chance we'll ever become president. Remember, we don't need to go for every single objective.

I certainly wouldn't say that, so long as the foreign born issue were resolved. Doof already has a good deal of resources at hand for campaigning and he's made a not-entirely-awful nationwide name for himself through his Greevil efforts, his Toon patronage, and Doofrassic Park. Granted, he's canonically awful at getting people to vote for him but his skills have gone up over the course of the quest enough for me to suspect that's not quite as true now as it was before.

The biggest challenge for a hypothetical Doof campaign would almost certainly be the other Kings. If they saw him making a play for the Presidency they'd almost certainly either mount their own challenges or pick a toady to run for them, and they're probably the ones in the best place to contest an election. With that in mind we'd have to reach out to as many neutral or friendly Kings as possible and negotiate for support or to stay out. Olympia would likely support Doof, we could probably negotiate some kind of deal with Shego if we bury the hatchet a bit more, the zaibatsu and Shere Khan can probably be bought off, and Xanny would probably view Doof as his puppet. The rest would raise a ruckus, but hopefully not an insurmountable one.

I'm not saying this would be easy, quick, or even necessarily a good idea, but it's not impossible.
The biggest challenge for a hypothetical Doof campaign would almost certainly be the other Kings.
Honestly outside of our enemiesI don't think the other kings would care. The issue is mostly that the constatution requires him to be a natural born american citizen,

Shere Khan, MCP, and Glomgold won't care as long as our policies dont mess with them, Bellwether would likely try to suck up, Xanatos will try to manipulate us, and Shego would likely be annoyed at it but doing anything is a waste of her time. Kane, AUTO, Candy, the Skeksis, Waternoose, Drossel, Phobos, Andrias, and Belos all likely have only the barest knowledge of the USA, if any at all, while Mira, Sykes, Negaduck and Yokai won't be changing their ways of operation anyay. Toffee and Doom are the honest to god only Kings that would have an issue with us making a push for the position, and Toffee might consider it not worth his time.

I think its a waste of effort mind you, but the biggest issue is likely the lobbying to reform the constitution and following campaign.
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It'd probably be easier to colonize our own country on a deadworld that we conquer and terraform through the other-dimension inator and become President that way than to bwcome POTUS, to be honest.

In that way, major terraforming is an advantage that not even the other Multiverse Wars Kings have that we do.
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Since the thread's slowed down a bit, I'm gonna go ahead and share something I've been working on for Gridlocked.

Gridlocked: World Showcase!

Gridlocked: World Showcase! Saludos, Amigos! While the United States of America is the primary setting for Disney Villains Victorious: Gridlocked, its multinational corporations have branches and subsidiaries that stretch beyond mere borders. Why should your game stop there if they don’t? Un...

The World Showcase isn't strictly applicable to DoofQuest, of course, but some of it might end up here due to a shared well of ideas.
Since the thread's slowed down a bit, I'm gonna go ahead and share something I've been working on for Gridlocked.

Random nitpick of the minute:

If the first sentence is meant to be in Spanish, you are missing the opening exclamation symbol (¡).

Other than that... *cracks neck* Let me go see if I can find some non-US stuff from relevant media.

As a question, Gadget in or Gadget out? Classic series has a lot of (generally rather dumb) international stuff.
While we aint truly in a good planning stage, I figured it might be a good idea to see what is effectively "Locked In" and what some popular options for the remaining actions are

Locked In Actions:
Martial: Form a Black Ops Group (Technor, Juniper, Gomez)
Notes: Current most popular line up is Technor, Juniper, and Gomez for a versatile Heroball able to do any action type rather then a pure martial one. They would have the specializations All Rounder, Learning, Occult, and Martial and the Traits Insuffciently Analyzed Magic (Half of Learning +Half of Doofs Learning to Occult), Summoners Circuits (+10 to Summon Divinos), Combo Chicas (Add Occult to martial When Dance Battling, +15 to rolls involving Dancing), and Duet Act (If has a working relationship to another character, Able to assist providng a +10 to Martial or Occult, Currently just Wasabi and Technor). Issue with if all 3 add their martial or if just Juniper to this action which would dramatically change the results (From a Guaranteed to around 70%)

Diplomacy: Protect against Hats: Company Uniforms (Cruella)
Notes: Gotta protect against DOR-15, Cruella is a Fashion Designer, Maybe can make uniforms out of Dinosaur parts? Just kind of needs to happen

Stewardship: Fix Zootopia (Roddy)
Notes: Got to do this or get legal reprucission. Roddy has the best shot on it so he is doing it

Learning: Greco-Roman Terraforming (Lizzy or Wasabi)
Notes: Same with Zootopia, Lizzy I believe has the max she can without XP at 96% Success (She isn't a specialist so that 4% Crit Fail can't be removed), Wasabi is useful if we decide to do something else with her like hanging with Marco.

Occult: Search for Magical Individuals Online (Kitsune)
Note: With Gomez on Black ops we should get another Occult unit, and I don't know if Manmoth is as appetizing as recruiting a dedicated Occult hero.

Also Personalwise I think everyone is in agreement to get rid of Flubber Research and to talk to an Employee (Ludivine and Russ being the 2 big ones) as well as have Marco finish his Training
Now for the Actions I heard tossed around a bit.

Kermit the Frog is likely gonna attempt whichever one of these we choose, so no need to try and list potential heroes here with the action

Collaborate with the Government:
Notes: Starting a Collab with the feds, either Imagination Instatute or an action such as Negaduck or Wasteland. Negaduck is a good way to prepare for his arrival, Wasteland recovery is something we would be able to do really well with the stuff were getting from Zootopia as well.

Recruit Red Feather:
Notes: While i have doubts she is still recruitable, some people hope she is next turn and if she is she is a very good recruit we should probably nab.

Recruit Go Go Tomago:
Notes: This one is for if we decide to make Big Hero 3 as a Cape Team. Would probably have strong synergy if we do other actions in San Fransokyo that same turn; otherwise we can put her off a turn

Diplo Collab with Olympia:
Notes: Just an easy place to toss a Collab if we dont want to do an Intrigue or Stewardship one

Collab with Olympia: Diecaste Robotics (Moseby):
Notes: One of our best ways to get Diecaste is having Moseby work with Olympia which would benefit all future robotics actions

Collab with Olympia: An Easy Monogrammable action
Notes: If we want to just get it over with, and we have him avaliable, we can stick Monogram on this and focus on the other actions here.

Split/Second: Monogram
Common Request is Split/Second, and Monogram is good enough to get it done

Civilian AI (Alan):
Notes: Alan actually has the single highest success chance of any of our units on Civilian AI (even more then Wendy!), and it is an option that is better done sooner do to how it takes a few turns to benefit from fully. Has the risk of being Veto'd by DOR-15s revelations

Notes: Just if we want to try to help our franchise out

Intrigue is the only we have 2 in, making it the most flexible. We likely will be using either Mez, Russ, or Tobe on these, but they are somewhat interchangable.

Collab with Olympia:
Notes: We have 2 Intrigue Slots, if needed its the easiest to put something into.

Infiltrate Sycorax:
Notes: I'd Reccomend Tobe here, if only because Mez might be to at risk do to her nature as a super and Liv's plan targeting em. We know she is nplanning something massive, and Wendy has a good chance of being caught in the crossfire. Would also likely make an eventual buyout easier and steal some genetic tech. Likely Temporary.

Infiltrate Doomtown:
Notes: Probably Russ, helps us set up our Nemesis' Downfall. Lot more risky then Sycorax and also likely a lot more long term. We could also steal robotics research from em. I reccomend only doing 1 Infiltrate until we know more.

Shiva Codes:
Notes: We just got to do this eventually

Investigate the Underworld:
Notes: Cat Mafia, Lizzy and Stanly, Phantom Blot; our knowledge of the underworld has been lacking and this will let us keep better track of it

Weird San Fran Cult:
Notes: Bill Cult.

Cure Genetic Diseases (Jumba):
Notes: Xanatos has taken the lead here. Sad. breaks us into healthcare for when we do Silphium.

Large Meat Eater Exhibit (Jumba):
Notes: Shows Glomgold we still care about his Money

Triangulate (Wasabi/Lizzy/Alan):
Notes: if we want to continue to push for Drossel

ODI (No one):
Notes: Easy to do, but not immediate

Exotic Vehicles (Wasabi/Lizzy):
If We do Split/Second and Go Go this might have Synergy with the 2 for better rewards

All these actions are Janna Actions
Sort through Artefacts:
Notes: Could get her a Focus

Repair Avatar of Feldrake:
Notes: lets us Continue Feldrake World Tour

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Robots and other forms of artificial life are a popular subject of research. Just take a look at their heroes; a few of them are robots, too!

…you know, now I'm really interested on expanding to Japan if we ever get the chance. Imagine the collab opportunities. Even better, what we've currently done is probably enough to at least get our foot in the door.

Half of Learning +Half of Doofs Learning to martial

I think you mean occult?
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…you know, now I'm really interested on expanding to Japan if we ever get the chance. Imagine the collab opportunities. Even better, what we've currently done is probably enough to at least get our foot in the door.

I think you mean occult?
Thanks for the find and fixed (wish i knew why Diplomacy was being weird I even deleted the Spoiler and reinserted it but it happened again)
As a question, Gadget in or Gadget out? Classic series has a lot of (generally rather dumb) international stuff.

Maybe some of it's in, some not? Penny and the Gadgetinis did show up in the quest already, so getting rid of it all seems wrong.

EDIT: I missed that the doc isn't necessarily canon to DoofQuest. I'd still suggest a partial use, though.
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…you know, now I'm really interested on expanding to Japan if we ever get the chance. Imagine the collab opportunities. Even better, what we've currently done is probably enough to at least get our foot in the door.

I'm still hoping for Japan expansion being a valid option for the Olympia collaboration.

Depends on what you dig up. Most episodes seem like they'd be too specific to use.

Well, if you want to put something in the Middle East, there is the kingdom of Yetzanistan, which is a generic-Arab-desert-state-straight-out-of-a-30s-movie, but not actively attempting to be offensive (unlike, say, Carbombya in Transformers), there is a lost aztec city with some magical artifacts in Mexico... That's the kind of thing I was talking about. Stuff that could serve as plot hooks and such.
While we aint truly in a good planning stage, I figured it might be a good idea to see what is effectively "Locked In" and what some popular options for the remaining actions are

Locked In Actions:
Martial: Form a Black Ops Group (Technor, Juniper, Gomez)
Notes: Current most popular line up is Technor, Juniper, and Gomez for a versatile Heroball able to do any action type rather then a pure martial one. They would have the specializations All Rounder, Learning, Occult, and Martial and the Traits Insuffciently Analyzed Magic (Half of Learning +Half of Doofs Learning to Occult), Summoners Circuits (+10 to Summon Divinos), Combo Chicas (Add Occult to martial When Dance Battling, +15 to rolls involving Dancing), and Duet Act (If has a working relationship to another character, Able to assist providng a +10 to Martial or Occult, Currently just Wasabi and Technor). Issue with if all 3 add their martial or if just Juniper to this action which would dramatically change the results (From a Guaranteed to around 70%)

Diplomacy: Protect against Hats: Company Uniforms (Cruella)
Notes: Gotta protect against DOR-15, Cruella is a Fashion Designer, Maybe can make uniforms out of Dinosaur parts? Just kind of needs to happen

Stewardship: Fix Zootopia (Roddy)
Notes: Got to do this or get legal reprucission. Roddy has the best shot on it so he is doing it

Learning: Greco-Roman Terraforming (Lizzy or Wasabi)
Notes: Same with Zootopia, Lizzy I believe has the max she can without XP at 96% Success (She isn't a specialist so that 4% Crit Fail can't be removed), Wasabi is useful if we decide to do something else with her like hanging with Marco.

Occult: Search for Magical Individuals Online (Kitsune)
Note: With Gomez on Black ops we should get another Occult unit, and I don't know if Manmoth is as appetizing as recruiting a dedicated Occult hero.

Also Personalwise I think everyone is in agreement to get rid of Flubber Research and to talk to an Employee (Ludivine and Russ being the 2 big ones) as well as have Marco finish his Training
Now for the Actions I heard tossed around a bit.

Kermit the Frog is likely gonna attempt whichever one of these we choose, so no need to try and list potential heroes here with the action

Diplo Collab with Olympia:
Notes: Just an easy place to toss a Collab if we dont want to do an Intrigue or Stewardship one
Collaborate with the Government:
Notes: Starting a Collab with the feds, either Imagination Instatute or an action such as Negaduck or Wasteland. Negaduck is a good way to prepare for his arrival, Wasteland recovery is something we would be able to do really well with the stuff were getting from Zootopia as well.

Recruit Red Feather:
Notes: While i have doubts she is still recruitable, some people hope she is next turn and if she is she is a very good recruit we should probably nab.

Recruit Go Go Tomago:
Notes: Final Potential Action, this one is for if we decide to make Big Hero 3 as a Cape Team. Would probably have strong synergy if we do other actions in San Fransokyo that same turn; otherwise we can put her off a turn

Collab with Olympia: Diecaste Robotics (Moseby):
Notes: One of our best ways to get Diecaste is having Moseby work with Olympia which would benefit all future robotics actions

Collab with Olympia: An Easy Monogrammable action
Notes: If we want to just get it over with, and we have him avaliable, we can stick Monogram on this and focus on the other actions here. A Common Request is Split/Second if they are collabable, and some might want to put monogram on them even if they are not

Civilian AI (Alan):
Notes: Alan actually has the single highest success chance of any of our units on Civilian AI (even more then Wendy!), and it is an option that is better done sooner do to how it takes a few turns to benefit from fully. Has the risk of being Veto'd by DOR-15s revelations

Notes: Just if we want to try to help our franchise out

Intrigue is the only we have 2 in, making it the most flexible. We likely will be using either Mez, Russ, or Tobe on these, but they are somewhat interchangable.

Collab with Olympia:
Notes: We have 2 Intrigue Slots, if needed its the easiest to put something into.

Infiltrate Sycorax:
Notes: I'd Reccomend Tobe here, if only because Mez might be to at risk do to her nature as a super and Liv's plan targeting em. We know she is nplanning something massive, and Wendy has a good chance of being caught in the crossfire. Would also likely make an eventual buyout easier and steal some genetic tech. Likely Temporary.

Infiltrate Doomtown:
Notes: Probably Russ, helps us set up our Nemesis' Downfall. Lot more risky then Sycorax and also likely a lot more long term. We could also steal robotics research from em. I reccomend only doing 1 Infiltrate until we know more.

Shiva Codes:
Notes: We just got to do this eventually

Investigate the Underworld:
Notes: Cat Mafia, Lizzy and Stanly, Phantom Blot; our knowledge of the underworld has been lacking and this will let us keep better track of it

Weird San Fran Cult:
Notes: Bill Cult.

Cure Genetic Diseases (Jumba):
Notes: Xanatos has taken the lead here. Sad. breaks us into healthcare for when we do Silphium.

Large Meat Eater Exhibit (Jumba):
Notes: Shows Glomgold we still care about his Money

Triangulate (Wasabi/Lizzy/Alan):
Notes: if we want to continue to push for Drossel

ODI (No one):
Notes: Easy to do, but not immediate

Exotic Vehicles (Wasabi/Lizzy):
If We do Split/Second and Go Go this might have Synergy with the 2 for better rewards

All these actions are Janna Actions
Sort through Artefacts:
Notes: Could get her a Focus

Repair Avatar of Feldrake:
Notes: lets us Continue Feldrake World Tour

Gonna do some idle thoughts on what could be in the remaining space most likely. Though obviously some wiggle room just for franchise actions where I didn't mention them.

Diplo: Extremely open area. We have collab options if we're fishing for anti-Negaduck stuff (Government most likely if Olympia or Blot won't help), recruiting Gogo, or expanding into Japan are the main options of those we have revealed, franchise might shake this up. I'd like Lobby to be an option in terms of preparing it now when we have the space but I recognize that's somewhat unpopular.

Stewardship: The simple option is Moseby or Wasabi does the collab for Diecast to help both of our groups. But if Stewardship is looking to be backed and he's around, we can potentially do the Monogram plan of Diecast and Civialian. It mostly depends on how we weigh it vs ODI based on the recent text from the interlude.

Intrigue: So our main normal actions for this are cleanly Infiltrate Sycorax and Doofanian Underworld. Russ potentially returning throws a small wrench in this however. Since it likely opens up Murderous Toon since he'll bring evidence and might make Negaduck actually doable. Murderous Toon should wait imo just since Wile can get evidence from Acme to make it easier. If we have a collab or can secure one, we do Negaduck + 1 of Sycorax/Doofanian Underworld, otherwise we grab both this turn.

Learning: We probably should grab Dinos or Genetic Diseases for the 2nd. Just because they're both big and important actions that basically require specifically Jumba which makes them easier to back up. Genetics let's us get on it faster post Xanatos but we can't actually use any of the newly unlocked genetics actions for a bit action econ wise, which makes me think grabbing Dinos first is better just so we can keep constant attempts there. ODI we want to do but we either do it with Monogram this turn/next turn or with someone next turn normally spacing wise.

Occult: Repairing the Avatar > Sorting through artifacts for our second occult action. We want to keep Feldrake from being mad + continue the questline. On the whole its also more time sensitive.