This is the Disney+ Cruella right?

I can't remember, was she even at her animal fur obsession yet or just into heists and revenge?
Honestly, I kinda forget huge chunks of that movie that aren't her mom getting dropped kicked off a cliff. But I want to say no? If I recall, the basic plot of the movie was basically similar to the Halle Berry Catwoman movie.
This is the Disney+ Cruella right?

I can't remember, was she even at her animal fur obsession yet or just into heists and revenge?
The new movie Cruella doesn't have anything against dogs though she does wear faux fur at one point to make people think she kidnapped and skinned the Duchess' dogs to make a dress. (She did kidnap the dogs but had her friends look after them)
So max should have no problems then.

Will his bonus from interacting with young adults trigger? Cruella was pretty young in the movie as I recall.
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Okay, a couple questions that should be relevant to whether I try to make a plan or no.

Could Martin Smarty be used to shore up Olympia (if the current Council veto is somehow overcome)? Would he still work as a collaboration unit that adds stat to the roll?
Are heroes used to form the black ops heroball available for national actions this turn?

Apologies if any of these have been answered already, but I didn't see an answer.

Of the bunch of plans I've seen so far, I am inclined towards Star Hunt and A Quick Start, mainly because they both have Jumba poking the Fairy Book. This is one of the rare turns in which Jumba is available to make the attempt and while dinosaurs are in a bit of a time limit, so is the odd object, because somebody already has stolen from us (the ZPE technology) and I'd rather not wait one more turn only to discover that Artemis Fowl has stolen the book while we weren't looking.
Could Martin Smarty be used to shore up Olympia (if the current Council veto is somehow overcome)? Would he still work as a collaboration unit that adds stat to the roll?
Are heroes used to form the black ops heroball available for national actions this turn?
Smarty only wants to do corporate actions but don't know if he would be okay with that since its more of a charity thing
When the Black ops is formed the members are not available for personals and Nationals since they are considered to all be doing the Form the Black ops action
Getting a post going that collects all of the plans in one place so that we can compare and contrast them without having to open multiple tabs. Let me know if I missed any.
[ ] Plan: Tirelessly Wandering with Dinosaurs
-[ ] Rent out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Collaborate on an with Olympia
-[ ] Recruit from your rolodex (Max)
–[ ] Cruella
-[ ] Rebuild Sinatron (NOWCA)
-[ ] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Buy out a rival corporation
Choose One:
–[ ] Hopper Food Group - Fast food conglomerate with multiple smaller restaurants under their North American banner. (Moseby)
-[ ] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe)
-[ ] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Decode Odd Transmissions (TECHNOR)
-[ ] Search for Agent Unknown (Gomez)
-[ ] Repair the Avatar of Felldrake (Janna)

-[ ] Take a time management class
-[ ] Ask Mirage to let you practice lying
-[ ] Do some introspection about Norm
-[ ] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
Norm Prime:
-[ ] End your obsession with platypodes
Dennis the Duck:
-[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
-[ ] Work on excavation tech
-[ ] Spread Chaos
Alan Bradley:
-[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
-[ ] Organize your Workstation
-[ ] Meet your Coworkers
-[ ] Train with Macbeth
-[ ] Search for Star
[] Plan: Olympian Hunt
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Technor) [CoS 91%]
--[] [Diplomacy] Collaborate with Olympia (Doof & Goofy) [CoS 100%] [Mirage Deal 1/3]

--[] [Stewardship] Shore Up Olympia (Moseby) [CoS 54%] [Mirage Deal]
--[] [Stewardship] Buy out a rival corporation: Hopper Food Group (Roddy) [CoS 74%] [Mirage Deal 2/3]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Cure Genetic Diseases (Jumba) [CoS 81%] [Mirage Deal 3/3]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown (Gomez) [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Hang out with Winston
--[] Activate Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)
--[] Max (Job shadow Moseby)
[ ] Building the Brand (and the Bot!)
-[ ] Martial: Rent Out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex (Max)
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Expand into Foreign Markets (Technor)
--[ ] British Isles
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Major Monogram)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Shore up Olympia (Moseby)
--[ ] Accept Ludivine's deal
-[ ] Stewardship: Build Technor's Mech (Roddy Blair)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate a Hot Spot
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Repair the Avatar of Felldrake (Gomez)
-[ ] Occult: Search for Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Personal Attention (Root out high-level moles)
---[ ] Accept Bellewhether's Invitation
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] Polish off upgrades
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
--[ ] Tobe
---[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Wasabi
---[ ] Organize your workstation
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star
--[ ] Juniper
---[ ] Work with Technor
[ ] Plan: New Beginnings (Version VII)
-[ ] Martial: Rent Out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Collaborate With Olympia
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Moseby)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Stewardship: Rebuild Sinatron (Major Monogram)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate a Hot Spot
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Technor)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Basic Magic Theory (Gomez)
-[ ] Occult: Search for Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Ask Mirage to let you practice lying
---[ ] Take a time management class
---[ ] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
---[ ] Accept Bellewhether's Invitation
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] Polish off upgrades
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Max
---[ ] Play some video games
--[ ] Lizzy
---[ ] Write-in: Hang out with Kitsune
--[ ] Tobe
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Wasabi
---[ ] Organize your Workstation
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star
--[ ] Juniper
---[ ] Meet your coworkers

[] Plan: Star Hunt Part One
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Technor) [CoS 91%]
--[] [Diplomacy] Collaborate with Olympia (Doof & Goofy) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Stewardship] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Stewardship] Buy out a rival corporation: Hopper Food Group (Moseby) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Study weird object (Jumba) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown Gomez [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
--[] Activate Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)
--[] Max (Job shadow Moseby)
[] Plan: A Quick Start
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Max) [CoS ???]
--[] [Diplomacy] Form a Research Agreement with the Zaibatsu (Technor) [CoS 70%]

--[] [Stewardship] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Stewardship] Develop Civilian AI (Moseby) [CoS 61%]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Study weird object (Jumba) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzie) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown Gomez [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
--[] Activate an Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Dance Practice)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)
[ ] Plan: Heroballs, Norm, and Khan Studying History V2
-[ ] Martial: Form a Black Ops Squad
--[ ] Technor (Leader), Juniper, Gomez
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex (Max)
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Collaborate with Olympia (Nobody)
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Moseby)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Stewardship: Rebuild Sinatron (Major Monogram)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Infiltrate a Hotspot (Lizzy)
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Wasabi)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Basic Magic Theory (Tobe)
-[ ] Occult: Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Do some introspection about Norm
---[ ] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[ ] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
---[ ] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
--[ ] Genghis Khan
---[ ] Study history
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] End your obsession with platypodes
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star
[ ] All New, All Evil
-[ ] Martial: Reorganize your PMC (Khan) (XP?)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Mandate Company Dresscodes (Max)
-[ ] Stewardship: Rebuild Sinatron
-[ ] Stewardship: Clear the Name of Bonkers Bobcat (Moseby)
-[ ] Intrigue: Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Monogram)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Learning: Research Silphium
-[ ] Learning: Research exotic vehicles
-[ ] Occult: Repair the Avatar of Felldrake
-[ ] Occult: Basic Magic Theory
--[ ] Doof
---[ ]Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[ ] Chat with the Bossman
----[ ] Alan Bradley
----[ ] Max
----[ ] Goofy
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] End your obsession with platypodes
--[ ] Dennis the Duck
---[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
---[ ] Build giant robot arms
--[ ] Dr. Jumba Jookiba
---[ ] Work on New Man Project
--[ ] Queen Lizzy
---[ ] Work on excavation tech
--[ ] Wasabi
---[ ] Organize your Workstation
--[ ] Jupiter
---[ ] Meet your Coworkers
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Tobe
---[ ] Train the Vagabond Ninja
--[ ] Marco Diaz
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Rule the Underworld
--[ ] Gomez
---[ ] Toady Up
--[ ] Janna
---[ ] Study the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy
--[ ] Roddy Blair
---[ ] Design a Lair
----[ ] Jumba
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Here is the most up to date versions of the two plans that I think will benefit us the most. The first being more focus on Olympia while the second is more focus on the Dinosaurs/Fairy Book.

[] Plan: Olympian Hunt
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Technor) [CoS 91%]
--[] [Diplomacy] Collaborate with Olympia (Doof & Goofy) [CoS 100%] [Mirage Deal 1/3]

--[] [Stewardship] Shore Up Olympia (Moseby) [CoS 54%] [Mirage Deal]
--[] [Stewardship] Buy out a rival corporation: Hopper Food Group (Roddy) [CoS 74%] [Mirage Deal 2/3]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Cure Genetic Diseases (Jumba) [CoS 81%] [Mirage Deal 3/3]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown (Gomez) [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Hang out with Winston
--[] Activate Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)
--[] Max (Job shadow Moseby)

[] Plan: Star Hunt Part One
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Technor) [CoS 91%]
--[] [Diplomacy] Collaborate with Olympia (Doof & Goofy) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Stewardship] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Stewardship] Buy out a rival corporation: Hopper Food Group (Moseby) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Study weird object (Jumba) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown Gomez [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
--[] Activate Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers: Gomez)
--[] Kitsune (Visit Magical New York)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)
--[] Max (Job shadow Moseby)


I'm going to critique some of the plans from the list without trying to change the core identity of the plan, more about making minor but important tweaks. So that even if they win it won't be the end of the world.

[ ] Plan: Tirelessly Wandering with Dinosaurs
-[ ] Rent out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Collaborate on an with Olympia
-[ ] Recruit from your rolodex (Max)
–[ ] Cruella
-[ ] Rebuild Sinatron (NOWCA)
-[ ] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Buy out a rival corporation
Choose One:
–[ ] Hopper Food Group - Fast food conglomerate with multiple smaller restaurants under their North American banner. (Moseby)
-[ ] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe)
-[ ] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Decode Odd Transmissions (TECHNOR)
-[ ] Search for Agent Unknown (Gomez)
-[ ] Repair the Avatar of Felldrake (Janna)

-[ ] Take a time management class
-[ ] Ask Mirage to let you practice lying
-[ ] Do some introspection about Norm
-[ ] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
Norm Prime:
-[ ] End your obsession with platypodes
Dennis the Duck:
-[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
-[ ] Work on excavation tech
-[ ] Spread Chaos
Alan Bradley:
-[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
-[ ] Organize your Workstation
-[ ] Meet your Coworkers
-[ ] Train with Macbeth
-[ ] Search for Star

Suggested Changes:
  • Technor on Diplo
    • Max has a 67% chance of recruiting Cruella to Technor's 91%. After XP that's 77% and 100%. I don't want a 23% chance that we miss out on Cruella and have to attempt to recruit her again.
    • Lizzie is slightly better than Technor on the learning action and in combination with the above change, should fill that so Technor can do diplo.
    • Have Max job shadow Moseby with a write in personal
  • Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez". We are planning on putting her and Gomez on the BO team so if she already has a working relationship with both of them, and Technor wants a minion and Gomez wants to be a minion, then all 3 of them should be a well oiled machine! (Although Technor is already a well oiled machine)
  • How about swapping the intrigue training personal to chat with Coyote? I think we're better off chatting with the bossman as that personal has been buffed and the QMs have called us out for rarely using it, especially so for the members of our council. Even calling out that one specific hero of ours would respond really well to a chat. Plus they changed it so that we can do multiple chats per turn. I think that's a sign we should get started on our backlog of chats.

[ ] Building the Brand (and the Bot!)
-[ ] Martial: Rent Out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex (Max)
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Expand into Foreign Markets (Technor)
--[ ] British Isles
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Major Monogram)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Shore up Olympia (Moseby)
--[ ] Accept Ludivine's deal
-[ ] Stewardship: Build Technor's Mech (Roddy Blair)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate a Hot Spot
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzy)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Repair the Avatar of Felldrake (Gomez)
-[ ] Occult: Search for Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Personal Attention (Root out high-level moles)
---[ ] Accept Bellewhether's Invitation
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] Polish off upgrades
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
--[ ] Tobe
---[ ] Train with Maui Mallard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Wasabi
---[ ] Organize your workstation
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star
--[ ] Juniper
---[ ] Help out Gomez

Suggested Changes:

  • Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez" instead of "Help Out Gomez"
  • Why Norm "Polish off upgrades" ? Because Doof isn't taking his Norm Personal?
  • Don't expand to British Isles, that's where the Lionhearts are!

[] Plan: A Quick Start
-[] National Actions:

--[] [Martial] Rent out your PMC (Khan) [CoS 100%]

--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit Cruella De Vil (Max) [CoS ???]
--[] [Diplomacy] Form a Research Agreement with the Zaibatsu (Technor) [CoS 70%]

--[] [Stewardship] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Stewardship] Develop Civilian AI (Moseby) [CoS 61%]
--[] [Stewardship] Rebuild Sinatron (Monogram) [CoS 85%]

--[] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 58%]
--[] [Intrigue] Interrogate Michael Yagoobian (Tobe) [CoS 81%]

--[] [Learning] Study weird object (Jumba) [CoS 64%]
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Lizzie) [CoS 75%]

--[] [Occult] Basic Magic Theory (Janna) [CoS 86%]
--[] [Occult] Search for Agent Unknown Gomez [CoS 72%]

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
---[] Do some introspection about Norm
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
--[] Activate an Inator
--[] Norm (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)
--[] Alan (Transfer files off of DoofOS)
--[] Juniper (Dance Practice)
--[] Kitsune (Spread Chaos)
--[] Marco (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom (Search for Star)

Suggested Changes:
  • Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez"
  • I'd say Technor recruiting Cruella is more important than the Research Agreement.
[ ] Plan: New Beginnings (Version VII)
-[ ] Martial: Rent Out your PMC (Khan)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Collaborate With Olympia
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Moseby)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Stewardship: Rebuild Sinatron (Major Monogram)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate a Hot Spot
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Technor)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Basic Magic Theory (Gomez)
-[ ] Occult: Search for Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Ask Mirage to let you practice lying
---[ ] Take a time management class
---[ ] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
---[ ] Accept Bellewhether's Invitation
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] Polish off upgrades
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Max
---[ ] Play some video games
--[ ] Lizzy
---[ ] Write-in: Hang out with Kitsune
--[ ] Tobe
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Wasabi
---[ ] Organize your Workstation
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star
--[ ] Juniper
---[ ] Meet your coworkers

Suggested Changes:
  • We need someone to recruit Cruella. (see above)
  • Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez"
  • I think the Norm introspective + Chat with Bossman are more urgent than the Doof training personals at this time.

[ ] Plan: Heroballs, Norm, and Khan Studying History V2
-[ ] Martial: Form a Black Ops Squad
--[ ] Technor (Leader), Juniper, Gomez
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit from your Rolodex (Max)
--[ ] Cruella de Vil
-[ ] Diplomacy: Collaborate with Olympia (Nobody)
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out a Rival Corporation (Moseby)
--[ ] Hopper Food Group
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (Roddy)
-[ ] Stewardship: Rebuild Sinatron (Major Monogram)
-[ ] Intrigue: Root Out High-Level Moles (Mezmerella)
-[ ] Intrigue: Infiltrate a Hotspot (Lizzy)
--[ ] Zootopia
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Wasabi)
-[ ] Learning: Research Large Carnivore Domestication (Jumba)
-[ ] Occult: Basic Magic Theory (Tobe)
-[ ] Occult: Agent Unknown (Janna)
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Doof:
---[ ] Do some introspection about Norm
---[ ] Chat with the Bossman (Coyote)
---[ ] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer
---[ ] Accept Bellwether's Invitation
--[ ] Genghis Khan
---[ ] Study history
--[ ] Norm Prime
---[ ] End your obsession with platypodes
--[ ] Dennis
---[ ] Train with Maui Malard
--[ ] Kitsune
---[ ] Spread Chaos
--[ ] Alan Bradley
---[ ] Transfer files off of DoofOS
--[ ] Marco
---[ ] Train with Macbeth
--[ ] Tom
---[ ] Search for Star

Suggested Changes:
  • Maybe take Lizzy off of Zootopia (we have 65% without XP heroless) to do Transmissions so Wasabi can finish his desk personal?
Last edited:

Suggested Changes:

  • Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez" instead of "Help Out Gomez"
  • Why Norm "Polish off upgrades" ? Because Doof isn't taking his Norm Personal?
  • Don't expand to British Isles, that's where the Lionhearts are!

Since my plan has Gomez rebuilding the Avatar I think it makes sense for her to help, she piloted it before. And the Lionhearts are the future! They're an easy to assemble, smaller heroball with good teamwork, great martial and a sabotage specialty, just a perfect second heroball to back up our Black Ops and pretty usefully individually in the meantime too.

Plus, you know, it lets us expand our brand internationally. As a secondary bonus.
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Juniper personal, how about "Meet your Coworkers: Gomez". We are planning on putting her and Gomez on the BO team so if she already has a working relationship with both of them, and Technor wants a minion and Gomez wants to be a minion, then all 3 of them should be a well oiled machine! (Although Technor is already a well oiled machine)
I'd say let Juniper meet Lizzy in hopes that Lizzy can make a second friend, but apparently the writing's on the wall for sacrificing our only reliable Occult unit (and the Heroball's Martial capabilities) for a trait that gives +3 on quests.
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@Arathnorn Random question I know, but ballpark, what would the occult DC be for "Develop Magical Widgets." Stuff like cauldron mixers, bookends fit for magical tomes, etc
So, this is probably not going to be super relevant, but I'm confused as to why several plans are putting Janna on magical theory and Gomez on the search. Not sure about the exact numbers, but from a pure story and character standpoint, I very much think that Gomez, as a scientist and researcher, would be a good fit for the research option, while Janna, a teenager whose interest in the occult only barely overrides her disinterest in studying, would not. Personally, I am firmly of the opinion that we are much more likely to get better results from our numbers if we take this kind of thing into account.
So, this is probably not going to be super relevant, but I'm confused as to why several plans are putting Janna on magical theory and Gomez on the search. Not sure about the exact numbers, but from a pure story and character standpoint, I very much think that Gomez, as a scientist and researcher, would be a good fit for the research option, while Janna, a teenager whose interest in the occult only barely overrides her disinterest in studying, would not. Personally, I am firmly of the opinion that we are much more likely to get better results from our numbers if we take this kind of thing into account.

Summoning stuff from the beyond is Gomez' whole deal and Janna has a trait that provides bonification to learning about the supernatural.
So, this is probably not going to be super relevant, but I'm confused as to why several plans are putting Janna on magical theory and Gomez on the search. Not sure about the exact numbers, but from a pure story and character standpoint, I very much think that Gomez, as a scientist and researcher, would be a good fit for the research option, while Janna, a teenager whose interest in the occult only barely overrides her disinterest in studying, would not. Personally, I am firmly of the opinion that we are much more likely to get better results from our numbers if we take this kind of thing into account.
Janna has a trait that gives her a 1/6 chance (roughly a 17% chance) of just not doing the action we assign her and doing something else instead.
Janna has a trait that gives her a 1/6 chance (roughly a 17% chance) of just not doing the action we assign her and doing something else instead.
Non-Practicing Practitioner: Janna has a breadth of knowledge about the occult but also, ultimately, basically no experience using it. She has +5 to rolls made to learn more about supernatural subjects, but also cannot take any Occult actions that require her to cast a spell or otherwise manipulate magic herself.
key here is "rolls made to learn more about supernatural subjects"
key here is "rolls made to learn more about supernatural subjects"
That isn't the trait.
I Got a Little Bored, so I Tried Something New: Janna is not exactly easily distracted, but she rarely chooses to bash her head against something that does not hold her interest. When Janna is assigned to a National Action, roll 1d6. On a 6, Janna does not complete the action as it proves insufficiently engaging for her. Instead, she approaches DEI's problems from a different angle. If the action would not have been a critical failure, a random Occult action in your action pool has its DC reduced by 10. If the action would have been a crit failure, a random Occult action in your action pool increases its DC by 15 instead.
Ah, thanks. Totally forgot Non-Practicing Practitioner gave Janna a bonus to learning about the occult, and that it implies that Janna is less likely to lose interest. Not that I think she's especially likely to get bored with trying to summon Agent Unknown, but I suppose it's arguably a bit more likely.
Ah, thanks. Totally forgot Non-Practicing Practitioner gave Janna a bonus to learning about the occult, and that it implies that Janna is less likely to lose interest. Not that I think she's especially likely to get bored with trying to summon Agent Unknown, but I suppose it's arguably a bit more likely.
You could make the argument that while gomez has better numbers, he's better as a researcher, but Janna also has a trait for research (at least magic research), so it balances out while still allowing us to use the better numbers on the more critical action.
Remember to @ Arathnorn for questions.

Honestly didn't know that this was how it went.


Same questions as above.

What would be the DC of organizing a publicity campaign against the Helper Hats?

Supposing that we went with that, would it count as enough of a PR attack for Kitsune-under-Goblin Fox to take the action?

Additional question: Are we limited to a single recruit from rolodex action per turn?
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In point of fact, Juniper has already met Gomez. Nothing particularly interesting happened, as far as them interacting goes, and I don't really see any particular reason to expect that to change if we push it. For that matter, it's arguable that specifying she "meet" Gomez is no longer a viable action.

@Arathnorn, would you care to weigh in on that?