Well, Russ is probably going to have his plate full for a bit, on account of needing therapy with Technor, therapeutic time with Toons, and/or therapeutic fights with his nemesis. It might be a bit before we get another chance to spy on Doom. Additionally, we're not doing a lot with our Martial actions, so escalating the conflict doesn't sound too bad to me.
Even if we leave the weasel, it doesn't guarantee that Doom won't suspect us. He's aware that we knew that Hawks was working for him, so he knows we have reason to be suspicious of the official story and poke around the crime scene.

Plus, he hates us and probably blames us occasionally for stuff we didn't do.
I just realized. When Russ stepped into the elevator, he reenacted the death of Alonso Hawk. The banana peel, the increased pain despite the short fall, the piano, Doom... Russ wasn't just watching how Hawk died. In that moment, he was Alonso Hawk. And he died.

That's... terrifying. 😨
"I think I just head who triggered the alarm, boys. Follow me!"

Well if our team heard this then it makes doom look even more guilty of murder.

Hawk wasn't killed in a abandoned hotel he was killed in a place they were monitoring and had alarms set up in. Meaning they knew he was there when he was killed.

Unless they want to claim they set up alarms in response to the murder which is kinda ridiculous.
Well if our team heard this then it makes doom look even more guilty of murder.

Hawk wasn't killed in a abandoned hotel he was killed in a place they were monitoring and had alarms set up in. Meaning they knew he was there when he was killed.

Unless they want to claim they set up alarms in response to the murder which is kinda ridiculous.
Not really? It's a former crime scene, and even if it weren't lots of abandoned buildings have alarms to prevent looters/scrappers.
Not really? It's a former crime scene, and even if it weren't lots of abandoned buildings have alarms to prevent looters/scrappers.
Yeah, but if an alarm goes off for an abandoned building, why send the Cogs and a Weasel? Seems a bit extreme. Why not just send the cops? They can quickly go in, assess the situation, and if it's a bunch of looters, they can just chase them off and/or arrest them. If it's a wanted Toon (like now), then calling in the Cogs makes sense. But this? This is a bit too gun-ho for it to not be suspicious
Imagine having the most annoying archetype of Toon named after you. No wonder Scrappy went villain in the live-action movie.
Is that sympathy for Scrappy I detect? He deserved everything he got and more. Even the writers regret his existence.

We might be able to save Bonkers from that, at least in the quest, no saving the actual one.
The funny thing about Scrappy was that he actually did increase the ratings at the beginning and was received pretty well. He was created to save the show from cancellation and he did that.

It just went all downhill after that.
I honestly feel sorry for Scrappy. I haven't seen that much of him, but I remember finding him entertaining. Probably didn't see enough of him to get annoyed. In any case, Scrappy isn't a bad character, he's just a victim of poor character management. Thus, the feelings of sympathy
I'm leaning towards not kidnapping him because I wouldn't want to give Doom an opening to investigate/spin against us yet, especially as we're already backed up.

Plus, Russ is off his game and needs time to center himself before he will be ready for the shadow war between Doof and Doom to heat up again.
I wonder if Kat insults Blot's sensibilities?

As far as taking the weasel... he can basically confirm that Doom's a toon, right? Since he's probably aware that Doom was the one to take out Hawk, not to mention other things he may have picked up on (if not outright being aware that Doom is a toon).

Plus, the narrative's with us on this one, isn't it? The whole "bad guy interrogation scene that leads to the crime being solved"?
While we're talking about narrative, how about "bad guy interrogation that goes well until group infighting lets him escape and ruins everything"?

Oh, you don't like that one because that means we lose, right?

That's why your argument of "the narrative is with us!!!" is not credible.
Jeez, man, chill. He's just listing his reasons. That doesn't mean you have to like them, you just have to give them some respect
Turn 1 we failed
Turn 2 we bared failed, but the inator meant it turned into a crit fail, and the reroll was worse than the first one.
Turn 3 we failed again.
So DoofOS basically represents 60% of all Stewardship National failures in the quest so far. Not gonna lie, that's not encouraging.

Anyways, as to the weasel, I wouldn't take it. As far as I know, weasels are just generic minions of Doom's, not actually a hero-unit rated to know anything interesting.
"I know what a man looks like when he breaks." Mirage quietly tells you. "You can't do this right now. Let them."
Well done, Mirage. Good job keeping Russ from breaking things. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if being able to help here will be good for Mirage's own set of issues.
Hmm. The instance I can think of where Mirage would have seen a man break would be when Mr. Incredible heard Syndrome take down Helen's jet. Is this a clue that that still happened here?

As to the weasel, I kinda doubt he'll know anything, but I still think it's worth taking him. One, even though I doubt Doom would let this guy know much, he also seems like the type to maybe know more than he should. Two, Doom only finds out about this if the weasel escapes, and while that is a risk (he is a weasel, after all), we do have one of the most effective toon-proof prisons we know of. Three, even if he escapes, he'd actually have to report back to Doom, who conveniently is the kind of boss he might not want to report back to if he gets out from under his thumb. Four, even if Doom does find out, we should be able to deal with it. And I'd rather test our defenses against Doom than Toffee.