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Clarification from the discord:
A good analysis of our options (not from a QM) I saw on the discord:
12 hour moratorium should be over now:
[X] Leave before the weasel wakes up
Because the weasel is part of the Toon Patrol, a big part of why toons get dipped and an effective accessory to murder, Russ is infact willing to detain him long term rather than just for questioning.
The risk is whether we are capable of interrogating him successfully, capturing him and bringing him back to Doofania without discovery, and in the long-run if he escapes.
A good analysis of our options (not from a QM) I saw on the discord:
The draw of not capturing the weasel is that Doom doesn't know that we are the ones poking around the tower and if he knew he would probably do something either to bury the proof even more or to do something to discredit us (probably around the fact we are saving murder suspect Bonkers).
The draw of capturing the weasel is extra info on Doom either his plans or new leads in the investigation (if he knows for example that the weasels didn't commit the murder or that Doom doesn't have on his payroll any other toon that would commit the murder it would help to move it along)
12 hour moratorium should be over now:
[X] Leave before the weasel wakes up
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