Two, Doom only finds out about this if the weasel escapes, and while that is a risk (he is a weasel, after all), we do have one of the most effective toon-proof prisons we know of.
Russ isn't going to be party to a permanent kidnapping. All this effectively is is taking the weasel somewhere else to be interrogated, and then letting him go.
Not out of the question we could keep the weasel from going back to Doom, though. Point out that the last person who failed Doom got squished with a piano and he might reconsider reporting back that he was captured and interrogated. Maybe have Doof arrange for an all-expenses-paid vacation to somewhere far away from Doom.
Jeez, man, chill. He's just listing his reasons. That doesn't mean you have to like them, you just have to give them some respect
I deleted the post before I noticed that you had quoted it because I realized I didn't really care about pointing out the hole in his argument in an entertaining way, but I do feel the need to respond to your holier-than-thou grandstanding.

First, wasn't angry. But asserting someone's emotional state in order to discredit their argument without needing to use logic is an unfortunately effective tactic. In order to help you better understand people, I was being sarcastic.

Second, we've been told countless times to not think we can just abuse narrative stuff as a guaranteed win. Making light of yet another attempt by someone to do this by flipping it around in an entertaining way is completely fair game - it's even done by the QMs themselves sometimes after they get asked for the thousandth time about what would happen if we try to abuse the Toonforce.

Third, respect is earned, not given. But even so, I didn't say his argument was dumb, nor did I make fun of him. I simply stated that I didn't view it as credible and demonstrated why.

To conclude, I too was just "listing my reasons". If you didn't like the comparison I made, why not respond with a counter-argument instead?
Alright, this vote seems like it will have more long-term impact compared to the others.

Do we want to press this investigation as far as we can now, potentially using the initiative but losing discretion, and opening ourselves up for a counter-attack? Or do we want to play it safer and follow other leads in the investigation?
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I'm against taking the weasel for one reason and one reason only, part of this was to get Bonkers out of here before he gets caught. I don't want to Doom knowing that we busted Bonkers out of LA, as long as Bonkers is still on the lamb the case is still open after all, might as well keep him and Cleaver looking in all the wrong places.
Speaking of Weasels isn't one still imprisoned in our jail?
Yes, they however are guilty of a crime and have thus earned their spot in jail.

Not out of the question we could keep the weasel from going back to Doom, though. Point out that the last person who failed Doom got squished with a piano and he might reconsider reporting back that he was captured and interrogated. Maybe have Doof arrange for an all-expenses-paid vacation to somewhere far away from Doom.

I am currently on the side of "let's leave him" but this seems like a pretty interesting argument. Not sure how well we could trust or sway a toon that has been allied with Doom all this time though.
"Oh just you watch this mistah soopah spy." Ludivine says, before marching up to the door and looking at Coyote. "You know 'Come In?'"

"Uuugh." Coyote moans. "I despise doing 'Come In'. Can't you do it yourself?"

"My old self meybbe, but not me. Eet needs a fahlsetto."

Coyote sighs. "Fine. Ahem-hem: Oh yoo-hooo!" Coyote cries out in a much higher register. "Come iiiiiin~. The door is open!"

Huh, so Wile and Ludivine were actually able to work together perfectly fine. Russ's fears were unfounded.

Martial Check: Come In
94+97+14+25+15+20(irresistible gag)=265
Opposed Martial Check:
Inconceivable Critical Success!

jesus fucking christ double exploding crits.

"Wow!" Bonkers declares, practically in awe. "That was an amazing performance! I wish I could do somethin' like that, instead 'a just getting in the way."

"Are you joking?" Coyote replied. "That was a perfectly executed subversion of stealth success into screwball antics back there. Textbook."

See! He gets it.

Is that sympathy for Scrappy I detect? He deserved everything he got and more. Even the writers regret his existence.

We might be able to save Bonkers from that, at least in the quest, no saving the actual one.

Oh come on, Scrappy was honest to god not that bad. The problem was everything else.
The funny thing about Scrappy was that he actually did increase the ratings at the beginning and was received pretty well. He was created to save the show from cancellation and he did that.

It just went all downhill after that.

Which wasn't his fault.

Scrappy Doo was a simple solution to a simple problem. Most of the people who watched Scooby Doo did so mostly to see Scooby and Shaggy shenanigans, but the entire joke was that they didn't want to get involved in shenanigans, and every single gag to force them to do so had long run its course by that point. Scrappy was devised as the eternal third man to their comedy act - the person who gets them involved, so that they have to continue their silliness onscreen alongside the mysteries. And it worked! People were happy with it.

The problem is that after this success they followed it up by removing every character except those three, and giving all other roles to Scrappy. That's a massive fucking issue because Scrappy was clearly never designed to do those roles, and while people were mostly there for the shenanigans, it was meant to be the B plot to the general A plot of the actual goddamn mystery, which the other three would be working towards solving. Thus did the show fall into even more irrelevancy, which also led to gimmicks, many of which were significantly worse than Scrappy (like, if we want to talk about actually fucking unbearable Scooby characters, Scooby Dum and Flim Flam come to mind before early Scrappy does.).
(like, if we want to talk about actually fucking unbearable Scooby characters, Scooby Dum and Flim Flam come to mind before early Scrappy does.).
Okay, I gotta ask. What the hell is wrong with Flim Flam? I saw 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo where he was one of the main characters (along with Scrappy, which, I gotta say, was one of his better performances) and I liked him. What's so bad about him?
I'd like to clarify something about the interlude- "capturing" the weasel would entail interrogating him before returning back home, he would be risking the possibility of escape.
If he complains we can always claim the weasel was arrested on a mission of corporate espionage.

It's Technically Correct!

Only VERY technically, since *we* are the ones doing the espionage.

So I dunno how well that one would float

Additional con: we only have one hero slot left, so hiring him would mean passing up anyone else we would otherwise get a shot at until we either fire people or take the action to get us more slots.

Which we might wanna do asap just to be on the safe side...then again, we might "lose" LOVEMUFFIN this turn because of their gigantic, ego-fueled fuck-up.

Rolling above 90 gives us a re-roll. Then the re-roll was above 90, giving us a second re-roll.

In short, the dice chose the exact right time to explode.

Oh wow, Bonkers is a Scrappy Doo. That's hilarious, and kinda sad.
Imagine having the most annoying archetype of Toon named after you. No wonder Scrappy went villain in the live-action movie.

When did that happen?

Anyway, The Scrappy actually *isn´t* the worst archetype Bonkers could be - that would be The Wesley Crusher Creator´s Pet (heck, even the guy who played Wesley HATED his guts)

News from Discord. MiH said the Cogs were all destroyed. We can't take 'em.

So, no opportunity to bag some new tech and the only place we get to know it at first is AGAIN the Discord not everyone is/can be privy to...pretty sure I mentioned that exact reason for my dislike for keeping info to Discord already, guys.

I just realized. When Russ stepped into the elevator, he reenacted the death of Alonso Hawk. The banana peel, the increased pain despite the short fall, the piano, Doom... Russ wasn't just watching how Hawk died. In that moment, he was Alonso Hawk. And he died.

That's... terrifying. 😨

And he was "killed" by the kind of people he trusts instinctively outta some well-meaning positive discrimination...yeah, he definitely needs the coming turn for the whole nine yards of therapuetic R&R.

Yes, they however are guilty of a crime and have thus earned their spot in jail.

What even are the charges "we" put him in jail under?

He didn´t *actually* try to kill us, for one - he "only" staged an assassination with explicitly "harmless" Toon props in the hopes of making us cave in on the matter of our Toon-friendly stance.

Scrappy Doo was a simple solution to a simple problem. Most of the people who watched Scooby Doo did so mostly to see Scooby and Shaggy shenanigans, but the entire joke was that they didn't want to get involved in shenanigans, and every single gag to force them to do so had long run its course by that point. Scrappy was devised as the eternal third man to their comedy act - the person who gets them involved, so that they have to continue their silliness onscreen alongside the mysteries. And it worked! People were happy with it.

The problem is that after this success they followed it up by removing every character except those three, and giving all other roles to Scrappy. That's a massive fucking issue because Scrappy was clearly never designed to do those roles, and while people were mostly there for the shenanigans, it was meant to be the B plot to the general A plot of the actual goddamn mystery, which the other three would be working towards solving. Thus did the show fall into even more irrelevancy, which also led to gimmicks, many of which were significantly worse than Scrappy (like, if we want to talk about actually fucking unbearable Scooby characters, Scooby Dum and Flim Flam come to mind before early Scrappy does.).

So in essence, Scrappy did work just fine in his original function, but the writers then got it onto their heads to have him work as *everyone else who wasn´t either Shaggy or Scooby*, which made him just unbereably omni-present?

That sucks
He didn´t *actually* try to kill us, for one - he "only" staged an assassination with explicitly "harmless" Toon props in the hopes of making us cave in on the matter of our Toon-friendly stance.
That's assault. Convincing someone that you're attacking them is assault. The most common way to do that is to in fact be attacking them, but it's not required.
So in essence, Scrappy did work just fine in his original function, but the writers then got it onto their heads to have him work as *everyone else who wasn´t either Shaggy or Scooby*, which made him just unbereably omni-present?

That sucks

Essentially, yes.
That's assault. Convincing someone that you're attacking them is assault. The most common way to do that is to in fact be attacking them, but it's not required.

In German law, it could also/alternatively qualify as "Vortäuschen einer Straftat" (*pretending that a crime has been/was being commited*, roughly speaking), which in itself is a crime or at least a felony...yeah, German law can get circular like that.

...That´s just *horrid* writing and one of the most sure ways of getting a Mary Sue (and trust me, I am speaking from personal experience)
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It should be noted that even before he became omnipresent, Scrappy's literal purpose was to be obnoxiously overconfident and constantly getting the others into trouble so that plot could happen. And he was never hated by other characters or saw any consequences or grew at all. He just kept getting away with causing problems. That is the root of the problem, if you ask me.
It should be noted that even before he became omnipresent, Scrappy's literal purpose was to be obnoxiously overconfident and constantly getting the others into trouble so that plot could happen. And he was never hated by other characters or saw any consequences or grew at all. He just kept getting away with causing problems. That is the root of the problem, if you ask me.

Not saying that His starting concept of "being an annoying And yappy small Dog that geht's Others into Trouble to get the Plot rolling" isnt a hard Thing to Well, Just that Scrappy at least worked in that narrow niche And that him becoming omnipresent Made the underlying Problems of His Charakter inescapably apparent And Bad.
Of the two options I think I will vote to leave before the weasel wakes up.

We have currently gotten 3~4 things out of this investigation:
- The killer is 100% a toon (we still don't know that Doom is a toon)
- A serial code for the weapon
- A mental breakdown for Russ
- We haven't been seen yet

While we might be able to get some information from the weasel (as a blue sky suggestion maybe info into Doom's next big plan or confirmation that the weasels weren't the killers) for me the risk specially to Bonkers is too high and the rewards not high enough.

For me the best option would be if we manage to deal with Doom legally (aka put him in a position were the only way out is a show of force he doesn't have) and to do that we need time to gather proof and that would be much harder with Doom knowing what we are doing. If we managed to get away now Doom would only know that someone entered the tower but not who.

We need time for Russ to be in a more stable state (maybe not back to 100% but at least in condition to work) , to put Bonkers in a place were he could be safe (since he is Doom's scapegoat) and to follow the leads we have gained.
For me the best option would be if we manage to deal with Doom legally (aka put him in a position were the only way out is a show of force he doesn't have) and to do that we need time to gather proof and that would be much harder with Doom knowing what we are doing. If we managed to get away now Doom would only know that someone entered the tower but not who.

We need time for Russ to be in a more stable state (maybe not back to 100% but at least in condition to work) , to put Bonkers in a place were he could be safe (since he is Doom's scapegoat) and to follow the leads we have gained.

Problem is that without actual and airtight proof of Doom being invloved in a cover-up here, we don´t really have any legal ground to stand on against him.

Not only are we only some whacko who decided to dabble in philanthropic matters on the side compared to Doom being the respected (or at least feared) mayor of a major political and economic hub, right now the Feds still see us as a ticking time-bomb and loose cannon their main liaison with is under suspicions of being compromised - meaning that they are liable to take Dooms side over ours without serious prompting.

David might have been able to handle that legal battle with his nigh-unblemished public exterior and political clout within D. C. itself, but we are in no real position there at the moment.

So, unless things go really well for us in this quest/really bad for Doom this turn, I don´t think that we can risk that one-two punch just yet - as much as it does pain me to see this fucking rivalry drag on even longer.

But speaking of David, for next turn I once again would say that we should Open Ties with Magical NYC in order to gives them another King as indirect ally and in that process taking away some of the heat Xanatos is surely facing from the likes of the fucking Huntsclan - as our closest King-tier ally, I want him at his best and as benevolent towards us as possible for the endgame.

Aside from that and for similar reason, we should also get to the table with the Feds via a Government Contract as well - the less them, we and David are busy crashing into each other needlessly, the better the US as a whole will fair against actual threats like Toffee, Bill, DOR15 and others.

So yeah, next turn Russ is getting pampered to get back on track ASAP while we are trying to get into the good graces of the movers and shakers at the East Coast.
We already have enough info about the killer, there's no need to heat up our fight with Doom or to take a risk by taking the weasel.
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Problem is that without actual and airtight proof of Doom being invloved in a cover-up here, we don´t really have any legal ground to stand on against him.
I fully agree on that, its just that for me we have a better chance of starting to build a case if Doom doesn't know what we are doing (it would probably take multiple turns of good rolls to get a result from this line).

I also agree with reaching out to the feds and MNY, my current plan for next turn has Goofy for the feds (our current best Diplomat and considering we will probably try to collaborate on the Imagination Institute it makes sense) and Kitsune on MNY being our best hero with both Diplomacy and Occult (and also MNY might open new occult stuff and we are short on that)
Wonder if Doom is susceptible to Toon baiting tactics?
I mean if I remember the source material we saw him start the shave and a haircut, and then wait for Toons to respond but would he himself be compelled to finish it if somebody else starts it, maybe if we stack several Toon baits at the same time
Before it was mentioned that we have only 1 free space for heroes (2 if at the end of the turn lOVERMURFIN ends up being eliminated) I do not think it is worth risking that then we will leave to recruit an incredible hero and we cannot, in the next turn we would have to try to expand this
and the only place we get to know it at first is AGAIN the Discord not everyone is/can be privy to...pretty sure I mentioned that exact reason for my dislike for keeping info to Discord already, guys.
To be fair, it's explicitly mentioned in the text that the cogs exploded without a trace.

As one the robot's heads begin to spark, spin, and splutter until one after another they explode, leaving the hallway empty and you alone with a very dazed weasel.
Is there such thing as Toon therapy? Because this guy needs it.

Pretty Sure that once the Quest ends, one of our striketeam could Just Hand Bonkers Technors Numbers And Addresse, so that the poor Guy can have someone to Help working through His issued.

Sure, Toons arent quite Within Technors Professional "comfort Zone", but by now our "Head shrink" should have learned enough about how Toons Tick via Personal Work experience to fill in the gaps at least somewhat. Additionally, since DEI turf is explicitly Toon-friendly And has more "humane" was of dealing with Toon "criminals" than simply Dipping them, Bonkers should BE at least somewhat Safe for the time being.

Lets Just slip Bonkers Technors contact Data And secretly get him onto Doofanian soil before "apprehending him AS escaped criminal" And Putting him into another one of our Animation Cells for safekeeping.

That way He remains Safe from Doom while still "facing proper judgement for His crimes", which will reflect positively on our Genuine And humane adherence to legal Procedere and yet will spit in Rooms face all the Same.
Hm, a bit off topic, but the talk about Technorizing Russ reminded me, Technor has got to be bit bored of psychoanalysis right? I mean, he certainly enjoys the fact that Doof appreciates his ability, but he probably wants to do other stuff, right? How in a couple of turns we have Technor start on his robot? While having Lee Custom Design at the same time so it will hopefully speed up the process?

Of course the LOVEMUFFIN interlude might change things. Given that Technor rolled a three of all things.
Update From Discord:

Nystical — Today at 10:07 AM
"I'd like to clarify something about the interlude- "capturing" the weasel would entail interrogating him before returning back home, he would be risking the possibility of escape."
So the risk is that he might escape, instead of he might recognize us?
Or is he might recognize us guaranteed, than either we succeed and release him or fail and he escapes
Arathnorn — Today at 10:14 AM
Cmoon jumped the gun a bit on russ' characterization. He probably would be willing to detain an accessory to murder for a significant length of time. The risk is that the weasel then escapes at some point, either before or after you get him back to doofania.
C-Moon — Today at 10:15 AM
Yup, I misinterpreted what was happening.
MrHobbit1234 — Today at 10:16 AM
do we know that the Weasel is an accessory to murder?
Arathnorn — Today at 10:17 AM
The weasels are the Toon Patrol that Russ mentioned in his report he gave you waaaaay back when he visited doomtown for the first time.
He is aware of what they do for a living and how they do it.
They may not dip anyone themselves, but they are quite happy to aid and abett on multiple trumped up charges.
Basically any time Doom has something he needs doing that the LAPD might balk at or that he doesnt want on the record, he calls for the weasels.
Nystical — Today at 10:19 AM
Ah so we can detain him for an extended time, but if he escapes then the war with us becomes Doom's primary focus again
argonlyzard — Today at 10:19 AM
Thanks for the clarification, so that makes the situation a choice in between getting extra info from the weasel vs risking them escaping while getting to Doofania or after that
Arathnorn — Today at 10:19 AM
Yes. I'd further clarify in thread but i am on mobile at the moment.
Stratagemini — Today at 10:20 AM
Glad my Read on Russ' Character was right. I didn't wanna call you guys our on it cause, you know. But It definitely felt weird that Russ wouldn't detain people who are basically the toon gestapo.
Arathnorn — Today at 10:21 AM
Russ is a very nice FBI agent, but hes still an FBI agent
C-Moon — Today at 10:21 AM
That was my bad, Ara did 95% of the work on that interlude and I misinterpreted what was happening.

So if we take him with us, We're keeping him imprisoned. But the risk is that he might escape.