If we can't shove Felldrake into an organic body that at least shares his species, I doubt we could put him or another disembodied soul in a inorganic body that is completely different structurally and metaphysically to what they used to have.
I think you're misidentifying the problem there.

Feldrake obviously knows how to make sure his spirit occupies an unliving object, since he has already accomplished that feat. Presumably if he had adequate opportunity and resources he could somehow transfer himself into a body- indeed, I seem to recall that his long range schemes involve exactly that in canon.

The fact that Feldrake even asked "can you clone me a body" suggests that Feldrake could be transferred into one... if we could clone one in the first place.

Which we cannot.
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[ ] Talk Fast
She never elaborates, but Janna regularly insists she 'knows a guy'. Maybe she has the magic words?

Well, she has learned many magic words at least. Of course, I foresee our failures compounding into the call to Doofenshmirtz later, so this might snowball into them bringing the overheard missile launchers out.
Magic words...

Is it lowkey just gonna be Janna "Chicken Butt"ing a guard?
Oh yeah, I wanted to make a quick n short n sweet list of potential Doppelbots to make!

Choose wisely, it's unlikely the QMs will keep letting us pull Herobots out of our hat every two turns.

Jack Sparrow (Added by Compiler)
Source Material: Pirates of the Caribbean
Description: A powerful wild-card of a character, Jack Sparrow's escapades went down in legend. And so, just like Khan, we'll just kinda... Bring him back!
Pros: Wild, dumb lucky, absolutely confounding to all opposing parties, Tobe's Nemesis
Cons: Wild, sometimes isn't the right kind of lucky, Tobe's Nemesis

Mr. Rodgers (Compiler's Favorite)
Source Material: Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood
King class Diplomacy and a truly delightful personality, a necessity in these dark times.
Pros: Diplomacy Stat = YES. A champion of equality in all its forms.
Cons: Hego's apprehension towards EEEVVVIIILLL but worse. Martial of NO.

T1800 Arnold Schwarzenegger
Source Material: Terminator
Hasta la vista, baby.
Pros: Martial = Yes. A robot who will settle into their form quickly, and kick all of the asses.
Cons: Skynet. May not live up to expectations.

Celena The Shy (Compiler's Bad Good Idea)
Source Material: Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
She needs friends, did you see how amazed she was we summoned her again? Bring her back and shove her in a robo-body!
Pros: Adorable. Jannadice. Instant Prophecies.
Cons: Too adorable. Jannadice. Prophecy Paranoia.

Wendy Wower (Added by KA$H)
Source: BH6, The Animation
"I'm sorry. You want me to code my own AI based off myself?
And you thought I'd say NO?"
Pros: A phenomenal first step with a very willing candidate. Imagine how excited she'd be!
Cons: More likely to be absorbed into Meat!Wendy's statline than be an individual unit.

The King, Elvis (Added by KA$H)
Source Material: Public Access
"Thank you very much."
Pros: Diplomacy, suprising Martial, musical accompaniment, Jumba Loyalty, Dennis Loyalty ("Sir! You have your own sandwich!" "That's right kid, now gimme an Elvis!" "Sir yes sir!"), GalFed Relations
Cons: Liable to be absorbed into Jumba's statline, GalFed Relations
Don't forget Doof himself, for multiple reasons including body doubles, potentially increased action economy, references to Dr. Doom, and musical numbers co-starring himself.
Oh yeah, I wanted to make a quick n short n sweet list of potential Doppelbots to make!
Pros: prior experience, copying someone who's cooperating is easier (also applies to my other suggestions).
Cons: might have compatibility issues with a non-toon body, prior experience might tell her this is a bad idea

Pros: more Janna
Cons: more Janna

Pros: more Mirage
Cons: none

Genghis Khan
Pros: 100% more Khan
Cons: Khans
"You wouldn't tell me where you were going." Lizzy said, again in her usual monotone. She was dressed in a black dress that somewhat resembled a normal person's outfit, but she still had her control helmet, which she as usual refused to leave behind. At least she was carrying and not wearing it. "The last time someone wouldn't tell me where they were going they didn't come back."

I thought we'd already established Steven Universe wasn't canon to this quest? Why is Rose Quartz going around abandoning people
The inator doesn't take effect until next turn anyway.

Statwise I think it Goes

Diplo: 6 + 17(Tom Diplo) -5(Lizzy trait) -1(Tom loyalty) = 17
Intrigue: 22 + 17(Lizzy intrigue) + 1 = 40
Occult: 25 + 22 - 2 = 45

As funny as trying to fast talk them would be, I think I'm going to default to my line of thinking for Blue Hawaii: sneak in while they still don't know we're here, talk our way out if we get caught.

So yeah, the sneaky Intrigue option seems like the most promising course (we got more Occult, but I´d rather not risk a Magic Mishap in a densly populated NYC that´s ruled by Xanatos on the verge of the Masquerade breaking)
Sorry, I don't know how to decode it. Don't rely on me for any hints.
I wasn't. As shown by the fact I ended it with a :p I was just making a joke. Saying you should "wine" something is a slang term in reference to this scene from the Princess Bride.

It's a term that means you reverse psychology someone, and then assume they would reverse psychology so you must reverse reverse psychology them, and the cycle never ends and nothing is actually accomplished. I picked the term up from playing Mafia.
If we can't shove Felldrake into an organic body that at least shares his species, I doubt we could put him or another disembodied soul in a inorganic body that is completely different structurally and metaphysically to what they used to have.
Nope. I remind you once again that MiH said on Discord that we can stabilize her haunting to have her stick around to help us. Furthermore, multiple franchises have ghosts able to possess able to possess empty objects, like Dipper possessing Mabel's sock puppet. I fail to see why an unbound ghost as Celena should be any different.

Discord Quote from MiH said:
You can tell everyone this isn't the last time they've heard from Celena. She went over really well so I hope they do take the chance to stabilize her haunting.

Are these things real? I tried googling it but all I got was stuff from DnD or MtG.

So did she have some of these possibly-made-up ants chew through the outside of an airplane so she could stowaway? ...That sounds dangerous as hell. Both for the airplane, and herself.
Pretty sure they aren't. Even if ants had the traction and muscle power needed to exert that kind of force their mandibles would break before the steel does.
Pretty sure they aren't. Even if ants had the traction and muscle power needed to exert that kind of force their mandibles would break before the steel does.
Lizzie managed to build a massive tunnel network somehow. Granted she had cyber ant-mecha operated by actual ants, but do we really know she doesn't have at least a few of those?

Anyway, if Lizzy says ants can do a thing, in her own setting I'll take her word for it. There are no greater experts.
Lizzie managed to build a massive tunnel network somehow. Granted she had cyber ant-mecha operated by actual ants, but do we really know she doesn't have at least a few of those?

Anyway, if Lizzy says ants can do a thing, in her own setting I'll take her word for it. There are no greater experts.
Lizzie didn't use real world ants. She is fictional and so are her ants.
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Pretty sure they aren't. Even if ants had the traction and muscle power needed to exert that kind of force their mandibles would break before the steel does.
Of note is that "Formorian" is likely a reference to the "Fomorians" from Celtic mythology. Fomorians are earth giants with great strength. There's more to the myth, but I am just telling the relevant parts. It's likely the name was chosen for specifically Lizzy having bred her own species of giant, human-sized ants.
Of note is that "Formorian" is likely a reference to the "Fomorians" from Celtic mythology. Fomorians are earth giants with great strength. There's more to the myth, but I am just telling the relevant parts. It's likely the name was chosen for specifically Lizzy having bred her own species of giant, human-sized ants.
Yeah, my assumption was that 'Fomorian ants' were the giant cyber-ants Lizzie used to attack the city.

Although, given the number of weird magical/alien/toon creatures running around this setting, they could just be magical ants that exist somewhere in the world.
Crisis: Twelfth Night - Definitely a Real Doofquest Update, You Guys
Crisis: Twelfth Night - Definitely a Real Doofquest Update, You Guys

[ ] Take a fourth option

Janna Martial Check: 66 + 20 + 44 + 5 + 5 (Only my Enemies) = 140
Mobster Martial Check: 19 + 16 + 15 (Pizza my Mind) = 50
Critical Success!

"So, I wasn't expecting that to be hard," Tom says, leaning back in his chair, which happens to be the mostly-unconscious body of one of the mafioso. "But. Man."

He takes a bite of stolen pizza. Pineapple and onion, because apparently being a demon is something you need to prove.

"Earth criminals really stink at their jobs."

"Good help is so hard to find," Felldrake commiserates from the chair where Janna left him standing up. "Evil help is harder."

"Presumably, they were hiring a mercenary for a reason," Lizzy says, impassively considering her slice of pepperoni. "Likely their true strengths lie in underground connections." She pauses, then turns her head to the corner. "Then again..."

"Mama ..." The huddled mass of what used to be a man pitifully sobs as Lizzy looks on. Ants cover his form like dewdrops cover spiderwebs: to the breaking point. "I don't wanna be at the zoo anymore. Please take me home."

Slowly, Lizzy's face does something like smiling. "...so do mine."

"Yeah, yeah, warm fuzzies all around," Tom finishes his slice, then washes it down with a cup of - why celery juice??? "Easy as these guys were to manhandle, and as delicious a 'za as they prehumously made -"

"We're not dead..." Tom's unwilling footrest groans.

"On the inside?" Lizzy asks.


"As I was saying," Tom continues, "We came here to find Marco, and I don't think there's enough left of these guys to provide hints." He rubs his temples, the - pretty mild amount, actually - small pool of hellfire at his brow fading. "And if he drops by and sees the floor covered in his employers, he's gonna skip town again no matter what kind of note we leave him, or how many i's we dot with little pink hearts."

"So that just means we stick around." Janna, ever the entrepreneur, continues rifling through pockets. "Oh, cool, fake Rolex! These actually go for a pretty good amount online if you're honest about their fakery. Everyone wants a scam story; nobody wanna get scammed."

"Which is the other problem." This time Tom doesn't reign his hellfire in. It's even less than before, but he is quite purposefully letting the tablecloth under his thumb have it.

"You were hoping to scam somebody?" Lizzy questions. "I wasn't aware. Are you taking lessons from Janna?"

"No, not the watch thi - actually, hang on, Janna, you're giving out lessons?"

"Three-hundred bucks an hour," Janna says with a wink and a finger gun.

"...that's a pretty good deal," Tom rubs his chin. "No, hang on! We're getting sidetracked! Again!" He slams his fist on the table. "The other problem is that, sure, this is a front for the guys Marco is meeting, but who says it's the only one?" He paces, now, hands behind back, eyes nearly literally burning a hole in the floor. "Even if these guys have one other place - just one - and even if 'El Cazador' was supposed to meet them at one of these joints, that brings our odds down to 50-50. How do we know we're in the right place?"

"Your friend Marco is a teenager?" Lizzy asked.

Tom stopped pacing, standing up straight, looking Lizzy in the face, raising an eyebrow. "Yes...?"

Lizzy sweeps her arm out, indicating the pizza boxes on the table in front of them. "There is pizza here."

Tom considers. "Good point," he finally says. "Gah! But there could be copious amounts of unhealthy food at the other potential meeting points too!"

Lizzy blinks. "I had not considered that. Troubling."

"Marco'll be here," Janna says, straightening up from her, uh, conversation, with her latest, uh, charitable donor. "Promise."

"Young lady," Felldrake pipes up - the pizza slice in front of him has mysteriously disappeared, while everyone was talking. "Have you been sneaking behind my back to dabble in divination magic, one of the trickiest and most dangerous magics to master which there is? ... because I approve!"

"Not so much, big guy," janna stretches as she walksover to the front door. "More of a, uh, summoner's spell, kinda."

"There are spells for summoning humans?" Tom asks, a little flabber, slightly gasted.

"Just watch and learn, muchacho," Janna throws off a lazy salute. "First hour's half-off."

And then, before anyone else can say anything, she opens the door wide, takes a deep breath, and screams out into the chilly December air:


A red shaded blur screams from out of nowhere, landing in front of the restaurant and resolving into a young Latino man with fantastic abs, five-o-clock shadow, and a smile as wide as the Pacific Ocean.

"Marco!" the man of the hour says, arms spread wide.

There is a pause, as reality lets this sink in.

"Aw, come on Janna, how many command words did you put in my subconscious?!"

[ ] Chicken Butt
Only one real way to answer that question! Put Marco to sleep, stuff him in a sack, and hightail it back to Danivlle on the triple. No way you're letting him run away from you again.

[ ] Let's get Dangerous, but the "Danger" has Quotation Marks around It
Marco's alive! And in celebrating range! And you're at a pizza place! And it's Christmas! You need a party, and that means inviting as many people as possible. Call up the Doofmeister and fake some kind of, eh, invasion of New York or something. Trick him into sending over some more party guests.

[ ] Kiss Him, You Fool
Okay, so people are watching, and if word gets out that you have "actual human emotions" your reputation's shot. On the other hand, if you don't do this now, you're gonna be competing for real estate with Tom later, so maybe it's better to go ahead and make your move?

There will be a six hour moratorium on voting.
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