I shall give you hugs. People need hugs after reading that update.


So, thoughts on the future? I find the continued quiet from the North heartening, I think the Climate Disruption did not hit the Nomads especially bad.
The near future is mostly me going back to sleep... I woke up in the middle of the night here.
One thing that got lost in the debate on corruption is how odd the innovation was represented. Normally one would have the refugees being innovation with them. This time it just looked like sheer serendipity, it's not like there was something about the PoV character's past or present position that made her more likely to have a eureka moment.

It boils down to: why would refugees give us trip-hammers when they come from a civ that does not even have mills?
One thing that got lost in the debate on corruption is how odd the innovation was represented. Normally one would have the refugees being innovation with them. This time it just looked like sheer serendipity, it's not like there was something about the PoV character's past or present position that made her more likely to have a eureka moment.

It boils down to: why would refugees give us trip-hammers when they come from a civ that does not even have mills?
Which I guess is why AN was having trouble parsing the entrails.

About the only thing was that she spent a lot of time pounding iron with a hammer, so yeah serendipity. As it is in quite a few important inventions serendipity was what made them.
And full analysis:

Diplomacy 14 [+2] -> 12 [+2]
-Integrate Vassal -4
-Greenshore +1
-King of the Hill +1


Economy 11 (+1) [-2+5] -> 15 [-2+5]
-Refugees +5
-New Trails -2
-Cashout +1

Rolled high-ish on getting refugees.

Econ Expansion 8 (+1) [+2-5] -> 4 (+1) [+2-5]
-Refugees -5
-New Trails +2
-??? -1

Huh, a point went missing somewhere in the transition.

Martial 10 {14} -> 10 {15}

Hello Red Martial-From-Econ. Been a while.
It'd be gone soon enough

Wealth 11 [+5-1] -> 10 [+5-1]
-Ballista Research -3
-??? +2

Where did that money come from?

Stability 2 (hopeful) -> 0 (neutral)
-Refugees -1
-Extra Refugees -1

Ow, right in the schnozz.

Centralization 3 -> 5
-New Trails +2

Still white, the cap is higher than we thought. Which is good, we still need way more roads.

Art 11 -> 8
-Ballista Research -3

Normal enough

Mysticism 15 [+1] -> 15 [+1]
-Ballista research -3

Interestingly @Academia Nut we didn't get a refund from the Library on the Ballista investment?

Trade Status
Resource Status Rivals
Amber Known only  
Fine Pottery Minor  
Fine Dye Dominating Trelli
Fine Textiles None Swamp Folk, Trelli
Furs Known only  
Gems Dominating Trelli, Tin Tribes, Khem (in)
Glass Dominating  
Gold Significant + minor trading (in) Metal Workers, Khem->Trelli
Incense None Khem->Trelli
Mercury Dominating None
Silver Significant (in, needing) MW, Trelli (in)
Salt Dominating Trelli
Spices None (SI+Khem)->Trelli
Wine Dominating Trelli
Copper Leading Highlanders, Thunder Horse, MW, Trelli
Bronze Minor Trelli
Slaves Forbidden MW (in), Trelli, TT
Tin Minor + Significant Trading MW (in), TH (in), HK (in), Tin Tribes, Trelli->Khem
Iron Non-traded dominant None
Pilgrimage Major Competition Thunder Speakers

No change I noticed.
Txolla (Vassals) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda (L: 4/5, D: 4/5)
Evolved to:
Txolla (Vassal-Colony) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda, restricted to expansion through settlement (L: 3/5, D: 5/5)
The Txolla are not very happy about being converted and blocked from offensive wars, but now they're dependent on us fully again so they can't do anything about it.

No Legacies gained from Triple Colony. It's probably the Trelli. We'll find out if we keep our colonies I guess.
And I bet they already have the Triple Trade Post too.
And the Triple Mercenaries.

Major docks
Incomplete catamaran design
We're working on it, but it's a complex design!
Nahachaphuria wasn't a person. She knew this because she had been treated like a thing for many years. A cow or pig at best in her opinion. Something to be pushed around and traded at convenience.

When she was a young woman, her father had been killed by the Txolla, and her chief had sold her and every other dependent lacking a patriarch for protection in order to secure peace.

The Txolla had then passed her along as taxes to their overlords, the Ymaryn.
PTSD-chan why you do this. We asked for refugees, not slaves.

...Oh right they're just following what Phygrif did on his way to Xohyr.
At least as a Colony they'd start culture converting, if we build up the links between us.

Stumbling along into the lands of the Hill Folk, she had been passed around like an unwanted urn among various villages, unable to speak the language when the wizards with their magic stones explained what they were doing, instead only meekly following along. They were a strange and confusing people, and nothing was ever straightforward with them.
Problem 1: Communications problem.

The Txolla didn't tell us this was a batch from a new place, and she was too broken down to dare to ask when we explained the laws to her.
Nobody checked that she understood either.

Cheap Regulations to fix this would be to apply oral testing to the refugees to make sure they understood, not just nodded. Actually teaching them the language would be more involved and far more costly.

Solution 1: Festivals after the laws are revised
Eventually she had found herself in a great settlement by a great body of water filled with salt - such a strange world the Ymaryn lived in! - and the confusion and fear gave way to grindingly mundane horrors realized.
Transferred to Redshore I think, which we see a True City forming regardless of our opinions on the matter.

Probably should have realized that when we picked the Palace sites too. If we built the Palace there it'd only have moved the aqueduct timetable up by 2 turns or so.

Done is done I guess
She had learned to speak the language, but where she was drowning in the waters of foreign custom, the locals navigated the currents like fish born to it all. There were so many complexities to how they did things, at some point she had just given up and allowed others to take advantage of her. It was easier than resisting.
Problem 2: System complexity

Here the system is just too complicated for first generation migrants. Normally it's not this bad, because she missed being taught our customs...but then we see some level of malice involved.

You don't need to do anything. Just not do your job properly. She's supposed to be adopted into an existing family or association structure, but she was low value, so nobody particularly wanted to.

Solution 2: Invent lawyers to handle the complexities of the law and mediate between the law and the people.
Naha made the majority of the money she used to buy her food serving others in one of the sprawling public houses that served as food distribution centers. She was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to offer herself sexually to the miners and artisans who frequented the place and spent the coin they made upon beer, wine, and women.
Problem 3: A law broken by everyone is useless. A law that MUST be broken by everyone is one that encourages further lawbreaking

We have some laws that don't work anymore in the new circumstances. Everyone breaks them.

The law makes no allowances for the new circumstances. Recall the older laws on murder where Talk Shit Get Hit is a legitimate mitigating factor. We have no laws on "theres no work you are qualified for because you're an unskilled laborer who isn't particularly strong"

This is a natural consequence of Best of the Best as well.
There is nothing for Worst of the Worst.
Solution 3: Revise the laws so they reflect the new economy.
However, since the woman in charge of the place was definitely overcharging her for food and rent, if she didn't offer herself to the clients, she went hungry because she didn't have enough to pay.
Problem 4: Income and Prices are not accurate to market realities.

The allocations done properly should ensure everyone has minimum wage, but while we HAVE minimum wage, it's being revised on a schedule that's not reflective of how fast the market value shifts.

And while Royal Audience is available as redress, you have to actually know that the process exists. Which she doesn't, because she missed the introductory speech because she didn't speak the language.
...wait a minute, was this the same inn that Rulwyna II managed?

Solution 4: A Census would allow us to revise minimum wage in the Law
What little extra she was able to scrounge together went to the witch who she had to let poke and prod her once a month, or to offering the stern faced tax collector the king's cut of her earnings - along with his personal bribe of sex and silver of course.
Problem 5: Corruption is breeding in the wake of Problems 3 & 4. The systematic pretense that the law is still functioning REQUIRES systematic corruption to paper over the problems.

Here we have the monthly inspections for prostitutes and the tax collectors...both of who are taking bribes. The shaman(as we see later) overlooks her not taking the proper protections, did not check to see what happened to the children who resulted. The tax collector is skimming off the top to lower her assessed taxes but taking extra for herself.

Which means that when the tallies are checked, the clerks see a frivolous woman who wastes her money rather than someone barely making ends meet.

Solution 5: Fix problems 3 & 4, then Restore Order.

She'd had children from the men spilling their seed in her, but she had abandoned them for the priests to find. Maybe if they were raised by a proper person they might be able to understand all of this and avoid it - or at least know how to fight it. Sometimes the older women who worked alongside her wondered if any of the young men who came to them might actually be sons left for others to find, following in the footsteps of their fathers. She hoped it didn't happen, and wouldn't happen to her, but sometimes there was a flash of familiar features and she suspected the possibility was real.
Problem 6: Child abandonment as a side effect of the massive baby boom.

Not much to say here, but the inequalities of the Worst of the Worst means that it's a quality of life improvement to dump your unwanted children at the shrines.
We already have various forms of contraception, but she doesn't know to use them...or a more ominous thought, she doesn't use them because we give extra rations and reduced work to pregnant women, which means for the months she's pregnant she doesn't need to do the labor allocations or the sex work.

Solution 6: This is just caused by all the above problems. Solve them and it goes away. At least the children WILL be adopted in our culture. Thank the lack of Hereditary traits.

Of course, because all of this indignity wasn't bad enough, she was also expected to do a few days work for the king every month. Or at least that was what she was told. She was also expected to take the coin of stern faced patricians and wealthy artisans to do their allotment of work for the king - and pay off the tax man who tracked all of this - which mostly amounted to spending many of her days pumping her arms and legs to work the bellows and hammers that were part of turning red and black stone to sand to sand to iron sponge to iron bars. It was painful and painfully tedious work, assigned to her because it didn't require any skills, and then of course she was expected to spend her evenings at her "regular" work too.
Problem 7: Manual labor allocation requirement is outdated in current economy, requiring breaking the laws to rebalance. Fundamentally is Problem 3
Problem 8: Conversion to iron age economy generates large amounts of unskilled labor in an elitist society who'd find it shaming to do unskilled labor.

Solution 7: Reform laws to account for existence of currency
Solution 8: Hammer mills converts it from an unskilled job to a skilled job. This will be accelerated because non-slave cultures will look for ways to get rid of manual work.

She was pretty sure that the most galling part was that she was still expected to smile and lie to the men she lay with, to pretend that somehow there was anything beyond them quickly getting their rocks off in exchange for copper and silver. If she didn't, if she let her pain and disgust leak out, then all but the roughest men avoided her, and she would go hungry until she was able to force a smile on her face once more.
This is our prostitution laws working, just not as well as intended.
You must be willing.

It doesn't say anything about being in a situation where it's the only way to make money.
Recently she had managed to convince a rather sad artisan with far more silver than sense to keep coming back to her, night after night, spending excessive amounts of silver on her for what amounted to an entirely average amount of effort on his part and a considerable chunk of her night half-napping while he spilled her heart to her about things she didn't understand. Apparently he was a member of a group doing something for the king - directly for the king actually! - and they had been having all sorts of problems. He also complained about another group of artisans also competing for the attention of the king - boat builders maybe? - and how their lack of success wasn't even a particularly good balm for his own failings.
That's our ballista scientists!

Who are apparently not doing too well, along with the boat designers. Sigh.
On the bright side, Naha here seems to have caught his eye, so she might be moving up in the world a little.

Naha wasn't sure what exactly prompted it, but during her latest session with the artisan, while she had enjoyed being able to rest, something had clicked in her brain about how whatever mystical contraption he had been working on worked, and she asked, "Like a hammer?"

"Hmmm? Well, not intentionally, but without a main pin that doesn't break when you tension the system the loading arm will rebound like one," the man explained to her, obviously expecting her to understand more fully the terms he was throwing around.

"Oh. Wish you could make a hammer to pound iron for me then," Naha stated, taking advantage of a rare moment to be able to make small talk that also let her complain about her life.

"Well, you would have to tension the loading arm first, it's supposed to spin the main wheel so its not like..." the man began to explain some esoteric bit of mystical knowledge before he furrowed his brows in consideration. A moment later he leapt up out of the cot where they were laying, his clothes cast aside, and cried out, "A FOOL I AM!"
The Eureka moment when you realize that a failed ballista is a perfectly fine hammer mill. Which will solve Problem 8 partially.

I'm sure we'd find some other mindless manual labor to dump unskilled people into shortly though.

Somewhat fortunately for Naha, just as the other women around her were starting to accuse her of wickedness towards a customer, he came running back to collect his clothing while muttering to himself, "See if they can turn driving their own boats into the water into a good thing now!"
The good thing here is, they have the catamarans down.
They got the SPEED, they don't have the control yet.

Now for the hugeass action section. Not copying them unless there's an important highlight

-Art Patronage is now seriously expensive to main, and less efficient(3 in 5 out for secondary, but 5 in 7 out for main), but will likely breakthrough in pottery rapidly to go for the Dominance if we wanted.

Black Soil - There are many places that could benefit from further black soil, but making more is starting to take up more resources than it is currently returning
*S: +2-3 Econ Expansion
*M: -2 Econ, 1 Forest Slot Consumed, +6 Econ Expansion, other effects [King]
* used 3 times
-Black Soil allows us to convert a Forest slot and 2 Econ into 6 Econ Expansions. This is VERY interesting, once we get through the megaproject rush period, because the 2 Econ will be refunded by cities, allowing us to create 8 LTE with a single Main.

I call this the City Popper. The Other Effects should be progress towards early black powder, and ALSO the ability to terraform shitty terrain. Convert an entire forest into fertilizer! This is very useful to cover for the 3 Econ cost projects of course.

-Chariots are going to be outdated soon, and they're really expensive, but they do generate a shitload of martial we have no idea where to put.

-We can no longer get innovations for basic docks(probably capped out all of those thanks to Greenshore spam), but Main docks give innovation rolls now.

-Glassworks math is still weird, but it generates quite a lot of Wealth. A Main should put us pretty close to clear glass.

-Main Mills no longer cost Art, but they generate 4 LTE out of wealth. They're a very good option for a trade power to take.

-Walls have changed so that we automatically have Light walls already, they're no longer worth tracking. They're still quite costly in time and Econ however.

-Watchtowers are surprisingly unchanged.

-Passive Policy is basically super inconvenient to take. I think generally we don't WANT to take any except Infrastructure, Innovation or Defence.

Distribute Land - By reworking the distribution of land, the king can improve tax income and reduce pressures administrative overhead. 0/4 Progress to Min Centralization increase
*S: -1 Centralization, +2 Wealth, +1 Progress
*M: -2 Centralization, +5 Wealth, +2 Progress
-Distribute Land noew reveals the maximum extent we can go before the Centralization floor increases. From what we can so it progresses the same way as New Trails, we'll never face problems with the cap if we always use Trails to raise Centralization.
Otherwise unchanged though.

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
*S: +3 Econ, -3 Econ Expansion, potential additional effects
*3 Econ Expansion available (max 12 to keep Sacred Forest True City; max 17 for Valleyhome)
Margins are kind of tight now. We need a third Aqueduct soon to give us wriggle room.

We now actually NEED two True Cities, because a lot more actions cost 2 Econ now.

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply (7/8 currently locked up)
* S: -2 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled, potential discoveries, +0.5 Sustainable Forest
* M: -3 Econ, -3 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +4 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory, improved odds of success, other effects, +1 Sustainable Forest
Forests are now labeled properly.
Secondary Forest generates 1 LTE with 2 Cities.
Main Forest is LTE neutral, but produces forest slots quickly.
The Other Effects is also interesting.

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Wealth, +1 Art, potential additional effects
* M: -3 Econ, +3 Wealth, +1 Art, increased chance of additional effects

Expand Vineyard - There is a location in Blackriver that is judged an ideal place to grow the small fruits that are favoured for making a particularly potent drink
*S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, +1 Wealth, +1 Art
*M: -3 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, +4 Wealth, +1 Art
Snails/Vines need more cities to support the Main, but it otherwise just shifts Econ to Wealth and Dye/Wine dominance.

Found Colony - When a province gets too distant, sometimes it is best to grant it additional autonomy so that they can get down to the business of working the land and gathering resources without needing to talk to the king about every little thing. Current Target: Greenshore
*F: Change Greenshore Trading Post to a Colony
*S: -1 Econ, 4 Econ Transfer, -2 Martial, founds colony to produce raw resources
Free action now, since it has everything it needs to become a Colony, but we currently benefit from the status quo.

Found Free City - Cities are hard to manage, giving them increased autonomy to manage themselves will reduce administrative overhead. Current Possibility: Sacred Forest
*S: Transfer 2 Econ, converts True City to Free City. Free Cities now produce a Passive Policy of their choice in activity each turn
Free Cities now actually do something!

This is actually quite useful to deliberately create 3 True Cities and then convert them to Free Cities for the Passive Policy actions...but this Policy would probably be biased towards their interests, so Sacred Forest would go Mysticism unless Mysticism is maxed, then they'd probably do Innovation or Forestry, and Redshore would probably be doing Trade and switch to Innovation or Infrastructure(to generate Salterns).

This is a pretty powerful mechanic of course, but Free Cities are their own costs.
They can get complicated.

Influence Subordinate - By transferring specialists and teachers to subordinates they can be nudged into behaving more to the liking of the core provinces
*S: -2 Diplo, Transfer 2 Econ, Wealth, Art and Mysticism; influences subordinate culture
*M: -3 Diplo, Transfer 3 Econ, Wealth, Art and Mysticism; significantly influences subordinate culture, +1 Loyalty
Influence now can directly boost Loyalty expensively on a Main, which is very nice.
Integrate Colony - Part of the colony of Western Wall or Hatvalley can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a Colony to a province
*S: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating Colony
*M: Same as above, completes at mid-turn

Integrate March - Better communications and administration means that the Stallion Tribes or Heaven's Hawk can be integrated into the People more fully, transitioning from a March to a province
*S: -6 Diplomacy, gain Econ and Martial from integrating March
*M: Same as above, completes at mid-turn
Integrates now can be accelerated. Handy, but rarely relevant.

-Festivals are same as before.

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, -1 Wealth, +2 Martial, +1 Art, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects
Interestingly, we can not take Mains for our religious elite units. We might be transitioning them to a different sort if taken enough?

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
*S: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Art; +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion and Diplo next turn, additional effects
*M: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Art; +1 Econ, Econ Expansion, and Diplo end of turn, additional effects
* used 8 times
Main boats don't seem to do anything other than pay out faster.
We probably need to research bigger boats for Mains to change.

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: northern Blackriver (+3, moderate mineral, 0/6 province), far north-eastern Redhills (+1, good mineral, 0/6 province), south of cataracts (+6, poor mineral, 0/4 province)
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ and Mysticism end of turn, increases number Econ Expansion depending on environment, +1 Province progress
* M: +1 Econ and Mysticism, increases Econ Expansion, +2 Province progress
New Settlements now have their quality revealed:
-Northern Blackriver is an amazing site, rich in land and minerals.
-Far Northeastern Redhills meanwhile is barely arable, but good mining site
-South of Cataracts is typical Lowlands, ridiculously rich soil, but no minerals of mention.

Main settelemnts seem to go from planting a village to planting a town. Good if you need Econ expansions or want more provinces, but generally not that much better.

-New Trails doesn't seem to show how much they add to the cap, but based on precedent, taking Mains adds 2 to the cap progress. We'll hit diminishing returns eventually, but take it enough without wasting Centralization and I think we could make Centralization 7 WHITE. The description still says our roads are missing a LOT.

-Poppies, oddly enough, don't generate a new Trade Good at Secondary. Maybe we'd take it some day.

-Proclaim Glory now gives +2 Stability on a Main. Amazing! But legitimacy spent is hard to raise and holy shit it easts a lot of Art. If we have a skilled administrator, Secondary Restore Order + Secondary Proclaim Glory should add 2 Stability more cheaply. Or a main on each would give +2 to +5 Stability, which is the pull out of crash combo.

Raise Army - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +3 Martial, +1 Art, potential additional effects
*M: -3 Econ, -4 Wealth, +7 Martial, +1 Art, potential additional effects
*2M: -4 Econ, -5 Wealth, +2 Art, founds Martial 10 Mercenary Company
More Warriors has evolved to be able to directly spawn a mercenary company on a double main.
We definitely need to raise our caps to be able to digest these new warrior actions.

-Restore Order Mains now can add +1 Stability on top of the roll, which is nice.

-Salt Gift Mains now does a Mansa Musa to the target economy if targeted. Reminder that the base Wealth cap for small states is 8.

-Study actions are much more costly overall, but that's to be expected...except Study Stars now returns even more Mysticism. Clearly trying to bribe us into doing it. :p

-Support Subordinate is cheaper than Influence, but it's a lot more action efficient now and the Loyalty boost is revealed. The Northern Trade Post is now viable, because we can send enough dudes to survive with a single Main and a company.

-Trade Missions got more expensive as Secondary, but more rewarding on Main. You can potentially double your stat point investment with a Main Trade Mission.

-Salterns can now be completed in a single secondary action. We get one every 3 turns of Infrastruture minor policy. They are now LTE negative.

-Aqueducts are a little odder, but the numbers look like a typo in Progress number. One secondary for each, or a Main for Redshore/Blackmouth. Unfortunate, because Redshore and Blackmouth needs them the most. They are now LTE neutral for most sites, and LTE negative for Redshore and Blackmouth.

-Libraries can be done in a single secondary. We'd need them too, mysticism costs have grown substantially.

Colossal Walls - True Cities can support truly gigantic walls. Each {S} committed consumes 3 Econ and 1 Martial for 3 Progress. Valleyhome (0/9), Sacred Forest (0/9)
This is AMAZING.
Colossal Walls are expensive as hell, since they take 3 Main actions to build. We now know why the Stallions are building the Aqueduct, Dragon Graveyard is becoming a True City, so they put in the aqueduct...then put up Massive Walls.

They also let us vent Martial so we can take Blackbirds or Carrion Eaters for innovations.

Palace Annex - Can construct additional palace annexes, with each {S} committed consuming 2 Econ and 2 Art for a new annex (6/10)
-Great Hall Expansion (special: costs only 1 Econ and 1 Art)
Mostly as expected here. Once we finally get around to them.

Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail (0/3), Sacred Forest (Temple 0/6), Holy Sea (0/3), Horse Valley (0/3), White Circle (0/3), Warrior's Rest (0/3), Star Mirror (0/3), Sunrise Grove (0/3), Skyforest (0/3), Bloodgrove (0/3), Spiritwell (0/3), Moonwell (0/3), Sparkling Cave (0/3)

Temple sites are now doable in a single secondary action. Upgrading Sacred Forest Temple takes a single Main. Hopefully we have the freedom to build these next turn

Megaprojects are now FAR faster.
-Census and Games can be one turned on Megaproject policy.
-We now know that Grand Docks need 2 Forest slots. We probably can build this pretty soon if we wanted.

Provinces for Projects: Redvalley (Valleyhome+Redhills), Sacred Shore (Redshore+Sacred Forest), Stoneshore (Stonepen + Northshore), Hatshore (Southshore+ Hatriver), Blackiron Province (Blackriver+Ironshore)

And we have the province breakdown!
-Redvalley - This seems to make Valleyhome oversized geographically. Valleyhome is already almost as big as Sacred Shore on it's own. But it's the capital province.
-Sacred Shore - Redshore being combined with Sacred Forest is administratively convenient, by putting the source of wood with the source of boats.
-Hatshore - *Wears hat* Expected this. Might change with Integrating Hatvalley?
-Blackiron - We revealed this previous
You know what? I'm changing from Hatvalley propagation to Enforce Justice. Not because I think it will help poor Naha - there's about a 50/50 chance - but because I want the Stability room to KICK the Law project hard.

I'm very disappointed with how our People are behaving, and they must work their tails off to remedy their greed and exploitation. Time to start slapping the imps!

[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Main] The Census
[X] [Secondary] Integrate Colony - Hatvalley - Propagate
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Free] Found Colony - Greenshore
Diplomacy 14 [+2] -> 12 [+2]
-Integrate Vassal -4
-Greenshore +1
-King of the Hill +1
Greenshore and KotH already gave their Diplomacy when we started the turn. The +2 Diplomacy we got here was from the roads we built.

Wealth 11 [+5-1] -> 10 [+5-1]
-Ballista Research -3
-??? +2

Where did that money come from?
If I had to guess it was either from Economy overflow or from our passive Wealth generation.

This is AMAZING.
Colossal Walls are expensive as hell, since they take 3 Main actions to build. We now know why the Stallions are building the Aqueduct, Dragon Graveyard is becoming a True City, so they put in the aqueduct...then put up Massive Walls.

They also let us vent Martial so we can take Blackbirds or Carrion Eaters for innovations.
Not sure why you like them so much. They're walls. Not a big deal. The Martial vent is very costly in terms of Econ. A better Martial vent is Support Subordinate as it sends 2 Martial per Secondary instead of 1 and only costs 2 Economy per Secondary rather than 3.
Thank you veekie!

Economy 11 (+1) [-2+5] -> 15 [-2+5]
-Refugees +5
-New Trails -2
-Cashout +1

Rolled high-ish on getting refugees.

Econ Expansion 8 (+1) [+2-5] -> 4 (+1) [+2-5]
-Refugees -5
-New Trails +2
-??? -1
Maybe the cashout had a Expansion cost? I don't even remember what the cashout was from. Or... maybe Redshore ate it?

Wealth 11 [+5-1] -> 10 [+5-1]
-Ballista Research -3
-??? +2

Where did that money come from?
This may be the other effects of tying everyone together? We get a tax infusion by connecting people up and being able to look over shoulders?

PTSD-chan why you do this. We asked for refugees, not slaves.

...Oh right they're just following what Phygrif did on his way to Xohyr.
At least as a Colony they'd start culture converting, if we build up the links between us.
Gonna need to work on that Dam and the Canal after the Law.

-Passive Policy is basically super inconvenient to take. I think generally we don't WANT to take any except Infrastructure, Innovation or Defence.
I have a theory that we might start seeing innovation in walls if we do passive defense and active defense together. I would also suggest that once we get the Dam done at least we switch to this so we can prep for any future Hordes.

I like the name City Popper!

Forests are now labeled properly.
Secondary Forest generates 1 LTE with 2 Cities.
Main Forest is LTE neutral, but produces forest slots quickly.
The Other Effects is also interesting.
Paper progress perhaps?

Interestingly, we can not take Mains for our religious elite units. We might be transitioning them to a different sort if taken enough?
The base number of them may be too small to provide all the required teachers for a Main's worth of new ones. That's the first bad thing that comes to my mind.
You know what? I'm changing from Hatvalley propagation to Enforce Justice. Not because I think it will help poor Naha - there's about a 50/50 chance - but because I want the Stability room to KICK the Law project hard.

I'm very disappointed with how our People are behaving, and they must work their tails off to remedy their greed and exploitation. Time to start slapping the imps!

[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
*whack whack!* *blood spray* *squeal of the People!*

For sure the spirits are mad at them.

For sure.
[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Integrate Colony - Hatvalley - Propagate

Census is obvious.

I think settling the cataracts is very important geopolitically. If the Stallion Tribes secede that would be unfortunate and very damaging, but the only way they can expand without going to war with either Westwall or the Core (a war they would loose) is to settle the steppes, which aren't very good terrain for settling. It would take a thousand years for them to become a credible threat to the Ymaryn core territories. If they don't get eaten by nomads first.

If Txolla breaks away they'll quickly use our advances in warfare, our iron and sustainable farming techniques to overrun the entirety of the lowlands, and we have no idea how big those are. They have good chances of founding a massive Empire from here down to Not-Egypt if they play their cards right.

And then they'll turn around to try and eat their former overlords.

We must bind them to ourselves as strongly as possible, and that is only possible with a waterway. The Highland Kingdom must not be allowed to settle the Cataracts before us.

Hatvalley needs to be pushed out further so we can add their silvermines to the core, increase their dependency on us and deal with a major failure point for our civ.

Hopefully we'll get midturns to increase stability.
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[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Integrate Colony - Hatvalley - Propagate

Census is obvious.

I think settling the cataracts is very important geopolitically. If the Stallion Tribes secede that would be unfortunate and very damaging, but the only way they can expand without going to war with either Westwall or the Core (a war they would loose) is to settle the steppes, which aren't very good terrain for settling. It would take a thousand years for them to become a credible threat to the Ymaryn core territories. If they don't get eaten by nomads first.

If Txolla breaks away they'll quickly use our advances in warfare, our iron and sustainable farming techniques to overrun the entirety of the lowlands, and we have no idea how big those are. They have good chances of founding a massive Empire from here down to Not-Egypt if they play their cards right.

And then they'll turn around to try and eat their former overlords.

We must bind them to ourselves as strongly as possible, and that is only possible with a waterway. The Highland Kingdom must not be allowed to settle the Cataracts before us.

Hatvalley needs to be pushed out further so we can add their silvermines to the core, increase their dependency on us and deal with a makor failure point for our civ.

Hopefully we'll get midturns to increase stability.
Considering past mid turns when we were low on stability we should get a stability option.

Also welcome! I don't recall having seen you post before, are you new to the quest?
hay @veekie what are you going to do with the with the extra martial from the integrate vote we're are probably going to get 2 or 3 points even with propagate and I can't imagine get more than 1 point of stat cap increase.
And more darkly, why would refugees bring innovation when we did such a lousy job of integrating them? Thus, engineer gets an idea from the woman forced into prostitution.
To be fair, this woman's probably in the absolute bottom percentile - that it happened at all is unfortunate, but I doubt every single refugee is in quite as dire straits as she is.

I could see a malus being applied to the innovation roll, to model the portion of refugees doing so poorly though.
Anyways, voting!

[X] [Main] The Census

Because I know what the name of the project is, and refuse to do the currently leading "Census." This will also help with the immigration issues we have constantly.

[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate -Txolla
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival

Yeah, this isn't going to win. However, it gets rid of 2 Martial, stopping us from having a martial implosion, in addition to throwing a festival so people will in general stop being dicks and maybe helping increase the loyalty of our vassal back up. Since we currently don't have laws that would truly stop this, or even the means of measuring stuff to create the laws that would stop this (The Census), the next best thing is to make people happy enough to not kick the people low on the totem pole around as much. As such, I believe it is the most effective use of our actions.

I expect Txolla to start settling the Cataracts, and with heightened loyalty we can probably start integrating them, so I don't feel the need to settle their manually. I also don't believe Enforce Justice will solve most of the problems, because most of these problems exist so easily because our government is incapable of handling the problems until we get the census, let alone the laws needed to deal with this issue that enforce justice would need to actually act upon in the first place. There would be few actual gains there.
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[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Integrate Colony - Hatvalley - Propagate
-Support Subordinate is cheaper than Influence, but it's a lot more action efficient now and the Loyalty boost is revealed. The Northern Trade Post is now viable, because we can send enough dudes to survive with a single Main and a company.
Influence Subordinate is also something we need to do to PTSD-chan to prevent the constant clash of ideals. More to the point, doing it with the Stallion Tribes will avoid a lot of the problems that people are worried about with them. Once we have The Law updated, we need to crank our Stability up to max to grab a Golden Age, and then start using Influence Subordinate on them. The narrative synergy of that sequence is tremendous.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jul 21, 2017 at 6:32 AM, finished with 81031 posts and 69 votes.
Okay, I think that I need to being some perspective to this whole thing. There are a couple of factors that most people seem to not be considering.

First: This was basically a crit fail on our innovation rolls. This is maybe one step above literally the worst possible it can get. Usually we do much better at this.

Second: Even with the fact that we did have an incredibly low roll, thr out come is still not that bad. This? This is a low income worker supplementing her position with prostitution. It's not good mind you, but she is being fed, we are preventing disease, and she does have options, even if she doesn't understand them. This is what happens in the Trelli if a newcomer gets lucky. Mostly, they end up in chattel slavery, and so will their kids and all future descendants. At our absolute worst we're still better than our neighbor's best.

Keep the faith, keep building society. It's still working, there are just kinks to iron out.
I also don't believe Enforce Justice will solve most of the problems,
Agreed. But, Stability will give us the ability to crack the whip over the People and kick the Law megaproject. At this point I feel like they deserve that treatment.
Adhoc vote count started by ThrawnCA on Jul 21, 2017 at 6:49 AM, finished with 81039 posts and 71 votes.
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