Not doing too great on my promise of interacting more, am I? I should probably at least vote.

[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival
I'm not familiar with that one..

You should read it. It has in my opinion the most epic bossfight in the history of questing.

Age of Strife

Knowledge of Warhammer 40k enhances the experience in my opinion, but is not required at all.

Paths of Civilization is *very* active. Often over 1000 posts a day. Hope you can keep up!

Pf, kids these days. I'm a Bleach Quest veteran, this is par for the course. ;)
@Academia Nut, given that building Governor's Palaces reduces our minimum centralization, does this affect the lower centralization limit of our government system? i.e. would building enough palaces reduce said lower limit below 'Neutral'?
You should read it. It has in my opinion the most epic bossfight in the history of questing.

Age of Strife

Knowledge of Warhammer 40k enhances the experience in my opinion, but is not required at all.

Pf, kids these days. I'm a Bleach Quest veteran, this is par for the course. ;)
Is that the quest that makes people terrified of writeins?
Is that the quest that makes people terrified of writeins?

I don't think so. It's an old Rihaku quest with Ishida as the main character over on SB, back when it had a 100 page per thread limit. In the heydays we went through a thread a day, sometimes even without an update.

What you are probably thinking about is We Stand In Awe.
Well people will always be people, no matter which plane of existance they live in.

So anyway, last time out problem was the tax was too complex to be implemented properly. Now they are too simple to prevent the injustices that we originally tried to curb with them

The problem is complexity, not the lack thereof. The more complex a law is the more detached it is from the general populace, and the easier it is for someone to exploit or find loopholes. Furthermore if it gets complex enough that it requires a new specialized caste that mediates between people and law, it means that those without means become at the utter mercy of those with means who can afford to navigate the legal Maze, be it by wealth or having more free time.

A law needs to be as simple,straightforward and as short as possible, every extra sentence,clause or extra addendum is a new loophole or a layer of separation based on wealth and time. Complexity should be avoided like the plague and only added when there is no other alternative, for Bloated laws are monstrous things.

The maxim should be thus:
A law that a three year old can perfectly understand and navigate is a damn near perfect law. A law that requires hiring several specialists from ten different fields and spending hours waddling through documents is a terrible law.
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[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south of cataracts
[X] [Secondary] Integrate Colony - Hatvalley - Propagate
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 21, 2017 at 8:32 AM, finished with 81081 posts and 77 votes.
Okay, let's look at the effect the leading actions have stat-wise:
The Census consumes 4 mysticism, New Settlement will initially decrease Econ but refund it by the end of the turn, and Integrating Hatvalley will increase econ and martial, while consuming 6 diplomacy. This is a problem because our economy is currently red. We must take actions to spend our econ. Therefore, I propose the following vote:

[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] More Boats
Okay, let's look at the effect the leading actions have stat-wise:
The Census consumes 4 mysticism, New Settlement will initially decrease Econ but refund it by the end of the turn, and Integrating Hatvalley will increase econ and martial, while consuming 6 diplomacy. This is a problem because our economy is currently red. We must take actions to spend our econ. Therefore, I propose the following vote:

[X] [Main] Census
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] More Boats

Er... What? Red Economy is not bad. It just overflows to wealth.
So maybe we should put a secondary into studying the stars for the next four turns? Just to finally get that out of the way?