Actually which actions would we have to take next turn to get paper?

This whole lack of paper has been bugging me for awhile.

Also math because calculus is awesome unless you're trying to learn it.
Adhoc vote count started by Concho117 on Jul 15, 2017 at 2:46 PM, finished with 76699 posts and 117 votes.
Actually which actions would we have to take next turn to get paper?

This whole lack of paper has been bugging me for awhile.

Also math because calculus is awesome unless you're trying to learn it.
Paper: libraries, expand forest, study alchemy, study actions in general
Math: Libraries, storehouse, Place to the Stars (guaranteed to help w/ math), Study Stars, Study actions in general
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You can in fact vote for as many as you want - the tally will deal with it just fine, and lots of people are doing it.

Unless and until AN speaks up and asks people not to do it, I see not reason that people shouldn't engage in this practice.

I've been clear about my intentions for a while. I will prioritize finishing the palace over wherever we put the trading post, unless the whole thing is on fire.

Now, I would have preferred that we spent our Expansion on a mercenary company or on the East trading post, because those are far less likely to get set on fire, but it happens that the two most flammable options are winning right now, so what can you do? :(
Vote for the least flammable one:V

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort. With charcoal now in higher demand, can also provide a sustainable supply (7/8 currently locked up)
* S: -1 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled, potential discoveries
* M: -2 Econ, -1 Econ Expansion, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory, improved odds of success

We really should do Study Metal again at some point. And Study Health. We're ripe for health developments <3 <3 <3 Make our people healthy <3 <3 <3
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Naw, according to the update they're done, the innovation lets them remove the "terrain makes it difficult to raise water" problem by just slapping a pump that can move water up to a higher altitude tank rather than run an aqueduct a massive distance upriver to get enough altitude to move it.

Oh hey, I wonder if that'll make our other aqueduct sites cheaper too? Managing a few more True Cities right now might be doable, if risky, and if it's cheap enough to make them...
I remember someone talking about optical lenses and telescopes before, but the best way I can think of getting those is doing the Place in the Stars megaproject.

It would basically be a dedicated temple to looking at the stars (proto-observatory) with ways to best see the stars in all conditions, which might be enough to push through the development of telescopes.
We'd need to get clear glass first via Study Alchemy + Glassworks expansion, then trigger it with Place to the Stars. Can't get optical glass unless you already know how to flux out the impurities from the sand.
You can in fact vote for as many as you want - the tally will deal with it just fine, and lots of people are doing it.

Unless and until AN speaks up and asks people not to do it, I see not reason that people shouldn't engage in this practice.
And in fact, AN had said it's acceptable unless it causes threadstrife or ambiguous results(which would be reflected IC and probably not in a nice way).
Actually which actions would we have to take next turn to get paper?

This whole lack of paper has been bugging me for awhile.

Also math because calculus is awesome unless you're trying to learn it.
Paper had been mentioned before:
-Mills - We need sawmills for wood pulp to be a material at all. Utilization and experimentation with waste wood would have good results.
-Libraries - This generates demand for writing material
-Study/Expand Forest - Preferably after sawmills, this would be to figure out what wood is best for producing wood pulp.
-Study Alchemy - Bleaching of the pulp to create a consistent writing material
-Study actions in general - Innovation triggers to provoke greater writing material use.

Oh hey, I wonder if that'll make our other aqueduct sites cheaper too? Managing a few more True Cities right now might be doable, if risky, and if it's cheap enough to make them...
According to the list and the map, Redshore and Blackmouth should be just cost 4 now, since they're right next to rivers, the problem is raising the water to higher elevations, which prior to water powered pumps, required building them a long distance to get the gravity driven water flow.
That would be the West Trading Post in my opinion. If matters get closer, I'll switch my vote to support it.
Because moving closer to the powder keg that is Trelli is safer with our navy completely unprepared to deal with theirs. As opposed to the North where we have both Longships and our Mercenaries to deal with belligerent elements, if there are even any, without any of the benefits the Trelli may have.
Ymarynverse Quest
L'Orient said:
Hey LB, I think you made a mistake. The vote clearly states that Hillary Clinton got 51 votes, while Donald Trump got 49 and Sanders got 5.

LearningBerry said:
That's not a mistake. Remember: You have the Electoral College value which sometimes skews the results of elections slightly in a random direction.

MaybeHighPlain said:
User was warned for this plaque!
Seriously guys? This is total Crowshit! This quest has really started jumping the shark. First the world suddenly gets attacked by a terrorist group named after a godess from a long-dead Ancient-Khemetite ripoff religion(even though they'd canonically hate said godess according to the lore. Seriously wtf?) and now we've elected some bloke who was apparently a reality-tv guy or something? What's next: A storyline about a corporation secretly smuggling ancient Mesopotamian tablets? This isn't even an alternate-universe civ simulator anymore. It's just...some dumb fantasy universe or something. We're all gonna be Xohyred at this rate!

Hiawatha said:
Just a heads-up everyone: please don't refer to things "getting Xohyred" or "Phygriffed". It's offensive to New-Xohyrossi and comes dangerously close to making fun of the war-crimes of the National-Nomadist Party in Civ-War III. I know this last turn has had some very heated debates, but please try to remain civil.

6-Ki said:
Calm down, everyone. We've still got this. We still have the "Home of the Free" value that gives us more Patriotism as our Gygo goes up. So we should be swimming in Liberty-spreading rockets pretty soon. Plus Trump's Wall-Building bonus could be handy.

YouMeChan said:
[X] Main: Build Wall: Mexican Border
[X] Secondary: Military Support: Middle-east
[X] Secondary: Change Policy: America First

Once our southern border is secure, we can finally invade Canada like we've wanted to do for so long! You can just sense that those moose-loving pricks are just biding their time, waiting for the time when they get the chance to burn down our capitol again. We need to strike before they do!
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Because moving closer to the powder keg that is Trelli is safer with our navy completely unprepared to deal with theirs. As opposed to the North where we have both Longships and our Mercenaries to deal with belligerent elements, if there are even any, without any of the benefits the Trelli may have.
I have a harsh view of said elements, and at least the West trading post embroils us in a conflict that we are likely to get caught up in anyway instead of something new.

Might as well lock it in.

[X] [Exp] Found Trelli Trade Post, West
[X] [Exp] Found Trelli Trade Post, East
[X] [Exp] Found Mercenary Company
What do we know about the taiga tribes? Are they bone and flint using Hunter gatherers? Semi settled? Or proto germanic Tribal confederations?

And why exactly is the red banner needed? For possible Nomadic incursions on the river routes? Wildlife, Bandits or opportunistic tribals? Or as escort for the large convoy heading out to establish the post?

Lastly, is it the actual taiga or the forest belts to the south of it?

The tribes up north appear to be mostly stone age tribes, although extreme long distance trade has them obtaining copper and even a little bronze. They range from hunter-gatherer nomads to pastoral nomads to a few semi-settled groups. Agriculture is distinctly diminished there from what scouts have brought back.

The Red Banner is needed because the trading post requires a sizeable force to defend itself from attack as it is so isolated it has to be able to stand on its own. It will fall long before help can arrive if anyone decides to take a swing at them, at least until it is better established.

The forest is the first significant forest your scouts have seen coming out of the steppes.
AN's summary was basically that a) the tribes are technologically weak and b) we're sending the merc camp to protect them because they're too far for us to help. b implies that we wouldn't really be obliged to send war missions - though support subordinate might be required-, because we're too far for them to be effective. a implies that the mercs can probably handle it.
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I tought the reason the NTP was disfavoured was because of actual !Winter with !Snow.

And because the RB are up north and not able to supply defence against the Trelli
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inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Concho117 on Jul 15, 2017 at 2:46 PM, finished with 76699 posts and 117 votes.
AN's summary was basically that a) the tribes are technologically weak and b) we're sending the merc camp to protect them because they're too far for us to help. b implies that we wouldn't really be obliged to send war missions - though support subordinate might be required-, because we're too far for them to be effective. a implies that the mercs can probably handle it.
Doesn't really change that it requires Support Subordinate commitments to survive the weather and ties up our response force away from the primary theaters though. Or rather, we have to pre-send support because they are too far to reaction-send support.
Wasn't it mentioned a few turns ago that the nomads were potentially stirring as a reason the ST didn't want to be reintegrated? Even if the nomads don't go North to sack our TP or hold it hostage, they can still relatively easily cut off trade to it, and that's just going to compound the risk of Winter killing everyone.

It's even worse than Veekie has stated because support subordinate is incredibly inefficient for our neighboring sub-states, let alone the TP in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

It's just incredibly unappealing to say 'this move against other humans is way to risky! Let's send our sole means of military projection into the wintry North where we can do absolutely nothing to meaningfully reduce the risk of them dieing a horrible and meaningless death'.

Don't get me wrong, that's exaggeration, but that's the sort of shit the pro North crowd is saying but flipped around, and it's kinda pointless to argue against. Umi is an excellent example right below.
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Doesn't really change that it requires Support Subordinate commitments to survive the weather and ties up our response force away from the primary theaters though. Or rather, we have to pre-send support because they are too far to reaction-send support.
Support subordinates (in case of disaster) + pre-send support (~3 turns) i.e. mercs vs war missions (in case of war) + support subordinates (in case of blockades) + pre-send support (~2 turns)
You said that you prefer West as it didn't embroil us in a new conflict, but we just got word that North wouldn't have a conflict. Just giving them an actual defense against mostly stone age locals. Hardly the same level of combat with the Trelli.
AN's summary was basically that a) the tribes are technologically weak and b) we're sending the merc camp to protect them because they're too far for us to help. b implies that we wouldn't really be obliged to send war missions, because we're too far for them to be effective. a implies that the mercs alone can probably handle it.
Sure, fair enough. But the main "fire" in the north has always been lack of resources, not military conflict. I'm primarily worried about the people there starving without our help, not about them getting overrun.

Though I suppose knowing that military conflict isn't an issue at all is somewhat reassuring. Definitely brings me closer to considering the North as an option.
Argh, if only some of the voters for the minor options for [Exp] could pool their votes into the Far North trade post so we could prevent the West trade post from being made!