That would probably mechanically translate into Martial constantly trickling into road construction, which might be a good thing if handled correctly - all other stats overflow into Martial eventually, after all, though of course we haven't really had issues with the main stats overflowing in... a while.
Instead of making random attacks, martial overflow results in road building. I like.
[X] [Main] Distribute Land
[X] [Main] Distribute Land x2
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement (Eastern Redhills)

Why vote for this you ask?

It is quite simple, the defining feature of our current system is that it is a command economy, which necessitate a gargantuan and, at this level of technology and landmass, unsustainable administration.
All other problems, such as dangers of Subordinate divergence, adminstrive overstretch and inability to adminster large territory stems from this. Double distribution would dramatically change this, this enormous reduction in adminstrive overhead will leave the core free to spend enormous energy and effort into other things, such as war or projects.
As for the settlement, the economy is needed desperately, and it will connect us with our vassals in the lowlands. Most importantly, it will be a test case of a province with a privitisation. A far better test in fact than doing it Secondary, since this will effect a set area and inform us of what troubles it may cause the greater administration if applied and how to adjust accordingly. Before low key large scale applications.

With the adminstrive problem solved, the sky's the limit.
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[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
This puts us on a three turn completion timer, sadly not rushable. This is to hoping the Stallions don't up and leave us before it is done!
It is incorrect to say that it is not rushable. Assuming nothing significantly harmful occurs during the midturn, it is possible to switch into megaproject mode next turn. This would have the possibility of finishing the palace within two turns and would prepare us to start on rushing the Census.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Stallion Tribe
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

That way we can influence the temple the Stallions will be building.
Why vote for this you ask?

It is quite simple, the defining feature of our current system is that it is a command economy, which necessitate a gargantuan and, at this level of technology and landmass, unsustainable administration.
All other problems, such as dangers of Subordinate divergence, adminstrive overstretch and inability to adminster large territory stems from this. Double distribution would dramatically change this, this enormous reduction in adminstrive overhead will leave the core free to spend enormous energy and effort into other things, such as war or projects.
As for the settlement, the economy is needed desperately, and it will connect us with our vassals in the lowlands. Most importantly, it will be a test case of a province with a privitisation. A far better test in fact than doing it Secondary, since this will effect a set area and inform us of what troubles it may cause the greater administration if applied and how to adjust accordingly.

With the adminstrive problem solved, the sky's the limit.

That would privatize everything and as much as a dislike the idea it is far better than to have one province privatized and its neighbors not. That kind of economic mismatch could rip us apart irrespective of the current crises.
We kinda need to put in more holy sites in our civ if we want to help the whole law situation, last time AN said that we could have fixed our tax problem with lots of Holy sites, this will also empower our clergy and because they handle spiritual things like vaccines, half exiles, and learning we also improve our civ.
That would privatize everything and as much as a dislike the idea it is far better than to have one province privatized and its neighbors not. That kind of economic mismatch could rip us apart irrespective of the current crises.

It's what China did, and unlike the other communist regimes that liberalised large scale , the reds still rule there.
Why vote for this you ask?

It is quite simple, the defining feature of our current system is that it is a command economy, which necessitate a gargantuan and, at this level of technology and landmass, unsustainable administration.
All other problems, such as dangers of Subordinate divergence, adminstrive overstretch and inability to adminster large territory stems from this. Double distribution would dramatically change this, this enormous reduction in adminstrive overhead will leave the core free to spend enormous energy and effort into other things, such as war or projects.
As for the settlement, the economy is needed desperately, and it will connect us with our vassals in the lowlands. Most importantly, it will be a test case of a province with a privitisation. A far better test in fact than doing it Secondary, since this will effect a set area and inform us of what troubles it may cause the greater administration if applied and how to adjust accordingly. Before low key large scale applications.

With the adminstrive problem solved, the sky's the limit.
I would rather do this slowly with secondaries actions to get us started but yeah our society has become too capitalistic for our government to properly administer. Our tax crisis is stemming from our proto stock market that lets people get by without doing anything so they don't get taxed at all. However we would be better off with a Palace to get us started and using secondary DL's as a release valve for building more trails.
I would rather do this slowly with secondaries actions to get us started but yeah our society has become too capitalistic for our government to properly administer. Our tax crisis is stemming from our proto stock market that lets people get by without doing anything so they don't get taxed at all. However we would be better off with a Palace to get us started and using secondary DL's as a release valve for building more trails.

Speculators aren't doing nothing, as much as they are detested, if what they were doing was lazy or unskilled, then every Joe and Bob would be doing it.
It's what China did, and unlike the other communist regimes that liberalised large scale , the reds still rule there.

Let's not emulate the commie like rapidly changing the economic structure and doing crazy five years plan rush, kay? That's how you get screwed in the ass.

So, let's take it slow and do a secondary land distribute, wait and see what happens.
Let's not emulate the commie like rapidly changing the economic structure and doing crazy five years plan rush, kay? That's how you get screwed in the ass.

So, let's take it slow and do a secondary land distribute, wait and see what happens.

We are the commi, it's too late to say otherwise.

And am suggesting to do what the commies did to be less red without collapsing like everyone else.
[X][ Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2

We've been talking about this for at least 4 turns now, and I'd rather keep our rep of being the only state around not to have had a civil war.
It is incorrect to say that it is not rushable. Assuming nothing significantly harmful occurs during the midturn, it is possible to switch into megaproject mode next turn. This would have the possibility of finishing the palace within two turns and would prepare us to start on rushing the Census.
Mmm...there certainly is that possibility. I suppose we could rush it if that's the case, but that puts us in the unenviable position of 3 to 1 econ, before True City taxes for the next turn however, which effectively paralyzes us for the following turn. Better to go slow (relative to Ymaryn standards anyway) and steady than not.
Why vote for this you ask?

It is quite simple, the defining feature of our current system is that it is a command economy, which necessitate a gargantuan and, at this level of technology and landmass, unsustainable administration.
All other problems, such as dangers of Subordinate divergence, adminstrive overstretch and inability to adminster large territory stems from this. Double distribution would dramatically change this, this enormous reduction in adminstrive overhead will leave the core free to spend enormous energy and effort into other things, such as war or projects.
As for the settlement, the economy is needed desperately, and it will connect us with our vassals in the lowlands. Most importantly, it will be a test case of a province with a privitisation. A far better test in fact than doing it Secondary, since this will effect a set area and inform us of what troubles it may cause the greater administration if applied and how to adjust accordingly. Before low key large scale applications.

With the adminstrive problem solved, the sky's the limit.
You'd open up an entirely new sewer pit though. Our laws, food distribution system, administration system and economic system are all build on the fact that there is no private land ownership. It'd throw our entire civilization in chaos, never mind the fact that we'd have to figure out how to work the new system while dealing with all our current issues.
The temple problem in particular is time-critical and this turn may be the last chance to integrate them before they build it, going by the actions they did last turn.
are the Stallions planning to begin construction this turn? What are their art and mysticism at; did they get any from Western Wall's actions last turn?

They will begin construction this turn if not integrated.

are Stallions at significant risk of breaking away within, say, next generation or two?


what happened to the Econ from our Expand Forest action?

It hasn't paid out yet.

[X] [Main] Distribute Land
[X] [Main] Distribute Land x2
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement (Far Eastern Redhills)

Advisors can tell you that this would give waaaaaaaaay too much to local groups too fast and would almost certainly result in some starting to break away, causing civil war.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2

What AN said about extra strain on the system might just improve the Palace a little bit.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy
Switching, between AN clarifications and the econ situation
Ok, by word of AN I will change my secondaries, any arguments for the options?
what is your vote

nvm it was 2 up.

If you don't want to integrate (and note that "will the ST break away in a generation" is, imo, a dumb question as every turn is a generation (generation being defined as growing from 0 to having kids, which should occur ~25)) then you should probably just do the double main GP + expand econ. Or do balanced policy + war mission as, stat-wise, this fosters the best opportunity for finishing the palace rapidly.
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