Better to strike them in a century or so and not only claim thier riches, and humble them, but also ensure they can't threaten our civ with thier artificially enhanced trade power
If we really want to go to war with another nation on the basis that they're nasty and threatening our trade, then how about going after the Xoh? Who still sacrifice children behind their wall of human skulls? And who, incidentally, are sitting on a whole chunk of extremely valuable land, and already have others going after them, so we'd have help.

ETA I'm not saying that we actually should do that. But if we really want a war, they seem like a better target.
[X] [Curr] Yes, for everyone (Stability loss?, Other effects?, establishes currency)
[X] [Horse] Openly allow but regulate it (-1 Religious Authority, potential stability loss)
[X] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
[X] [Infra] Build aqueduct in Sacred Forest (-4 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, increased True City threshold)
If we really want to go to war with another nation on the basis that they're nasty and threatening our trade, then how about going after the Xoh? Who still sacrifice children behind their wall of human skulls? And who, incidentally, are sitting on a whole chunk of extremely valuable land, and already have others going after them, so we'd have help.

ETA I'm not saying that we actually should do that. But if we really want a war, they seem like a better target.
Too big, not as big a threat to COT, and no one wants to go into the Lowlands.

One city state would be far easier to conquer
I don't know about people's view of large body of water, but i would rather not ship large amount of people over long distance to occupy someone. It's a really bad idea when we need the weather to be in cooperative mode for any war plan.

Of course, it's different if people are interested in making the black sea our inner sea. :p
---Which leads to the 'genius' idea that leads to currency depreciation by using ever smaller amounts of silver in official currency.
Our fiat currency system probably won't be effected by this, assuming that we stay with the fiat aspect and use silver simply to reduce the amount of counterfeiting that occurs.
They already are. Didn't you see the recent Trade Table they are already threatening one of our Trade Dominants, and with everything continuing to set itself on fire all around us we can't afford to focus on keeping up

...Any attempt at war which would have even the faintest chance of actually succeeding given their distance and fleet designed for deep-water combat would be far more expensive both in actions, stats and opportunity cost than simply improving our production of dye, which we still have a direct action for, and might be significantly improved by the action we are about to take anyway.
[X] [Curr] Yes, for everyone (Stability loss?, Other effects?, establishes currency)
[X] [Horse] Openly allow but regulate it (-1 Religious Authority, potential stability loss)
[X] [Hero] Provide sponsorship (Main Study Tailings under Mystic Hero, possible Legitimacy loss, possible Religious Authority loss)
[X] [Infra] Build aqueduct in Sacred Forest (-4 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion, increased True City threshold)
Actually quick question @Academia Nut do our people remember any part of the tax crisis, like has it become a part of legend and myth or has it become lost to time completely?
I'm guessing the point of religious authority came from the Temple Shamans helping with the recruitment (because they already started a collection of records). The shamans helped out a lot, so people look to them more for help.
They are one city state that posses are real threat to our civ via threatening our COT Dominants, really it's for the 'Greater Good' more people live in our empire and more people would suffer due to them continuing independent than being vassals
They don't threaten our dominance, because they can't reach the vast majority of our trading partners and have no interest in doing so. Arguably, the Hathatyn could trade with them for trade goods that would challenge us, but that would cost a great deal and they didn't when the Trelli were their colony, so it's unlikely this will occur.

At the moment, the Hathatyn are the biggest threat to CoT Dominance due to their ability to compete in dyes, wine, and - if they build even a single saltern - salt. If we're going to vassalize someone we should do it to the HR first.
They don't threaten our dominance, because they can't reach the vast majority of our trading partners and have no interest in doing so. Arguably, the Hathatyn could trade with them for trade goods that would challenge us, but that would cost a great deal and they didn't when the Trelli were their colony, so it's unlikely this will occur.

At the moment, the Hathatyn are the biggest threat to CoT Dominance due to their ability to compete in dyes, wine, and - if they build even a single saltern - salt. If we're going to vassalize someone we should do it to the HR first.
Err, the Trelli are explicitly threatening two of our trade positions; they're italic on the trade display in both wine and fine dyes:
Threatening trade position.
Also, they are listed for salt, either through a saltern or another major source (but with our 2 salterns and the distance involved enough to prevent them from threatening our dominance) or through trade with someone else that has that or another major source...
probable synergy with the games too.
Yes. But the big deal here is that the Nomads are not going to be very far behind on the horse riding thing.

Which means they no longer need copper to make Spoked Chariots.
Which means the Nomads are going to transition to horse archer hordes in the next 10-20 turns or so and become really really hard to deal with
I think we already have it, at least as far as smiths measuring their metal; thats what the lead slugs mentioned in the update were for, right?
We have measures, but not a unified royal measure yet. Every smith likely has a set of measures that they pass down via apprenticeship, so I'd be very surprised if two smiths on opposite sides of Valleyhome had the same measures.
Two mines, actually. THe Hatriver march captured one of the Hath's galena mines, which is silver/lead i think.
Ah, missed that.
What did the temple complex do last turn?
Supplied a Trait evolution and generally showed everyone how to fight better?
They are. Stuff like that is how you become a trade nexus. Seriously, look at history, or current politics.
Or you know, look at the Ymaryn, and Spirit Talkers.

We hardly let Nomads just pass through our valley to get to the South, or Lowlanders do the reverse. Yes, they theoretically COULD walk through Ymaryn lands and refuse to trade until they reach the other side, but really the main difference between us being the trade nexus between the Metal Workers, Nomads, Highlands and Xohyssiri and the Trelli being the trade nexus between our little sea and the greater ocean is ease of travel.

So what happens when people want to use a route you control is down to several levels of restriction.
-Closed borders - You only really see this much at war, or leading up to war. This is when they don't let your traders through period.

-Tolled/Tribute borders - This actually doesn't happen a lot in this era, mostly because there's no standard way to assess a toll.

-Trade requirement - This is the normal course of things. For towns in passes and ports alike, traders are expected to stop and exchange goods, as well as perform resupply. If you don't trade, then you're just a strange force of foreign armed men passing through their land. This gives the local settlements trade power, because they get first pick, allowing them to retrade internally, and get to charge the traders for food and lodgings.

-Free trade - This is an abnormal situation, generally allowed only to very close allies, or more often, vassals to lords.
Actually quick question @Academia Nut do our people remember any part of the tax crisis, like has it become a part of legend and myth or has it become lost to time completely?
We finished the law right around the same time, so it's probably a section of the steles that's been repeatedly "struck through" and rewritten
Err, the Trelli are explicitly threatening two of our trade positions; they're italic on the trade display in both wine and fine dyes:

Also, they are listed for salt, either through a saltern or another major source (but with our 2 salterns and the distance involved enough to prevent them from threatening our dominance) or through trade with someone else that has that or another major source...
Well, at least we're only suffering a threat to dominance on fine dyes.

I still support consuming more Hathatyn land before invading. It should buffer our wine stores some.
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And we need to privatise land ASAP, the clerks already think the accumulation of wealth is bad, this will only get worse with time.
And we need to privatise land ASAP, the clerks already think the accumulation of wealth is bad, this will only get worse with time.
*looks at the camera like I'm on Office*
Giving people yet another means to acquire wealth will do the opposite of help. Or did you mean the clerks thinking the accumulation of wealth is bad is what will get worse?

We haven't done a Expand Snails in forever, so that's fine.
v true

Let's do that after we main war mission the HT and establish a temple in Valleyhome?
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*looks at the camera like I'm on Office*
Giving people yet another means to acquire wealth will do the opposite of help. Or did you mean the clerks thinking the accumulation of wealth is bad is what will get worse?

v true

Let's do that after we main war mission the HT and establish a temple in Valleyhome?
I mean that any taboo about getting more, is a disaster. People need to be driven to accumulation, and spending for even more wealth or Prestige . If things don't change we'll end up with the buecracy having to do absolutely everything because no private individual has the wealth or initiative to do things himself.
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