
I don't like leaving things up to chance. Unless we get a heroic admin hero I don't want to do a Secondary RO if we can avoid it, as much for narrative reasons as anything else. When there isn't obvious corruption or we're in panic mode due to rioting (negative stability), I don't like sending out the assassins.

After thinking about it some more, Rush Builders means we can spend all those stats. A single [Main] Temple or Library consumes 8 stats. We also have Periphery States, those consume a ton of resources to start up (though we've only got a couple more).

I don't want to use RO if there is nothing narratively justifying the use of RO, even if we have to slowboat our way to 3 stability.

I don't like leaving things up to chance. Unless we get a heroic admin hero I don't want to do a Secondary RO if we can avoid it, as much for narrative reasons as anything else. When there isn't obvious corruption or we're in panic mode due to rioting (negative stability), I don't like sending out the assassins.

After thinking about it some more, Rush Builders means we can spend all those stats. A single [Main] Temple or Library consumes 8 stats.(Though Library gets 2 of them refunded the turn after) We also have Periphery States, those consume a ton of resources to start up (though we've only got a couple more).
Good points all around, and we do have the support subordinate action to dump the troublesome stats(Martial and Econ being troublesome in the sense of Martial malus and The Village Stupidity). And Greenshore does need semi-frequent support due to distance in my mind.

Err, i meant just do Main RoO and Main PS, not Sec RO + Main PS. Like...just use the extra secondary, its not like most secondaries are very good by themselves anyway :p
True but flexibility to deal with other shit/appease various factions/yadda yadda etc. A secondary can help with that.
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bout my question which would the admin adviser prefer that the currency be first implemented in Valleyhome first or be fully implemented all throughout our civ?

He doesn't know, its pretty complex either way. A smaller "local" trial probably can't go as wrong, but maybe the smaller scale could have issues or trick the administrators into thinking the problems on a larger scale will be easier to manage if it gets rolled out everywhere. *shrugs*

@Academia Nut is there any possibility that our people are attempting to grow saplings or seeds of the great trees?

I want that sequoia. Gimme it.

They probably don't grow in your climate.

@Academia Nut While we still have the martial hero...
What does he think the best 2-3 current ways of improving our military are?
What about the best way to prepare specifically for each of these scenarios:
1. An offensive war against the Xoh
2. A defensive war against the Hathatyn
3. A defensive war against another nomad horde
4. A war (either offensive or defensive) against the Highland Kingdom

More dudes.

1.) Mix of cavalry and infantry
2.) More infantry
3.) More cavalry
2.) More infantry

That isn't how this works. At all. Trade, at this point in history, is largely a strategic decision, and usually controlled by the king or high nobles. The trading class doesn't rise for millennia yet. But, let's end this argument.

@Academia Nut How does trade work in our area? Do we let traders through our borders freely? Are the Highlanders still trading with the Xoh?

Traders are allowed in, but generally they're expected to actually trade with most of the settlements they come across. The Highlanders and Xoh will trade with you, and sometimes do it with a nod and a wink to the trader that they want something that their enemy is known to provide, but they don't generally interact directly.

The fact we actually have priests and such that are CONCERNED about the HORSE'S feelings to begin with to the point they might punish them for doing stuff to the horses they basically own is kind of mind-boggling. This is the kind of thing that would make most nineteenth century civilizations give you the side-glance and start discreetly walking off to call the men with the fancy jackets that don't open easily because womanish sentiment has obviously overheated your brain.

It's seen as disharmonious and cruel to just scare the crap out of a horse with no greater purpose than to show off. Now, when setting a horse up to pull something they can definitely have issues, especially when first training, and force may be required to teach them, but mistreating a horse can lead to a serious ass beating. The People depend on those horses for a lot of things, and hurting them can be a major blow to whatever you were trying to do, plus a lot of the People live and work closely with their work animals, so they empathize with them and don't like to see them hurt, especially not needlessly.
Studying works just fine as a Secondary.
The trees want some love.

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jun 11, 2017 at 11:09 PM, finished with 52957 posts and 77 votes.
It's seen as disharmonious and cruel to just scare the crap out of a horse with no greater purpose than to show off. Now, when setting a horse up to pull something they can definitely have issues, especially when first training, and force may be required to teach them, but mistreating a horse can lead to a serious ass beating. The People depend on those horses for a lot of things, and hurting them can be a major blow to whatever you were trying to do, plus a lot of the People live and work closely with their work animals, so they empathize with them and don't like to see them hurt, especially not needlessly.
"King's organizing groups to ritualistically torture horses. It's gonna be one of those decades, innit."
@Academia Nut What did we spend a diplo point on this turn? We had 9 at the last Civ Sheet, and then had our normal 4 per-turn income, but we only have 12 diplo, not 13? ...Assuming this isn't another really obvious thing i'm missing like how i forgot about the econ gain from teh settlement *facepalm*
Also, do we know IC if the expansion slot increase was (almost) all the new settlement, or if the black soil increase helped a lot on that too?
Traders are allowed in, but generally they're expected to actually trade with most of the settlements they come across.
Oh. Hey. Look. It's almost like demanding trade inside your area isn't particularly obstructionist or assholish, eh @McLuvin

The Highlanders and Xoh will trade with you, and sometimes do it with a nod and a wink to the trader that they want something that their enemy is known to provide, but they don't generally interact directly.
And look, they don't trade with each other either, so no caravans coming through our territories in a time of war! @McLuvin It's almost like your argument is nothing more than a thinly veiled land-grab!
What's the first thing mentioned in the update?
...and i think i even commented on the bad weather not affecting econ at some point *facepalm*
"King's organizing groups to ritualistically torture horses. It's gonna be one of those decades, innit." know, i wonder if the loss in religious authority comes less from people doing something considered spiritually wrong and more from the fact that "The king had a dream about this spiritually corrupt practice actually being good" is being established as a legitimate means of changing spiritual norms... @Academia Nut ?
Oh. Hey. Look. It's almost like demanding trade inside your area isn't particularly obstructionist or assholish, eh @McLuvin

And look, they don't trade with each other either, so no caravans coming through our territories in a time of war! @McLuvin It's almost like your argument is nothing more than a thinly veiled land-grab!
Can we not get into this again, please.
So, we're gonna need to start a golden age up soon. If we keep the Baby Boom going on Balanced, we get a guaranteed +12 stats/turn. (+4 econ Baby Boom, +4 econ provinces (The Law), -1 econ True City, +1 mysticism Temple, +2 diplo Salt, +2 diplo Monopolies) There's basically no way we can spend that much without a Golden Age to dump the stats in.
Temples eat up 2 Econ + 2 Art per {S} action, so that is 16 a turn. Libraries take 2 Econ + 2 Mysticism, though I think 1 of the mysticism is currently refunded. Still, until we build two more Libraries and increase that refund, it will be taking 12 resources a turn. So I think we can definitely find something to do with our resources for at least a handful of generations, and odds are some crisis will start eating our resources by then anyways.
Can we not get into this again, please.
Its obvious that he wants to force poor Magnus through 30 pages of discussions over Trade! Evil Pure Evil
Adhoc vote count started by Ghostdevil on Jun 11, 2017 at 11:24 PM, finished with 52977 posts and 77 votes.
For his part, Rulhuthyn felt more than a little out of his depth, often relying on old precedent and advisors more than his own judgement a lot of the time, but then again the old laws were often very clear that that was what the king was supposed to do, especially when uncertain. Still, there were a number of strange new situations that were cropping up from all the things going on.
Was looking at the update again, looking for Econ loss.

Crow bless the libraries!
Maybe next turn we should put a library in valleyhome to help our admin if we don't plan on doing the palace anytime soon? I mean it will only take one main action so it is rather easy.
Actually, I think we would have lost Stability from people losing confidence in their admittedly less than competent king if he hadn't been able to point to the ancient records and say "AS IT IS WRITTEN, SO SHALL IT BE!" With our Law and Justice traits, we're actually fairly stable now. Well, until something goes wrong in a whole new way.
Oh. Hey. Look. It's almost like demanding trade inside your area isn't particularly obstructionist or assholish, eh @McLuvin
Expected not forced.

Big difference mate. But maybe you can't see it over your hateboner and copious amounts of salt you're rubbing into your skin like suncream
Against someone that cheerfully ignores all evidence thrown his way? Heck no. I have to show him very specifically how he's wrong to get it to stick at all, and I'm still expecting this to pop up again another few turns from now.
As multiple people have mentioned you are acting like a massive douche

So calm your tits now
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Maybe next turn we should put a library in valleyhome to help our admin if we don't plan on doing the palace anytime soon? I mean it will only take one main action so it is rather easy.
Trade with the Trill is going to be my main vote next turn, assuming that we aren't at war.

So, probably a couple of turns after that unless the volcano decides to blow again.

@Academia Nut Why weren't the other civs affected by the famine?
Maybe next turn we should put a library in valleyhome to help our admin if we don't plan on doing the palace anytime soon? I mean it will only take one main action so it is rather easy.
There is seemingly no mechanical benefit for a 2nd library aside from letting us get a 3rd. Thus we could grab a 2nd temple first and then get 2 libraries shortly afterwards. Definitely going to do that in ~2 turns if we stay on Balanced and don't get our Stability up.