Signal-boosting The Pocket-Space Rune. Features:
  • Plausibly within Hazou's capabilities, given how easy space-manipulation seems to be.
  • A way to set up nearly-undetectable ambushes:
    • Load a bunch of ninja or summons into it.
    • Lure the Akatsuki near its location.
    • Leave a Toad summon with the group inside.
    • Once we (and by "we", I mean a Hyuuga four miles away and one mile up looking at the location through a runic telescope) see that the Akatsuki are near, Noburi dispels the Toad summon.
    • This is the signal: the group inside de-activates the rune, and suddenly the Akatsuki get 30 copies of Tsunade, Orochimaru, Naruto, and associated Summons to the face, with no warning at all.
  • A way to set up nearly-undetectable traps:
    • Load a bunch of runes or seals into it, plus a clone.
    • Same setup with the Toad summon: once Noburi dispels it, the clone deactivates the pocket-space rune, and all manner of AoE runic destruction is applied to the Akatsuki at point-blank range.
    • Could then be followed up with the ambushgroup spring out to finish off the survivors.
      • After all, the pocket-space rune would also function as a shield: it would prevent ~all of the energy from our AoE detonations from reaching the people sitting in one of them!
  • A way to focus lasers, and basically transform any big explosion into a focused beam of destruction.
    • The rune warps the space such that all directions originating from within it have to go through the "bottleneck": if you pick an arbitrary point within the pocket, and move in any direction from it in a straight line, you'll inevitably reach the bottleneck.
    • Which means it turns any omnidirectional-effect rune into a directional-effect rune!
  • A modification of it could serve to foil Itachi's precognition, as per this post. If he only sees the future of what he's looking at, then a pocket-space rune suddenly transporting him into the pocket and then setting off an explosive in there would surprise him!
Eh, if we can lure Akatsuki to our prepared grounds like this, we can just have a SC set off a full-power explosive rune from underground.
We already have this capability.

I might come back around to it if our various beam-collators aren't viable, I guess, but I suspect that any sufficiently badass omnidirectional attack would destroy the pocket space rune, potentially causeing a runic failure.
Eh, if we can lure Akatsuki to our prepared grounds like this, we can just have a SC set off a full-power explosive rune from underground.
We already have this capability.
No we cannot, all actually competent Akatsuki have highly enhanced senses including chakra senses, chakdars see through walls, and runes are very obvious glowing humming chakra-emitting death rocks. If we don't conceal our runes properly, they'd see them coming literal miles away.
Updated to include the most important tidbit of all. Highlighted and bolded.

You're right...

[X] Action Plan: A Moment with Snowflake Under the Starlit Sky
Word Count: ???
Desired Update Duration: Unknown
  • During a recovery day, spend time with Snowflake in a Skytower, under nighttime sky.
    • Discuss:
      • Stress of the mission, concerns about research deadlines, and rusting skills.
      • Missing Leaf/our family. We're glad that she's here, with us.
      • How we're glad to know her and be known by her.
        • She's important to us, and deserves to hear that more. After losing Akane, we've realized we need to saythat more, even if they "already know." We don't want to take anyone for granted.
          • (NB: "Notice the friggin flags, Snowflake! Kiss the poor, stupid boy! Make a move, Sage-dammit!" -ROTP)
  • Sanity check with Kei
    • Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Spin it as some economics wumbo jumbo, but make it inconspicuous.
    • Tell Naruto we can probably defend Leaf from aerial bombardment with a new rune design and are still working on other gamechangers. Advise him to begin reinforcing the ground beneath Leaf immediately
    • Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight
  • Research
    • SSA Track 1: Finish Force Blades
    • SSA Track 2: Finish CATEARS
    • All other tracks on prep days, Prep days TBD
    • Ask Kagome to start working on Jiraiya's Instant Darkness Dome Seal
No we cannot, all actually competent Akatsuki have highly enhanced senses including chakra senses, chakdars see through walls, and runes are very obvious glowing humming chakra-emitting death rocks. If we don't conceal our runes properly, they'd see them coming literal miles away.
Also hiding all of our Essies in a pocket dimension is an amazing ambush strategy.
Those voting for the Pure Force Dome, I strongly suggest also voting for it's companion rune, the Iron Earth Rune.
Deidera has earth element, and can just tunnel into a random backstreet in leaf, then start flying around inside the giant dome bombing everything.
Iron Earth Rune
all soil and stone within a large area of effect is frozen in place, and made dramatically more durable. This effect is similar to how air domes affect air, but benefits from the denser and more solid base material to end up it be much tougher than an air dome.
This effect also prevents tunneling or digging jutsu, and other techniques that moves existing earth.

Forcing attackers to assault the gatehouse also means that we can concentrate all our force there, possibly via Essie SC/Summons that Noburi-chakra makes replenishable, while Akatsuki have to struggle and burn chakra to try and break in before they can even try to fight our essies seriously.
No we cannot, all actually competent Akatsuki have highly enhanced senses including chakra senses, chakdars see through walls, and runes are very obvious glowing humming chakra-emitting death rocks. If we don't conceal our runes properly, they'd see them coming literal miles away.
I think only Kisame can detect this?
Itachi's chakra-sight is line-of-sight based, so burrying it should be enough.

And Chakdars would be a problem, but sasori doesn't have SC and has probably only been researching rift seals.

But that's all beside the point. neither of these ambush scenarios are immediately relevant.
We need ways to attack the rift site, or defend leaf from the reprisal attack.
This is a cool rune, but it's not the rune we need to research right now.
[X] [prep day] Pulsed Lingering Temporal Runes (PLTR) 103

On activation, generates a pulse that affects living beings within a small radius. Beings affected experience accelerated time, as if within the field of a Temporal Rune, except that the effect is tied to them rather than to an area of space, similar to the effects of Hazō's prototypes for TR103. The effect wears off over a period of [time; hours to a day would probably be ideal, but depends on what Hazō can get].

Credit to Kyreneryk! Made some minor adjustments here, so reposting it.
Too true, Hazou-the-character doesn't know it's a date.
I admit, this direction is making me a bit uncomfortable. I will not support cheating on Ino, and we have not yet consulted with her about the prospect of adding Snowflake to the polycule. (To say nothing about how Akane's resurrection is looking more and more likely and how she ought to have a say in such things if she's coming back into the fold soon. I don't want to surprise Akane with "by the way, while you were gone we made major long-term decisions about your love life" if we can help it).

I know that right now you're just aiming to make it clear that the interest exists, which is a necessary first step to doing the responsible thing and consulting with all involved parties, but urging Snowflake to actually kiss Hazou feels like you're pushing too far too fast. Hazou cannot meaningfully respond to her feelings without first having a heart-to-heart with Ino and ideally Akane, but a kiss puts far more pressure on him to meaningfully respond than a verbal confession would.

If it seems I'm getting hung up on a throwaway sentence in a NB line of the plan, what I'm more saying is that I feel uncomfortable with how far you seem to want to push their relationship at this point in time. It doesn't matter if they'd be the cutest, most perfect couple in the world, if they try to get together now they and everyone they care about would regret it.
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I admit, this direction is making me a bit uncomfortable. I will not support cheating on Ino, and we have not yet consulted with her about the prospect of adding Snowflake to the polycule. (To say nothing about how Akane's resurrection is looking more and more likely and how she ought to have a say in such things if she's coming back into the fold soon. I don't want to surprise Akane with "by the way, while you were gone we made major long-term decisions about your love life" if we can help it).

I know that right now you're just aiming to make it clear that the interest exists, which is a necessary first step to doing the responsible thing and consulting with all involved parties, but urging Snowflake to actually kiss Hazou feels like you're pushing too far too fast. Hazou cannot meaningfully respond to her feelings without first having a heart-to-heart with Ino and ideally Akane, but a kiss puts far more pressure on him to meaningfully respond than a verbal confession would.

If it seems I'm getting hung up on a throwaway sentence in a NB line of the plan, what I'm more saying is that I feel uncomfortable with how far you seem to want to push their relationship at this point in time. It doesn't matter if they'd be the cutest, most perfect couple in the world, if they try to get together now they and everyone they care about would regret it.

It's mostly a joke, playing upon my long and verbose support of the ship. I'm not seriously advocating for the plan this cycle (since it's not a Vel cycle), and I plan on removing the segment when I do. Should the plan randomly gain traction this cycle, I'll take the line out.

In my ideal situation, the following would happen...
  • Hazou hangs out with Snowflake during the first SSA Recovery Day, nursing a migraine, and "accidentally" creates a romantic atmosphere.
  • Snowflake seizes the moment, and confesses her feelings for Hazou, with some possible adorable hand-holding (she's been practicing, and was even able to give him a hug!)
  • Hazou-the-character is flattered, surprised, interested, and caught off guard. He wants to take this seriously, so as to not accidentally hurt someone he cares deeply for. Hazou asks for a day to think about things, and to write to Ino for her thoughts (after all, this would affect her, too).
  • Snowflake finds reaction to be both predictable and adorable. She's gratified that he wants to take it seriously, but is also nervous about his answer (though, perhaps hopeful).
  • Hazou-pilot thinks about it, and realizes he does want to date Snowflake. He writes to Ino about the situation, seeking her permission, and promising not to proceed if she's uncomfortable.
  • Ino reads the note, and takes a few hours to think about it. She's far more secure in her relationship with Hazou, and loves both Kei and Snowflake.
  • Ino is not completely certain of what Snowflake's inclusion into their polycule will do, but she knows that they can handle whatever comes their way.
  • Ino writes back to Hazou, giving him permission. Possibly also teases Hazou about dating one of his sisters, again --playfully insinuating that he has a type, and that perhaps she should be adopted into the Goketsu.
  • Hazou receives the letter, and, with permission from Ino received, goes to Snowflake. He explains that he's not sure what moments they can have together, between his frantic research on the Rift, and Kei's missions on the Seventh Path, but that if she's willing to date him, then he would love to date her.

As you can see, the above is far more serious and grounded than the meme would suggest.

As for Akane: I agree that having her consent would be ideal, but she's dead. The Akatsuki are moving in on the Rift, and while Orochimaru might be almost finished with his Rift Seals, we don't have a WMD to show. Even if we di have a WMD, that's not a guarantee. And that's not even counting what challenges we may face in the Afterlife itself. Or if we can even find Akane. The Afterlife might be the size of the entire planet. Or bigger.

I'm less convinced that Akane will be resurrected. I hope so. I want it to be so. I'm willing to work towards it. But I don't think it's certain.

And, as our failure to marry Akane proved, we shouldn't wait for things, or take them for granted. There's no guarantee that Kei (and, thereby, Snowflake) will survive the Pangoling Conflict. There's no guarantee that Akane will be resurrected. There's no guarantee that Hazou will survive next month (chakra beasts, roaming Hidan, Itachi discovering Leaf's necromancy plans, etc).

I don't think they should wait, only to wake up in a few weeks to discover that it's too late.
Your explanation has a lot of emphasis on the Akane side of things, and while I do hold a broadly opposing view there ("we don't know for sure that we can save her" does not to me feel like a good excuse to make major decisions on her behalf like this) the biggest dealbreaker for me here and now is the Ino side of things, because she and Hazou are very much definitively together right now.

When I see this part of your plan:
  • Ino reads the note, and takes a few hours to think about it. She's far more secure in her relationship with Hazou, and loves both Kei and Snowflake.
  • Ino is not completely certain of what Snowflake's inclusion into their polycule will do, but she knows that they can handle whatever comes their way.
  • Ino writes back to Hazou, giving him permission. Possibly also teases Hazou about dating one of his sisters, again --playfully insinuating that he has a type, and that perhaps she should be adopted into the Goketsu.
I do see that, should things proceed this way, I would be okay with it[1]. However, and this is bugging me about other parts of our plans of late, just how much do we intend to write back to Leaf? Like, isn't the whole point of this that Hazou is supposed to be nigh-impossible to get in touch with, just barely sending in status reports on a weekly schedule? It's not just this, when I see a line like the following:
Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Spin it as some economics wumbo jumbo, but make it inconspicuous.
It just makes me worry that we're eroding our own success margins on this fate-of-the-world mission, nickle and diming it away for a bunch of reasons that all feel "worth it" in the moment. But like, how many of these can we stack on top of each other before we cross the border to "hah, as if, everyone knows Hazou's been keeping in contact"? I don't know, and I don't want to find out. I don't see myself voting for a plan that writes home to Ino about this, that is to say. For her sake and ours.

I'll cop to the fact that I'm not super invested in Hazou's love life. It's not high up on my priorities list, I would not trade other important things away for its sake, etc. When you say you'd rather not wake up and find out it was too late, my response is that I don't want to let the fear of missing out control our lives. We're aiming to win, after all, not lose, and if we win then we have all the time in the world to let Hazou and all the wonderful people around him find all the love they deserve. If we lose, on the other hand, then I'm not going to be consoled by whether or not Hazou got together with someone for the briefest of timespans before we lost. I don't have any interest in trading off our margins of victory to placate that kind of fear.

Sorry, I know that sounds a little harsh, but it all kind of sums up to say 1) I'm not really comfortable writing home to Ino right now, and 2) I'm definitely not comfortable moving forwards here without Ino's permission. I am not swayed by the fear that something might go wrong in the next few weeks or months, such that we need to slam on the gas now or miss our chance. And to top it all off I also haven't given up on Akane. Between all of that... it's a pretty solid "no" from me. This is neither the time nor the place, and while that's a pithy often misused I really truly do mean this is neither the time nor the place for such a change in relationships.

[1] Honestly I do feel an undercurrent of unease in general about trying to orchestrate Hazou's love life for him, just in general. It feels mildly-yet-profoundly uncomfortable trying to push two characters together because we think they'd make a good couple. I want this sort of thing to be fully Hazou's decision, and the decision of the other characters in MfD, not the byproduct of a shipper who sees potential and tries to drag it into reality. This isn't a strong enough unease for me to oppose plans that aim for setting up new romances, but I'd be lying if I said I had any enthusiasm for plans that try and push Hazou and Snowflake into each other's arms. It just doesn't feel right to try and take that kind of role in his life.
[1] Honestly I do feel an undercurrent of unease in general about trying to orchestrate Hazou's love life for him, just in general. It feels mildly-yet-profoundly uncomfortable trying to push two characters together because we think they'd make a good couple. I want this sort of thing to be fully Hazou's decision, and the decision of the other characters in MfD, not the byproduct of a shipper who sees potential and tries to drag it into reality. This isn't a strong enough unease for me to oppose plans that aim for setting up new romances, but I'd be lying if I said I had any enthusiasm for plans that try and push Hazou and Snowflake into each other's arms. It just doesn't feel right to try and take that kind of role in his life.
Agreed; this is the primary reason I don't do much shipping in this quest.

It feels weird to do so through the lens of control we have over Hazou.
It just makes me worry that we're eroding our own success margins on this fate-of-the-world mission, nickle and diming it away for a bunch of reasons that all feel "worth it" in the moment.
Hazou is in regular contact with Nobs for chakra refill, which means passing orders to Mari is simplicity itself. I understand your concern here, but the additional risk from this particular statement is tiny. Mari can keep a secret, and if they're interrogating Nobs, shit is over already.

Plus we need some places to set up runes to defend the city.
[1] Honestly I do feel an undercurrent of unease in general about trying to orchestrate Hazou's love life for him, just in general. It feels mildly-yet-profoundly uncomfortable trying to push two characters together because we think they'd make a good couple. I want this sort of thing to be fully Hazou's decision, and the decision of the other characters in MfD, not the byproduct of a shipper who sees potential and tries to drag it into reality. This isn't a strong enough unease for me to oppose plans that aim for setting up new romances, but I'd be lying if I said I had any enthusiasm for plans that try and push Hazou and Snowflake into each other's arms. It just doesn't feel right to try and take that kind of role in his life.
Yeah, same, to be honest. It's why I never acted to resolve this state of Hazou/Snowflake ambiguity. (I'd still vote for plans that do so, though, since those feel less like I am the one doing the meddling.)
I understand the impulse for romance to be neat and unproblematic and separately also understand that some people have excellent reasons to be uncomfortable with romances getting messy but I do want to say that I personally am fine with and enthusiastically entertained by traumatized soldiers having raw and messy interpersonal relationships, not least because they know they don't have a guarantee of seeing tomorrow. I love fucking around and finding out.
Honestly I do feel an undercurrent of unease in general about trying to orchestrate Hazou's love life for him, just in general.
I want this sort of thing to be fully Hazou's decision, and the decision of the other characters in MfD.
It just doesn't feel right to try and take that kind of role in his life.
Agreed; this is the primary reason I don't do much shipping in this quest.

It feels weird to do so through the lens of control we have over Hazou.
Hazō is limited to his limited unaccounted for free hours. Entitled to your preferences. In practice, Hazō rarely overrides training, reading notes or research to be more attentive to his partners or clan.
Those voting for the Pure Force Dome, I strongly suggest also voting for it's companion rune, the Iron Earth Rune.
Deidera has earth element, and can just tunnel into a random backstreet in leaf, then start flying around inside the giant dome bombing everything.
This seems like it will affect a far greater volume of material compared to an air dome. Therefore I will suggest a version with a more restricted effect for the main thing we want and a suggested mechanism that we've seen in universe.

Earth Mother Rune
Ground underneath this active rune in a large area becomes extremely resistant to being shaped by Earth techniques. Proposed mechanism (unless Hazo knows better): the rune asserts control of the earth similar to what the chakra crystal did in the Cave of Mild Peril. It doesn't instruct the earth to do anything besides reject the shaping influences of foreign chakra. Would be an interesting coincidence if the substrate used for this rune was the same material collected from that crystal.

[X] Action Plan: Lets Go Punch Some Cats

[X] [prep day] Pure Force Dome
[X] [prep day] Beam Collimator Rune (spatial variant)
[X] [prep day] Beam Collimator Rune (optical variant)
[X] [prep day] Canary Rune
[X] [prep day] The Pocket-Space Rune
[X] [prep day] Remote Explosion Rune
[X] [prep day] Earth Mother Rune
[X] [prep day] Chakra Attenuation Rune
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Landmine Rune

A modified explosive rune that does not explode upon initial activation but only after seal-activation levels of chakra is also added. Once the rune is activated, it becomes 'primed'. Upon detection of additional chakra, the rune immediately explodes.
Bumping for visibility; I really think this would be a force amplifier for runic capabilities, both offensively and defensively.
I don't think Hazō would have organically developed any of his current relationships without us voting for them. If we want anything to ever happen I think we need to vote for it.

@RandomOTP next cycle if you make a Snowflake plan you can ping me for a free vote.

I've been thinking of things Hazō and Snowflake can do together to bond over but it's difficult. Kei and Snowflake have a lot of boundaries and hair-triggers where the slightest misstep will set them off. It'd be so much easier if Snowflake initiated things.

(And my IRL go-to for bonding—drinking—is probably not appropriate for the situation.)
Or a coal mine. Might also be able to improve the surface-to-volume ratio by inventing an early form of Fresnel lens - Wikipedia
This is the sort of development I can't think of a justification for Hazo stumbling across, especially since it took a lot of gradual refinement of the base idea. Trying to make lenses lighter is a reasonable starting point given the limits we'd run into with physical lenses, but figuring out how is the tricky bit. He might have the glassworking/optics chops to develop it, but it seems like a slow research project a la aerodynamics with the gliders and kunai. Time's precious enough right now that I'd rather make a lens rune and get veterancy for runes that manipulate whatever it is we make the lens out of, chakra or gravity or whatnot.