- Consequences last 24 (Mild) / 240 (Medium) / 2400 (Severe) Hours, times the Roll inflicting them, divided by Physique or Resolve.
- Consequences heal twice as quickly while Resting (no or minimal related activity over the last 24h).
- Every hour of Consequence-related streneous activity extends it by 3h (capped at nitial duration).
- Taking Stress extends all related Consequences by 24 hours per point (capped at initial duration).
[Medical Knowledge]
Understanding and application of biology and pharmacology. Can be rolled against TN to assist the body's natural healing processes, helping a patient to recover from Physical Consequences more quickly or try and fix chronic health problems.
- Roll MedKnow vs TN to diagnose a patient and prepare a Treatment Plan. Common ills range Average (TN 10) to Fair (TN 20) while exotics can be Fantastic (TN 60) and beyond.
- Preparing a Treatment Plan is a "10 Minutes" (Time Ladder 6) task, moveable up to 3 steps up ("A few Hours" - TL 9) or down ("Half a Minute" - TL 3) for AB-based modifiers per Hurrying/Being Careful rules.
- While the patient heeds their Treatment Plan, the Consequence gains +5% Healing Rate per Shift. This is multiplicative with Resting (2x) and can harm recovery if the Plan Failed.
- A doctor can (doesnt have to) revise their Treatment Plan by repeating the process, after no less than a day has passed.
[Medical Ninjutsu]
The ability to use chakra to manipulate biology, usually for the purposes of healing. Using this skill, a medic can stabilize those on the brink of death and heal physical aliments, whether their own or those of others, a process which in absence of special considerations requires touch.
- Healing Consequences requires a Treatment Plan, which can be prescribed by another character, but only if the acting mednin is made sufficiently aware of its details.
- Roll MedNin vs Physique daily when Healing. Healing is a "An Hour" (Time Ladder 8) task, moveable up to 3 steps up ("A Day" - TL 11) or down ("Several Minutes" - TN 5) for AB-based modifiers per Hurrying/Being Careful rules.
- If Healing Succeeds, its target Consequence gains +10% Healing Rate per Shift, added to the effects of its Treatment Plan for the day, or subtracted if said Plan Failed as misguided healing is actively harmful. If multiple mednin work the same injury or aliment over the day, only the most potent effect applies.
Stabilizing the Dying
Medical Ninjutsu can Stabilize a Dying character. Characters are Dying but not yet Dead if their Physical Stress exceeds their Stress Track by no more than their Physique AB. Dying characters suffer 1 Stress per minute. Stabilizing is a "Half a Minute" task and requires a Treatment Plan.
- Roll MedNin vs TN Physique. Success heals Stress equal to the result in Shifts, or deals twice that much Stress if the Treatment Plan was a Failure as the misguided healing is actively harmful.