hey you know what would be cool, if we asked our family which issues they feel are most urgent / best bang-for-buck at this stage

we don't have to go with what they say, but it might make them feel a bit more included 😅

do we have a list of main problems we're oriented towards solving? death, dragons, clan standing in leaf, EM fallout, personal problems?
[X] Include Snuncle in this survey
I personally don't really see the point of having Uncle Oro look at the GS. We're better than him so he shouldn't have any insight we don't have as well
You have repeatedly said things along the lines of "Hazō is the greatest sealmaster alive" and "we are better than Oro". Out of curiosity, where are you getting this confidence from?

(and he was unaware of the tiny cracks in it until he physically checked it so it's unlikely any further degradation, if any exists, would be updated into this mental model).
I'm very fuzzy on this one, but I *think* that he became aware of it from his downloaded mental image after his bloodline settled, then went back to confirm. I might be wrong.
  • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:2, B:148, R:0
  • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0 B: 21 R: 129
Does this account for the 96 notes XP recently spent? I believe Hazou has spent 1924 total notes XP so far...

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped Are you willing to comment on how much time this will skip?
Oh. Oops. I wrote up a very relevant thing as an interlude then completely forgot to post it.

Hazō (Calligraphy): 35 + 3 (IN) + 3 = 41
Hazō (Sealing): 48 + 22 (SSA) + 6 = 76

Hazō has finished the second seal in the jinchuuriki seal chain with a grand total of two research cycles and 10 days total. He is starting to understand the purpose of the Fourth's seal series -- namely, to construct machinery out of pure chakra for... some purpose or another. The ideas are brilliant, yet surprisingly easy to replicate with some effort, and Hazō thinks the next few seals might take him a similar amount of time to this one.
Notice: Seal research added to the last update. Hazou has finished the second chain seal.
Hazou arranged for a Snake to visit Arachnid a while ago, and Orochimaru agreed to investigate the Great Seal. Skip to this happening.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped Are you willing to comment on how much time this will skip?
I'm not sure if the snake has arrived yet and, if not, where it is on its travel to Arachnid. If anyone else knows then I'm happy to give an estimate. ( @faflec ?) I'm checking with the other QMs.

I personally don't really see the point of having Uncle Oro look at the GS. We're better than him so he shouldn't have any insight we don't have as well
You have repeatedly said things along the lines of "Hazō is the greatest sealmaster alive" and "we are better than Oro". Out of curiosity, where are you getting this confidence from?

(and he was unaware of the tiny cracks in it until he physically checked it so it's unlikely any further degradation, if any exists, would be updated into this mental model).
I'm very fuzzy on this one, but I *think* that he became aware of it from his downloaded mental image after his bloodline settled, then went back to confirm. I might be wrong.
I'm not sure if the snake has arrived yet and, if not, where it is on its travel to Arachnid. If anyone else knows then I'm happy to give an estimate. ( @faflec ?) I'm checking with the other QMs.
Hazō is handling this off-screen. It is going to take a while -- the journey is much more than a thousand miles, and snakes aren't built for long-distance travel the way dogs and humans are.
Add this is why we don't trust Kei
we could just tell her not to (if we wanted to. personally i want to involve ami) and explain why? don't see why it breaches trust

for sealing research in action plans we should specify doing maximum prep days. because for some reason hazou-pilot has deviated from the SOP
we should also wait until hazou buys the kagome sealing dance stunt before doing research.
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I'm not sure if the snake has arrived yet and, if not, where it is on its travel to Arachnid. If anyone else knows then I'm happy to give an estimate. ( @faflec ?) I'm checking with the other QMs.
August 29th to mid-October based on the quotes faflec provided. Timeline hasn't been updated since ch. 564 (which was oct 10th at the time, now several updates ago) so I'm not sure precisely when in October. This would be between 1.5 to 2 months since sending the Snake.
Ninja can travel 160 miles for 4 days a week. Assuming 1600 mile journey for Snake to Arachnid that's a 10 week journey for a ninja. So what speed to ninja snakes travel? 1/2 human, 1/4 human?

Just pulling numbers out of my ass, I'd say 1/2 human and peg the travel time as 20 weeks.
i think ami considers us friends. so doing that counterfactual requirement for informing her of rift might affect that.
on the other hand, she will notice that a counterfactual requirement is still more friendly/trusting then not telling her at all.
edit: and she did talk about killing the goketsu. so makes it more reasonable sounding
August 29th to mid-October based on the quotes faflec provided. Timeline hasn't been updated since ch. 564 (which was oct 10th at the time, now several updates ago) so I'm not sure precisely when in October. This would be between 1.5 to 2 months since sending the Snake.
Since we're looking at a month timeskip at least, and possibly 6 months, for your plan, I'm gonna unvote and vote for an interlude. I don't feel comfortable skipping for that long atm.
Hazou arranged for a Snake to visit Arachnid a while ago, and Orochimaru agreed to investigate the Great Seal. Skip to this happening.
since this could take a while normally. should research ways to speed it up. maybe use skywalkers/skygliders/dog sled/poll ideas from goketsu to speed up.

edit: oops voting ends tomorrow, nvm. time flies.
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You have repeatedly said things along the lines of "Hazō is the greatest sealmaster alive" and "we are better than Oro". Out of curiosity, where are you getting this confidence from?
There isn't strong evidence at all. I just enjoy hyping Hazō up. There is some weak evidence from when you wrote the informational post on seal research. You put Jiraiya level sealing at 70+ so that lets me be confident sealing was one of his 80's on his pyramid. We know that Oro wasn't quite as good as him. Plus Oro isn't specialized in pure sealing instead specializing in bio-sealing. That means his total research XP cost is 4x compared to the 2x seal masters pay. So I feel pretty confident capping him at somewhere between 75-79. And that puts Hazō in spitting distances of him which makes me comfortable to hype my boy up

Edit: but when you add in the fact that Oro has a huge amount of veteranancy on Hazō and doesn't have to take time off to heal plus he can actually pass his calligraphy check he's obviously a much better effective seal master than Hazō. But limiting myself to strictly the facts is boring when I am just casually posting in the thread
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another potential resurecction problem. summoning scroll only 1 summoner at a time. what if when jiraiya revive existence of 2 summoners kill both hazou and jiraiya immediately and tears open boundary between human and 7path?
[X] I Like Your Funny Words, Snake Man
Word Count: 297

  • Kei:
    • Kei may trust Ami absolutely, but you don't. If Ami's informed, it wouldn't only let her optimize our plans to mutual benefit; it'd let her improve the outcome according to her preferences at our preferences' expense.
    • Your uncertainty over Ami's preferences, combined with her sheer power to optimize for them, is enough that, by default, you would not inform her — perhaps until much later. If Kei informs her unilaterally, you'd consider that a breach of trust.
    • However, you agree there's mutual benefits to be gained. Thus, a preferred condition:
    • Ami commits to only use information shared in a way that doesn't disadvantage you compared to the counterfactual world in which you opted not to actively involve Ami. This condition is waived once the project reaches a state where uninformed!Ami would've learned of it "naturally". (If we go public with Jiraiya's resurrection, Ami's free to start acting in her own interests.)
      • Implicitly, Ami also commits not to scheme to artificially speed up the waiving of this condition, such as by suggesting a strategy that would, as an unnecessary side-effect, make the project visible to uninformed!Ami.
      • For minor matters, Ami's free to use her model of you. For bigger moves, she gives you an opportunity to veto.
  • Arachnid
    • Sanity check with Kagome/Mari/Kei
    • Hazou arranged for a Snake to visit Arachnid a while ago, and Orochimaru agreed to investigate the Great Seal. Skip to this happening.
    • The Aburame agreed to apply their glass/optics expertise to produce a telescope a few months ago after receiving R&D payment from Hazou. If necessary, Declare they finished a prototype for Kagome's use.
    • Check out Great Seal with your Uncles without getting eaten.
  • Other (Offscreen)
    • Sealing
      • Complete research on Minato's next seal in the chain.
    • Visit Mareo.
  • I very much want to sanity-check/optimize the Kei conversation with Mari first. She definitely has her own insights into the topic, in addition to Kei. I would have put them in the same room if it weren't for their rift.
  • I would highly recommend asking Kei what reasoning she has for thinking Ami won't compete with us (as in her note), as a first-topic discussion, before anything else. If nothing else, this lets Kei present her reasoning and lets us IC change as appropriate.
  • Instead of saying Kei unilaterally informing Ami (which is not what she's doing, this is her saying she is sanity-checking the idea with us) would be a breach of trust, maybe just say "Please don't do it"? Or (if you're adding my previous bullet point) "I'm not fully convinced; please don't do it"?
  • There was a comment in the thread by @FaintlySorcerous that said (paraphrased): "Ami has to make these promises to you, since we know she wouldn't break a promise to Kei". I would really like this addition, possibly even moreso that the current precommitment-focused one. Like just ask her to make Ami promise (to Kei) to not take advantage of this or whatever.
  • In case the Snake arrival takes a long long time, I would have some other Sealing project to complete beyond just the next Minato chain.
The Great Seal is also huge... you can probably see it from much more than a mile away just with the naked eye, but the telescope will help resolve details
You're assuming that none of the Dragons have a 'exactly as far away as it appears' eldritch trick, where if you look at them through a telescope or something they're automatically close enough to touch you.
hey you know what would be cool, if we asked our family which issues they feel are most urgent / best bang-for-buck at this stage

we don't have to go with what they say, but it might make them feel a bit more included 😅

do we have a list of main problems we're oriented towards solving? death, dragons, clan standing in leaf, EM fallout, personal problems?
This is a good idea.
I very much want to sanity-check/optimize the Kei conversation with Mari first. She definitely has her own insights into the topic, in addition to Kei. I would have put them in the same room if it weren't for their rift.
I suspect that Kei would not like for Mari to optimize any of Hazō's conversations with her, but mere sanity checking seems like a good idea. I agree with all of faflec's other suggestions and implementing them would probably be sufficient for me to vote for the plan.
I suspect that Kei would not like for Mari to optimize any of Hazō's conversations with her, but mere sanity checking seems like a good idea. I agree with all of faflec's other suggestions and implementing them would probably be sufficient for me to vote for the plan.
While I agree that Kei wouldn't like it, Mari has her own plans regarding resurrection.
[X] ES Fun
Have fun with ES.
  • Use ES 40 to narrow down materials that feel good for ES 50. Rent rare rocks from Hokage and summon clans.
  • Try using ES to make a hollow boulder, slowly roll it from the inside.
  • Privately show gently redacted ES 40 abilities to Hokage. What heist missions does this open up? Much stronger ES in 6 months. Collaborate on plan to renovate cheap properties on expensive land, hardline Merchant Council to renovate entire city. Bring in ISC + allies for renovation.
  • Lose track of some chakra koi during move. Create secret pond with ES.
  • Clear everything with family.