Regarding Adoptions
First, clanless jounin. They don't want to join clans because that loses them control of their finances. However, we can solve this by offering to specificy in their adoption contract that they retain this control.
Next, clan ninja. Clans are allowed to inter-adopt, which implies that this is a thing that sometimes happens. Obviously, there will be agreements in place that the adoptee can't share clan secrets of either clan to the other, but the adoptee themselves would be
extremely powerful due to having access to both. I imagine this is something that tends to happen more with the non-bloodline clans, or else that there are agreements that bloodline-children are members of that bloodline's clan. We can adopt an unlimited number of clan ninja, because it doesn't interfere with taxes.
Next, we are uniquely positioned with sealmasters. Our clan already has two, and we also have Jiraiya's library, and
sealmasters can retroengineer each other's designs. This means that each additional sealmaster we add to our clan acts as a force multiplier for research, while also adding yet another sealmaster who can learn and produce J's seals. This also increases the clan's income from seal sales.
Next, social specs. I used to consider these incredibly important, but now I don't because we can use civilians for this.
Next, hackers. It would be excellent to get one so we could produce new clan jutsu. However, this doesn't give us the research multiplier or economic benefits that a sealmaster would, and jutsu cost chakra to use and xp to turn into something combat viable. Honestly, not high-priority as far as I can see.
Next, summoners.
These are worth their weight in extradimensional gold. If Lee has the turtle scroll then he's my number one pick. Every scroll we get into the clan gives us another alien race to trade with and throw at our problems.
Next, medical specs. These are good, especially for research purposes, but not as good or sealmasters, or even hackers. Also, we can get access to medics for research more easily than we can get sealmasters or hackers who are willing to create new shinies for us. Sorry Kabuto.
Finally, combat specs. These are not very important, to be honest. Even the support specs in our clan are combat monsters. It would be nice to have a few, sure. They'd be
bigger combat monsters because they're benefitting from all that support without investing huge chunks of xp in it, but there's a problem. Combat specs pay off if we expect to get more value out of combat than from non-combat operations, and I
So, in order:
- If Lee has the turtle scroll then adopt him on the spot.
- If he doesn't then find a jounin.
- If we can't get a jounin, get a sealmaster, hacker, or medic, in that order.
- Shop around for clan ninja who are willing to become Gouketsu. Showing off how amazing our clan jutsu are, or how cool J's seal library is may help here -- we want the ninja to know that switching clans makes them insanely powerful. If we're willing to demonstrate PEA then any earth elementalist should be hyped to get non-ablative armour. Any non-ninjutsu spec would love PH. Any sealmaster will be dying to get their hands on J's library. Once we've convinced someone to join, we then need to broker a deal with their clan head. This is where most dreams die. They'll want a hefty price, especially for a sealmaster. I trust us to work out a few deals, though.