Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Ah yes, the many positive ways to worship the gods of slaughter, violent coercion, shipwrecks and fucking human sacrifice. No, this is not a likely possibility. If they wanted gods who helped with their respective purview, there are plenty of alternatives.
But what if they worshiped the god of baby murder for his vast experience in childcare? :thonk:
These are 100% forbidden gods and for damn good reason; they're all total fucking bastards and demand you commit atrocities to worship them. They're one step away from Chaos, to the point where many think Khaine is just an aspect of Khorne. Ranald, they are not.

I think there are suggestions somewhere that some consider Ranald to be an aspect of Tzeentch, and the Bretonnians certainly consider Ranald to be a forbidden god alongside Khaine.

I suspect that if Mathilde has chosen to worship Khaine at thread start we'd have found an acceptable aspect to focus on. It's not as if gods are monoliths or if their worshippers have a consistent view of who and what they are or what they want.
I think there are suggestions somewhere that some consider Ranald to be an aspect of Tzeentch, and the Bretonnians certainly consider Ranald to be a forbidden god alongside Khaine.

I suspect that if Mathilde has chosen to worship Khaine at thread start we'd have found an acceptable aspect to focus on. It's not as if gods are monoliths or if their worshippers have a consistent view of who and what they are or what they want.

Mm that's sort of true but the empire cults of Khaine that do exist are pretty much all of him in his aspect of murder. The other aspects of khaine never really made it to the empire, that's not to say a hypothetical Mathilde at quest start would be a murder cult member as if any group is going to be aware of the wider aspects of a elven god it's the wizards.
I suspect that if Mathilde has chosen to worship Khaine at thread start we'd have found an acceptable aspect to focus on.
he a god of violence, war, cruelty, blood, destruction, and murder.

what good aspect are there in any of that

best we could do would be to focus on war/murder and aim it at our enemy
I think there are suggestions somewhere that some consider Ranald to be an aspect of Tzeentch, and the Bretonnians certainly consider Ranald to be a forbidden god alongside Khaine.

The Bretonnians consider Ranald to be a forbidden god because he makes people say horrifying things like "hey, maybe you could tax us slightly less so we aren't constantly starving?"

People consider Khaine a forbidden god because he's literally the god of murder.

I suspect that if Mathilde has chosen to worship Khaine at thread start we'd have found an acceptable aspect to focus on. It's not as if gods are monoliths or if their worshippers have a consistent view of who and what they are or what they want.
Mm that's sort of true but the empire cults of Khaine that do exist are pretty much all of him in his aspect of murder.

If you wanted a god of battle, you've got Sigmar, Ulric and Myrmidia right there. No, if you're a human worshipping Khaine, you're at least a little bit down with the murder cults. I'm sure sticking to perfectly righteous murder and slaughter would stop you from standing out but I really don't understand the point.

Ranald was a good pick since he doesn't actually have that many dedicated, powerful worshippers, so having one with the ear of an Elector Count is a fair bit to him, let alone what we are now. Meanwhile, Khaine's got an entire civilisation murdering babies in his name. If you're not willing to at least sacrifice a few slaves, I doubt he'd give a single fuck.
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[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.

I want to find Kasmir. I want to get an answer to what happened to him. It's possible it'll be a sad answer, but if so, so be it. But I want to get to the bottom of this, of what happened.

Karak Kadrin, because I want to see some more of the Karaz Ankor outside of Karak Eight Peaks. I want to see how the Slayer Hold will react to Mathilde. How they'll treat her. How they feel about her, and Clan Angrund, and current politics. And maybe if we're lucky, we'll even get some insight into what Talabecland tried. (I'm betting they were silly buggers about the canal Ostermark dug. That seems a safe bet, for the topic. But in what way were they silly buggers?) I also want to see how BoneyM will cover the striking of grudges. I think Mathilde never got to see Belegar and Clan Angrund striking out a mass of grudges after taking over 2 Peaks and the Citadel, did she? At least, not in some grand ceremony -- there might be some scene I am forgetting, where grudge-striking-out took place, in some paragraph or line in an update.

Not voting for one of the Roswita entries, because both of them are securely winning so no need to worry on that front. I'd prefer only one of them win though. Hence my hoping that the Kasmir option will manage to eke its way in.

[X] The best reading chair ever.

*Having a rad chair
*Being able to do the swivel reveal
*Getting to say "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today."
("Is it because we're all wizards?" "And you're the Court Wizard?" "And because this is the Wizard Meeting Room?" "And you wanted to show off your cool chair?")

A good spy thriller or detective movie deserves a good fancy chair to swivel around and reveal a mastermind or master spy or the like. :) I hope the Dwarfs can make it a swivel chair. That'd be perfect if so. Even if not though, it's still a cool chair -- and maybe parlor magic can make the difference.
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I might be in the minority here, but I really don't want this. It's a big project that will probably consume all of our time and as mich as I enjoyed the duckling lesson, I enjoy sneaking around doing spy things more.
I am with you in this one...

I really love Mathilde's character as she is now, I would rather not become a college headmaster... It simply doesn't sound as fun what we are doing now.
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I might be in the minority here, but I really don't want this. It's a big project that will probably consume all of our time and as mich as I enjoyed the duckling lesson, I enjoy sneaking around doing spy things more.
You probably are not minority. When we voted for what to do after magister graduation, "anything but founding a wizard campus" was a very influential faction, which was instrumental in Mathilde going to k8p.
You probably are not minority. When we voted for what to do after magister graduation, "anything but founding a wizard campus" was a very influential faction, which was instrumental in Mathilde going to k8p.

Maybe, but I should remind you that pre hiatus and post hiatus are kinda different. Many people who frequented the thread are either less active or not at all, and there are a ton of new folk who came in, or people who didn't participate pre hiatus but do post hiatus (like me). There's also the evolution in the thread's thought processes. Pre hiatus Roswita hate wagon was pretty strong, and while it still existed post hiatus it was weaker. Similar thing with staying with Dwarves. I'm pretty sure that being Belegar's advisor wasn't a position most people wanted back then, but it gained a lot of traction over the expedition as it advanced post hiatus. Thread attitudes can change significantly, especially with the constant infusion of new voters.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on Forest Spiders

As I said, weaving has nothing to do with the spiders, and bees are nothing like the We.

[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.


[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.

I'd prefer the other one, but I'd also prefer not spending two on her.

[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.

I don't especially care about these two one way or the other, but I'd rather have them than a second Roswita one and they are the closest to dislodging her vote-wise.

And now to my personal choices, even if they don't have a chance of winning. Mostly just to indicate what I'll be ready to support next time if there's a chance of them winning.

[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi

I'd really like to get more personally involved with the Undumgi.

[X] Check in on the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory.

It's not shiny, but it has to happen some day.

[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for

I actually want to learn more about that conspiracy, but a social call is a good start.

[X] On display in the Duckling Club.

The Skull... I don't really care about. But a chair seems the most boring and banal. So I vote for the runner up.
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I'm starting to ponder if Ranald is intentionally sneaking his priests in at very high positions of power.
First Mathilde, who is right hand woman to the most progressive Dwarven King in milennia.
Now the Emperess of the human empire.
Is there some very lucky Halfling in the Moot that we should know about?
Or a human with the Very Small trait. :D
If Egg Layers are as expendable as Hunters, cultivating them is a low-maintenance way of warpstone decontamination. If they are not, then what you said.
Uh, it'd be like saying oysters are a low maintenance way of removing sand.
What we can take away from it is:
-We now know that the We units could live a lot longer if they had a diet of non-Skaven creatures.
--We do not know that the We would care much, any individual spider is expendable.
--Its possible that if the cysts can be extracted while they're alive they'd live longer. Something for Amber wizards to investigate.

-We now have put to rest the concerns of warpstone poisoning or mutating the We further. They have an adaptation to deal with it.

-We now have an interesting new reagent to study. Granted, it contains warpstone, so its probably not useful in its own right, but studying how the calcified layers form and insulate the body from warpstone radiation is.

-The Amber College would be particularly interested in animal adaptations to warpstone exposure, and finding out if they could breed cows that can eat Sylvanian warpstone laced grass without producing warpstone laced meat is probably an idea that a paper like this could spark.

Also its a damned good thing we put Johann on it and he can just Breach the Unknown on the cysts, instead of actually sawing them open for analysis like Max would have to do.

So, is anybody else super tempted to tell our old Master about the Empress or, well, somebody? We don't know what her scheme is, but so far, it doesn't look very imperially sanctioned.

Maybe she's even trying to introduce, uugh, democracy to the Empire?
Nth reminder, Ranald is not in favor of any particular mode of government, democratic revolutions only have his backing because democratic revolutions tend to be set off by oppression.

He'd just as gladly back a Return of the King revolution against an usurper or a democracy systematically hurting its people.

He would in fact be very happy with nobility who walk the talk and do good things for their people.

Only if the Electors are particularly foolish. They should know better than to risk the Empire becoming a hereditary monarchy.
The Electors are neither optimal robots, nor are most Electors actually harmed by the Empire becoming a de facto hereditary monarchy. On top of that, the Electors are not even remotely a unified bloc, many of them have long lasting feuds and disputes with their neighbors, which trying to switch from the previous Emperor's favored candidate would put at stake, whoever comes out on top is going to be putting advantages to their supporters, and that means some disadvantages to those traditional rivals.

They'd be very foolish indeed if they made a principled stand against electing the Emperor's son specifically because his ancestors were the last three Emperors, to the disadvantage of their own province.

Keeping in mind that not all Electors actually have a realistic shot at Emperor status, and refusing present day advantages which they can turn into real power for an increased risk that their 5 times removed descendants might maybe have a shot at being Emperor is how you would fail to accrue enough power to actually keep your province under your control to be still ruling it 5 generations later.

Certainly Stirland right now don't see there being a realistic possibility that they be the candidate for a number of generations. Stirland would take any help they can get to actually KEEP the runefang for even three generations.

What is realistically going to happen is that the Emperor's line would continue to be elected as Emperor until the Imperial line is broken by violence, dissent or incompetence.
A competent, reigning Emperor has enough resources to parlay into electing their preferred heir. An incompetent emperor would not, theres too many Electors to bribe without either strong success or strong personal friendships.

The formula only changes if an Emperor feels confident enough in their power and support to make broad changes to the law to increase central authority...but the Empire is just plain not structured to be easy to centrally administrate.
Too many transport, communications barriers. Even interior provinces have interior gribblies.

They got little to fear from a regular emperor trying to change the crown authority laws on them, and they got little means to stop a Hero Emperor from doing whatever they want on sheer prestige.

Why give up real advantages for no real benefit?
I kinda think that manipulating other winds will turn out to be a dead end (barring a few tricks), though I could be pleasantly surprised, but theurgy is the real winner because of how Ranald intersects with Ulgu and the fact that the most dangerous spellcasters we are gonna see will be Skaven grey seers who use theurgy as well.
Its very likely that manipulating other winds would just produce a few tricks at best yeah.

The reason Necromancy is so badass is that Dhar gives a bigass power doping boost, which other Winds wouldn't do.
There should be some neat grey area tricks though, just barely out of theme for Ulgu.

Yes. 2 for wood, 5 for properly-prepared metal from the Gold Order, 10 for rolling the dice on more exotic stuff. But it would quite likely take some trial and error to actually make the staff.
We got lots of prepwork to do before we even think about starting(I count like 6-8 actions dedicated to learning the necessary skills, practicing enchanting and learning how to make power stones), but when the time comes I dare say we're going to spring for the gacha and ram a Ranald's Blessing up the gacha's butt.
I'm genuinely a little surprised that more people aren't interested in seeing what's going on with the canal. Or to look at a new (sort of) Hold in our experience and catch up with Ulthar.
I'm not really sure the canal is significant to us? I mean sure it'd be a big gamechanger, but the process of digging it does not seem likely to be particularly exotic.
Conjurer's Journey.
In which the thread voted to vent a massive magical overload by exploding the Moon instead of dumping it into the world's biggest AoE healing spell.

On that note, something which I feel definitely deserves mentioning and I don't recall people commenting on:

Alucard kept an openly visible chart of the fuck-ups of his apprentices.

No randomly offing people for failure depending on his mood, no, you know exactly where you stand with him.

Feels like something straight from the Evil Overlord list: addendum to not killing the bearer of bad news: I shall not kill my dark apprentices on the first time they fuck up, they are apprentices, it's expected that they will fuck up.
Well, consistent rewards and punishment are VERY effective at training people to do things.

I'm not sure it would work out logistically. Like, if you are just talking about an order of Knights that use enchanted items supplied by Mathilde, that's doable.
An order of Wizard-Knights probably doesn't have anything approaching the numbers to be effective. There's few wizards in the world, let alone wizards interested in direct, martial combat (while riding a horse).

The whole point of Knightly Orders is that these are ordinary humans, but they're well equipped and trained, so they can be quite useful.

Now, if we wanted to start an Order of Ranaldian Knights... that'd be something, in fact.
Naw, what said Knightly Order might be good for is dumping the creative output of enchanters. You don't need wizard knights, you need people actually trained to fight with magic items, armed with a stable supply of magic items.

Like just think of a unit where every member has a figurine to summon a Shadowsteed, swords of Blessed Weapon and a Matrix loaded with an emergency Shroud of Invisibility.
Or a human Ironbreaker knockoff with enchanted armor of Rigidity of Body and Mind, shields with Guard of Steel, and Flaming Swords of Rhun.

The problem of course is how many wizardhours it'd take.
Another way to look at it, is that... given how the Warpstone seems to be almost deliberately contained by the Egg Layer's stomach? That there might be some amount of deliberateness in it.

That is to say, this is perhaps an interesting interaction with Warpstone fragments. Was it engineered or evolved for a purpose? Or did it just happen?
Likely natural adaptation. A lot of animals grow cysts around foreign objects embedded in their body.

I'd guess it's similar to pearls forming in oysters, a way to isolate a substance that's gotten where it shouldn't be. That said, it does sound like the We are able to reliably contain warpstone, which sounds pretty impactful? It'd be a very slow way to clean things up, but theoretically possible, I think.
Or you could let the runesmiths at it, they could process vastly more at one go by burying it deep and sealing a vault with runes designed to disperse the Dhar in the warpstone.

You! You're the one to blame for that idea. :mad: :)p:rofl:)

Or perhaps not purely an experiment so much as a... Hm. An experiment by both Vlad and Van Hal. Midway your friends gets cancer, and you wonder whether to perform the vampirism now or let it play out fully to study cancer as much as possible, like you'd intended from the start...

"Okay. Okay. Got it. Next time I ever meet a mortal I like or think I could trust with Necromancy, I'll turn them into a Vampire before anything happens..."

I think he wasn't thinking about vampirism to solve Van Hal's problem yet, or maybe he hadn't become as close a friend to Van Hal until halfway through the process, and then he wasn't sure what he should do; should he let things play out, or should he turn him now while he still had some sanity? And then he, or perhaps they, decided to keep going and see what would happen to him as a full human.

Or, yes, he was doing an experiment and seeing what might happen.

And then...

And then he probably went a little too far all-in on Vampirism. It probably started as sounds-like-a-good-idea here and there. First, grant immortality to your loved one, because of course. Then, grant immortality to the ruling nobles because they're the government and administration of the land, it only helps, and besides this way you get political influence over them. Also, Sylvania is kind of a deathly and warpstone-tainted place sooo. And before you know it, you're raising the flag and joining the Age of Three Emperors battle royale, and you've founded a lineage that will be a blight upon Stirland for the next millennium. I'm sure this came as a surprise to everyone.


What gets me though, is that he concluded that no mortal would be able to handle necromancy, right? But vampires don't do so hot either, don't they? They're affected by dhar and Necromancy mindsets and sheer age and the vampiric condition too. So, if you are sane enough to care about mental effects and mental influence in the people you're going to turn... how do you end up with Mannfreds and Konrads? Or, how do you wind up with such people, but then not deal with them after they wind up showing insanity?

Did Vlad have an uncommon resistance to Necromancy and warpstone and vampiric sheer age social effects or something? Possibly the ring, or being one of the first vampires? One that ended up being shared with the one he was closest to, Isabella, due to sheer proximity? But not any of the other Von Carsteins descended from him. So maybe he was expecting people to have greater resilience to the vampiric condition -- and age; because he himself was really old, and he handled it fine, right? -- but was proved wrong because he had a bit of an advantage compared to others.

Or do he just not care, so long as people he was close to -- or who are useful as administrators and nobility and lieutenants and battle wizards -- are kept immortal?

So he winds up turning people, thinking they'll be functional. Or maybe thinking that they'll be useful; he can just maintain control over them all the time. But he only manages to keep control over them as long as he is around. And even then, those like Konrad were... yeah. And then when he shuffles off the stage, there's nobody to exert any restraint over them at all.

Vampires effectively have the Belt's effects I think. External Dhar doesn't bother them but a vampire CAN mutate if they take in Dhar into their soul, if they miscast and if they decide to start casting pure Dhar spells directly instead of through an intermediary.

Which is probably why Vlad himself is perfectly fine. He knows the Secrets to controlling Dhar, knows the spells, and is immune to the environmental Dhar that results.
Seriously speaking, I'm hoping for Sanctum upgrades that would improve the security of Mathilde in the sanctum, and improve Mathilde's readiness to receive visitors, unlike poor Alkaline. I'm sure that upon reflecting upon the manner of Alhazard's death, Mathilde might well have the idea in her head that she eventually needs to start adding private defenses to her sanctum, just in case.
I don't think so personally. The thing with fighting an enemy in your sanctum is that if your enemy is in your sanctum, they've already chosen the time and place for the fight, while you have probably been caught by surprise.

Which means if your sanctum is well defended they'd just ambush you outside it instead. Mathilde could theoretically have just waited outside his lab until he opened his door to gank him.

Settlements in Lustria, Swamp Town is the result of a southern expedition (not sure if Tilea or Estalia) and Skeggi is a Norscan settlement
New World Colonies. Skeggi was founded by the Norscans in, like, 800, Swamp Town more recently after Marco Columbo discovered the New World (i.e. Lustria)
Skeggi is a Norscan settlement in Lustria, Swamp Town is the main trade hub there.
Ah...colonial spats. Good for keeping them distracted as long as nobody goes for the gold.

Averland Counts are total nutjobs, almost invariably.

Ostland is making moves to take river trade with the new Karak Kadrin Kanal, which is bad for Talabecland's bottom line. They apparently tried to do something about it, which Karak Kadrin didn't like.
Ostermark, but good to know.
Huh, if Karak Kadrin is on the verge of declaring Grudge, then its probably something like trying to sabotage the canal isn't it?

In VERY old WHF lore, Drachenfels was home to a Nagash tier Necromancer god magician human from before the coming of the Old Ones, names Constant Drachenfels . Even the Chaos Gods watched their step around him.

But you can disregard that. All we know in general per word of Boney is that bad stuff has come out of there. Castle Drachenfels the location is in the Grey Mountains.
Gribbly manufactory. Gotcha.
I want to say Blackfire Pass, but we don't know the canon date that Marius Leitdorf became their Elector Count. If he's in charge... Well, it's not without good reason he was called the Mad Count.

Konstantin von Liebwitz, in this case, father of evidence that Karl Franz had terrible taste in childhood friends.
Either way last guy you want tromping around Stirland, got it.
Pretty sure that that is a preexisting case of contempt for Dhar.
Dunno, Mathilde had some respect for how Frederick went about his craft, and Alkharad too.

Just shitty necromancers doing shitty work I guess.
Might be safer in a Skaven community disguised as a slave passing beneath notice than as a fellow Skaven who's unfamiliar, and therefore possibly a spy for a rival.
If we're using the Night Stalker then I think all we'd need is a dead skaven to rub their musk all over us with Doppleganger. Doesn't matter that it doesn't speak anything if we don't try to talk to Skaven, just pass unseen.
I'd argue that is neither, and it is a matter of professional pride and craftsmanship appreciation, which, while very dwarf-like, was entirely pre-existing. Mathilde's outrage at necromancers was always two-fold and was always along the lines if "you damned yourself for this? You dare to wield this horrific forbidden power of Dhar and you didn't even bother to learn to use it properly? You call that a spell? You are are a dishonor to the craft, sir."
She had a little dwarfyness already!


And now I'll never unsee it.
He trying to do the Wizards No Sense Of Right And Wrong meme only with vampirss?
[x] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[x] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[x] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[x] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[x] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[x] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, Grand Master of the Winter Wolves of Ulrikadrin
[x] Titus Muggins, who's returned to farming with every avenue of attack defended.
[x] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi
[x] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[x] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
[x] Check in on your fief in Stirland.

[x] On display in the Duckling Club.
Also its a damned good thing we put Johann on it and he can just Breach the Unknown on the cysts, instead of actually sawing them open for analysis like Max would have to do.
This is a definite point. That spell is disgustingly convenient for someone whose job amounts to "poke the weird shit".

...I'm sorta tempted to see about getting it in an enchanted item (probably with very limited use and some bizarre recharge condition, but ok, sure) because it would be damn nice to be able to sneak in and point it at "giant, inscrutable Skaven machine of unknown but presumably horridying purpose" and suddenly have an answer instead of having to try and surveil long enough to figure it out.
This is a definite point. That spell is disgustingly convenient for someone whose job amounts to "poke the weird shit".

...I'm sorta tempted to see about getting it in an enchanted item (probably with very limited use and some bizarre recharge condition, but ok, sure) because it would be damn nice to be able to sneak in and point it at "giant, inscrutable Skaven machine of unknown but presumably horridying purpose" and suddenly have an answer instead of having to try and surveil long enough to figure it out.
So we sort have brought this up with various gold enchantments to help our job and the answer has always been gold wind in your grey wind brain does bad things. Since Breach the Unknown just gives us the knowledge the gold wind must be accessing our brain meats and that is a recipe for disaster.
The mental effects of using Dhar is prevented by the knowledge of Dhar Manipulation which covers the theory behind using another Wind to manipulate Dhar. It prevents us from ever directly touching Dhar with our mind. Even if we do touch dhar directly once or twice, we know that Mathilde can deal with short-term use the same way she deals with Ulgu use.

Hate to be the person, but akshually....

GM said:
If we were to consider using Ulgu as an intermediary to manipulate either Dhar or another Wind of Magic would we be using the mindset associated with Ulgu or the mindset of the Wind of Magic/Dhar that we were using Ulgu to interact with?
There's no written record you have access to that tells you. Try it and find out.

So that's a big unconfirmed assumption you have there. Using Ulgu to manipulate Dhar may in fact require the same mindset as manipulating Dhar directly. We won't know unless we try, and doing that even once is a violation of the Articles.
Voting is open