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You know what else 'literally shaped our life for almost a decade' and is 'A giant plot hook' with us still knowing NOTHING about what is happening?


And are we doing anything about that? No! We have just as much to do with that tangle of politics as we do about a conspiracy which we are completely unconnected to.

Both are the results of rolls unrelated to us. The Politics due to wuite a bit of failed rolls askong for reinforcements and their 'result' and the Conspiracy due to a Nat 1 along with (I assume) a few other discrete rolls.
Well, it's a big stretch to equate those two. The conspiracy was a character creation choice and had us spending actions on it almost every turn. Nordland-Middland quarrel was never central to Mathilde's story. I mean, putting conspiracy stuff behind us is a valid choice both IC and threadwise, but so is digging to the bottom of things.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving

I think this would be better than the other options. Because
a) they are not forest spiders though I will admit there is overlap but this may colour his views slightly,
b) they most definetly are not bees.
We want to make them understand the impact of their silks and I think best way to do it would be by someone who is going to be working with them for a long time.

[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.

Would be a nice girls gossip and getting some juicy details. Was wondering about this since it came up during the council meating.

[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.

I alwayss like these moments when we can interact with him. He has such a fascinating mindset and interactions and such are always a treat for me.

[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).

Want to see grudge being striked. It was nice last time and will be nice again.

[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.

Current vote favorite and I like many wonder what is going on.

[X] A bathtub, an even better place for reading.

Would be so good to have long soak in the skull of a dragon while reading some nice good novels like liber mortis and other abominations against imperial authority. This or the chair.
Now, fishing for most classified state secrets out of curiosity? That is the kind of behaviour which gets you a shadowchisel in the back of your neck, and rightly so.
The way I see Boney's Grey Order it's not true. We can and arguably should add "former Grey Order breach" to our backlog. As long as we seem to act in good faith, the higher-ups won't resort to drastic measures.
the mysterious death of the Patriarch

That's a strange way to say 'wandered off to poke a magic thing during a pitched battle and crit failed'. At least he didn't explode like the other one.

I mean, putting conspiracy stuff behind us is a valid choice both IC and threadwise, but so is digging to the bottom of things.

Mathilde actually has been taking appropriate in character actions to try to find out about this stuff. It's just that she crit failed and so we didn't get to see the classified Grey Order report, and since it was a crit fail we might never get to. But you'll notice a lot of people voting to talk to not-Gabriella, who might be able to fill us in.

It's just that going rogue and pulling 007 moves over a conspiracy we helped excise in what our superiors seem to think is a more or less satisfactory matter is pretty out of character.
Well, it's a big stretch to equate those two. The conspiracy was a character creation choice and had us spending actions on it almost every turn. Nordland-Middland quarrel was never central to Mathilde's story. I mean, putting conspiracy stuff behind us is a valid choice both IC and threadwise, but so is digging to the bottom of things.
I think digging is not IC. Math is a fully trained professional spy, and concepts of information security and need to know basis were drilled into her since childhood. I don't think she will dig for state secrets she knows she has not right to access unless her faith in the Grey order is very seriously shaken and she starts treating them as a hostile organisation.
The subtext this whole scene is rich.
Like, right here we learned:
-The Grey Order is currently pretty high on Imperial Favor for unspecified reasons, but which we can be fairly sure the Grey Order's involvement in Drakenhof and Eight Peaks helped a bit.
-So they traded it in for a favor to the Colleges as a whole, while the Supreme Patriarch takes it as a joint College credit.
-Dragomas had done the "Solo'ed entire enemy force" gig a time or two.
Not sure if you saw this, but a while back:
"This isn't a warning. If we didn't have faith in you, you would not bear your current rank, and truth be told the silver will come in handy - our wedding present for the Emperor was not cheap. This is simply a reminder to help you retain that faith we have in you.
Well, it's a big stretch to equate those two. The conspiracy was a character creation choice and had us spending actions on it almost every turn. Nordland-Middland quarrel was never central to Mathilde's story. I mean, putting conspiracy stuff behind us is a valid choice both IC and threadwise, but so is digging to the bottom of things.
The Conspiracy was part of Character Creations? Sure. But did Mathilde have anything to do with said plot? NO. She was just one piece who unexpectedly suceeded beyond anyone's wildest expectaions.

Now. On to the Civil Problem. Is it part of Character Creation? No. And that should be a Plus in its favor, since its a result of (quite a lot) rolls which occured In Story which caused Abelheim to be starved for reinforcements from the Empire. And if it wasnt due to Suddenly Dragon, and Dwarven Artillery, Abelheim would have floundered.

The Empire has CONSTANTLY failed in supporting any of the endeavors related to us. And of those we receive, it is only those who are doing it despite the Empire instead of because of it. Hell the Nordland and Middlander reinforcements we had for K8P went to us specifically to escape the political shitstorm brewing. Also dont forget that the Wiz Help we got for Silvanian push had to be phrased as that Magister Lord's Vacation Time.

That seems like something which is much more related to Mathilde's situation doesnt it?

Edit: more polite like.
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What failure? What incompetence? What atonement?

This operation was a smashing sucess.

As a field agent, Math provided her handler critical intel, allowing for a large enemy network to be apprehenfed, and also played a small part (assigned by her handler) in dismantling it. She did not get a full view of the operation because of infosec and said information being not needed for her part in the op.

Mission complete with flying colours.

Now, fishing for most classified state secrets out of curiosity? That is the kind of behaviour which gets you a shadowchisel in the back of your neck, and rightly so.

I meant failure for the current her, her actions indirectly led to the potential murder fo the empress, which her order may or may not be responsibility for, the current her would gather information actually understand what is going on, who the bad guys are, and take the right contingencies for any possible fallouts.

She not only failed in protecting the empress which should have been her duty , but indirectly got her killed, so yes she messed something up, and is hoping that the empress' died as a natural result rather than indirectly got killed by her actions, so no it's not mere curiosity

She gave the list immediately, and approved of a lot of people getting assassinated without gathering evidence that they actually deserves to die, just assuming the grey order knows best, she didn't even try to investigate some of the names to see whats going on, why are thw grey order killing them.

Would the current Mathilde have done the same thing blindly trusting someone even her mentor without thorough investigation, having evidence before going on to assassinate plenty of individuals.
I think digging is not IC. Math is a fully trained professional spy, and concepts of information security and need to know basis were drilled into her since childhood. I don't think she will dig for state secrets she knows she has not right to access unless her faith in the Grey order is very seriously shaken and she starts treating them as a hostile organisation.
As I see it, critical parts of GO modus operandi are "think for yourself" and "trust but verify". Double-checking important things is not against her trust in Grey Order (that is not absolute, by the way: we had seen it compromised). Same as Grey Order trust us with our great deed but will sends ninjas to double check just in case.
Edit: GAAAAHHHH. I lost the entire bit! WTH. I will endevor to readd the bit where Mathilde was aware of the conspiracy at the least.

"Tell me of your society and of your fellows within it, and you can live," you lie.

Thankfully, she's too terrified to deny it. Information tumbles out, and you take mental notes. At first, a social club. Deeper, an organization for the mutual benefit of its members, trading favours in society. Deeper still, odd little rituals that bring luck and favour from frowned-upon Gods, tip-toeing on the edge of blasphemy in a manner designed to thrill, and you frown to hear Ranald mentioned. And deepest yet, the layer this woman exists within: scandalous and titillating rituals to a grab-bag of truly forbidden gods, to Khaine, to Stromfels, to Gunndred and Ahalt. What next, you wonder? Do they take the final terrible step into the worship of Chaos, or is all this designed to filter out those who would balk and drag people deep in before revealing to them their vampiric masters? Or is this a strange hybrid of chaotic and vampiric, or an intersection of two separate societies? Or did one suborn the other?

It doesn't matter, not really. The cure is the same. The woman spills names and levels in the cult, and you memorise them eagerly. And as the last name hangs in the air and the woman is babbling pleas for her life, you inhale Ulgu and exhale forgetfulness.
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I just want to say how impressed I am with Dragomas. He got through the dark lands and the Mountians of Morne as journeyman. Then he worked his way through the politics of foreign country enough to get a non aggression pact. (And, if the rumors are believed, did it without pants) Then managed to haul said jade tablet all the way back through the dark lands without loosing it or getting it irreparably damaged.
The way I see Boney's Grey Order it's not true. We can and arguably should add "former Grey Order breach" to our backlog. As long as we seem to act in good faith, the higher-ups won't resort to drastic measures.
I don't know, I have a lot of trouble imagining any kind of intelligence organisation being blase about this kind of thing.

Digging for info because you think something is fishy? Fine.

Doing so after being told it is a state secret of highest order and given direct orders to pretend that nothing happened and not attract attention to the matter? Either too stupid to live or an enemy agent.
[ ] Loremaster: Expert on weaving

I think this would be better than the other options. Because
a) they are not forest spiders though I will admit there is overlap but this may colour his views slightly,
b) they most definetly are not bees.
We want to make them understand the impact of their silks and I think best way to do it would be by someone who is going to be working with them for a long time.
As others have pointed out, a member of the weaver clan from Karak Hirn is going to be from the clan that's competing with the products of the We. Bringing on this loremaster in particular would be even more self-defeating than bringing on the one who's focus in studying spiders is on how to kill them.
Would the current Mathilde have done the same thing blindly trusting someone even her mentor without thorough investigation, having evidence before going on to assassinate plenty of individuals.
Well, yeah.
  1. Mathilde receives a list of names of people who are apparently part of some suspicious activity from a source she considers probably reliable
  2. She hands it over to someone else who she trusts with the matter and knows has the numbers and resources to deal with it
  3. She pats herself on the back and moves on, confident that the situation is adequately handled
This sequence of events describes both how she handled the elimination of the conspiracy before, and how she just handled that list of vampire-trading merchants just this turn. She's entirely willing to place her trust in institutions whose mode of operation involves mass killings, captures/interrogations, and then more mass killings of people they deem probably suspicious. If anything she did a more thorough checking of the conspiracy list since she actually participated in the follow-up there; with the merchants she just condemned a swathe of burghers to death without blinking because of some vampire paperwork and moved on.
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I don't know, I have a lot of trouble imagining any kind of intelligence organisation being blase about this kind of thing.
A real one? Sure, can't work like that. Real intelligence agencies are very hierarchical, well-controlled top to bottom, almost entirely amoral and not suited to the adventurers with any kind of moral compass. Grey Order's entire premise is the almost complete opposite of a real-world intelligence agency, that's why I don't have any problems with that little detail.
A real one? Sure, can't work like that. Real intelligence agencies are very hierarchical, well-controlled top to bottom, almost entirely amoral and not suited to the adventurers with any kind of moral compass. Grey Order's entire premise is the almost complete opposite of a real-world intelligence agency, that's why I don't have any problems with that little detail.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Are you SERIOUS right now? Mathilde TORTURED SOMEONE to verify said information. Or did you just conveniently forget that bit where Mathilde asked to help and got sent to a Noblewoman?

Where said Noblewoman spolled her guts about their little heresy club?

That was only one target, there are plenty like Gabrielles name, who she still has no idea of what's going on besides her becoming empress.

Plus the previous empress died which coincide with the conspiracy mass assassination.

I don't know, I have a lot of trouble imagining any kind of intelligence organisation being blase about this kind of thing.

Digging for info because you think something is fishy? Fine.

Doing so after being told it is a state secret of highest order and given direct orders to pretend that nothing happened and not attract attention to the matter? Either too stupid to live or an enemy agent.

It is fishy a empress got murdered wight when conspiracy got purged .

Yes because she blindly trust those of the highest with stat orders, which is why she told them about Liber Mortis.

Oh wait she didn't tell them about that book

Well, yeah.
  1. Mathilde receives a list of names of people who are apparently part of some suspicious activity from a source she considers probably reliable
  2. She hands it over to someone else who she trusts with the matter and knows has the numbers and resources to deal with it
  3. She pats herself on the back and moves on, confident that the situation is adequately handled
This sequence of events describes both how she handled the elimination of the conspiracy before, and how she just handled that list of vampire-trading merchants just this turn. She's entirely willing to place her trust in institutions whose mode of operation involves mass killings, captures/interrogations, and then more mass killings of people they deem probably suspicious. If anything she did a more thorough checking of the conspiracy list since she actually participated in the follow-up there; with the merchants she just condemned a swathe of burghers to death without blinking because of some vampire paperwork and moved on.

To Mathilde the merchants were the clear bad guys, although there may be merchants being cowrced, however what makes the conspiracy shady is that, she has minimal understanding and knowledge about it, and then the empress also died later which may or may not be connected to conspiracy.
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I don't have much more to say. I believe investigating the conspiracy to be lunacy and breaking of our direct orders, and will oppose it to the end.
That seems like something which is much more related to Mathilde's situation doesnt it?
More related to the situation at hand and central to the story are not synonyms. For example, some Master Moulder under Karagril is a lot more relevant to the situation that Abelhelm who has died about half a quest ago but the latter is important to the story in a way the former is not. Nordland to Middenland conflict is not insignificant for Mathilde, sure, but it wasn't a formative influence for her character, or at least not at the same scale.
Uhhh, @BoneyM Is this thing cannon?

Banish Undead
Casting Number: 26
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A vial of blessed water (+3)
Description: You create a magical vortex within 48 yards (24 squares)
that sucks energy from the Undead. Use the large template.
Those Undead affected take a Damage 5 hit, unless they are
Skeletons or Zombies, which are instantly destroyed instead.

I think that casting number would put it squarely in the Fiendishly Complex rating. But. It's not battle magic. And it is a 100meter diameter vortex that instant kills skeletons and zombies. That said, it is a necromancy spell. I'm just not sure if it is cannon to the quest.

At a guess, comparing this to the Second Secret, using this makes you look more like a Necromancer (it is a Necromancy spell) but is less likely to leak the First Secret of Dhar.

A hundred meter diameter circle is probably more than enough to kill a couple of squads of undead chaff. Hell, it could evaporate part of an undead army. But this is real necromancy, so I'm not sure where to rank it compared to Second Secret usage, with everything we know about Dhar and the gear Mat has.

Second Secret is a "There is an Undead Apocalypse". Hopefully we just stopped that, so we won't need to use it if the Dead from the Sands don't march on Karag Eight Peaks. Or one of the other Karags, and Belegar sends us to help.

But this Banish Undead thing sounds like the kind of thing you might be able to study the theory of, and try and work out how an Amethyst (Shyish) mage might cast a variant of it. Or did someone already do that, and that's how Wind of Death was invented?

Huh. Now that I think about it, this sounds like it has stuff in common with Pit of Shades as well.

EDIT: That blessed water bit makes me thing maybe this thing is Necromancy in name only. Not likely, but hey, maybe it's less evil Necromancy? I kid, I kid.
"Use the large template" has a specific rulebook meaning, it's nowhere near a hundred meters across.

Small template: circle 6 yards across
Large template: circle 10 yards across
Cone template: cone 16 yards long, 1 yard wide at the thin end, 5 yards wide at the thick end
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