Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Before we start trying to use one Wind to manipulate another Wind we should look into the Gold College's Thaumaturgical Alchemy which does exactly that with Chamon, and look into the inevitable attempts by Magisters from other Colleges to replicate it using their Wind.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, to check up on the Ulrikadrin and get to know him better.
[X] Prince Kazrik, as he tries to pry a shipwright loose from Barak Varr.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X]Write-In: Panoramia, because you appreciate her starry-eyed wonder and never got to do the big sister thing with your actual siblings

Haven't interact with Panoramia for a while.

[X] On display in the Duckling Club.
[x] Loremaster: Expert on Forest Spiders
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Wouldn't Liu Kang make more sense? He even has the whole "turn into a Dragon" thing.
Not sure if references or just convergent evolution, bit of accidental inspiration, or just similar persistent themes that crop again and again, but...

If looking at things from a reference perspective, you know what else amused me to consider?
Alkharad howls in agony as fire burns inside his skull, and with your last scrap of willpower you allow the nonsense words of a Jade Enchantress' whimsy trigger the seed in your palm. In the strange sensation of painlessness where you know there should be pain, vines burrow through muscle and veins up your arm and into your torso, and bark grows over the gaping hole in your abdomen as your intestines are unscrambled and your liver knitted back together. By the time you pull yourself back to your feet, Alkharad is doing the same, smoke pouring from his nose and ears.
Vines and bark regeneration.

A vampire fighting a regeneration vampire-hunting... er, faithful person I guess since we're not a priestess, but... If we'd been regeneration our head instead of our chest, then with both Alkharad and Mathilde regenerating (or in his case, recovering I guess) parts of their head would have been an even more on the nose. :p
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For those voting for both Roswita (mage option) and Kasmir, know that they are 5th and 6th respectively, and are unlikely to be higher, so I recommend that you choose the one you like better.
Let's just say I am not a particular fan of Tolkien's views, nor of his brand of moralising.
didn't he also thing that the industrializing was bad

he not wrong since we are fucking over nature and the weather but the way he go about it was quite overboard
Before we start trying to use one Wind to manipulate another Wind we should look into the Gold College's Thaumaturgical Alchemy which does exactly that with Chamon, and look into the inevitable attempts by Magisters from other Colleges to replicate it using their Wind.

How would you suggest we go about doing that, iirc boneyM already said they don't tell the other colleges about it.
...I'm sorta tempted to see about getting it in an enchanted item (probably with very limited use and some bizarre recharge condition, but ok, sure) because it would be damn nice to be able to sneak in and point it at "giant, inscrutable Skaven machine of unknown but presumably horridying purpose" and suddenly have an answer instead of having to try and surveil long enough to figure it out.
So we sort have brought this up with various gold enchantments to help our job and the answer has always been gold wind in your grey wind brain does bad things. Since Breach the Unknown just gives us the knowledge the gold wind must be accessing our brain meats and that is a recipe for disaster.
Regarding enchanted items , one thing that we need to get ASAP is some some kind of talisman that protects Mathilde from sicknesses and poisons, similar to this one.
[ ] Boon of Hysh - Hysh, instantly heals all wounds (but doesn't regrow anything missing), and cures any poisons and disease. -5 College Favours.
This is going to be essential sooner rather than later, because IIRC we also had the clan Pestilens in K8P, and exploring or infiltrating in their lair without protection is an almost literal suicide mission.
Right, so voting. Should probably do that sometime.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping
My children deserve someone who at least understand, and hopefully loves, invertebrates and their social lives. I would pick the spider guy, but he seems to be under the misconception that the We are like some filthy forest spider, and that just can't stand!

[X] The best reading chair ever.
[X] A bathtub, an even better place for reading.
Because yes, of course we do this. With a bit of dwarven craftmanship, maybe both at once...

Now, on to the actually important part, the social vote.

But first, let me ask you this: If you went into a restaurant and askes for a coke, but were told that they only had diet left, what would you do? Naturally, there is only one answer.

[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
DIET VAN HAL IS STILL BETTER THAN WATER! And I am having two servings since there is no negative impact on my calorie intake! Plus, you know, maybe we'll hear something about her mother and what sort of person Abel liked romantically. I hope he had a thing for short yet strong ladies...

(Incidentally, while Abel is Van Hal Reg and Roswita is Diet Van Hal, Van Hal Zero is Frederik. Because there are zero odds of us getting together with him)

[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
Of course, we need to see her lady of steel balls. That much is obvious.

[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
... How could you do it, Kasmir. How on Earth could you go back him after he betrayed us so? I... I need to know.

And finally, we're done now. The war is over. We've averted the attacks on Roswita's lives. Soon the full fury of the Colleges will reign upon every vampire in the Empire. It is only a matter of time before the dust settles and Stirland will become just another province.

... Doesn't he kinda deserve to know that?
[X] Write in: Try to contact Abelhelm van Hal. You just want to talk to him one last time...
Let us tell him all that has happened. That even though we stumbled near the finish line, we've managed to cross it. An almost perfect finish.

Besides, it is worth noting that we never got to give our final report. Roswita just left it without ever reading it. Our duty as Spymistress is not over yet.

Some people in this thread have stated that after this, we're done with Stirland. And now that I see the results, I can see where they're coming from. But I'm asking them to put their vote where their mouth is.

If we're truly done with Sitrland, finish it.
Close the book on our adventures there.
Deliver the final report to Abelhelm van Hal.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Check in on your fief in Stirland.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
[X] The dwarfs who helped us with the dragon skull. Buy them some drinks.

[X] The best reading chair ever.
This isn't LotR. None of those rules apply.
Well, themes and quotes and inspiration, rather than rules.
Yea, Warhammer dwarves would be like the Arch nemesis for Tolkien he really had a hate boner for industrialisation.
The Chaos Dwarfs, definitely yes. He did not like industrialized warfare much.

The normal Dwarfs, no.

Let's keep in mind that Tolkien's elves were, themselves, extremely good craftsmen. They loved the art and the pursuit of its perfection. Honestly, picking the Empire would probably have been a better example of 'a dislike of industrialization' before picking the Dwarfs. Different mindsets and approaches and effects and so on.

Not to mention that like... You guys know that there's tons of influence, ideas, and inspiration from Tolkien that got used in Warhammer, right? The High Elves especially being a good example. Or just look at some of the art for Grey Wizards. Or Great Eagles, and tell me you don't feel like that's a wink or reference to it.
Could we not have tactical voting for the socials? Man, what a thread...

What are you talking about? That's why I addressed those voting for the both options, so that they can pick the one they want better.

Also, fyi, approval voting, which is the default for this quest, is tactical voting in that you vote for everything you would like so that at least some of your preferred options win.
[x] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[x] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[x] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[x] Titus Muggins, who's returned to farming with every avenue of attack defended.
[x] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[x] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.

[x] Build it into the entrance to the Penthouse.
[X] The best reading chair ever.
[X] A bathtub, an even better place for reading

[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Hluodwica, the shepherd of lost and confused souls. And there's nobody more confused than a human wizard in the halfling section of a dwarven Karak.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving
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Well, themes and quotes and inspiration, rather than rules.
You are drawing conclusions to in-setting things using LotR themes. Saying the mindset for Dhar is "his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life," is quite a comparision to make when Dhar isn't anywhere close to there.
Using Shyish tongs, safe, being in an environment contaminated with dhar. Not safe.
The quote you used says that the environmental contamination of dhar is dangerous. It's quite a logic leap then to say that using shyish tongs is safe. Even if you use tongs to manipulate dhar, or other winds, the quote makes no reference to how safe that action is. What is the mindset required to manipulate the world in such a way? Is such a mindset safe? There are some indicators that even having a mindset change from the wind a person wields can have some nasty consequences on a mind.

No, it was exposure to External Dhar that does this not the use of necromancy itself.
And yet that is not what the final statement of Vlad says.
The results are conclusive. Nagash's Art cannot be safely wielded by even the best of mortals. May his Morr be more merciful than Usirian.
It says nothing about external dhar. It only makes mention of Nagash's art. External dhar is dangerous. But so is the mindset required to enslave souls to your will. Just because one is dangerous doesn't make the other safe.
You are drawing conclusions to in-setting things using LotR themes. Saying the mindset for Dhar is "his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life," is quite a comparision to make when Dhar isn't anywhere close to there.

All Dhar users we've seen so far have been cruel, malicious and desire to dominate, and from what I've seen, Dhar seems to encourage that mindset.
You are drawing conclusions to in-setting things using LotR themes. Saying the mindset for Dhar is "his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life," is quite a comparision to make when Dhar isn't anywhere close to there.
I was... making an amusing use of a quote that I thought sorta fit, in a tongue-in-cheek fashion?

I mean... Nagash and Sauron comparisons and jokes are a low-hanging fruit, sure, but just because it's low-hanging fruit doesn't mean a person wouldn't go for the joke anyway. I'm probably going to keep thinking it in my head (and chortling a bit) because it amuses me and feels appropriate, so...

Will future turns have options for trying to use Ulgu tongs to learn manipulate other mono-winds with out creating dhar?

Will using Ulgu to test out manipulating the other winds of magic be a research option in the coming turn post?

Assuming I remember to or someone reminds me to add it, yes.

@BoneyM should the Jade and Amber's being interested in adapting the Matrix, the economic benefits of K8P, and the strategic benefits of K8P be under the Pending Favors? And should Great Deeds be tracked in this section?

Both projects petered out, unfortunately. Both tended towards organic and couldn't figure out how to adapt the static structure of the Matrix. They might be picked up again some time in the future. The rest is valid, fixing.

[X] Hluodwica, the shepherd of lost and confused souls. And there's nobody more confused than a human wizard in the halfling section of a dwarven Karak.
"What's a wizard gotta do to score some halfling pie around here?" "...Are you coming on to me, miss?" "N- M- ... No?"

@BoneyM is okay?


@BoneyM, while the Great Deed covers the favour we earned for taking down Alkharad's operation, shouldn't we also have gotten College Reputation? Like, not favours, just higher standing within the Colleges of Magic.

This is being so classified that it's unlikely that more than a single digit amount of people will ever hear of it.

But I will argue that infiltration, assassination, and Wetwork in general, will become something integral to Mathilde´s character really soon...

Better idea: don't try to argue that your shiny should be shinier. It's a kick right to my enjoyment of this quest, every goddamn time.

Is this an official title we have now, or is it just our Patriarch being tongue in cheek?

The seat that Mathilde fills in the council is usually filled by a Loremaster. Conservative Dwarves that don't want to say 'Court Wizard' will say Loremaster instead.

He became Lord Magister without having to prove loyalty and reliability over a non-aggression pact with a nation that is nowhere close and probably didn't have any plans to ever attack the Empire? Curious.

To those few in the Empire that know even a little bit about Cathay, it is terrifying.

What actually is this book? Alkharad's study plan?

Role-call and grading.

Does this include Panoramia?


The Ducklings did zero sharing of how they spent the last few months. Will that be a part of the social update or did they get a pass this time?

- Duckling Club will be part of the social turns. The actions you take to react to what's going on with your Wizards will be part of the normal turns.

Does Doppelganger need a target in line of sight to become like a specific orc? Because if it can be done by memory, why not choose a random orc she meets while scouting?

Mathilde doesn't memorize the exact appearance of random Orcs, and even if she did she'd have to redo it for each tribe she encounters due to warpaint and tattoos.

Will this be every turn?


When would this happen time wise? Because it feels like there would not be much opportunity for it before the six months of the update are over.
Also, will there ever be options to interact with people technically before stuff from the main turn result updates has actually happened. Or is such timey-wimey stuff too difficult to plan for and write in a quest?

The social actions will have occurred some time in the past six months, alongside the regular actions.

Would we use Ulgu to manipulate the Dhar or did we essentially learn low level Shyish just by reading a book? If the latter, wouldn't this be dangerous to us even if the normal necromancy-sourced Dhar can't affect us at all due to the belt? This would make us a dual wind caster even if one of the wind is used on the scale of cantrips.

The former.

What is the social update if not spending time with people? Or was the "No." supposed to indicate that a single social meet is not necessarily enough to fill out any new information?

The social turn lets you decide who or what you want to see more of, without any mechanical consideration.

Allowing the social turns to give mechanical or informational advantages would torpedo their entire intention and lead to people voting based on utility rather than what they want to see more of.

Who says the Empress was innocent? At the very least she was the very pinnacle of the bloated ticks sucking the blood of the populace.

Absolutely do not use this thread to debate political systems.

@BoneyM I've been thinking a LOT about the Protector face of Ranald's coin, and while it's a truly amazing way to generate Favor ... that's exactly the problem with it. It's not about protecting people at all, it's about self-aggrandizement at the cost of being less effective a protector. Instead of actually being more capable of protecting people, you make people view your deeds more favorably and spread the word. Which also goes against Ranald's whole thing about avoiding the spotlight.

It's entirely risk vs reward. If the thread is so risk-averse as to never use it, that is the thread's problem, not my problem.

@BoneyM Is it possible to have a chat with Ranald during a social turn?


Why would it be classified?

The existence of a 'College of Necromancy' would be disastrous for the PR of the actual Colleges.

Uhhh, @BoneyM Is this thing cannon?

Canon, but yes.

Oh @BoneyM now that we have a proper understanding of necromancy, do we know if the raising of the dead is an inherent use of dhar or only possible because of Shyish-based dhar manipulation?

Sort of both. Enough Dhar does tend to result in the dead wandering around, but controlling them owes as much to Shyish as it does to Dhar.
Well, themes and quotes and inspiration, rather than rules.

The Chaos Dwarfs, definitely yes. He did not like industrialized warfare much.

The normal Dwarfs, no.

Let's keep in mind that Tolkien's elves were, themselves, extremely good craftsmen. They loved the art and the pursuit of its perfection. Honestly, picking the Empire would probably have been a better example of 'a dislike of industrialization' before picking the Dwarfs. Different mindsets and approaches and effects and so on.

Not to mention that like... You guys know that there's tons of influence, ideas, and inspiration from Tolkien that got used in Warhammer, right? The High Elves especially being a good example. Or just look at some of the art for Grey Wizards. Or Great Eagles, and tell me you don't feel like that's a wink or reference to it.

Influences yes, but that's what they are influences and nothing more. The warhammer setting is pretty divorced from the Lord of the rings, sure it has all the races from LOTR but they only bare slightly more than a passing resemblance for the most part. You're basing your entire view of how things should work purely from themes of LOTR when those themes are present in wildly different contexts to LOTR.

like the entire winds of magic is straight up nonexistant in lotr. Also while you could say the Old ones are the Valar, well you're going to struggle to find a fitting role for the lizardmen and slann.

You are drawing conclusions to in-setting things using LotR themes. Saying the mindset for Dhar is "his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life," is quite a comparision to make when Dhar isn't anywhere close to there.

Yea it's a bit silly.

The quote you used says that the environmental contamination of dhar is dangerous. It's quite a logic leap then to say that using shyish tongs is safe. Even if you use tongs to manipulate dhar, or other winds, the quote makes no reference to how safe that action is. What is the mindset required to manipulate the world in such a way? Is such a mindset safe? There are some indicators that even having a mindset change from the wind a person wields can have some nasty consequences on a mind.

And yet that is not what the final statement of Vlad says.

It says nothing about external dhar. It only makes mention of Nagash's art. External dhar is dangerous. But so is the mindset required to enslave souls to your will. Just because one is dangerous doesn't make the other safe.

The mindset is the mindset needed to Wield Shyish at all, because if you use Shyish you have to maintain that mindset in your head and soul. Are you going to say that to counter spell a life lore user a Death wind user must think about using death to use life and therefore they're going to get Death-Life arcane marks and corruption? I don't think it can work that way.

I have to ask why you think Shyish tongs exist at all based on this. In BoneyMs setting a necromancer is capable of using dhar directly to cast necromancy spells. So there's no point for it to exist unless it allows the user to do something different from the norm. In this case it's avoiding the need to channel dhar through your soul or get into the mindset to wield dhar.

Dhar corruption is very Tolkienesque though.

Not really? Tolkien doesn't have anything corruptive that isn't imbued in some way with the soul of a malicious demigod. The one ring corrupts because it's literally tied to Saurons soul.
I was... making an amusing use of a quote that I thought sorta fit, in a tongue-in-cheek fashion?

I mean... Nagash and Sauron comparisons and jokes are a low-hanging fruit, sure, but just because it's low-hanging fruit doesn't mean a person wouldn't go for the joke anyway. I'm probably going to keep thinking it in my head (and chortling a bit) because it amuses me and feels appropriate, so...
I apologize for over-reacting. I am just a bit trigger-wary when it comes to the Dhar discussion that's been ongoing for a while now. It's basically like playing Whack-a-mole at this point.
The quote you used says that the environmental contamination of dhar is dangerous. It's quite a logic leap then to say that using shyish tongs is safe. Even if you use tongs to manipulate dhar, or other winds, the quote makes no reference to how safe that action is. What is the mindset required to manipulate the world in such a way? Is such a mindset safe? There are some indicators that even having a mindset change from the wind a person wields can have some nasty consequences on a mind.

And yet that is not what the final statement of Vlad says.

It says nothing about external dhar. It only makes mention of Nagash's art. External dhar is dangerous. But so is the mindset required to enslave souls to your will. Just because one is dangerous doesn't make the other safe.
Look man, every single point you are raising has been raised and debated to death. If this is Vlad's conclusion, then Vlad was wrong. Go read the discussion. I am officially tired of correcting people's misconception of dhar use when it comes to mathilde.
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Look man, every single point you are raising has been raised and debated to death. If this is Vlad's conclusion, then Vlad was wrong. Go read the discussion. I am officially tired of correcting people's misconception of dhar use when it comes to mathilde.

It's pretty clear from the story post and the extra excerpt that BoneyM posted that Vlad thinks the danger is purely in the state of being expose to ambient dhar rather than using Shyish tongs.
Uhhh, @BoneyM Is this thing cannon?

Banish Undead
Casting Number: 26
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A vial of blessed water (+3)
Description: You create a magical vortex within 48 yards (24 squares)
that sucks energy from the Undead. Use the large template.
Those Undead affected take a Damage 5 hit, unless they are
Skeletons or Zombies, which are instantly destroyed instead.

I think that casting number would put it squarely in the Fiendishly Complex rating. But. It's not battle magic. And it is a 100meter diameter vortex that instant kills skeletons and zombies. That said, it is a necromancy spell. I'm just not sure if it is cannon to the quest.

At a guess, comparing this to the Second Secret, using this makes you look more like a Necromancer (it is a Necromancy spell) but is less likely to leak the First Secret of Dhar.

A hundred meter diameter circle is probably more than enough to kill a couple of squads of undead chaff. Hell, it could evaporate part of an undead army. But this is real necromancy, so I'm not sure where to rank it compared to Second Secret usage, with everything we know about Dhar and the gear Mat has.

Second Secret is a "There is an Undead Apocalypse". Hopefully we just stopped that, so we won't need to use it if the Dead from the Sands don't march on Karag Eight Peaks. Or one of the other Karags, and Belegar sends us to help.

But this Banish Undead thing sounds like the kind of thing you might be able to study the theory of, and try and work out how an Amethyst (Shyish) mage might cast a variant of it. Or did someone already do that, and that's how Wind of Death was invented?

Huh. Now that I think about it, this sounds like it has stuff in common with Pit of Shades as well.

EDIT: That blessed water bit makes me thing maybe this thing is Necromancy in name only. Not likely, but hey, maybe it's less evil Necromancy? I kid, I kid.
It is NOT 100m in diameter. 48 yards is the range at which you can cast it. Its size is large template which is ten-yard circle, not hundred-yard one.
Voting is open