So we are agreed that if Mathilde theoretically wants to learn to dhar she has the tools needed to do so without any personal direct repercussions? (excluding social consequences and dhar exposure to those around us)
Yes(though looking at it a good point is raised that the simple
act of using Dhar is a pretty fraught choice even if the grooves is taken care of), though this is completely distinct from my complete lack of willingness on my part to use it for what are pretty obvious reasons.
(As previously mentioned, I don't think its high enough on the priority pole and my original intent with the Liber Mortis was "Learn general magic theory and Nehekhara tid bits" and I want to stick to that intent.)
Nor do I equate the theoretical capability to meaning it'd ever actually be the right thing to do.
@Kornet on the apprentice thing to more fully outline my thoughts:
I want to hmm...
A while back I was talking about this topic with other folks, you might have been part of it, I don't really recall. And what I said then was that I liked the idea better when Mathilde had more seasoning. Not in the sense of being older, but instead in the sense of completed Arcs and adventures.
She's a Jedi Knight, an Inquisitor, a somewhat experienced and famous Sidereal field agent, she's getting there in being an experienced Grey Magister and can now sit at the big table and swap the Really Fun Stories. I want that last bit to be more than what it is. Which in our current trajectory involves making Karak Eight Peaks more secure and could mean finishing the reclamation. I know my own feelings well enough to call that criteria pretty flexible.
After that criteria passes and I feel like the story has progressed enough I'd be happy with seeking one.
On the next important point she's finished reading the Book which means she can foist it onto the colleges via secure untraceable dead drop, which is my preferred option, just a tiny bit over "seal it up in a special strong room". With that the apprentice pick is a lot more safe for
There is also another two possibilities which change this outlook: A Grey Journeyer coming to K8P, in which case we might actually pick them up as a sort of Master-Apprentice thing. They'd have a lot to learn from Mathilde and I'd be pretty keen on passing on her experiment, partly as an experiment to see if some of the stuff she's learned
is possible to pass on.
The other option is if a Grey pops up in Karag Nar. This one holds the most interest to me. If this happens I am fully willing to take them up and teach them above and beyond Mathilde's best, putting 110% into it because from my perspective its basically serendipitous fate and a really neat twist. A Master who may not have the seasoning I'm talking about being thrust into this situation with an innocent child is very compelling because its a great way to develop a different sort of seasoning and context.