Dammit, I woke up and had 40-something pages to go through. And
still have almost 30 to go. And by the time I get through 30 pages, I'll have 10 more to go through...
Anyway. Something I was musing about, but don't want to wait hours of catching-up in order to fully catch up, is...
The Karag Dum expedition preparation.
You know what one ripple effect of Belegar and Mathilde's actions might be? If the Elector-Counts end up thinking about the whole "Maybe we should help Dwarfs out" thing
and as a result, the Karag Dum expedition ends up getting Empire support that it never got in the original timeline. Now that would be an amusing or interesting unintended/unforeseen butterfly effect to happen.
That, as a result of pushing the "Hey, look what Dwarfs can do for you?" angle and politics, the Karag Dum rescue effort gets more support.
Which... admittedly, could just lead to another of those "Nation/Person sends an army/adventuring party into dangerous area; whole army/party fails to return and is never heard from again" things that crops up in those tidbits and timeline entries in the armybooks sometimes. Which would
suck. For the first reclamation/rescue effort to be backed, to then also fall into a blackhole. However, I don't think it's likely to happen; because the Empire is likely to begin helping out Karak Eight Peaks
first. Because it's nearby, because there's already territory held there, because the King there just worked his politics. So the endeavor the Empire might put its weight behind, would likely be Eight Peaks or maybe another Heavily Armed Mining Expedition that Zhufbar sends to the local fallen hold.
But anyway. Karag Dum. It's 5 or 6 years away. It's possible that by the time it happens -- or, if it gets delayed by a year or two, in order to wait for more support from Karaz Ankor and Empire both -- it will have more help. And that might be an interesting butterfly, if that expedition/rescue effort actually
succeeds, you know?
((I call it "expedition/rescue effort" because my vague memories of the Gotrek and Felix collections, say that the 2nd expedition was definitely an evacation attempt. Which means that the first one probably was too. Heck, it really makes sense anyway; I can't think that they would have thought that they could clear territory all the way up into north and resettle/reclaim Karag Dum with the amount of forces they brought, right? It was probably from the start, an attempt to rescue any Dwarfs that might be alive, and retrieve as many Dwarf treasures and relics as possible. Because it's way way off the map in terms of distance, IIRC. So it's more like a rescue/relief effort, rather than a reconquest effort like King Belegar's quest.))
And, remembering that King Belegar had come to the Elector's Meet to try and get support for his Karak Eight Peaks efforts...
Raising a topic at an Elector's Meet for serious discussion and contemplation, and anyone otherwise neutral on the topic would vote for it.
Give you the right to address the Meet on a topic they're about to vote towards, and your opinion and any points you raise will be given serious weight.
With this, we'd be able to even throw more of our own reputation behind Belegar's next visit or efforts at the next Elector's Meet. Which is coming up in 4 years or so I think. Assuming the "every 6 years" thing though. I can't recall if that's canon or what.
And now back to trudging through the backlog and making my way up to the update...