Duty and Honor
Being a Royal Hammerer of King Belegar Ironhammer was an ancient and proud tradition for the family of Irkul Stonecutter. The Stonecutters had been Hammerers in the time before Karag Eight Peaks Fell, and had stood proudly with each generation after the fall. One of their line was among those left behind to hold the Thaggoraki back, when the royal's fled their ancestral home. Irkul had ever believed that when Belegar came of age, he would, like his brother before him, and his father before him, go with his King to the Old Hold, and likely die there. It was a great Honor, and a Duty he would carry with him so long as he drew breath.
This belief, that he would die was not held for lack of faith, oh no. But as a line sworn to protect the Royal line, it was in their nature to plan for the worst. Irkul had any number of plans for how to evacuate the King, should things had gone poorly, but by the Ancestors favor, none had been needed. Yet. The lack of heirs itched at him, and more than once he'd recommended to his Kings, once they were in their cups, a proper lass with large gems.
He'd been there for every battle and most war meets, standing in the back and watching over his charge. He'd watched it happen, a Legend be forged. The minstrels were still in the early stages of forging the proper song for the Great Reclamation, and it would be years yet before even the most rushed of beardlings presented their submission for judgment to the King.
But some things stood out, even if you knew not the words being used. Irkul had seen, and indeed been approached in person, any number of times, for his tale of what he had witnessed during the march and fighting. Three great Heroes stood out in it all, and one of them had brought him here. Irkul Stonecutter was familiar with gyrocopters. He had to be. Around the time Kings and Longbeards started using them for urgent travel, his line had to familiarize themselves with them, should their charge ever depend upon one.
That is not to say he found the newfangled contraptions comfortable. No dwarf belonged in the Sky, and that there were dwarves queer enough to enjoy, he greeted their sacrifice. He certainly didn't. Which made his recent assignment all the more irritating. Oh parts of it were fun. They'd crumped any number of dead beasties, following around the manling Count, but the actual charge they were supposed to be guarding disappeared up in smoke any time he took his eyes off her. This was highly improper. Human Master Wizard or not, he and his dwarves were here to guard her, not some other Umgi.
This last mission was for the worms, just mud. Irkul Stonecutter knew the tales, of how she would walk into Karaks, and they'd fall. It was ridiculous. They'd fallen to good dwarven steel, not manling trickery, but his King was taken with her, and that was that. So they waited and watched the sky as the woman he was supposed to protect went on her own into the lair of an ancient Vampire. It was enough to tug his beard clear off, it was.
Finally, a flare lit the sky and the pilots carried them in the shacking cans they called mechanisms. Bah. Finding their charge on top of the enemy castle, alone and bloody, was highly inappropriate. Even with Umgi not wearing at least chain to be decent, this one was scandalous beyond the pale. Why, she only wore robes, even to battle. Now she'd done even worse, her belly showing. What scandal!
What do you mean you had your guts pulled out you crazy human?
He really, really wanted to disbelieve her. Unfortunately, their already crowded vehicles filled with her loot, she'd lit a bonefire on the courtyard, filled with cursed tomes. None of the defenders were responding. And the skull. Couldn't forget about the skull. Irkul Stonecutter felt a headache coming on. How was he going to explain that to his King, that he let her go on her own, to fight an entire hut of dark mages and worse alone?
And worse, why did he feel his King would only congratulate him on a job well done? He could hardly keep up with the beasty! Damn manlings, making everything muddled. He really needed a good beer. If she was going to keep ditching her guard detail, at least she was capable enough. He had no idea what he would do if one day the Court Wizard took one of her enthusiastic walks and never came back. Couldn't be a Slayer, that would betray the Oath he took to protect his King. He just hoped he'd never have to find out.
For the first time, Irkul Stonecutter wished time went by faster. So this ordeal was over and he could go back to a rocky ceiling and be among sensible dwarves and not have to deal with talking spiders, disappearing charges, and the damn flying!
If this kept up, he'd start losing hairs in his beard. That was just unacceptable.
AN: Or the trials and tribulations of being a dwarven bodyguard to a human spy and assassin. Oh, they are also a Magister of the Grey Order and a dignitary in the Karak, being a Court Wizard. And flying everywhere. Have fun with that.