Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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We just found an entire College worth of people cursed with magic that have wanted her dead since she even took the throne...

I highly doubt Roswita's opinion on magic itself is going to change. What I believe is that her opinion on Mathilde (more specifically Mathilde's abilities) changes and elevates almost constantly, and at a certain point her opinion on Mathilde might be stronger than her opinion on magic.

I mean, just this update, when Mathilde reveals her reason for coming, there's a waver in her voice that indicates a possible hope that she might not die soon. That shows a significant level of confidence in Mathilde's abilities that she thinks she even has a chance to deal with Alkharad. If Roswita really was so jaded and fatalistic, or if she thought Mathilde had no chance of succeeding, then she wouldn't have shown any cracks in her mask.
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight. And while it's possible that the explanations tipped the votes, it's equally possible that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.
I mean, could we not just... store some of the other loot somewhere 'safe' for later collection? Or is this a one time deal?

Could just be an action to return for more loot and roll to see what's still there and not stolen or something? :D
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight. And while it's possible that the explanations tipped the votes, it's equally possible that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.

It made the merchant hit list look a lot more powerful and important than it really is, while simultaneously saying the literature will be rolled for and thus potentially worth nothing at all.

Equivalence would be probably dropping some titles we spotted or else saying nothing and let analysis figure it out.

This is why moratoriums are useful.
As Veekie said. Certainly the ledgers are useful, but they're not critical.
Yet the same argument could be made for the lore books. They would be useful yet they won't be critical for future plans. Nothing on this loot list is critical. We have the only critical loot which is Alal's head. Everything else help with something else. The ledgers help speed up the conquest of Sylvania. That is something I value very much. The less attention Roswita has to spend on internal problems the more attention she can spend on influencing external events. Like drumming up more support for the dwarfs at elector meets.
Yet the same argument could be made for the lore books. They would be useful yet they won't be critical for future plans. Nothing on this loot list is critical. We have the only critical loot which is Alal's head. Everything else help with something else. The ledgers help speed up the conquest of Sylvania. That is something I value very much. The less attention Roswita has to spend on internal problems the more attention she can spend on influencing external events. Like drumming up more support for the dwarfs at elector meets.
But the argument isn't that they're critical- it's that they're priceless in the sense we cannot attach value to them because we have no other known method of acquiring them. Dragonbone? Where would we even start IC. A valpire's understanding of Dhar (probably the most thorough and encompassing outside of the DE), potential Nehekharan lore (death gods and knowing enough Nehekharan to choosing a name from it+34 learning). We literally can't assign proper value to them because we have no proper context or alternative means of acquiring them.

And what you value- the more rapid advancement of Stirland isn't necessarily that valuable in a lot of senses. A Stirland at its peak under Abelheim mustered something like 40k men and this was considered a joke for an Elector Count's army. Factor in the Drakenhof campaign, the crossbow desertions, and the attrition of her own campaigns and I doubt they'll exceed that 40k for a decade.

The real prize is the rest of the Empire getting wind of all this- Wissenland, Reikland and Averland are densely populated and incredibly wealthy. Middenland has probably the staunchest martial traditions of any province, etc. Our actions here are the sort of thing that reach the Emperor himself. I think the amount of hype Roswita, not a super diplomatic character herself can drum up for us is immaterial and Stirland's ability to directly contribute in the near future is up in the air.
@vsh I think the eastern part of the map probably needs a bigger loop. Or, I suppose it could have the Death Pass line going off the map to the right, and then a line coming from off the map into the East Gate. In BoneyM's correction, there was a far bigger emphasis on the double-back loop; it wasn't just a few mountains blocking like in this map version.
What happens during Dwarf civil wars in this regard? Be it canon fluff or actual Dwarf vs Dwarf matches in tabletop.
Not sure about fluff, or if this has been answered already, but on the Tabletop, Master Runes are one per army, not one per battlefield. Which means you can have two of the same on the same side, as long as they're in two different armies.
Good ol' nearly 3am brain worms.

Dreading publishing the MMAP now lol. No doubt whenever we go for the option to take a full time apprentice. The plucky little shit is gonna show up and have mastered it into high definition, with sounds and animations. We'll have to be proud of them and I'll haaaaaaate it.
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I mean, could we not just... store some of the other loot somewhere 'safe' for later collection? Or is this a one time deal?

Could just be an action to return for more loot and roll to see what's still there and not stolen or something? :D
No. Please don't do this. The GM explicitly called out:

Reminder that when I say 'you can only pick X amount because [reason]', it's not an invitation for cunning plans to actually get all of them.
@vsh I think the eastern part of the map probably needs a bigger loop. Or, I suppose it could have the Death Pass line going off the map to the right, and then a line coming from off the map into the East Gate. In BoneyM's correction, there was a far bigger emphasis on the double-back loop; it wasn't just a few mountains blocking like in this map version.
Inkarnate is ill suited for precise map design. It's made for like, DnD world maps really, not maps that are useful for military campaigns.
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No. Please don't do this. The GM explicitly called out:

Reminder that when I say 'you can only pick X amount because [reason]', it's not an invitation for cunning plans to actually get all of them.
Oh, well, didn't see that. Shame. What bling we get is what bling we get then!

What happens to all the rest then? A few of those options definitely seem dangerous in the wrong hands. To themselves and others. Not that the vampire lord wasn't a danger that is! :p
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That image makes me think the guy is a shitty demonologist that fucked up his circle so it basically works ('the demon can't step over it') but didn't realize the demon was tall and a flier type and could just lean over the candles. Not to mention he put the circle around himself instead of around the demon.

10/10 mage intellectual arrogance.
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Oh, well, didn't see that. Shame. What bling we get is what bling we get then!

What happens to all the rest then? A few of those options definitely seem dangerous in the wrong hands. To themselves and others. Not that the vampire lord wasn't a danger that is! :p
The books are burned. The other stuff is stolen by the peasantry.
@BoneyM I mean there is a clever way to get more loot, but it's clever in a somewhat stupid way.

It means Mat not going on the copter, and making her way back home on shadowhorse alone, maybe with a few of the books or some dragonbone(not a full extra stuff) while some more of it takes her place.

Trouble with that is that while Royal Guards will let an assassin do her job, no way in hell are they letting her risk her life accross Sylrania while burdened with loot, after such a deed. No Dwarven Royal Guard would take that dishonor. So it's not actually an option, not because Mat can't do it, but because it breaks so many cultural laws that she might levy an actual insult on Belegar.

She allready ditched them to go kill an entire colledge of necromancers alone, she leaves them now they'll start thinking about Grudges and Slayers. And for what, a bit more treasure?

How the fuck are they supposed to guard that woman? Actually... that gives me an idea.
@BoneyM I mean there is a clever way to get more loot, but it's clever in a somewhat stupid way.

It means Mat not going on the copter, and making her way back home on shadowhorse alone, maybe with a few of the books or some dragonbone(not a full extra stuff) while some more of it takes her place.

Trouble with that is that while Royal Guards will let an assassin do her job, no way in hell are they letting her risk her life accross Sylrania while burdened with loot, after such a deed. No Dwarven Royal Guard would take that dishonor. So it's not actually an option, not because Mat can't do it, but because it breaks so many cultural laws that she might levy an actual insult on Belegar.

She allready ditched them to go kill an entire colledge of necromancers alone, she leaves them now they'll start thinking about Grudges and Slayers. And for what, a bit more treasure?

How the fuck are they supposed to guard that woman? Actually... that gives me an idea.

Eh... A better option would be to just have Mathilde and the guards requisition carts from the townfolk and just haul the whole thing by cart the slow way with the gyrocopters providing air cover.
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