Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Detailed trade ledgers.

Glad to see someone come close to killing Mathilde in a fair-ish fight, was thinking things been going too easy and without challenge.
[X] Books on Shyish and death gods.

College favors are nice and all, but this vote might give us books unavailable from the college!
She is not going to destroy the dragonbone. Those will be looted by the villagers. As for the ledgers I am not quite sure but BoneyM was quite clear that what we didn't take would not be there if we ever get back to the keep.
I know Mathilde won't be able to claim them, I'm trying to find out what happens to them for example the gold will be looted by the locals which I approve of and the magic books will be destroyed which is a bit of a shame but OK. I was told the other items would be destroyed though and wanted to know why Mathilde would want to destroy the other stuff.
For crap's sake.

Look, we're destroying what we can't take. This is explicitly stated in the update.
I'm not sure which one of you is correct though, although I only recall reading a mention of destroying the magic books. We might have just missed it being explicitly mentioned everything else will be destroyed though.

Presumably local contacts of the conspiracy making sure that there are no traces of their involvement.
This is a possible result but assuming EVA-Saiyajin is wrong and they're not destroyed it should be noted that we killed all the necromancers and it's unlikely much of the populace will be happy to see anyone who helped them get off free. So it seems equally probably they'll be held in storage to be given to authorities, or have someone who's literate find everyone in the ledgers and organize a vigiliante squad or just for the books to be burnt in anger.

Basically I'm wondering who's going to be coming back for all the pegasi corpses, the dragon bones and anything else we missed. At a minimum someone needs to head over there and destroy them to prevent another necromancer using them, but I could also see someone selling the corpses to the University or something for dissection or the Colleges for ingredients. Sure Mathilde won't be able to keep these things for herself if she doesn't loot them now but then who benefits from acquiring this stuff and who's coming back for it? I assume Stirland and the Dwarfs and as fast as possible to grab whatever cut they can get whether in terms of gold or prestige.

I don't think it would take long for the gyrocopter to go back for example and I'd imagine the Dwarfs would really like grabbing whatever gold they can that hasn't been looted. It'll probably take a while for the peasants to smash, burn and loot everything after we leave especially considering how scary the place is which means there's a period of time in which the Dwarfs can strike it rich.
I know Mathilde won't be able to claim them, I'm trying to find out what happens to them for example the gold will be looted by the locals which I approve of and the magic books will be destroyed which is a bit of a shame but OK. I was told the other items would be destroyed though and wanted to know why Mathilde would want to destroy the other stuff.

I'm not sure which one of you is correct though, although I only recall reading a mention of destroying the magic books. We might have just missed it being explicitly mentioned everything else will be destroyed though.

This is a possible result but assuming EVA-Saiyajin is wrong and they're not destroyed it should be noted that we killed all the necromancers and it's unlikely much of the populace will be happy to see anyone who helped them get off free. So it seems equally probably they'll be held in storage to be given to authorities, or have someone who's literate find everyone in the ledgers and organize a vigiliante squad or just for the books to be burnt in anger.

Basically I'm wondering who's going to be coming back for all the pegasi corpses, the dragon bones and anything else we missed. At a minimum someone needs to head over there and destroy them to prevent another necromancer using them, but I could also see someone selling the corpses to the University or something for dissection or the Colleges for ingredients. Sure Mathilde won't be able to keep these things for herself if she doesn't loot them now but then who benefits from acquiring this stuff and who's coming back for it? I assume Stirland and the Dwarfs and as fast as possible to grab whatever cut they can get whether in terms of gold or prestige.

I don't think it would take long for the gyrocopter to go back for example and I'd imagine the Dwarfs would really like grabbing whatever gold they can that hasn't been looted. It'll probably take a while for the peasants to smash, burn and loot everything after we leave especially considering how scary the place is which means there's a period of time in which the Dwarfs can strike it rich.
- Reminder that when I say 'you can only pick X amount because [reason]', it's not an invitation for cunning plans to actually get all of them.
Let's not try and argue around this.
Seriously, when do we get to poke the truth of the conspiracy with fake Gabriella, find out what killed the patriarch in Sylvania?

Those two are loose ends for Mathilde.
So why would Mathilde want to investigate those things? She has so much on her plate already with K8P and her growing spy network in EIC. What would she get?
Looking a decade younger than you are is something that mundane cosmetics can achieve, so there's a chance she's just an Intrigue prodigy.
Hypothetically possible, but... someone killed Gabriella the vampiress. Gabriella the conspirator was in position to take up the reigns with nobody but Albus Hungergore being the wiser. That sort of thing doesn't just happen. If the conspirator didn't kill the vampiress, the question of who did remains unresolved.
I'm not. Don't imply that I am.

I'm asking people's opinions on what will happen to the items that we leave because that's extremely relevant to decision making. It's on topic and relevant to discussion. Not something to attempt to block off.
Why would mathilde destroy the ledgers and dragonbone?

I understand not wanting magic books getting out but why destroy the oher stuff?
So you asked why Mathilde would destroy the stuff she didn't take.

If you want to speculate on what will happen to the stuff we don't take that is a very different question. For the dragon bone they may try to sell it for some coins. Or they could try and impress their friends with 'hunting' trophies. For the gold they almost certainly fight each other over that. The dangerous books we will burn. The ledgers may be severely damaged in the fighting for gold or be burned for warmth given that Mathilde noticed a lack of good wood here. I don't know what the proof of the 'college' would be but it would also be looted and dragged off somewhere.
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[ ] Detailed trade ledgers.

While I can easily understand why the first is winning, I'm a bit baffled on the second. BoneyM has explained that benefits for the options exist in the update; and us neutralizing a threat that would require the Emperor's personal attention, multiple Battlewizards, armies mustered and marched, potentially a crusade from the Grand Theogenist - and it still wouldn't actually kill all the Necromancers with the Necrarch potentially escaping too allowing whatever knowledge they acquired to be passed down for generations. This matters, this threat could have been Empire shaking. A College of Necromancy constantly churning out threats, gathering and refining knowledge and experience making them even better, in comparison to the current status quo where most Necromancers operate in isolation and hidden.

The correct response to this is ride hell for leather for Altdorf and have a quiet but intense word with someone who'll have a quiet but intense word with someone else who'll have a quiet but intense word with the Emperor, and from that point on it's all armies on the march and unleashing the sort of wizards that have made it their life goal to redefine scorched earth. But you've seen first hand how much time it takes to assemble such an army, and how slow that march actually is, and in the time that takes a significant number of the necromancers would surely scatter and become the nightmares of future years. Sometimes a scalpel today is better than a hammer tomorrow. And if the odds turn against you, you could leave and then contact Altdorf.

This was an Empire level threat, and we smothered it in it's grave with extreme prejudice. We annihilated all practitioners on site, killed the Necrarch, and likely even crippled the idea in it's infancy so it won't be attempted again for at the very least Mathilde's lifetime. Empire/Emperor favors, college favors, religious favors; this mattered, and means in the future our ascension to Wizard Lord or even just access to the restricted tomes of knowledge and spells that the College of Magic has becomes easier for us.


It seems Alkharad takes disciples by the score, and when they're not learning the twisted art of necromancy they're lording their status over the locals and using it to claim what little wholesome food and petty luxuries trickle in from the few traders bold or stupid enough to try to find a profit in the most cursed corners of an already cursed land, and at the slightest pretext or even none at all, they take control of the nearest beast carcass and use it to wound or terrify whoever has displeased them.

This says a lot about the Trade Ledgers vote though. Merchants operate on a risk/reward spectrum, and just this paragraph alone should emphasize that the wealth isn't that great, and the risk is overwhelming. They already face threats of bandits, wild/dhar creatures roaming Stirland and Sylvania, peasants finding out who you trade with (burning), peasants finding out you're not willing to trade at a good price with them given the status of merchants in feudal societies (death), and added to all of that is the threat that the Vampires or Necromancers may just kill you anyway, the Witch Hunters if they found out will definitely kill you, the religious authorities if they found out will definitely kill you ... the sheer risk is monumental. Realistically you'd have to be desperate, be coopted by the Vampires, or just forced through threats of violence; or be a merchant who's Ranaldian given you're gambling on just shit odds.

Also influencing this is that merchants tend to operate on a local basis; so local merchant trades with another local merchant, who trades with a local merchant, who trades with a local merchant, who trades with a local merchant, and somewhere in the line someone trades with Vampires - or not even necessarily that just with the populace of a Vampire ruled town or village. There shouldn't be a grand conspiracy or cartel to sweep up, just individuals so this should very much just be a local affair.

Over time this is also a problem that solves itself as merchants feel the risk becomes too great and stop, the rewards elsewhere become better and stop, the Stirlander army approaches and they stop, Stirland government investigates or the Witch Hunters investigate and find out and either imprison or kill you .... this problem will attrition itself over time. Our focus on it shouldn't be needed.


[X] Books on Vampires and Dhar.

This is a unique opportunity. Necrach vampires overall modus operandi are researching subjects of their interest for centuries, and notably what they obviously favor is the nature of their own existence as well as the use of Dhar given it's fundamental nature in their spells and how some transition from feeding on blood to subsidizing on Dhar itself.

We're honestly not going to get a better opportunity to get a good look at these subjects, and both those subjects can provide great insights elsewhere. The nature of Vampirism, the nature of the soul, and how Vampires feed are all interrelated - and Necarch's should fundamentally have a higher degree of knowledge on the subject given they posses spirit/soul sight with some even trying to recreate the Elixer of Life itself. Even without mentioning any potential paths this can take us such as Elixer shenanigens/killing Vampires easier/location of prominent Vampires and their names, this is likely to provide an overall bonus to Vampire rolls we ever take in the future. Vampire Lore on Vampires written by Vampire scholar with soul sight + 34 learning + unknown magic and research traits can't really be beaten, so there's also a chance for additional favour in the future from providing copies of the books to others.

Understanding Dhar itself is also important for us given our own experiments with the Vitae, greater understanding of the nature of the winds and how they congeal in general, use of Dhar by spell casters thus our ability it disrupt it in the future, and also should be helpful against the Skaven themselves. This should also be a helpful supplement to what we learned from Van Hal's book given that focused overwhelmingly on Shyish + Dhar; where as a Vampire they can use multiple winds of magic so could have experimented with it.
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Seriously, when do we get to poke the truth of the conspiracy with fake Gabriella, find out what killed the patriarch in Sylvania?

Those two are loose ends for Mathilde.
We don't care. That's sounds blithe but the fact is trust goes both ways. Mathilde is alive because the Grey Order trusts her- the Grey Order raised and taught Mathilde almost everything she knows and is probably her highest loyalty. If the secret police you are a member of say 'don't worry fam, we fucked em' up for you' you believe them because the alternative is literally rejecting a substantial part of who you are and turning your back on your proverbial family who can now no longer trust you because you clearly don't believe in them and thus are obligated to kill you.

It's a little less extreme than that- but the point is Mathilde might believe other Greys are cagey with her- but she and every other single Grey all believe they are acting in each other's collective interest with bone deep certainty. It's the bedrock of the Greys who are to some extent one of the most insular Colleges in terms of actual trust.

As for Hexensohn? That's a loose end but it's beyond our pay grade and off the beaten path. Let our Patriarch and Magister Lords deal with the political headache that is.
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight. And while it's possible that the explanations tipped the votes, it's equally possible that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.

Ah! Aha...

So, this is just purely a hunch of mine, but -- would it be correct to suspect that this is exactly the sort of thing that the Protector face is for, and exactly what it does?

If you have the Protector on and you take down the Scholomance, you don't have to have tons of proof and all the paperwork -- people will know you took down a school of Necromancers, hearing (and believing!) it from rumors and such?

It would take time for the news to filter back to Altdorf from those directly in the imminent danger radius, but it would do so.

Kind of thought one of these two might get a boost, though Infiltration was admittedly from the Coin. We'll probably need to pull off Named Character/War Leader Assassinations to get actual progress boosts from our actions rather than training.

Going into Advanced without dedicating time to learning it is much harder than reaching basic competence.

@BoneyM do taking classes at the College to improve our mundane Skills work like learning Spells does, in that we can choose one specific Skill per action or roll the dice to see if they're willing to train us on one to four random Skills? What catagory of Skills is the Grey College able to teach us in? My assumptions are Intrigue, Diplomacy, Learning, and Stewardship. Are we able to learn mundane Skills from the other Colleges?

List of available classes at the Grey College is available in the Collection of Important Information threadmark under College Rep.

@BoneyM I don't think you've accounted for the latest changes here - we should be getting a +3 from Advanced Greatswording.

Skills now increase base attributes. Otherwise the sums would start to take up entire lines.

Huh, so wait; did Al have his students Warged in the wolves and bear that prompted all of this?

Yes, though presumably Alkharad was in the bear itself.

@BoneyM , we can use Serenity to make Max write YA action-adventure novels right



Doesn't really matter now, but I'm curious. What were the magic levels of Alk-whatever's various disciples, particularly the highest ranking ones? Were they low-level Magisters, or just Journeymen-level?

When Dhar is involved it doesn't follow the normal power scale. Instead of becoming gradually more powerful, they just become less likely to die to miscasts. But the best of them were reliably casting single-target versions of Battle Magic, albeit under the direct supervision and instruction of Alkharad.

@BoneyM I'm guessing that, given his stats, this guy was indeed a Big Deal, a Lord-level vamp?

@edit: Also, Dread Aspect apparently did nothing?

And did we not get WS5/A3?

In tabletop terms, he was Lord level but not Special Character Lord level.

Dread Aspect didn't have a chance to intervene because the clashes were almost entirely at a distance and Alkharad was bullshit fast. If he had decided that his spite towards Mathilde was more important than his spite towards the Lhamians, it would probably have kicked in to try to fight off his armless biting attack. Not every possible weapon will be used in every fight.

Tabletop stats have not been updated with Branulhune, as it says in bold capitals at the top of the tabletop stats. I have now also applied an underline.

You know, given this part of the plan, and how Alakazam ratted everyone out, I wonder if Matlida is going to try and pop the weaker leaders we know about.

@BoneyM since Mathilda knows a couple of the undead leaders are weaker then expected is she going to take the initiative and try and assassinate them as well?

They are weak in specific areas on the battlefield, but it'd be rather bold to take that to mean they're weak overall. Mathilde will focus entirely on information gathering.

Do you know the canon source for these types of incantations off the top of your head? This thread is the first time I hear about mono-wind summons of this type.

Not off the top of my head. They're not mentioned much in canon, but it makes sense as they'd be very rarely performed, and lesser elemental spirit-daemon-things exist.

Does any College other than the Grey have a Vow of Poverty? Or are they just being nice to their allies? And do rich Colleges like Gold and Celestial care less about the favor economy?

The Ambers don't care for money, the Amethysts in general tend towards the austere (though exceptions exist), and the Light Order tend to be rather holier-than-thou about it. For other Colleges, favour are more of a parallel economy rather than a replacement. College Favours come with the implication that you can be trusted with whatever you buy with them, so it can buy a lot of things that gold can't.

Given the Vow of Poverty, how many Grey Magisters even have towers constructed for them?

Quite a few. Mathilde isn't the only one that follows the spirit rather than the letter of the Vow, and 'building a wizard tower' is always accepted as a valid reason to acquire material wealth.

Damn. Did Abelheim ever need to roll that stuff when interacting with his council? Because those updates looked much less like a dumpsterfire than I would have expected. I don't even want to know how many crises he would have rattled into if Anton had ended up with more appropriate rolls from the start. Like at the coronation party for instance.

Abelhelm was skilled at wielding intimidation and authority. If he left that comfort zone he'd flounder quick, but he very rarely did.

What about regular Reikspiel scribes?

This would completely shatter every rule in the Articles of Imperial Magic about not teaching magic secrets to non-wizards. If you want a scribe, get a Perpetual Apprentice, costs for which are in the threadmark.

Wilhelmina and Anton must be beasts as well. But we knew that already. Is there actually a limit on growth for completely human humans? Or diminishing returns on stat increases? Other than old age afflictions and death of course.

Most people tend to get stuck in their ways as they get older. Wilhelmina likely would have plateaued at some point if she remained Steward.

What made them trust us so much in the first place? Regimand's good words? Mind reading before our Magister exams?
All they have seen of us is a lack of Dhar, fierce loyalty to a specific elector count, stubbornness and leadership qualities in times of war, and a tacit disregard for the vow of poverty.

Also, you say that if they didn't trust us we'd be dead. And that their trust mostly prevents them from spying on us just to be sure. Does that mean that a Grey Magister can pretty much get away with anything as long as there are no mundane witnesses? I'm not asking because I plan on making Mathilde any more criminal than she already is, I'm asking because now I am scared of what all of our dear colleagues might be up to. If any of them happen to be intelligent sociopaths or otherwise morally compromised but mentally sound, the implications could be enormous. Now I almost regret that the Grey College has established loopholes in their "strictest rules among the colleges" that allow us to drive trucks through.

For obvious reasons, the exact mechanisms and possibly spells used to gauge loyalty are hidden to those that are being measured with them.

How skilled would such a runesmith need to be?

Technically, not very. For reasons of respect, it would probably be done by the best one available.

Also, in theory, if Mathilde were to get a brain aneurysm while, I don't know, meeting Roswita in Stirland together with Belegar, what would actually happen to her various belongings and assets? I know that in the game you would retroactively allow us to write a last will, but what would actually be the default if we didn't?

College gets the lot.

Does the fact that (as far as we know) Max hasn't actually ever faced said undead and doesn't have the large amount of peripheral knowledge about them that we do at all affect the quality of the paper compared to if we had written it ourselves?

He doesn't get a malus, but nor does he benefit from things like Mathilde's narrative bonus from the Lore skill and diceroll bonus from the Strategy skill.

It's too late now because it would give us all the information, but in future rolls with someone teaching us while trying to hide info like this, wouldn't it make more sense for us to see the end result as opposed to seeing the raw roll? I mean we know how good of a teacher he managed to be all in all because, well, we just experienced him teach us. We don't necessarily know how much of those results were due to current circumstances and how much due to inherent ability though. Also, if needed, someone with high skill who is deliberately holding back could always get a (-X) modifier that we aren't privy to.

If it was being hidden due to malarky rather than just Dwarven taciturnity, that's how I'd do it. But if there's not much at stake I'd rather reveal the raw dice roll and let the modified result be implied by the test.

I don't quite understand what was going on here? Where the apprentice necromancers all invisible? Or does necromancy work even at such distances as long as there us a conduit for scrying and/or casting?

Or is this supposed to remain a mystery for now?

The exact mechanism being used is unknown, both to Mathilde and, as far as she knows, to the Colleges.

Does that mean that an average necromancer actually can only control a single animated corpse at a time without a decent education or lots of self study?

Directly control. Necromancers can easily point a bunch of animated corpses in a general direction and tell them to start flailing, but Alkharad was going for quality rather than quantity.

Where the hell did he even find that many apprentices? His personal slice of Sylvania can't possibly be enough. Even all of Sylvania plus access to Stirland shouldn't have been enough if I understand the numbers correctly and assume that Stirland still gets farmed for apprentices by both the Colleges and Hedgefolk.

Having Magic 0.1 is sufficient to use dark magic and necromancy. That's part of what makes it so incredibly dangerous.

Does this change if we are willing to sacrifice other stuff? Like wanting to remain longer, thus sacrificing opportunities and risking being attacked by Vampires? Or leaving something else behind (though I'm not sure we have anything this time)?

If trade-offs can be made I'll lay out the mechanics of them. I assumed that Mathilde wouldn't decide to leave Belegar's royal bodyguards behind so she could take more loot.

How do the Dwarves deal with this? We should know since we have Dawi books on exactly this subject IIRC.

Mostly handled by the Order of the Guardians, who have a similar set-up to the Amethyst College. Actively and spitefully preventing their resurrection every time it's tried is incredibly satisfying to Dwarves.

Is this for our "investigate all vampires without taking opportunities" action due to it being rolled into the Alkarhad one, or was this just a lucky break, with aforementioned action happening next update?

Lucky break.

How dies the Rune of Rancor react to surgical strikes to specific body parts? Say, if someone removes our earlobe with a scalpel against our will.

Eye-for-an-eye rather than being able to redouble the impact. It's better against conventional weapons that mess up a general area than it is against precise strikes that have minimal collateral damage.

Also I haven't read any discussion yet, but how viable is bringing the skull back to our Tower for preservation or for Kragg to carve a Rune of Fuck Yo Dhar on it?

It's already been added to Mathilde's trophies. She likes the idea of having a skull shelf.

I do believe its generally where the idea of a Mystery Box comes from since its a skit from a Family Guy episode where a shady salesman offers Griffin a boat or a box which may contain a boat.

Simpsons did it first.

Has anyone asked @BoneyM how long Mathilde can expect to have bark belly?

It will fall off on its own after a few hours, unless she picks at it.


Have dwarfs made anything from Dragonbone before?

Not often, but the techniques are still remembered.

Well, wasn't there a thing about him not being the same as the Nehekharan priest guy who kept attacking the dwarves over that gold coin they forged into some tool or another?

There's more than one guy going by that name, is what I mean; do we know that this vampire is the one in the book?

Necrarchs usually take Nehekharan names, even those with no direct connection to it.

Huh, on Rounds 3 and 5, he used Learning in place of Martial I think. Typo?

Well spotted. Fixed.

Actually, does anyone know how long the vote lasts? Since this is a multipart thing, is BoneyM doing the regular 24 hour voting period? Or is it different?

Normal 24 hours. The enforced break is actually really good at keeping burnout at bay.

It's not the first time the turn ended up split. Just look at last turn, for instance. Probably the full 24 hours. As far as I'm aware, the main reason for splits like this is that Boney restricts himself to writing 6,000 words per day.

More or less. If I break 4k and I'm not even halfway through the to-do list I start to look for natural conclusions to the update and things that might be put to a vote.

Lets ask @BoneyM then. Could you give some more details of the Trade Ledgers?

I've explained what they are. I'm not going to give a WoG assessment of their value and future consequences.

@BoneyM if we buy a Life Seed of Regrowth for Roswita will we get a discount for buying it for VIP?

Not unless she kicks in some of her own College Favours, and nothing about her suggests that she's accumulated any. It's also quite unlikely she'd agree to have one implanted.

@BoneyM now that you're back and not writing an update, could you correct the death pass shape?

Oh, right.

Also the surface entrance to Karak Drazh is to the west of Death's Crossing, if there's an elegant way to make that clear.
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Seriously, when do we get to poke the truth of the conspiracy with fake Gabriella, find out what killed the patriarch in Sylvania?

Those two are loose ends for Mathilde.

1) Far too many responsibilities and hobbies for chasing after whimsy. What do you believe can be cut out from Mathilde's rather busy schedule?
2) The conspiracy is gone, in a rather final and gruesome manner.
3) The Grey Order and her past master in particular would not tell her. You want to poke something that apparently is kept at the highest levels. Poking it will not get us a pat on the back, rather the opposite.
4) Looking up what the Patriarch of another college cared for in Sylvania would paint her as overzealous at best and a traitor at worst with the entirety of the death mages. Plainly put, does not have the authority to question.

Comes down to how much she trusts her own Order, really. And that's not even getting into the consequences on K8P should this turn sour at any point. Being a Court Wizard, representation, goes both ways.

If eventually wanting 'a' truth, best bet would be to buckle down, make it to Magister Lord over long decades of loyal service and ask.
that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.

This is my understanding of the topic. Because while a Dragon skull and Necromantic artifices are 'cool shit', they are passe compared to strengthening the Empire as a whole and striking a blow at the dark forces that seek to tear the old world apart.
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight. And while it's possible that the explanations tipped the votes, it's equally possible that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.

For me, the fact these books on vampires and their related winds of magic were written by a vampire seems like a major point against them, no way they'll be unbiased at the very least, and outright misleading and corruptive as a moderate possibility. Already think Mathilde is walking a narrow rope with the Liber Mortis, no point adding more weight to tip her over.

And yes as said above, they're cool shinies but they don't seem that special or exceptional as opposed to what you made seem like major buffs to Imperial stability, the EIC and hits against wide-spread vampiric infiltration, which seem to go a long way to advancing a promotion and influence.
I wonder if this will be enough to upgrade us from "Those cursed with magic are dangerous...but not just to friends and innocents." in Roswita's mind.

Anyways, I really must get to bed as it's past 4. Damn this quest for being so awesome.
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight. And while it's possible that the explanations tipped the votes, it's equally possible that people are choosing patriotism and influence over forbidden knowledge and a kicking rad dragon skull.
For me at least, it's less about patriotism and influence and more that we already have a huge backlog of shinies and projects that are competing for time.
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I wonder if this will be enough to upgrade us from "Those cursed with magic are dangerous...but not just to friends and innocents." in Roswita's mind.

Anyways, I really must get to bed as it's past 4. Damn this quest for being so awesome.
We just found an entire College worth of people cursed with magic that have wanted her dead since she even took the throne...
For me, the fact these books on vampires and their related winds of magic were written by a vampire seems like a major point against them, no way they'll be unbiased at the very least, and outright misleading and corruptive as a moderate possibility.
Maybe it reads like a political dissertation, with a catalogue of his enemies' weaknesses, and the various conspiracies of the undead world. Perhaps notes on Neferata's hidden war with Queen Khalida?

...Yeah, fuck it.

[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
Unrelated question, what's the difference between Dhar and True Dhar?
Others have approached it from other directions but my understanding of it is basically:
-Dhar is like, raw uranium ore. It can do some weird shit, its dangerous as hell to be around and whatever you get it on is going to be permanently nasty. You'd probably get cancer pretty quick if you mishandled it.
-True Dhar is enriched plutonium. It can do everything Dhar does, except more powerful. You're probably dead if you mishandled it.

Wait, hold up, this is pretty much exactly what I would think Ranald-based Shadow magic would have in place of battle magic or something.

It's got gambling, because it's a card game. It's got deceiving, because it's a card game. It's got theft, because it's a card game (with booster packs :V). It's got protecting, because it's a duel (using a card game). And it's got banishing people to the shadow realm (because it's Ulgu-based battle magic).

Or, more seriously, the deadly parts come from the shadow magic, but being able to couch everything in a magical card game sounds right up his alley.
Also you can't make a Duel Disk without illusory holograms!
On a different subject, what do we expect Averland's reaction to the new canal's construction to be? I mean it will cut into quite a bit of the trade through the blackfire pass. only other way to the south will be through the underground river in Wissenland and going around by sea. can't see Averland being too happy about it. Moot might not be too happy either. a Stirland with a sudden surplus of cash and a severally weakened or destroyed sylvania won't sit too well with them either.
Depends, the Elector Count or the merchants?
The individual merchants are going to be epically pissy at their trade monopoly being YOINK'ed.
The state itself is apt to be more neutral, what they lose in the monopoly on the irregularly and frequently wiped out by orc trade through Blackfire pass they gain in the Stirland side trade which still passes through a river they control and tax.

They go from getting a large cut from an unreliable and small trickle to a small cut from a stable, large flow. See the baronies Anton roped into the EIC. Same deal.

A Stirland with a surplus of cash means they're going to be buying a lot of stuff, like premium halfling produce for the upper class who'd rather not be eating warpstone laced native grains.
Stirland just plain isn't going to be competing with the Moot for food sales, and Stirland would be too busy stabbing undead for the next couple centuries in the forests, crypts and moors to present a military threat barring the Empire falling apart.

Furthermore, they have reason to expect Roswita to continue her father's legacy of positive dealings with the Halflings, knowing the Moot sent manpower when the Church of Sigmar did not is...sobering.

I freely admit, the vampire books might offer a great deal of things we might not find elsewhere. The thing is, bacially every time we have a vote on forbidden lore or vampirism there is a strong undercurrent of people trying to use it as a foot in the door for necromancy and dark magic. Hard pass-that isn't what I'm interested in for this story, and the more 'amazing' they have the potential of being the bigger the headache will be from people insisting we should use the damned knowlege for things beyond approved paths.
Strong undercurrent being 4-5 people talking about it to each other in a thread of over three hundred posters :V
From a purely reward factor, this analysis is accurate and the ledgers are lacking, but thematically the ledgers are S-tier. This is an option that not only strangles the vampires and enriches Stirland, but does so in a way that mirrors one of the first major services we ever did for Abelhelm. Getting the ledgers is profoundly narratively satisfying in a way that rare magic books aren't.

Besides. We're more than a little dwarf in mindset, now. The people in that book facilitated the literal predation of their fellow human. Let's cross that Grudge out.
That is true. I will reiterate I'm not against the Ledgers, I just want to be sure people are voting for it for the right reasons.
Right reasons:
-Narrative bookends.
-Most benefit for Stirland.
-Oppress traitors to humanity harder.

Wrong reasons:
-The books are useless.
-Stirland needs the ledgers to dismantle the trade network.
-Stirland needs the ledgers to beat the vampires.

To elaborate on the last point.
So, lets analyze the remaining vampire factions and what specifically they get from trade:
--They're the intrigue specialists, and as we well know, intrigue must be funneled through natural movements of people. Dedicated messengers are too expensive to be running messages needed for the routine flow of messages unless your state is incredibly wealthy(as modern states are). You pass things along via merchants who are already making the routes and well they're as damned as you are if you get caught.
--They might know enough magic that ritual reagents are useful. Might.

-Blood Dragons
--Blood Dragons are eternal. Their equipment are not, and given vampiric strength, they're going to need a lot of replacement gear regularly for those without enchanted gear. Its possible that one of the Blood Dragons had a smithing hobby to supply their own people, but Sylvania is not known for rich mines that I can recall, if they want to keep being well armed they're going to need to quell their ardor or start looting. That said, it'd take decades(or a good defeat in the field) to actually get to the point where they can't get by with looting, reforging and recycling metal.
--Not a proper caster, relies on magic items. Presumably they buy these things on the black market.

--Lives in the woods. Literally untouched.

None of them actually need black market trade networks to:
-Escape, vampires are pretty good at running away if they can overcome their massive ego.
-Feed their populations, too much volume needed to be smuggled realistically.

Essentially? The loss would be kind of a fuck you to the Lahmians, but only annoying to the Blood Dragons and the Strigoi won't even notice it. Don't overhype it.
Don't dismiss it!

*decides fuck it lets Math I'm bored*

*Sensible people should absolutely disregard this because its about MAGIC and thus Boeny can decide it does whatever he wants and even aside from that it likely has whims which means it can decide to change on a dime and leave you holding the burning chicken*

So in our investigations of the Vitae we have identified that it is experiencing something that keeps it stable in its fluid state. Introduction of reality weakening effects means it evaporates or transforms into something else. Normally Aethyric energy is outside of normal reality, but flows through the warp rifts at the Polar Gates and is split by their distorted forms into the Winds. These Winds flow south towards the Great Vortex.

There's a relatively easy way to describe the thinning of the Winds as one heads south via a function D, for the Decay of the Winds. But D should vary over time as the winds change and blow in new ways as they do at their own whims. Furthermore D should vary significantly for each Wind at any point along the continent and over time D should in proper consideration likely be denoted as DAqshy, DShyish etc for the decay rate of each individual Wind since they blow at different strengths in the same place and at different times. This function D also has a lot of inner variables which are not worth it to attempt to describe.

Anyway that digression aside, back to the Vitae.

The Vitae does not pass through the Gates, and never undergoes the transformation to become the Winds before it passes through the remains of the Snake into the material world. Mathilde has theorized it might contain pre-Wind structures because of how it acted before transformation and bits of it started to move in different directions but this has not been confirmed.

Because it enters the world the way it does, the Aethyric energy seemingly becomes compressed into this liquid state and is left to dribble out of our Schrodinger's Captive. This state is held in place by some action or force upon the energy, something similar to the act of actively compressing something i.e a pressure like force. Let's call this force R for the presence of Reality and real things.

We can surmise that Vitae has some kind of internal action which responds to this R because it doesn't dis-corporate into nothing under the force of Reality and instead hangs out in this metastable state. We can call this force A. So, A resists R and forces the state of the Vitae to remain where it is. There does not seem to be a critical mass of Vitae at and below 14 gallons, so at and below 14 gallons we can surmise that it doesn't react with itself to increase the value of A and evaporate into something. This seems to describe that at and below 14 gallons the Vitae has a stable constant effect on the strength of Reality, so we can surmise that at and below 14 gallons A is a constant that doesn't increase with more Vitae present. (This might change at higher quantities of Vitae) Thus the first equation is:

(1) R - A = X

Where X is the remaining strength of Reality's realness.

However the presence of things which weaken R can let A become larger than it and the Vitae violently expands into the Winds or Dhar. Interestingly these are both evaporative-like processes. These things include Dhar heavy environments, the light of Morrslieb and the presence of the Winds and Warpstone. We can bundle these forces into two variables. W for the concentration of the winds, the strength at which they blow in a space. M for the effects of Morrslieb and Warpstone and Dhar. Thus with these we can modify equation (1).

(2) (R - M - W) - A = X

is usually 0 or so close to it that it can be ignored outside the presence of Morrslieb, walking around Sylvania or Warpstone. W is more interesting. In a room where there were no Winds but what Mathilde brought with her it didn't evaporate into the Winds until she concentrated it outside her body. The Vitae also did not evaporate while travelling and existing in relatively normal Wind density.

Let's make equation (3):

(3) (R - W) = Y

Where Y is the realness of Reality after being affected by the presence of the Winds.

We can perhaps surmise that the difference between Y and A is larger than the nominal Wind density in any place of the Southern Empire but we need more info in that regard. (We already have an option that basically looks at A)

There's also our indication that lower amounts of really concentrated Winds in close proximity can have transformative effects. This is also not rigorously confirmed. This implies equation (2) is incomplete which makes sense. We don't know all the qualities and forces acting on the Vitae after all.

*falls over*

E: *Gets back up*

Oh! This does mean we can simplify equation 2 into equation 4.

(4) Y - A = X

And equation 4 is more general than the preceding ones.
It actually sounds a bit like degenerate matter to me.
You know, given how the different proto-winds react to high Wind concentrations, we might be able to develop a distillery to separate out the different proto-winds. If that doesn't cause the decomposition process, it would make the juice far more useful as a battle magic buff, since instead of releasing large amounts of all the winds you'd just have your own.
If we had windstones of the eight winds, we probably could, but that really sounds like a process we could achieve without any snakejuice involvement.
I firmly believe that your evaluation of the ledgers is completely off.

First, the rarity. The only individuals that would have ledgers that name every merchant willing to trade with the vampires are the vampires themselves. So that's what, four copies maximum? Of those four copies, the best prospect is the one we have with us. Alkharad had the mindset of a scholar and a complete disregard for keeping other people's secrets. If there is any set that tells the whole story it is his. These ledgers can hardly be described as merely 'uncommon'. The only other means of acquiring a similar set would be Mathilde sneaking around and looking for them. This would require our personal involvement and take up time that can be better spent on just about anything else. There is no way for the EIC to get their hands on these.
Rarity takes into account what they're actually good for. If its dismantling the trade network, thats what the EIC routinely does anyway.

We do not need the ledgers to dismantle the trade network. The ledgers makes it happen quickly and efficiently, which is a desirable, useful but not necessary result.

By contrast the actually rare items are those literally not attainable by alternative means at all.
Second, the timing. As you said, not even vampires can shrug off having their economy hit at this scale at the same time. The key is that this will be happening before they are attacked, weakening all of the targets without forcing Roswita to face one at full strength. It also ensures that the guilty parties do not have a chance to run. The first they hear of the attack on Alkharad will be the greatswords kicking down their door. Little chance to shift the blame or run with their wealth. This also leads to another benefit that I don't see mentioned:
Already elaborated above. It mainly fucks the Lahmians, the rest are annoyed and inconvenienced but destroying the vampire trade network mainly hurt Necrarch and Lahmian forces, of which the Necrarch has been soundly fucked.

That said, purging dubious businessmen is its own good.
I just don't think its very urgent when we have other actors already going to do so in their own time.
Third, the legend of The Dämmerlichtreiter. We are known to the population of Stirland and I don't think it is a stretch to say that merchants are among those who will have actually seen us 'in action'. This is a chance to turn us from a local legend and figure of note to a full-blown campfire story. A figure and threat that will live in the minds of merchants even if we are thousands of miles away. First, we destroyed the Stirland league in a night, the night of their annual shareholder's meeting. Second, we convinced a room full of people to put the good of the empire above their own profit and did it so well it is now a core truth they believe in. Finally, we will put those who thought that they could be clever and get away with violating that core truth to the pyre. Once is happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. The third time is enemy action. If you're a merchant operating in Stirland it's going to feel like Mathilde is always keeping a close eye on things and you won't even know it until it's time to pay for your sins. I can hardly think of a better 'stick' to keep them honest. This is basic and important tool of the Grey College, they can't be everywhere but they can make the average joe think they are.
This is a good point.
Not that I think being a boogeyman to illicit business concerns is important, but some might feel it is.
Fourth, it helps Roswita with another domestic focus. Recall the following:

More than just a general shot in the arm for Stirland's economy, these ledgers will specifically help her in an area she was focused in, hell, it might be that this is what she was trying to achieve and we have a chance to deliver it to her on a silver platter. I will also note for anyone still convinced that 'oh, someone else can take care of it easily', they have been trying to and they haven't succeeded so far. Hell, even the Grey College missed the noble we exposed during our exam. It is a lot easier said than done. Unless you have a set of detailed trade ledgers at hand.

Fifth, it helps the EIC. This has already been talked about.

It will be helpful, but I don't think its critically helpful enough to overrule the other options.
I don't buy this for a minute. See Johan the poor fool who moved the tax records, who actually did assist out of both duress and ignorance. We didn't lash him to the stake even if he tried to run.
We aren't the guy dealing with the mopup. That'd be the Witchhunter Spymaster.

Remember the vampire spies we caught who worked for the vampires because they were born to vampire rule and their families quite literally hostages to cooperation.

I dare say many of the merchants involved are going to be under some form of duress, plain greed or deception, rather than being fundamentally corrupt or evil, but under such circumstances examples WILL be made of them, all of them will be proclaiming innocence, but what ultimately kills them is that Roswita just plain has more important things to do than judge them individually.

That said I don't think this is significant either, maybe they don't have a choice, but it IS a war, and they're on the wrong team.
Really the vote was over when BoneyM wrote, "Here's a list of options. Also, here are really good things two of those options would do, no comment on the others."

I'm sure it wasn't deliberate, but it's really easy for a GM to fix a vote, even accidentally, just by how the options are presented.
Oh definitely, I was intending to do the review post first, but once I saw the options I knew the options review HAS to come first, since theres two with clear and explicit benefits while the rest have speculation.

And anyone reading it has to land on it in one page out of thirty of just monovote.
I mean, proof about the College isn't really good for the Empire in any direct way. It's very directly good for Mathilde.
Alkharad had to get his students somewhere, and the proof likely contains some information on how he gathered them. You don't get 60+ apprentice necromancers learning under you by sitting in a town being a badass necromancer. You actually need to go looking.

That said the proof is also very good for Belegar. He said to show the flag and make some waves...and make waves we did.
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Detailed trade ledgers.

Shame about the books but this helps our rep and stirland as a whole better than the books would us.
Voting is open