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I freely admit, the vampire books might offer a great deal of things we might not find elsewhere. The thing is, bacially every time we have a vote on forbidden lore or vampirism there is a strong undercurrent of people trying to use it as a foot in the door for necromancy and dark magic. Hard pass-that isn't what I'm interested in for this story, and the more 'amazing' they have the potential of being the bigger the headache will be from people insisting we should use the damned knowlege for things beyond approved paths.Everyone, please listen to Veekie. Vampire books on Vampires from the Vampire faction that was friends with Nagash is ridiculous. It's irreplacable. Fighting the corruption of the merchants can be done by other people, with some decent rolls and a few simulated action points; it's nice to have, but not supernaturally good. Is there a cost for not taking it? Yes. But there's a cost for everything. Ferreting out corruption isn't nearly so hard as coming across Necrarch tomes.
On the other hand, this is lore straight from Nehekhara, about Vampires, by vampires, and vampires wrote the books on vampirism before they actually went and became them, because vampirism was originally an academic endeavor. If you want to know about the nature of the soul, this is your chance. If you want to know about what vampires really eat and why, here it is. If you want to create your own ascension ritual, stealing your notes from somebody who actually got somewhere is an excellent first step.
Yes, it's a gatcha roll. You know what? So was the Snake Juice, and the first roll we got, and it was a mediocre roll before we stacked the bonuses on it, let us get a shot at giving Kragg the Grim Ancestor Runes for every battle. As in, Storms of Magic style double battle magic. If these books are useless, they're useless. If they're amazing, they're amazing.
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