Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Dragonbone.
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Detailed trade ledgers.
[X] Books on Necromancy and the Undead.
[X] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
[X] Books on Shyish and death gods.
Broad approval votes like this one only really have value if any of the non-approved options are at least relatively close to the top. I don't think there has been a single vote for the things you excluded. For your sake it might be better if you choose 2-4 items that you'd like the most.
Looking at the maps, Karagril is acctualy quite an exposed position underground. There are three different ways in and out of it, apart from the fourth one going back to held terotory. We'll be trading holding one Peak and underground to holding another peak, fighting Moulder underground and having three directions of tunnels to watch. That might be an issue.
Right now King Belegar is not planning on striking down into the Moulder. If we hold Karagril then we only increase our underground foothold by one. However, it puts us in prime position to strike down and take control of the last major underground route out of Karak eight peaks. The value of the silver mines and the strategic possibilities of holding the major routes out of the underway are likely worth the risk.
Assuming next turn people are willing to go for a self improvement focus I'd suggest spending college favour to work on two of the following Infiltration, Assassination and Sabotage skills.
Advanced Infiltration, quite possibly. I'm not that fussed about the other two- they're more like actions-of-opportunity when they come up. I'm not that interested in becoming an avatar of Khaine.

Best bro Ranald might get jealous.
[ ] Intrigue and Tradecraft.
I note there are now the seemingly more specialised, advanced classes. Can you clarify what, if anything, this class is likely to offer Mathilde at this point? Thanks.

In general, if we go with any of the books I would want to read them, make three censored copies, give one to the Amethyst College, one to a fortified and central temple of Verena and one to a trustworthy servant of Stirland and give the original to the Grey College.
...aside from any other objections, that sounds like sooooo many actions.
Looking at the maps, Karagril is acctualy quite an exposed position underground. There are three different ways in and out of it, apart from the fourth one going back to held terotory. We'll be trading holding one Peak and underground to holding another peak, fighting Moulder underground and having three directions of tunnels to watch. That might be an issue.
I think I recall from an update that Moulder hold the Underway beneath Karagril, meaning other orcses can't get through. Perhaps in practise it's 'only' two new fronts, Moulder underground, and the Caldera aboveground.
On the flip side- silver mines (hopefully), more money, more mercenaries.
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[x] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
[x] Books on Shyish and death gods.
As I don't have a personal desire for Mathilde to rush to Wizard Lord (we'd stop funding the college with our tithes) and it has been suggested that the trade ledgers are more a means to speed up an already on-going process, I'll support the books.
Looking at the maps, Karagril is acctualy quite an exposed position underground. There are three different ways in and out of it, apart from the fourth one going back to held terotory. We'll be trading holding one Peak and underground to holding another peak, fighting Moulder underground and having three directions of tunnels to watch. That might be an issue.
It's the least exposed of all the options, except the troll karak.

But yes, it's much less defensible than the east valley perimeter, which looks like some kind of inner fortress of k8p.

And we are going to want to take the rest of karaks.
[X] Dragonbone.
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
[X] Books on Shyish and death gods.
Voting for everything that isn't trade documents, not that I expect it to matter at 140 vote difference:

[X] Dragonbone.
[X] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
[X] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
[X] Books on Shyish and death gods.
Advanced Infiltration, quite possibly. I'm not that fussed about the other two- they're more like actions-of-opportunity when they come up.
Infiltration is always great; it's broadly applicable, it's the "get in there" skill. You need it to spy, to map enemy territory, to reach places in enemy territory, etc.

But I really want to get the Sabotage skill. Especially because we've got Assassination and Infiltration on our character skill list, and are leveling them up just by doing them -- but we don't have Sabotage yet.

Assassination: You know many ways to end the unsuspecting. +1 Intrigue
Advanced Assassination (1/3)
Infiltration: Guards and patrols are no obstacle to you. +1 Intrigue
Advanced Infiltration (2/3)

And Sabotage is great for undermining and weakening an enemy before launching a campaign against them. It can... I'm repeating myself, but it can affect a whole campaign, you know?
BoneyM does a Logistics Skill exist?
If so, does the Fight Against part of the Faction Specific Logistics Specialization provide benefits to Sabotage?
Is Sabotage an Intrigue Skill?
Yes, yes, and yes. If you don't have a sabotage skill then infiltration will still let you do it, but sabotage makes you really nasty at it.
And having Sabotage as the skill will "make us really nasty at it."

You know how some people were concerned that Sabotaging the Greenskins might or might not have been effective? Well, with a Sabotage skill, that won't be a worry anymore; because we will be able to hit the enemy where it hurts, and make our sabotage felt and effective.

And even if people still doubt the effectiveness of sabotage against Greenskins... It will be effective against Skaven. Because they have a lot more stuff to be worth targeting and sabotaging.

And, just... We don't have the Sabotage skill right now.

I want to fix that. So that we have a trifecta of Infiltration, Assassination, and Sabotage. Actually, add "Psychological Warfare" to that too. I asked if it can be used for scaring Greenskins, but another usage occurs to me...

@BoneyM if we wanted to use the Deceiver to sneak into Skaven (and/or Greenskin) bases and weave a bunch of lies in order to make them blame each other for all the sabotage we do, or convince them that their fellows are about to backstab them, or just generally cause chaos and disruption using lies... Would that fall under "Psychological Warfare" or would it fall under something like... I don't know. Plotting or Conspiracy or something? Lying? Deception? Just having a high Intrigue in general?

Or if we had to use Night Prowler to sneak in, and thus would have to use raw skills to seed doubt and suspicion, what Skill would we want for that?
Necromancy is a misunderstood wholesome pursuit and the 'curse' of vampirism is a mean spirited epithet for the elixir of youth. I will always vote pro-dhar options as they are presented. A good end for me would be becoming a Lahmian. :)

For some reason people are acting like baseline humanity has worth in a world where literally damn near everything else is better.
Necromancy is a misunderstood wholesome pursuit and the 'curse' of vampirism is a mean spirited epithet for the elixir of youth. I will always vote pro-dhar options as they are presented. A good end for me would be becoming a Lahmian. :)
Wow, that is some powerful bait. I knew what it was and I still wanted to start arguing
We can say we want anything super interesting and just generic and rarer books seized when we hand over the trade notes as a condition and it wouldnt be a massive ask as a reward for handing over the information and we did just kill the one vampire that trying to hound the countess to death aswell so it shouldnt be a problem people. Cause otherwise we might get rewarded with stirland favor i think for the trade info notes since we arent a stirland employee anymore.

Also we can spend the imperial favor on imperial help on sylvania either in troops or just cash and supplies to keep the campaign going. Also trade notes will refresh the coffers of stirland aswell is a rather important benefit people and we are not talking about how much this should help the eic.
Idea: Could we buy the dragon bone after the villagers sell it? Because, what else would they do with it?

Those ledgers might help with that, identifying the merchants that would be around to buy it. Who we might even be able to confiscate stuff from before executing them for treason.

And no, this is not trying to carry away more loot, this is about buying stuff with our surplus of gold that we will know will soon be available.
For some reason people are acting like baseline humanity has worth in a world where literally damn near everything else is better.

Well it isn't like vampirism is the only game in town - just the most popular and easy to get.

Idea: Could we buy the dragon bone after the villagers sell it? Because, what else would they do with it?

Those ledgers might help with that, identifying the merchants that would be around to buy it. Who we might even be able to confiscate stuff from before executing them for treason.

Eh, there's a ton of dragon bones a bit south and east of Eight Peaks. No reason to go so much out of the way for one now when the backlog is full.
On the topic of the vote: I honestly thought that three different mystery boxes and the components of future artefacts would utterly demolish a voucher for Imperial back-pats and a merchant hit-list. I won't always get it right and not every vote will turn into a down-to-the-wire knife-fight.


I have some thoughts on the matter of pitting multiple mystery boxes against multiple other more conventional rewards (favor, gold, resources, artifacts, etc, etc). In general, I think that there is always going to be a significant proportion of voters who are unlikely to choose a Mystery Box over a conventional option. Meanwhile, there usually isn't a similar contingent of voters rallying against conventional options with seemingly clearly defined rewards. The main reason for this is that the larger the voter base becomes, the more likely it is that the tendency of voters towards risk aversion becomes increasingly pronounced - for one, convincing voters to take risk is easier when participants are fewer because arguments for risk are less likely to be drowned over the sheer pace of the discussion. And because Mystery Boxes are always "risky" and "uncertain", this means that Mystery Boxes always have to contend with this uncertainty, which means it is very unlikely a thread will ever achieve consensus in privileging a Mystery Box over well-designed conventional options. If I recall correctly, the most recent Avatar trait won with a plurality, not a majority, and the closely fought vote attests to the salience of uncertainty of benefits when Mystery Boxes are in play.

Now, if there was only one Mystery Box, as was the case when the Avatar trait was offered at the end of the Karak Eight Peaks Expedition, Mystery Box advocates usually are able to rally enough voters behind that single Mystery Box, to give that Mystery Box a reasonable chance of winning. This ironically creates a certain bias in the vote - because there are many more conventional options to a single Mystery Box, most pro-Mystery Box voters who have more of an appetite to take a plunge into potentially unique rewards tend to rally behind that single Mystery Box, and that is often enough to create a tightly contested vote where the Mystery Box has a chance of winning. But it also means that a second conventional option is often left out in the cold.

When there are multiple Mystery Boxes in play, however, the odds of a Mystery Box winning drops significantly, because the debate over the Mystery Box splits into two very confusing levels that make for messy discussions that usually don't get resolved early within the first few hours of a vote:
1. Should a Mystery Box be chosen in the first place?
2. If so, which Mystery Box should be chosen over others, and why?

What then tends to happen then, is that all Mystery Box options tend to fall far behind. The already limited voter base for a Mystery Box becomes split across the multiple Mystery Boxes. While, some may approval vote all Mystery Boxes on consideration of the first question, just as many are likely to be very concerned about the second question. Now, it might be nice if all Mystery Box voters can be convinced to rally behind one Mystery Box. And in a smaller quest, this is probably much more achievable, because the quest both moves slower and there are fewer people to convince, coordinate and consolidate. But in a very large quest such as this, the odds of such a consolidation happening falls dramatically, because of just how hard it is to build a coalition between 100 plus voters to go for one option over the other two or three (the three mystery Boxes in the current vote have 144 votes between them right now).

It also doesn't lead for particularly interesting debates, because a lot of these Mystery Box debates basically boils down to rolling the Gatcha for something fun and unique versus going for much more concretized rewards; rather than actually debating and speculating on the unique merits between multiple Mystery Boxes. I don't personally think that relitigating the Avatar vs Dispel debate again with every Mystery Box vote is necessarily going to fun or healthy discussions, given how repetitive such debates are, but in my view, this has more or less been the tone of this vote.

In short, if you throw multiple Mystery boxes in play against conventional options, chances are very high that whatever fun stuff you are embedding in these options is going to be passed over, and it's going to happen on very repetitive argumentation lines. Maybe the next vote might play out differently. Maybe voters inclined to Mystery Boxes to begin with might rally behind a single Mystery box the next time you throw multiple Mystery Boxes in the arena early on. I personally think it's unlikely though, because rallying behind a single Mystery Box is always going to take time.

Now, I think you should keep offering multiple Mystery Boxes. There is a potential for very fun debates to be had there. But I think if you want those fun debates to happen on the unique merits of a Mystery Box, rather than on the premise of a Mystery Box itself, the best option would be to firewall multiple Mystery Boxes from conventional options. In other words, split the Multiple Mystery Boxes into a separate reward pool from non-Mystery Box options. A future vote might look like this:

1. Regular Rewards: Choose normal traits from the following list of possible traits. The two highest votes will win.
2. Bonus Rewards: Choose a Mystery Box reward from the following list of Mystery Box. The Mystery Box with the highest votes will win.

That way, I think it makes it so that the debate becomes significantly more interesting because we move on from the level of Mystery Box good or Mystery Box bad, to which of these three or four mystery boxes on offer, we ought to choose. These are just some thoughts and suggestions on running Multiple Mystery Box votes in the future. I don't know for sure whether future Mystery Boxes votes will play out the way I've described, but if they do, I think that Firewalling Mystery Boxes is one of the methods to make a Multiple Mystery Box vote an interesting, tight contest as opposed to a landslide built on risk aversion, which seems to have happened this time around.

Finally, congratulations on reaching the 300 vote count mark! Onwards to 400. Thanks for running this amazingly engaging quest!
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So why would Mathilde want to investigate those things? She has so much on her plate already with K8P and her growing spy network in EIC. What would she get?

1. Because it's the one case that got away, because its the only time that her own order was portrayed as a negative force, this happens when you ordered a mass killing of nobles and others.

2. It led to the death of the queen the wife of the emperor, I'll repeat, Mathilde's actions led to the death of the queen, directly or otherwise.

3. It's one of the few times Mathilde us out of her depth, and remains unfinished business.

4. To find out if her own grey order is compromised morally or whatnot.

5. Up till now all leads are dead, however, Gabriella may still be alive, and she is the only link besides Reginald to the conspiracy, who may or may not know, how the queen is connected to this conspiracy, what Mathilde's order has been doing and most importantly, did Mathilde did the right thing by giving her master the list, now with the whole truth revealed instead of blindly trusting others which is against what a grey mage should be doing blind trust.

6. Something killed the greand Patriarch, in the Sylvania campaign, earlier Mathilde might be squishy and easily killed, now she is more or less equiped to find out what killed him and maybe killed all his party members since they went down and never came back up.

7. This is the perfect moment to investigate the two loose ends, the grey order must have assumed Mathilde forgot about the mess, and that all trails to the conspiracy has gone cold, which right now isn't true, in fact with the whole vampire and Rosita mess, she now has a proper camouflage for her 'other side projects' of investigating both the conspiracy and the patriarch's death and the whole disappearance of his party, and currently Mathilde is powerful enough and has leveled up enough to actually handle the bonus boss and dungeon.

8. This two are personal in different ways, first of all Mathilde has performed suboptimally as a grey mage by not investigating the list of names, when she had the chance, and blindly trusting her master which led to the death of the empress, and just like her previous benefactor, her master did not tell her what's going on only that a lot of people would die, and she killed the noble without knowing the reason why she should kill her, really a sloppy job for a grey mage, which is a car cry to the current Mathilde. She did nothing to find out what got the patriarch killed in Sylvania, which is the correct action since, she most likely would have been killed easily by whatever killed the patriarch. These two are stains upon her record as a grey mage, and she is more than qualified enough to handle these two loose ends by now, upon her pride, honor and duty as a grey mage.

It's personal because she and by extension Van Hal may have gotten the empress, who is beloved by the emperor killed and butterfly Frances Karl one of the greatest hero away, and got a lot of people killed, it's the darkest thing she has done, and now there is a opportunity to fix things if they need fixing in the first place. Time to find out if she and by extension Albehelm did the right thing.

9. No one is above suspicion, not chaos, orks, skavens, peasants, nobles, the emperor, not the emperess and certainly not even her own order and herself are above suspicion. She should do her job and root out injustice, corruption and evil, like she did at Karak's peak, she has grown enough to tackle these unfinished work from her past. Gabriella is still within reach and the link to her past.

She is no longer the journeywoman out if her league, she is the

Dame dreadedsomething the vampires are afraid off, the peasants feared to crossed now is the time to time up loose ends
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[x] Books on Vampires and Dhar.
[x] Books on Shyish and death gods.
[X] Dragonbone.
[x] Proof of the 'College of Necromancy'.
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Why don't the Mystery Box people just approval vote in favor of all mystery boxes? No need to rally behind one or decide until such time where at least one box is winning, right?
Because as it do, not everyone wants every Mystery Box option. I want the shyish books for example but I don't want the other two to win at all, to the point of wanting them less than the other options.
Voting is open