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*looks at how we have three other Long Term Projects in Vitae Research and Applications, Reclaiming K8P, and Theurgy*

*Time begins to scream in horror*


It's one at least that has a clear endpoint, and mostly just requires us to do things we're already planning on doing on the way anyway.

Like, we did take Enchanter as one of our starting Traits, which means that once we've got the full suite, it'll likely evolve to something more powerful (And Windsage means we've got the insight to be not just a good Enchanter, but a great one, as Mathilde can clearly see what she's doing and can even incorporate divine influences into her work thanks to Avatar), we've got a great lab to build it in, and we're approaching Wizard Lord levels. Having Magic 9 when we start learning Battle Magic seems to be a lot safer than just having Magic 8 you know.

And just like the crazy sword we got, better materials make for better relics. Mathilde's already a talented Enchanter, she just hasn't had the time or leisure to develop her talent to the limit.
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Let's not quibble words here. Ulgu tongs are for people without the belt of Kragg.

We aren't going to be corrupted, turned mad or otherwise magically affected because of using dhar as long as we have the belt.
The mental effect of channeling a Wind isn't just metaphysical influence. It's the mindset you need to command it. Kragg's belt protects us from Dhar exposure, like a hazmat suit. It does not protect us from the psychological effects of having the mindset one uses to channel Dhar directly, because that's not Dhar doing something to us, that's just our brain adopting a mindset reflexively, the same way it reflexively adopts the mindset required to use Ulgu.
Am I the only one who has had the thought of building up Dwarf favor to get Kragg or Thorek involved in our Aethyric Vitae research, and use that as a foot in the door for a cooperative Dwarf/Human College chapter house in K8P with our Great Deed?
[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Check in on your fief in Stirland.

[X] The best reading chair ever.

At some point in the future, I want a scene of Mathilde and Roswita bonding with Mathilde brushing Roswitas' hair. Is that so much to ask for?
Am I the only one who has had the thought of building up Dwarf favor to get Kragg or Thorek involved in our Aethyric Vitae research, and use that as a foot in the door for a cooperative Dwarf/Human College chapter house in K8P with our Great Deed?
Well, I think a lot of us wanted to involve Kragg (RuneKing Superman), but we might want to save the Great Deed until we know whether or not we'd be up for Magister Lord without spending it.

I'd rather be a Magister Lord before trying to start a branch college anyways, so that we won't constantly have to deal with the Johann issue (we're his boss and pay him money, but because we have the same rank there's a sense among the thread that if we tell him to do something he doesn't want to he won't respect us).
Am I the only one who has had the thought of building up Dwarf favor to get Kragg or Thorek involved in our Aethyric Vitae research, and use that as a foot in the door for a cooperative Dwarf/Human College chapter house in K8P with our Great Deed?
I've definitely shared the same thoughts.

But like chocolate12 I share the idea of waiting a while, though in my case its because I want to build the chapterhouse de facto and then use the GD to make it De Jure.
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Let's not quibble words here. Ulgu tongs are for people without the belt of Kragg.

We aren't going to be corrupted, turned mad or otherwise magically affected because of using dhar as long as we have the belt.
Now, you're portraying this as an absolute certainty, and I find claims of utter immunity to all downsides of one of the pillars of setting darkness... hubristic. However as a specific counterpoint-
The other side of the coin is the mindset that each type of magic requires to be able to harness it. Mathilde might be immune to metaphysical corruption but wearing grooves in her mind shaped like evil magic is entirely a matter of regular human neuroplasticity.
Rune Belt does not prevent Evil Magic Mind Grooves from Dhar use forming due to Human neuroplasticity.
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It's one at least that has a clear endpoint, and mostly just requires us to do things we're already planning on doing on the way anyway.

Like, we did take Enchanter as one of our starting Traits, which means that once we've got the full suite, it'll likely evolve to something more powerful (And Windsage means we've got the insight to be not just a good Enchanter, but a great one, as Mathilde can clearly see what she's doing and can even incorporate divine influences into her work thanks to Avatar), we've got a great lab to build it in, and we're approaching Wizard Lord levels. Having Magic 9 when we start learning Battle Magic seems to be a lot safer than just having Magic 8 you know.

And just like the crazy sword we got, better materials make for better relics. Mathilde's already a talented Enchanter, she just hasn't had the time or leisure to develop her talent to the limit.
It would be a worthwhile project with an end in sight, yeah. Do you think there may be possibility for Runesmith collaboration?
Hmmm, spend favour on a good Uglu material, and something with us making powerstones to inlay/inset into it too?
Then there's the book report you won't be sharing with the Ducklings: the final portion of the Liber Mortis.

You find yourself engrossed, and hours later your mind is filled with the unwelcome knowledge of how to perform every type of necromancy,
I was waiting for this moment!

[Skill gained: Necromantic Insight]

MATHILDE VON WEBER! Do you treasure the world you live in? Or would you break it's rules to follow your desires?

It might be that you and I are doomed to be enemies, but I will continue to wish for a world where Abel can be happy.

If you ever feel like sacrificing your morals for the sake of a man who gave his everything to serve his country, give me a call~

Now to see what has happened in the 50+ pages that has spawned while I was distracted looking for that picture
It seems both Roswita options are winning, so unless you really want both, people voting for Roswita might want to drop one.
Can I ask how said Dramatis Personae can be filled? Originally, that was through social actions, but now they've been removed from quest (outside of social turns, which explicitly don't unlock info in the Dramatis Personae).

Opinions, after Mathilde has spent more time with them. Characteristics and traits, when Mathilde has had some way to gauge their ability in the stat in question.
Regardless of Boney saying not to assume anything, Genevieve was blessed by Sigmar, not Ranald.

Which would neatly explain how she'd get away with the whole Grand Theogonist wedding thing. One can be favored by multiple gods. We've experienced it, albeit unwelcome and unwitting.

I never expected it to be Genevieve, but it'd be a hell of a twist if it was.
Let's not quibble words here. Ulgu tongs are for people without the belt of Kragg.

We aren't going to be corrupted, turned mad or otherwise magically affected because of using dhar as long as we have the belt.
Belt guards against physical corruption, tongs seem to guard against mental corruption
Yes Boney did directly state such though I'd really rather not dig for citations if I don't have to
Eagle Castle has seen much better days. Neglected since the days of Magnus the Pious, first by the Emperors Leopold and Dieter IV and then by the ill-fated Haupt-Anderssens, the once-proud fortifications have fallen into near ruin. The enormous statue that once stood between the twin gates of the castle appears to have been bisected at the waist at some point, leaving only legs to give hints as to who it once represented.
And then the last of the Haupt-Anderssens had died, and the Greatswords had been recalled to Altdorf, had their ranks refilled, and had been assigned to their new Elector Count: Abelhelm Van Hal. And they couldn't be happier.
"Only very distantly, and there was a great deal of tension between the Haupts and the Haupt-Anderssens before the latter went extinct."
"I should have guessed," he says with a smile, "I've heard good things from the Dwarves. This is my dear wife, the Empress Consort Heidi Haupt-Anderssen."
Well, the Vampires might've missed a spot in their extermination of all the Haupt-Anderssen's.
Worse she played them for fools for years :D
Considering that the we are going to talk to rose about the battle mages is going to be a winner.

Us: on one hand, you can look at them as tragic heroes who choose to cage themselves in the colleges and spend all their days meditating when they are not fighting some of the most dangerous battles in history all while knowing that one misstep with spell their doom.

Rose: on the other hand?

Us: ... you can look at them as the type of crazy fuckers that all those ridiculously horrible things was a small price to pay to be able to 'blow everything, and I mean everything,' up...

Rose: and these nutcases are going to be running around my lands, free to do whatever they want?

Us: yes, basically.

Rose: I want a adult...
Sure he went a bit crazy in the end but it seems like Vlad put him out of his misery before anything bad could happen.

You mean other than creating/writing the Liber Mortis which is perhaps one of the most dangerous books in existence, certainly in regards to human stuff, and whose copies have been essential reading for and allowed the rise of countless necromancers?
I almost pity Belegar. Speaking to Mathilde must be an adventure. Either she's handing you more problems, solving all your previous problems, creating out of context problems that are also a benefit, or a mix of all three. If she cackled madly at least she'd fit the wizard stereotype. And seeing Gabriella is what dealing with Mathilde must be like for everyone elee.

'How was your trip, Mathilde?'
'Oh, not bad, Belebro. I ended a necromantic college, caused battle wizards to be unleashed, got to wallow in my own crapulence a little with spite- and I got two new skulls! Also Karagil is ripe to collapse into infighting, just let me know when you're ready for that to kick off. Have you seen Kragg? I need to show him sketches of a Vampire's face when they bounce off his work. Oh, and I made sure it was all done in your name.'

[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Titus Muggins, who's returned to farming with every avenue of attack defended.
[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, as the new home of the Winter Wolves takes shape.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on Forest Spiders

[X] The best reading chair ever

If reading chair wins, and Mathilde eventually digs down and has a multiple section library, the skull chair shouls be there. With dire warnings that anyone sitting in it to read who isn't Mathilde will be made to act as her personal assistant.
Possibly enchant it a little so the eyesockets seem to glint knowingly or it seems to breathe in the dark when your back is turned.
Do you remember how much he was paid? Converting that to weight might give us the answer.
We don't quite know how much each point of Dwarf Favor is in gold, but if we take a dwarf shilling to weight the same as the british coin of the same name, then a 70kg man would need twelve and a half thousand dwarf gold coins.

So, about 4200 silver ingots, or ~15 percent more than Math got from the Expedition.

And again, there's the slight issue of him weight the same as a decently-sized car.
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