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Ranaldian Strategy
Someone with goog MSPaint skills should do the 'Mathilde Weber school of Karag Reclaiming' skit.

Mathilde: "Your best bet is to be luckier than everyone else, it works for me so that's my advice. Also make sure that your enemies are in the middle of a civil war."
Thorgrim: "But what if the Grobi unite and bring a large Waaagh?"
Mathilde: "Letting the Grobi unite? That's a bad strategy son, plus it's gruesome. Just stick to being lucky."

Once again this feels like stealing, so once again it's perfect tribute for Ranald.
A Complex Relationship
Anton: Hi, I'm Anton!
Mathilde: No! You're SUSPICIOUS.
Anton: ??? :smile: ???
Mathilde: ok nvm <3
Johann: Hi, I'm Anton!
Mathilde: No you're not! You're SUSPICIOUS.
Johann: I am suspicious.
Mathilde: AHA I KNEW IT.
Johann: I'm going to study rat guns.
Mathilde: AHA I KNEW IT.
Johann: I'm going to punch and sneak.
Mathilde: AHA I KNEW IT.
Mathilde: u work for me now
Johann: Cool
Johann: I'm also covered in gold!
Mathilde: how do all these fish keep jumping aboard
Mathilde: I'm going to steal from rats
Johann: I'm going to steal from rats
Johann: yes
Mathilde: yes
Mathilde: LOOK AT ALL THESE BABBY WIZARDS they are mine now
Mathilde: Tea party!
Johann: (sips genteelly)
Mathilde: More steal now.
Johann: More steal now.
Johann: I should get rat doggies
Mathilde: We SHOULD get rat doggies!
Johann: o. k.
Mathilde: Here's a magic key to my place.
Johann: owo
Mathilde: PUNCH YES!
Johann: PUNCH YES!
Mathilde: Let's beat up rat nerds and take their things!
Johann: Let's beat up rat nerds and break their things!
Belegar: Boy oh boy hunting pirates is boring but at least it beats being at home where things aren't happening.


Yeah, I've been pretty much in the Johann-as-a-definite-maybe camp for a while now.
Everything Mathilde and Johann do together seems to end up pure gold, literally, metaphorically and comedically.
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho, It‘s Home From War We Go!!
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho, It's Home From War We Go!!
We did sneak steal shade slice lead judge smug
In our Karak the whole day through
To sneak steal shade slice lead judge smug
It's what we like to do
It aint no trick
To get rich quick
If ya punch steal sneak
A gasmask or a flask
In the Karak (echo: In the Karak)
Where a million Greenskins
LONG: Diiiieeeeeeeeeeeee (die)
We sneak steal shade slice lead judge smug
From early night' til' morn
We sneak steal shade slice lead judge smug
Up everything in sight
We take our time
Then steal some more
There's thousands to research... sometime
And we don't know what we steal them for
We sneak steal shade slice lead judge smug
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