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I don't think he'd run. He seems like the type who'd prefer to be the power behind the throne during a pro-pacifist presidency.
It is human nature to relish the abuse that cats heap upon us.
N'Gir doesn't seem to be an extremist, she's just obnoxious towards Starfleet personally, prone to self-aggrandizement, and seemingly a bit clueless about military concerns.
On the other hand, N'Gir could be taking the budget for all those things and doing nothing with it, except to ensure that as much of it as possible is sequestered in N'Gir's pants. And we wouldn't see that readily, either.
Yes she can. N'Gir became president not because of her skill or qualifications but because of her race:She can't be as clumsy a politician as she looks to get her present office
The very fact we had the heads of both the Pacifist and Expansionist parties come into Sousa's office to tell her N'Gir doesn't know how to run a government like the Federation is very telling in my opinion."Yes, I'm worried, of course I'm worried," says the esteemed Councillor for Earth. "Madame President was picked to appeal to the new wave members, not because she was the best candidate for President."
"I'm versed in Council politics, sir, I'm aware of that much. I knew the hot tip had been for the Councillor for Andor." You shift uncomfortably in your seat at that. "Are you suggesting there is a bit more to it than that?"
"Phyria ch'Gallenth was the most qualified, and most rounded candidate," replies Rob Langford as he puts down his coffee cup on your desk. "But he was Andorian, same as the last President, and both Jorth and Sadek wanted to shake things up."
The very fact we had the heads of both the Pacifist and Expansionist parties come into Sousa's office to tell her N'Gir doesn't know how to run a government like the Federation is very telling in my opinion.
Federation Council:
President - Arsharra N'Gir, Development Faction
Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 23% [Langford (Earth), Singh (Alpha Centauri)]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 30% [Stesk (Vulcan), T'Torah (82 Eridani)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 15% [Korielis (Tales Har), Aelanna (Leas Akaam)]
Development (Tellar) 25% [Jorth (Tellar), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 7% [Rangyad (Rigel), Meiyama (Welleck)]
You know, speaking of other rivals, it would be quite interesting to meet a friendly minor power that uses cloaking tech.Now that being said, I am still in full agreement that cloak development is actively undesirable. But I would like to warn against being in denial about the advantages use of the technology gives the Klingons, the Romulans, and (potentially) other rivals.
What? Spc is an auxiliary stat specific for the auxiliary ship's project work rate. What does Special-Colonization have to do with cloaking?I'd imagine that cloaking is a specialised S-check.
SpcC, perhaps.
The Explorer Corps because outside of the GBZ, our only other two prospectors (just-built too!) are busy chasing after the discoveries made by our FYM ExcelsiorsDoes anyone know if the CBZ is empty because our fleet and surveyors are tied up in the GBZ or because it's been mapped and actually is empty?
And for that matter, who controls the surveyors? Is it logistics or engineering?
You're confusing critical ship infrastructure with supply logistics. The former conceivably belongs in the industrial loop as a reduction in route penalty, while the latter is the domain the supply loop.Yeah, i mean once complete, will that mean our spinward supply chain starts at Amarkia. (which would be great)
It is human nature to relish the abuse that cats heap upon us.
That section might be out of date. Wouldn't be the first time there was a copy&paste thing going on.The Development political position in the Council is actually very weak. The Pacifists can tip any proposal they want towards the Expansionists if they so choose, so they have the Development faction dancing to their tune. If Development wants to bypass the Pacifist plurality, they have to put forth proposals that cooperate with the Expansionists, plus one of the Mercantilists or Hawks, and it's clear that Development and Expansionism are normally opposed. Meanwhile the Pacifists can essentially govern by making alliances of convenience with either Development or Expansionists. We know that Langford and Stesk get along well enough too.
I would say that the actual mechanisms of government don't really favor the Development faction right now. N'Gir likely feels her faction's political position needs strengthening, which is why she'd come to twist our arm about some Development concern right now, because she can influence us but not the Council itself.
That section might be out of date. Wouldn't be the first time there was a copy&paste thing going on.
aeqnai's Council Members spreadsheet shows development still having a plurality. That is assuming it's accurate - I haven't double checked. It was last updated in 2315.Q2, but it should still be up to date, since all the incumbents won in 2316.Q2.
But they're a major power, so that wouldn't matter.
For now, anyways
Then how did anon_user, a Cardassian, get in?Romulans join the Federation first. We need them to maintain the personal cloaks. How do you think AKuz got in?
It can't be a Lecarre in disguise either since they've been here longer than we've had contact with the Lecarre.Considering they've been here longer than we've had contact with the Cardassians, that's a really good question.
It can't be a Lecarre in disguise either since they've been here longer than we've had contact with the Lecarre.
I just checked. aeqnai's spreadsheet does look correct:Presuming that's accurate (and I hate that the Snakepit posts aren't), Gaen ratification in Q4 is going to be a thing. I just hope they throw in with an existing party rather than going for an Advancement Faction or something.
New Faction Balance:
Expansionists, 7, 18.4%
Pacifists, 11, 28.9%
Development, 10, 26.3%
Hawks, 6, 15.8%
Mercantile, 4, 10.5%
Indorian Councillors selected:
Councillor Hiand Benat of Indoria (Development)
Councillor Laadi Yondav of Vidotti (Expansionist)
Expansionists: +2Apiatan Councillors selected:
Councillor Holdizzi of Apinae (Development)
Councillor Izzidiera of Irrizizza (Expansionist)
Councillor Nugriazzi of Alrizzine (Hawks)
Councillor Ulrriata of Burrizz (Development)
No changeElections to the Council have been held in Amarkia, the first of their six-yearly cycle, and pass with little real surprise. Councillor Hiar Voluniel of Amarkia itself succeeds against a very stiff challenge from the Hawkish candidate, the post-Lironh fever still lingering in many corners of that world. It no doubt did no harm to the reelection of Hawks Councillors Corin Korielis, Lethe Aelanna, and Ifte Cufriec to the positions. Betazed and Rigel will hold their elections next year, then Ferasa after that.
Expansionists: +1Elections to the Council were held in Betazoid and Rigellian member worlds this year. To the surprise of many, the Mercantilist stranglehold of Rigellian politics has been broken, with Ciimad of Laudon losing her seat to Onganar, the Expanionist faction candidate. On Onos IV there was nearly a similar boil-over, with Councillor Avigam only narrowly retaining his seat over an Expansionist challenger. It is not yet known if this is indicative of wider trends, or if purely local issues were to blame. The other four incumbents won their races handily.
Speaking outside of Council chambers, Councillor Langford of Earth-X expressed his pleasure at his faction returning to double-digit membership, welcoming Councillor Onganar into the fold.
No changeElections to the Council were held in the three Caitian member worlds of Ferasa, Merfara, and Ollasa IV this year. The closest result was that of Councillor P'Shirri, who nearly last his seat due to a very determined campaign from the Development party. However, in the end, all three incumbent Councillors were returned for a second term, including President Arsharra N'Gir.
This election was predicted to be a form of litmus test for the public's reaction to the Federation-Arcadian War, and it appears that the public was convinced of the necessity of the war, as well as the competency of its prosecution.
I'm not so sure about some of these.Actually come to think of President N'Gir may not like us because aside from the Caldonians probably every race that is lined up to join when the moratorium ends will go to other parties and the Caldonians are a tossup with the Pacifists. Risa will go pacifist, the Seyek and Fiiral will be Expansionists or Hawks so they're not the only guys on the front lines and for new colonies and the like, the Honiani will be expansionists because they're halfway to being Starfleet already, the Gaeni will either be expansionists because they want to exploratory science or start a science party...
The only people that may join the Federation in the near future who would provide sure Development seats are the Orions. (Even then, you'll only get a couple, most will go Mercantile.) And the far future's not looking great either since the Tauni are likely to go Hawk (never again be slaves!), the Yan-Ros as the Honiani, and the maybe the Ked Paddah Development or Development/Pacifist split.
From her point of view, we are actively accelerating her party's demise just by doing our jobs.
[Next Elections - (2317) Apiata, (2318) Original Four]
[Apiata politics are rather opaque to outsiders]