Huh. I'm realizing that fleet distribution needs a real second look given the end of Master of Orion. For one thing, Ferasa sector drops down to it's "real" requirement level of D9, meaning it's no longer necessary to put two of our best ships on it.

EDIT: Or does it? It still encompasses an awful lot of space.
Doesn't need to be both the Yukikaze and the Cheron, but I'd keep at least 2 ships there, preferably 3. In general single ship fleets are problematic due to the high chance of missing events entirely, even if defense requirements would allow for it.
Huh. I'm realizing that fleet distribution needs a real second look given the end of Master of Orion. For one thing, Ferasa sector drops down to it's "real" requirement level of D9, meaning it's no longer necessary to put two of our best ships on it.

EDIT: Or does it? It still encompasses an awful lot of space.

It depends on whether the Seyek sector gets created now that Seyek is a major affiliate, and whether Qloath space switches over to it. If it does, I'd bet Ferasa will drop back to D12. Meanwhile, I'd expect Amarkia to drop back to D9 since SBZ guards them, until 2317 or so when the Orion Union become members.

Also important: UESPA and Andorian Guard can withdraw their task forces from the Orion Union. This is particularly relevant for UE, because the 1 Constie + 2 Centaur-A + 3 Miranda-A (totals C18 S11 H9 L14 P11 D15), which they supposedly still have in Orion space, can now form the basis of the GBZ task force that they're interested in.

Although if we only give them the yellow light, no guarantee they'll send that whole force, and regardless, I doubt they'd send their flagship, UES Liberty.
It depends on whether the Seyek sector gets created now that Seyek is a major affiliate, and whether Qloath space switches over to it. If it does, I'd bet Ferasa will drop back to D12. Meanwhile, I'd expect Amarkia to drop back to D9 since SBZ guards them, until 2317 or so when the Orion Union become members.

Also important: UESPA and Andorian Guard can withdraw their task forces from the Orion Union. This is particularly relevant for UE, because the 1 Constie + 2 Centaur-A + 3 Miranda-A (totals C18 S11 H9 L14 P11 D15), which they supposedly still have in Orion space, can now form the basis of the GBZ task force that they're interested in.

Although if we only give them the yellow light, no guarantee they'll send that whole force, and regardless, I doubt they'd send their flagship, UES Liberty.

Amarkia and Ferasa Sector were at D15 because of an option in the Anti-Slavery legislation that gave us an extra P test to generate impact every turn. Now that the campaign is winding down, they should go back to the D9 they were originally. The position of the Qloathi won't effect our D requirements until they become full members.
Given that we annex the Straits of Themis, my basic proposal for the area:

I like. Suck it Cardies

edit: To avoid impinging on any still-fragile national pride on the part of Orions, I wouldn't mind if the Amarkia sector got renamed to Amarkia-Orion sector.

Amarkia and Ferasa Sector were at D15 because of an option in the Anti-Slavery legislation that gave us an extra P test to generate impact every turn. Now that the campaign is winding down, they should go back to the D9 they were originally. The position of the Qloathi won't effect our D requirements until they become full members.

I'm pretty sure Ferasa was originally D12, because of the Dawiar. Front page still lists that D12 (front page's Amarkia and Ferasa garrison requirements were never updated for the anti-Syndicate stuff).
Last edited:
Amarkia and Ferasa Sector were at D15 because of an option in the Anti-Slavery legislation that gave us an extra P test to generate impact every turn. Now that the campaign is winding down, they should go back to the D9 they were originally. The position of the Qloathi won't effect our D requirements until they become full members.

I'm pretty sure Ferasa was originally D12, because of the Dawiar. Front page still lists that D12 (front page's Amarkia and Ferasa garrison requirements were never updated for the anti-Syndicate stuff).

Yes, Ferasa is "originally" a D12 and should be again. I made a mistake in my initial post.
Failures are notable because you see them. Successes are invisible.

That's pretty backwards.

In intelligence, one would normally assume that failures are invisible. Any time your enemies have managed to get the advantage of you, you don't know that they have... that's the advantage they have over you! Successes, on the other hand, should be visible; if you've managed to stop the enemy from doing something, you should make it known that that is the case, if only to the right people. Otherwise, there's nothing to stop them from trying the same thing again, and maybe getting away with it.

Now, if you're talking about the perception of the general public, sure. They shouldn't know about our successes (since that would also let our enemies know about them, thus negating the success), but they may notice large failures. Still, we are emphatically not the general public. We're in charge, here, and if there are notable intelligence successes that we're having in stopping enemy actions, we should be hearing about them.
I would say this (certainly the hearts and minds thing) is mostly FDS job and the clearly seem to be working on it too. Especially since I don' think the kind of a pro-active, cold-war CIA like behaviour is a good fit for the Federation/Starfleet or that it will enjoy much support from the council - you generally run very quickly into complicated grey areas that I think will clash with some of our core values.
Let me refine my point.

I think we need Starfleet Intelligence to be equipped to assist our diplomatic efforts. Remember that one of intelligence's key jobs is to gather information that permits other government organizations to do their job. This is even more critical here than in real life, because the literal gulfs of interplanetary void between various nations mean that it's hard for purely civilian organizations (like the FDS) to gather all the information they might need to do their jobs, without some degree of covert support.

Remember that when we appointed Linderley we appointed him instead of, for instance, a man who is expert at reading the intentions of foreign nations and predicting their behavior and reactions. Imagine if we put him in charge instead. This isn't the same as "pro-active Cold War CIA" behavior. This is just basic "gather information so the diplomats can do their damn jobs" behavior. Arguably it'd be better for us than Linderley if we're worried about Starfleet Intelligence turning into the CIA/NSA, because analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of foreign governments is much better for that than having Starfleet Intelligence commando teams getting practice kicking in doors in Orion space or having Linderley inculcate everyone in the values of secrecy, spook-itude, and Trusting No One.

ASTF forces will be on a gradual drawdown as the Federation stands down and Orion Union forces stand up. As a practical matter, the Syndicate has collapsed back into being a "mere" criminal entity.
[Reads Orion post]

Huh. I'd figured on us having to wait until 800 Impact to get there, but I guess Oneiros got tired of rolling those particular dice, something which was foreshadowed by the transition to quarterly reports. Then again, the constitutional convention may have been the 'H-bomb' that wiped out the Syndicate as an organization powerful enough to be much of a problem for us. I mean, if it cost them -1 Action per turn, and we'd already knocked them down to 1 action/turn by passing the Impact 400 threshold, they're pretty well neutralized and it's all over except the shouting. Likewise if the new constitution let the Union government do something drastic like doubling the number of those "has hit points and causes Impact by fighting Syndicate assets" law enforcement units.

I'd imagine that the transition will involve the UESPA/Andorian assets pulling out first; they've been in the longest and the Federation has issues with member world fleets operating so far from home. The Amarki are obviously building down too; we'll be able to remove our ships eventually but I'd honestly rather not do that for a year or so if we can avoid it. I don't want to exert too much pressure on the stand up/stand down aspect of the situation, and building up their space forces is going to be the area where the Orion Union government will have the hardest time expanding their capabilities.

Yep, the detectives should be the last to go.

I wonder if the federation should establish some sort of FBI equivalent. Can you imagine how much it would SUCK to be criminal enterprise dealing with an integrated force of Rigelian forensics accountants, Vulcan CSI and Betazoid mind-reading detectives?
I think that's literally part of Starfleet's role
Thaaat sounds like a fair amount of mission creep. There's almost no overlap between "runs all the spaceships" and "good criminal investigation department." If we're running enough criminal investigations to constitute a good FBI-equivalent, that should be spun off into its own organization not under our remit. If we're running a level of organization consistent with our own level of investigative resources, we're not doing nearly enough work to be a replacement for what groups like the FBI (or, in what might be a better analogy, Interpol) do in real life.

Ah. Ok. So follow-up infrastructure elements.

One day the federation will have so many science ships that prospectors will be a Kepler varient. Today is not that day.
I suspect that a prospector ship will always be a smaller specialist vessel, simply because the cost of operations of a Kepler will always be much higher than that of a smaller ship.

Most of the Kepler designs now under consideration would be built to the same overall scale as a heavy general purpose escort- think 800-900 kilotons, maybe even more. That's awfully large and costly for a ship that has only one job.

Taking a Kepler and 'baking' it until it shrinks in the oven and loses the weapons, high speed warp sprint capability, excess medical and advanced science labs, and so on, will invariably result in a cheaper and much smaller ship. And one that can be crewed by a smaller, more focused crew whose skills are more specifically in the field of mineralogy, ecological survey, and other applied sciences specifically relevant to the task at hand.

I mentioned it before, but I get the feeling the the Betazoids will be joining the Core Four in using Starfleet designs from this point forward. They were never all that into ship design. They did it because no one else was going to design ships for them, and now that's no longer true. The Indorians may do the same. Likely the Risans. Maybe the Caldonians.
I kind of hope the Indorians keep designing their own ships. Their engineering culture is very interesting in how it is different from our own. I get that their hat is "learn by doing," but clearly ship design is one of the things they can learn to do. I would hate for them to get Flanderized into uncreative copycats that can't do anything for themselves.

Plus, the Indorians have rather different needs from the Federation at large; they have excellent reason to build battlecruisers or battleships, especially since their main shipyard has ONLY berths significantly larger than one megaton. Working with Federation technology they could potentially build a ship significantly stronger than the Renaissance in combat, if only by scaling up the Rennie design to 1.5 megatons. And they have an explorer berth of their own already, one which they might be... unwise to fill with ships as luxury/research focused as the Excelsior-A.

The Indorians? They're engineers. Their development as a civilization was absurdly contaminated by preserver ruins and apparently they're shit at original research but god-tier at engineering. Definitely going to use Starfleet designs, maybe customized.
Thing is, designing ships IS engineering. "Engineers" in the normal sense of the term don't mean "people who operate equipment but don't know how to design it." Even if the Indorians aren't great at inventing new stuff for themselves, they are clearly, clearly good at taking what they already know how to build and turning it into something amazing. Remember they built massive orbital towers and star cruisers for themselves even before we met them.

So if the Indorians settle for 'customized Starfleet' ships, they will in all probability customize the hell out of them. They have every reason to do so, with the Cardassian fleet breathing down their necks and Bajor about a week's travel away.
Amarkia and Ferasa Sector were at D15 because of an option in the Anti-Slavery legislation that gave us an extra P test to generate impact every turn. Now that the campaign is winding down, they should go back to the D9 they were originally. The position of the Qloathi won't effect our D requirements until they become full members.
And the Qloathi have a starbase, which gives five D, so unless they have fairly high requirements it won't increase the minimum deployment requirements.

However, with the new event mechanics we should try to avoid having much less than one responder per member in a sector to avoid missing events. Frontier defense makes this much, much easier, because we can fundamentally afford to have say .75 responders available per member when those responders are able to respond to multiple sectors.
So in many ways, I suppose the Enterprise succeeding in their mission to hijack the Cardassian comms buoy was the closest thing to a single turning point, since that enabled the Treaty of Celos to be negotiated favourably. :V


It always comes down to Enterprise. Good old Enterprise

More evidence that if she wants it we should give Enterprise to Mrr'Shan for one last 5YM

(As a Reminder Picard had Stargazer for 22 years BEFORE Enterprise which he commanded for another decade plus.)
I kind of hope the Indorians keep designing their own ships. Their engineering culture is very interesting in how it is different from our own. I get that their hat is "learn by doing," but clearly ship design is one of the things they can learn to do. I would hate for them to get Flanderized into uncreative copycats that can't do anything for themselves.

Plus, the Indorians have rather different needs from the Federation at large; they have excellent reason to build battlecruisers or battleships, especially since their main shipyard has ONLY berths significantly larger than one megaton. Working with Federation technology they could potentially build a ship significantly stronger than the Renaissance in combat, if only by scaling up the Rennie design to 1.5 megatons. And they have an explorer berth of their own already, one which they might be... unwise to fill with ships as luxury/research focused as the Excelsior-A.

Thing is, designing ships IS engineering. "Engineers" in the normal sense of the term don't mean "people who operate equipment but don't know how to design it." Even if the Indorians aren't great at inventing new stuff for themselves, they are clearly, clearly good at taking what they already know how to build and turning it into something amazing. Remember they built massive orbital towers and star cruisers for themselves even before we met them.

So if the Indorians settle for 'customized Starfleet' ships, they will in all probability customize the hell out of them. They have every reason to do so, with the Cardassian fleet breathing down their necks and Bajor about a week's travel away.
That's a very good point. I now have this vision of the Indorians taking the Excelsior-A base design and turning it into something that can hang with the Sign of Rethelia or Basilica of Lekhept. And then just for surprise value installing sensor dampening functions so it can plausibly look like an Excelsior-A until it opens up.

A war Excelsior would a nasty surprise for the Cardassians. The base Excelsior-A is already something they can't match one on one, a variant that dropped some S and P for C, L and H would be a hideous pain to fight.

It always comes down to Enterprise. Good old Enterprise

More evidence that if she wants it we should give Enterprise to Mrr'Shan for one last 5YM

(As a Reminder Picard had Stargazer for 22 years BEFORE Enterprise which he commanded for another decade plus.)

Picard is when you get someone who loves the captaincy as much as Nash with the political skill to evade the promotion board indefinitely.
Al right, here is a new fleet distribution plan based on no longer needing to make anti-Syndicate Presence checks. Things you'll note:
1. Once again, Reniassance becomes the sector flagship for Sol sector. Remember, we've gotten some concerns that the Licori are on the "open tailwards edge" of Sol Sector and the Betazoids are feeling insecure. (Their starbase won't be built by the end of 2314, so don't ask about that.) The Renaissance has a little higher presence and is a little tougher.
2. Once more the Cheron is riding herd on the Cardassians on the CBZ.
3. Every sector has at least two ships. Every sector except Andor sector (sorry) has at least one ship with Science 3.
4. All the Miranda-As to the GBZ.
5. Almost every Connie-B to the GBZ.
6. As per QM direction, ASTF is over as of Q4.

Fleet Strength Changes
Endurance (Excelsior) returns from repair 2314.Q2
Shield (Miranda-A) returns from repair, 2314.Q2
2 Centaur-As complete, 2314.Q2
Constitution-B complete, 2314.Q2
Refit of Bon Vivant and T'Kumbra (now Miranda-A) complete, 2314.Q2
Renaissance complete, 2314.Q2
3 Miranda-As complete, 2314.Q3
Intrepid and Eketha (Mirandas) go into refit, 2314.Q3
Saratoga (Constitution-B) returns from repair, 2314.Q4

Sol Sector – Requires D18
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 2 Constellations (6) [Selaya, Vigour], 1 Miranda (2) [Dryad], Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Renaissance (5) [Renaissance], 2 Constellations (6) [Selaya, Vigour], 1 Miranda (2) [Dryad], Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: Renaissance placed as sector flagship when it completes in Q2. Hood sent to Ferasa sector.
Vulcan Sector – Requires D12
  • Current – 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 2 Mirandas (4) [Intrepid, Svai], Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 - 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 2 Mirandas (4) [Intrepid, Svai], Starbase I (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 - 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], 1 Miranda (2) [Svai], Starbase I (5) = 13D
  • Notes: Winterwind sent here from GBZ in Q2, then Intrepid sent to refit in Q3.
Andor Sector – Requires D9
  • Current - 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Miranda (2) [Calypso], Starbase I (5) = 10D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • No change.
Tellar Sector – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Miranda (2) [Thunderhead], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: Lightning send from Amarkia, Thunderhead send to Amarkia, and Stalwart sent here from Ferasa in Q2.
Amarkia Sector – Requires D9
  • Current - 2 Centaur-A (6) [Blizzard, Lightning], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 16D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Blizzard], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Thunderhead], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: As high-presence ships are no longer required, bringing in the Thunderhead from Tellar Sector and sending the Lightning to Tellar Sector.
Ferasa Sector – Requires D12
  • Current - 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (5) = 16D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Bull], Starbase I (5) = 13D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: Hood moved here from Sol and Bull sent here from the GBZ in Q2. Stalwart moved back to Tellar Sector, Yukikaze sent to SBZ, and Cheron sent to CBZ.
Rigel Sector – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5) = 9D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Apinae Sector – Requires D12
  • Current - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Zephyr], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel], Starbase I (5) [Grand Hive of Apinae], Extra Outposts [5] = 14D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • 2314.Q4 – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Zephyr], 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel], Starbase I (5) [Grand Hive of Apinae], Extra Outposts [5] = 17D
  • Notes: Kearsage sent here after ASTF disbanded in Q4.
Romulan Border Zone – Requires D12
  • Current - 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Centaur-A (3) [new SF build #2], 1 Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: New Centaur-A SF build #2 sent here after completion.
Klingon Border Zone – Requires D6
  • Current – 1 Excelsior (6) [Thirishar], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire] = D7
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Thirishar], 1 Centaur-A (3) [new SF build #1], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire] = D10
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • New SF #1 Centaur-A build sent here in Q2.
Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D10
  • Current - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], Starbase I (5) [Lapycorias] = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], Starbase I (5) [Lapycorias] = 17D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: Cheron sent here from Ferasa in Q2.
Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Endurance], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 16D
  • 2314.Q3 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Endurance], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 14D
  • Notes: Endurance and Yukikaze sent here in Q2, while Defiant is sent to GBZ. Eketha sent to refit in Q3.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
  • Current – 2 Excelsiors (12) [Kumari, Avandar], 3 Constitution-B (15) [Korolev, Republic, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Fidelity] = 41C
  • 2314.Q2 - 2 Excelsiors (12) [Kumari, Avandar], 5 Constitution-B (25) [Korolev, Republic, Valiant, Defiant, new Ana Font build #1], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 4 Miranda-A (8) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant] = 54C
  • 2314.Q3 - 2 Excelsiors (12) [Kumari, Avandar], 5 Constitution-B (25) [Korolev, Republic, Valiant, Defiant, new Ana Font build #1], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 7 Miranda-A (14) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant, new 40E builds #1, #2, and #3] = 63 C.
  • 2314.Q4 - 2 Excelsiors (12) [Kumari, Avandar], 7 Constitution-B (35) [Korolev, Republic, Valiant, Defiant, new Ana Font build #1, Saratoga, Lexington], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 7 Miranda-A (14) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, Bon Vivant, new 40E builds #1, #2, and #3] = 73 C.
  • Notes: In Q2: Shield return from repair, T'Kumbra and Bon Vivant come in from refit, Defiant from SBZ, new Ana Font Connie-B posted here, while Bull is pulled to be sent to CBZ and Winterwind pulled to be sent to Vulcan sector. New Miranda-A builds #1 and #2 and #3 sent here in Q3. Saratoga returns in Q4. Lexington sent here when ASTF disbanded in Q4.
Anti-Syndicate Task Force – No fixed Requirement
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B [Lexington], 1 Constellation [Kearsage]
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • 2314.Q4 – All ships removed. Anti-Syndicate Task Force is over.
  • Notes: In Q4 Kearsage sent to Apinae Sector and Lexington sent to GBZ.
2314.Q2 - The Snakepit

Elections to the Council have been held in Amarkia, the first of their six-yearly cycle, and pass with little real surprise. Councillor Hiar Voluniel of Amarkia itself succeeds against a very stiff challenge from the Hawkish candidate, the post-Lironh fever still lingering in many corners of that world. It no doubt did no harm to the reelection of Hawks Councillors Corin Korielis, Lethe Aelanna, and Ifte Cufriec to the positions. Betazed and Rigel will hold their elections next year, then Ferasa after that.

But the real focus through the political calendar has been on the role of President. Madam President, Jorlyth sh'Arrath, is ending her time in the supreme political office of the United Federation of Planets. From this point she will return to being the representative for Randle IV, an Andorian world. This leaves the position vacant for the first time in six years. The President of the Federation is elected from the Council, and voting typically proceeds via run-off and party lines, with defections relatively uncommon, though not unknown. To take the seat requires 50%+1 of the vote. In this case, 23 votes are required.

The Mercantilists do not put forward a candidate, leaving the fight between the older parties. Instead they put their votes behind the Development faction candidate, Arsharra N'Gir of Ollasa IV, a Caitian.
Unable to gain the Mercantilist votes to push them past the Expansionists, the Hawks are eliminated. They put their seven votes to the Expansionists, which puts them past the Pacifists.
With 17 votes favouring the Developmentalists, and 16 for the Expansionists, the Pacifist candidate, Hamith of Delta Vega, has to bow out.

The final vote is between Councillor Arsharra N'Gir and Councillor Hayley Singh. With a few defections to either side, in the end, the Development candidate is elected.

Arsharra N'Gir is the new President of the United Federation of Planets.

[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have two-hundred and fifty-three (253) Political Will to spend.

(You can approach any faction to try to make a deal on a topic)
[ ][FACTION] Approach the Pacifists
[ ][FACTION] Approach the Expansionists
[ ][FACTION] Approach the Developers
[ ][FACTION] Approach the Hawks
[ ][FACTION] Approach the Mercantilists

[ ][NAME] Name the Auxiliary Shipyard at Amarkia


Federation Council Options for 2314.Q2
Only up to FOUR Mining Colonies may be taken at this time.
  • Request Mining Colony at Castor IV-2, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Ulen Gao VII, 8pp, 20 (25) br/yr, 4 turns
  • Request Mining Colony at Peco Sigma, 8pp, 10 (20) sr/year, 4 turns
  • Request development of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 14pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 18pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Ana Font Shipyard, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility, 14pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 32pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth) [+5 for every extra 3mt berth present at shipyard past the first]
  • Request Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
  • Request development of Utopia Planitia, 28pp, (4 turns, gain 1 3mt, 1 1mt berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Betazed, 18pp (8 turns, 2 1mt Berths)
  • Request new Shipyard at Amarkia, 33pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Ferasa, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Rigel, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Indoria, 18pp (12 turns, 1 1mt Berth)
  • Request new Shipyard at Apinae, 33pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 15pp for home sectors or CBZ , 25pp for KBZ, +12pp for each Starbase past the first in-sector - GBZ Invalid
  • Reduce Militarisation Level 100pp
  • Increase Threat Level 80pp
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 40pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 40pp
  • Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of General Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 23pp
  • Request Start of Combat Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 25pp
  • Request Start of Garrison Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 25pp
  • Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 15pp
  • Request Refit Program for Constellation Cruiser class [+1 C,S,H,L,D, for 40br, 30sr, 1.5 Year (6 turns)], 6 turns 18pp (NB: new unit cost for Constellation will be 70/55)
  • Request Refit Program for Constellation Escort class [+1 S, P, D, for 2br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 4 turns, 18pp (NB: Constellation reclassified as Escort, new cost 70/50)
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken up to four times]
  • Arrange to have an Old Guard Admiral convinced it is time to retire, 20pp
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 20pp for Starfleet Intelligence, 30pp for Medical, 30pp for Explorer Corps, 30pp for Personnel.
  • Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Vice Admiral position to an Admiral position. Pick one: 40pp for Starfleet Operations, 50pp for Shipyard Ops, 55pp for Ship Design Bureau, 45pp for Starfleet Tactical (This may create subordinate Vice Admiral positions)
  • Sponsor efforts to create additional Critical Ship Infrastructure on another world, 60pp (Pick world)
  • Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 1 month/year in that system, 125pp (pick world)
  • NEW Deploy Improved Listening Posts to a Border Zone to gain a 25% chance of generating +1 Intel report for powers on that border. (pick border zone), 20pp


Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 100 [Now 162]
Current Maximum Combat = 350 [Now 195]

(Maximum Combat is a Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 10 pts over - Each point of Threat Level adds 10 to Max Combat)

Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 4
Current Militarisation Level = 0
Current Federation Threat Level = 10

Council Objectives:

200 Science by 2321
250 Defence by 2321

Starfleet Ambitions:
Have Ambassador prototype into production by 2321

Federation Council:
President - Arsharra N'Gir, Development Faction

Factions -
Expansionist (Human, Andor) - 20% [Langford (Earth), Singh (Alpha Centauri)]
Pacifist (Vulcan) - 30% [Stesk (Vulcan), T'Torah (82 Eridani)]
Hawkish (Amarki) - 15% [Korielis (Tales Har), Aelanna (Leas Akaam)]
Development (Tellar) 25% [Jorth (Tellar), Sadek (Atatan)]
Mercantile (Rigel) 10% [Rangyad (Rigel), Meiyama (Welleck)]

[Next Elections - (2315) Rigel, Betazoid (2316) Caitian]

[Merantile still believed to hold all four Rigel seats - All three incumbent Caitians shaky]

(Species listed in brackets are principal backers, not exclusive membership)

Current Federation Full Members:

Current Federation Affiliates:
Caldonians 500/500 - Ratification blocked due to ongoing Moratorium
Orions 439/500 + 18 = 457/500
Risa 404/500 + 16 = 420/500
Gaeni 436/500 + 12 = 448
Qloathi 357/500 + 38 = 395/500
Seyek 312/500 + 12 = 324/500
Kadeshi 249/500 + 16 = 265/500
Honiani 154/500 + 22 = 176/500
Yan-Ros 150/100 + 6 = 156/500

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Bajorians 109/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Patronage]
Yrillians 164/100 - Affiliate Membership Internally + Externally Obstructed, but lines of dialogue opened
Licori 125/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Conflict w/ Ked Peddah, Mentats]
Dawiar 101/100 - Affiliate Status impossible [Cardassian Client]
Gretarians 75/100
Laio 75/100
Dylaarians 50/100
Sotaw 35/100
Ked Paddah 35/100
Ittick-ka 25/100
Lecarrens -30/100
Sydraxians -40/100
Konen - x/100
Goshawnar - x/100

Major Powers
Romulans - Trending Positive
Klingons - At Peace
Cardassians - Treaty of Celos
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