[X] [COUNCIL] Base Plan Preemtive Diplomacy and Staking Claims
-[X] Request
Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-[X] Request
Science Academy Development, 15pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
-[X] Request new
Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [pure medical, possible background: split Starfleet Medical Command research into two divisions, Medical Equipment (existing team) and Experimental Treatments (new team)]
-[X] Request Mining Colony at
Castor IV-2, 8pp, 20 (30) sr/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request Mining Colony at
Peco Sigma, 8pp, 10 (20) sr/year, 4 turns
-[X] Request Mining Colony at
Proxima Eridani, 8pp, 15 (20) br/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request Mining Colony at
Ulen Gao VII, 8pp, 20 (25) br/yr, 4 turns
-[X] Request new
Starbase I [Betazed] (15+12) * 0.75 = 20.25pp
-[X] Request new Shipyard at
Apinae, 33pp (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth, 1 1mt Berth)
-[X] Request
Cruiser berth at Utopia Planitia, 11pp (6 turns, gain new 2m t berth)
-[X] Request focused
Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Gretarians]
-[X] Request focused
Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Yrillians]
-[X] Request focused
Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp [Ittick-ka]
-[X] Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a
Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 20pp for Starfleet Intelligence
35 + 15 + 20 + 4*8 +20.25 + 33 + 11 + 3* 20 + 20 = 246.25 pp
Compared to
@Briefvoice (who based his plan on my previous draft) I delay the Betazed shipyard and the first improved listening posts (25% chance of a report isn't going to make a huge difference if we delay it for a single year, probably no difference at all) in favor of claiming all possible colonies (+4pp +8rp per year), the cruiser berth in UP (cheap and can hopefully be used for large freighters) and approaching the Gretarians (who are currently still listed as unaffiliated and therefore legal, that might change until next year).
This is assuming we aren't limited to 4 mining colonies as previously expected, but I also expected that limitation to be listed which it currently isn't.