In other words we need more berths that are only dedicated to just building Freighters and Cargo Vessels and nothing else.
We can build spinward berths for forward defence and logistics/engineering/members can use them while idle.
We are blessed here with the opportunity to have our logistics issues presented to us in a very simplified manner ("SPAWN MORE OVERLORDS") that enables us to do something about our problem with relatively little difficulty.
Very happy to leave it there, logistics do their thing, tell us if they need more berths, or come to us with a plan if things are getting critical.
Why are cloaks coming up again?
Cloaking devices do not seem to be significantly superior to UFP ECM/emissions control tech for stealthing around, and are basically worthless once the shooting starts because they prevent shields or weapons from being used.
The only way I could see cloaking used is if we made a small (<100kt) asset for starfleet intelligence. I don't think we even need cloaking, just a dedicated low emissions ship so intel can do what they do now but better. Need to get footage from Bajor to show to waivering Cardassian clients? That's how they get it.
your Council Developer-in-Chief is about to hand you guys Options.
Actually, options on a few things. No more Miss Nice Kitty.
Lol, sounds like things at logistics have gone critical.
Logistics aside, I do have some questions for OneirosTheWriter (or anyone else if they know the answer)
1. Can we build a joint-starbase in a pending-ratification affiliates territory? (fortify that southern spinwards attack lane)
2. Is a deep space starbase effective in covering the approach to a homeworld? Or would it be bypassed? (We need more defensive depth for Indoria/Rethelia)
3. Can we upgrade member <1mt berths to Federation standard, and similar for 2-3mt to 3mt berths
4. If the political will was there, could Amarkia make a Planitia?
5. Can we stack multiple outposts to increase the defences of a world?
6. Did the critical ship infrastructure upgrade mean our supply chain spinwards now starts in Amarkia? If not , is there an upgrade to do so?