This is unfortunately the kind of thing it'd be nice to have a quote on.
After half an hour of searching I can't find anything mentioning Cardassians using warships as cargo ships. So I guess we'll have to assume they don't unless @OneirosTheWriter wants to chime in and confirm either way.

I did however find this:

Cardassian Infrastructure

Total Shipbuilding Budget = 340/250

Cardassia (-2j)
Starbase I, 2x Shipyards,Capital

Generates 75 Bulk, 50 Special

Starbase I, Shipyard, Sector Capital
Generates 25 Bulk, 25 Special

Starbase I, Shipyard, Sector Capital
Generates 25 Bulk

Outpost I
Generates 25 Bulk, 25 Special

Outpost I
Generates 25 Special

Starbase I, Shipyard
Generates 25 Bulk

Agricultural Source
Generates up to 200 bulk cargo (1 = 50,000 people fed) of Food Surplus

Mining Colonies
32 Kargar (0j)
Mining Colony, 15sr
Delivers to: Karadoc

Yomkar (2i)
Mining Colony, 20br
Delivers to: Karadoc

Noldon Torkad (-5j)
Mining Colony, 25br, 25sr
Delivers to: Todamak

Kamey Prime (-1h)
Mining Colony, 15br
Delivers to: Vedarot

Perkash (-6i)
Mining Colony, 15br
Delivers to: Galundun

77 Tolyok (-3i)
Mining Colony, 15sr, 25br
Delivers to: Trangot

Koyang Adyot (-2j)
Mining Colony, 20sr
Delivers to: Cardassia
which I'm sure will be useful in calculating the Cardassians logistical situation.

Something that I want to bring up while I was chewing the numbers:

We operate a Starfleet Logistics arm. Other than resources, what exactly stops us from building Starfleet cargo ships and freighters with military-spec warp drives? Surely there's a demand for transport that cruises at warp seven rather than warp five, and while I understand the security issues with releasing such equipment to civilians, we wouldn't be doing that. More than doubling the speed of our internal logistics arm would correspond to a significant increase in capacity, in addition to making interception more difficult and giving us more flexibility in a crisis.
Bulk Cargo clocks in at 50kt per point:
But each freighter has 10pt of bulk cargo space, which is 50kt per point, for half-a-million ton of duranium/tritanium, other rare structural metals. And each Cargo ship has space for 8pt of small cargo, or 40sr.
so a fully loaded Cargo ship carries 100kt of Bulk Cargo and a Freighter 500kt of Bulk Cargo.

If we assume the stats for a "generic freighter" on the front page:
Generic Freighter 2260-Now [150m 300k t]
C0 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 10sr, 2 years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]
are accurate then a fully loaded Freighter should mass 800kt or about the same as a Centaur. Given the Centaur costs 80br/60sr and that Warp Cores are mostly special resources I expect we'd see a "military freighter" jump up dramatically in it's SR cost.

Still if we, I doubt logistics command can afford it, are willing to pay that increase it would be worth it. Normal supply runs take a month each way:
But, being able to manage half-a-million ton of ore over a month (one way for most of the logistics routes), for 3-6 million per year (assuming no downtime), isn't exactly going to cut it.
If we can cut that travel time in half we'd double our cargo capacity.
Sunrise Class Explorer
C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
2,488,000t mass, 480m length
Period of Service - 2300-Now
9 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 6 Technician

Possessing nearly unmatched firepower for its size, the Sunrise class is the pride of the Seyek fleet. It represents the culmination of Seyek capital ship research and development, a perfect distillation of their heavy fleet doctrine. Unlike Starfleet designs, however, the Sunrise lacks the advanced diplomatic facilities of the Federation, preferring to focus on the installation of powerful sensors and well-equipped labs instead.

The powerful photonic lances that serve as the backbone of its firepower were originally derived from Fiiral designs, and have been refined on the Audacious class to their absolute apex on the Sunrise.

Audacious Class Heavy Cruiser
C7 S4 H3 L5 P4 D4
1,495,000t mass, 291m length
Period of Service - 2380-Now
7 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 4 Technician

The stepping-stone to the Sunrise, the Audacious is part replacement, part radical refit of the older Starburst class. The initial ship, the Audacious itself, was slated to be the Supernova until the design project was completed and it was commissioned as the new class, and maintains subtle visual distinctions from its sister ships. The next of the class, the Serene, is considered the true first ship of the Audacious class. The vessels were designed around the powerful photonic lances, and they give the Audacious class a punch above its weight.

Constrictor Class Destroyer
C6 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
1,250,000t, 193m length
Period of Service - 2390-Now
3 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The constrictor is based on older Fiiral designs, when their capital ships were wrapped around a lone photonic lance. Advancements in miniaturization has allowed them to fit a pair of the weapons onto the Constrictor, giving it excellent firepower for its size. She was designed to complement the Audacious class as a cheaper but high-powered combatant.

Peacemaker Class Corvette
C3 S3 H2 L2 P2 D2
729,000t, 158m Length
Period of Service - 2307-Now
1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 3 Technician

Those stats at those weights are bullshit. Just complete bullshit. The Sunrise class especially... you would have assumed they would have had to sacrifice something for Combat 9, but nope! Tell me Oneiros didn't approve those stats, I'm begging you.
Still if we, I doubt logistics command can afford it, are willing to pay that increase it would be worth it. Normal supply runs take a month each way:

If we can cut that travel time in half we'd double our cargo capacity.

There's probably some game balance reason to find an in-universe reason not to do it.

EDIT: I'd prefer it be not doable, actually, rather than having to sacrifice our SR resources for something that won't be remotely satisfying to build because all those logistics stuff is so much behind the curtain. It's already going to be a kick in the butt to have to start sacrificing berth space for auxiliary builds, which is apparently going to be a thing now.
Last edited:
Those stats at those weights are bullshit. Just complete bullshit. The Sunrise class especially... you would have assumed they would have had to sacrifice something for Combat 9, but nope! Tell me Oneiros didn't approve those stats, I'm begging you.

Aren't those the stats We've been using since first contact?

We've known that Sign is a C beast since forever
Those stats at those weights are bullshit. Just complete bullshit. The Sunrise class especially... you would have assumed they would have had to sacrifice something for Combat 9, but nope! Tell me Oneiros didn't approve those stats, I'm begging you.
Man I wasn't even involved in the ship design process for the Seyek. I just did the write up far after the fact.
Those stats at those weights are bullshit. Just complete bullshit. The Sunrise class especially... you would have assumed they would have had to sacrifice something for Combat 9, but nope! Tell me Oneiros didn't approve those stats, I'm begging you.

Seyek Ships:
Sunrise Class Explorer - 34 stats in 2,488kt = 73kt per stat
Audacious Class Cruiser - 27 stats in 1,495kt = 55kt per stat
Constrictor Class Destroyer - 23 stats in 1,250kt = 54kt per stat
Peacemaker Class Corvette - 14 stats in 729kt = 52kt per stat
Soxistin Class Corvette - 12 stats in 562kt = 47kt per stat
Seeker Class Science Ship - 13 stats in 635kt = 49kt per stat

Federation Ships:
Ambassador Class Explorer - 50 stats in 3,000kt = 60kt per stat
Excelsior-A Class Explorer - 35 stats in 2,300kt = 66kt per stat
Excelsior Class Explorer - 31 stats in 2,300kt = 74kt per stat
Renaissance Class Cruiser - 26 stats in 1,000kt = 38kt per stat
Constitution-B Class Cruiser - 23 stats in 1,000kt = 43kt per stat
Constellation-A Class Cruiser - 19 stats in 700kt = 37kt per stat
Centaur-A Class Frigate - 17 stats in 800kt = 47kt per stat
Miranda-A Class Frigate - 13 stats in 655kt = 50kt per stat

So in a ranking based upon performance vs. weight with Blue for Federation ships and Red for Seyek ships:
  1. Constellation-A Class Cruiser - 19 stats in 700kt = 37kt per stat
  2. Renaissance Class Cruiser - 26 stats in 1,000kt = 38kt per stat
  3. Constitution-B Class Cruiser - 23 stats in 1,000kt = 43kt per stat
  4. Centaur-A Class Frigate - 17 stats in 800kt = 47kt per stat
  5. Soxistin Class Corvette - 12 stats in 562kt = 47kt per stat
  6. Seeker Class Science Ship - 13 stats in 635kt = 49kt per stat
  7. Miranda-A Class Frigate - 13 stats in 655kt = 50kt per stat
  8. Peacemaker Class Corvette - 14 stats in 729kt = 52kt per stat
  9. Constrictor Class Destroyer - 23 stats in 1,250kt = 54kt per stat
  10. Audacious Class Cruiser - 27 stats in 1,495kt = 55kt per stat
  11. Ambassador Class Explorer - 50 stats in 3,000kt = 60kt per stat
  12. Excelsior-A Class Explorer - 35 stats in 2,300kt = 66kt per stat
  13. Sunrise Class Explorer - 34 stats in 2,488kt = 73kt per stat
  14. Excelsior Class Explorer - 31 stats in 2,300kt = 74kt per stat
The Federation pretty solidly outperforms the Seyek across every class. The only exceptions been the Miranda-A and baseline Excelsior with the baseline Excelsior being comparatively ancient and the Miranda-A being pretty close in performance considering it's a refit of an even more ancient design.
Those stats at those weights are bullshit. Just complete bullshit. The Sunrise class especially... you would have assumed they would have had to sacrifice something for Combat 9, but nope! Tell me Oneiros didn't approve those stats, I'm begging you.
And that was on the old spreadsheet.

New sheet is probably -1 to all stats, with a possible -2 C because of old parts.

Masscenchenxinet Institute of Science,

Something that I want to bring up while I was chewing the numbers:

We operate a Starfleet Logistics arm. Other than resources, what exactly stops us from building Starfleet cargo ships and freighters with military-spec warp drives? Surely there's a demand for transport that cruises at warp seven rather than warp five, and while I understand the security issues with releasing such equipment to civilians, we wouldn't be doing that. More than doubling the speed of our internal logistics arm would correspond to a significant increase in capacity, in addition to making interception more difficult and giving us more flexibility in a crisis.
Milspec equipment requires milspec materials, and starship rated crews, which you don't have a pre-existing crew for. So it's probably possible but isn't SR already an issue?
The Seyek Space Service

Seyek Military Identifier
The Seyek Space Service is a long-existing organization, stretching back to the earliest attempts at exploration beyond the homeworld. The organization quickly militarized after encountering several hostile powers, including what are now speculated to be far-ranging Caitian or Hishmeri vessels and an attempt by Gorn to conquer the planet. The apex of the Space Service's military might came almost a century ago during the last Fiiral-Seyek war, where they decisively crushed the Fiiral fleet at the Battle of Spirit's Gate before laying siege to their homeworld. The fleet has contracted in overall numbers and firepower since then, as the Seyek economy crashed post-war and subsequent governments focused on civil development projects and Fiiral integration.

The Space Service has since become increasingly focused on exploratory duties rather than existing as a purely military force, similar to the Federation, but still continues research into cutting-edge technology and heavily arms their ships for war. The reasons for this are long-term awareness of the Cardassian threat and pressure from the Indorians, the latter threat effectively removed by Federation diplomacy. Their focus is on Lone Ranger-style tactics involving well-built explorers, built to tackle any problem but with a more militaristic bent than Starfleet designs.

The Space Service has worked hard to recruit Fiiral members, highly prized for their manual dexterity and natural wiring for three-dimensional thinking. However, recent tensions have seen many Fiiral stripped of their rank under intense suspicion. This has only fueled resentment amongst the Fiiral, who have begun to talk openly of forming their own fleet. In the interim, Starfleet has benefitted from a large flow of Fiiral personnel into their ranks - after requisite background checks.

Seyek military vessels are identified by the above logo, and personnel wear armbands with stripes in the above pattern. This is to distinguish them from civilian authorities, such as police and government vehicle, and who use a different pattern altogether. Changes in color to the center snake device can indicate seniority, or be replaced entirely to indicate a specialization. Fiiral Personnel wear the identifier as a pattern on their collar, device centerline.

Active Ship Classes

(courtesy of @Leila Hann of course)

Sunrise Class Explorer
C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
2,488,000t mass, 480m length
Period of Service - 2300-Now
9 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 6 Technician

Possessing nearly unmatched firepower for its size, the Sunrise class is the pride of the Seyek fleet. It represents the culmination of Seyek capital ship research and development, a perfect distillation of their heavy fleet doctrine. Unlike Starfleet designs, however, the Sunrise lacks the advanced diplomatic facilities of the Federation, preferring to focus on the installation of powerful sensors and well-equipped labs instead.

The powerful photonic lances that serve as the backbone of its firepower were originally derived from Fiiral designs, and have been refined on the Audacious class to their absolute apex on the Sunrise.

Audacious Class Heavy Cruiser
C7 S4 H3 L5 P4 D4
1,495,000t mass, 291m length
Period of Service - 2380-Now
7 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 4 Technician

The stepping-stone to the Sunrise, the Audacious is part replacement, part radical refit of the older Starburst class. The initial ship, the Audacious itself, was slated to be the Supernova until the design project was completed and it was commissioned as the new class, and maintains subtle visual distinctions from its sister ships. The next of the class, the Serene, is considered the true first ship of the Audacious class. The vessels were designed around the powerful photonic lances, and they give the Audacious class a punch above its weight.

Constrictor Class Destroyer
C6 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
1,250,000t, 193m length
Period of Service - 2390-Now
3 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The constrictor is based on older Fiiral designs, when their capital ships were wrapped around a lone photonic lance. Advancements in miniaturization has allowed them to fit a pair of the weapons onto the Constrictor, giving it excellent firepower for its size. She was designed to complement the Audacious class as a cheaper but high-powered combatant.

Peacemaker Class Corvette
C3 S3 H2 L2 P2 D2
729,000t, 158m Length
Period of Service - 2307-Now
1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The Peacemaker is an upgrade to the older Soxistin class, expanding her sickbay and recreational facilities for better crew endurance and adding several thousand tons of armor to the hull for improved survivability.

As a basic patrol design, Peacemakers are not armed with photonic lances, and use more conventional plasma cannons as their primary armament. While slow at warp, they very maneuverable at sublight, and primarily serve as in-system interdictors and first responders, assisted by a robust sensor package for the ship's size.

Soxistin Class Corvette
C3 S3 H1 L2 P1 D2
562,000t, 155m length
Period of Service - 2380-Now
1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The Soxistin Class Corvette is named for a large rodent on Rethelia. Given the Seyek natural dislike of small, scurrying mammals is similar to the stereotypical human revulsion towards spiders, its name could best be translated in intent as the Tarantula class. It is armed with long-range plasma torpedoes, which were removed on the subsequent Peacemaker class due to improvements in plasma cannon design, in turn derived from improvements to photonic lances.

Seeker Class Science Ship
C1 S5 H1 L2 P2 D2
635,000t, 155m Length
Period of Service - 2390-now
1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 5 Technician

When a Sunrise or Audacious are unavailable to study an anomaly, or the other designs are insufficient, the Seyek send in a Seeker. A primarily non-combat design, the Seeker is intended to follow in the tracks of exploratory vessels and either study identified points of interest more in-depth, or survey for more interesting finds. Based on the Soxistin hull, the Seeker replaces her obvious torpedos for high-gain sensors; magazines with extensive laboratory facilities. It also improves on the crew facilities, a necessity for long survey missions.

Unlike other species, the Seyek do not have a traditional Enlisted/Officer divide. Their organization is also extremely flat, with specializations being seen as much more important than the constellation of Enlisted and Officer ranks that the Federation has. The five ranks of the Seyek are Spacer, Sergeant, Supervisor, Overseer, and Marshal. These are further modified by technical and position ratings. One can be a Sensor Spacer, roughly equivalent to a Sensor Operator petty officer in Starfleet. While in theory there are only five ranks, the addition of a 'senior' prefix effectively doubles the ranks, and is often given to section heads at the lower levels. As something of a parallel, however, leadership training at Seyek space academies can lead to being commissioned at a higher rank, typically Sargeant.

The basic rank is Spacer. A standard spacer can start with a specialization if they went to a specific technical school or join the Space Service with specialized knowledge. Those that don't are posted to a variety of departments as their skills are nurtured and developed, working menial tasks and providing whatever manual labour is needed. Some Spacers may stay at this rank their entire time in the service, showing some level of aptitude for their work but unable to demonstrate the leadership abilities to advance. Senior Spacers can be equivilent to petty officers and Ensigns.

Where one would see Lieutenants, and chief petty officers there is the Sergeant rank providing the junior leadership in the fleet. Technical Sergeant is a catch-all term for specialized Sergeants, such as Lab Sergeants, Administrative Sergeants, or Security Sergeants. They are equivalent to a whole class of Chief Petty Officers and junior officers with highly prized knowledge and education, and who also coordinate teams to carry out their work. Confusingly for outside observers, Senior Sergeants are often equivalent to senior enlisted ranks in other navies, but unmodified Sergeants are usually those with promising leadership careers, given generalist duties to prepare them for the complex world of Starship operations. This is not a hard and fast rule, however.

Those with the Supervisor rank, the equivalent of the Commander ranks in Starfleet, are often very effective coordinators who are well-versed in organizational behaviour and also highly knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. There are very few Technical Supervisors, and those who are are often not posted to ships, being in charge of research teams or large technical or defense arrays. At the Supervisor level the Senior prefix is often only required by the ship's XO, the rest usually being department heads. There is an additional prefix - Ship Supervisor - for those Supervisors who command the smaller vessels in the Seyek fleet.

The Overseer class is equivalent to ship Captains, Directors, or junior admiralty. Standard overseers are ship captains or installation commanders. A research director would be a Technical Overseer. A Overseer who commanded multiple vessels would be a Fleet Overseer. The Senior prefix is only used on an ad-hoc basis for formations of vessels commanded by Overseers, equivalent to the obsolete Federation Fleet Captain position.

Finally, the Marshal rank covers the senior-most leadership of the Seyek. A Senior Marshal is equivalent to a Vice-Admiral, and the High Marshal is the Commander of the Space Service. There is a Strategic Marshal rank that is only used in time of emergency, but has been floated as a special rank if the upper ranks of the Space Service ever expanded.

Space Schools
Unlike Starfleet, the Seyek will often commission individuals at the Technical Sergeant rank if they passed leadership courses while obtaining a STEM at civilian institutes of higher learning, and will occasionally commission flat Sergeants from other bachelor-equivalent programs if they acquired specialized training or show leadership in other areas of their life. For those Seyek or Fiiral hoping to have the best chance at being commissioned at a higher rank and also seeing their careers blossom, an education at the Hassonus Space School is seen as a major asset. Other reputable academies include the Royal Spire Military College on Fiiral and the Zencien Space School. Highly-reputable civilian institutions that the Space Service recruits from include the Masscenchenxinet Institute of Science, the Tiqesset Campus, and Prixseton School.

Sky Shrikes
The Seyek orbit-to-ground service, equivalent to the Orion Aerocommandos, is the Special Assault Service, or colloquially, the Sky Shrikes. Most Seyek ships have a small Shrike detachment onboard for assistance in specialized tactical situations, similar to United Earth MACOs. Larger Shrike formations are held in reserve for wartime operations, designed to be transported to the front by the Seyek Cruisers and Explorers. Their specialized insertion shuttles are often flown by hand-picked Fiiral pilots. The most storied shuttle unit is the infamous 203rd Special Aviation Wing, known as the Night Kings. Fiiral also serve, in smaller numbers, in the Shrike infantry units. While it is a widespread idea that the Seyek are fearsome close-in fighters and the Fiiral are easily-crushed weaklings, this is something of an incorrect meme that speaks more to the overwhelming physical strength of Seyek than the weakness of Fiiral. A Fiiral Shrike can, and will, easily kick you to death - or into the coils of a Seyek that will then proceed to crush you to death.

Appendix A - Typical Rank Prefixes
Administrative - Roughly equivalent to the Yeoman and Ops positions in Starfleet, depending on rank. Administrative Spacers fill yeoman and personal assistant roles, while Sergeant and above handles more large-scale organization.

Biological/Chemical/Physical - Standard prefix for personnel with specialized skills in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, respectively.

Engineering - Same connotations as in Starfleet.

Intelligence - Same general duties as Intelligence officers or enlisted in Starfleet.

Medical - Same duties as Starfleet medical officers. Often confusingly for outsiders, the best doctors in the fleet tend to have spent long careers at the Spacer and Sergeant rank, while Supervisors and Overseers are more competent in handling medical administrative duties. Senior Medical Spacers are often the closest Doctor analogue, with normal medical spacers being more akin to nurses.

Security - Roughly equivalent to security personnel in Starfleet. A Security Spacer is a typical combatant, with Security Sergeants and Senior Security Sergeants providing the junior leadership.

Sensor - In charge of sensor operation and maintenance. At higher rankings it implies sub-department heads who oversee all sensor usage on a ship.

Tactical - Typically reserved for Supervisor and higher ranks, Tactical has the same connotations as in Starfleet. They are responsible for deploying ship weapons systems in engagements, developing plans, and evaluating regional threats to the ship. They work closely with Intelligence section to effectively prepare the ship for possible dangers.

Weapons - in charge of shipborne weapons operations, roughly equivalent to certain aspects of the Tactical role, but usually limited to Technical Sergeants and occasionally Supervisors who directly oversee the physical systems.

A/N: if you've got suggestions let me hear them :V
Appendix B - Worked Example of a Seyek Command Structure - Serene
  • Overseer: Xintisschel "Xinti" Zole
  • Senior Supervisor: Hessic Grenassad
    • Tactical Supervisor: Constricca Asseop
      • Senior Weapons Sargent
      • Senior Tactical Sargent
      • Engineering Sargent
      • Intelligence Sargent
    • Science Supervisor: Eissten Abrexis
      • Sensors Sargent
      • Labs Sargent
      • Biology, Chemical, and Physical Sargents
    • Engineering Supervisor: Yexess Lessat
      • Senior Damage Control Sargent
      • Senior Warp Core Sargent
      • Senior Engineering Sargent
    • Navigation Supervisor: Tiiridium
      • Senior Astogation Sargent
      • Senior Helm Spacer
    • Security Supervisor
      • Senior Security Sargent
      • Security Sargent, Shrikes.
    • Medical Supervisor
      • Counselling Sargent
      • Senior Medical Sargent
      • Senior Medical Spacer [ie: probably the best doctor onboard]
A/N: source for that nice little snek is Icons & Insignia by Kydoimos. Service dates are a complete stab in the dark.


The colors for the seyek navy and merchant fleet are the patterns from coral and kingsnakes, respectively.

For those who don't know, the coral snake is a highly venomous snake, and there's a harmless species of kingsnake with similar colors.
Active Ship Classes

(courtesy of @Leila Hann of course)
Is it just me, or are angular nacelles quite common in some of our spinward nations?

I tried finding Leila Hann's diagrams of all the ship classes, but I can't find it. (Too many pictures!!)

Sunrise Class Explorer
C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
2,488,000t mass, 480m length
Period of Service - 2300-Now
9 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 6 Technician

Possessing nearly unmatched firepower for its size, the Sunrise class is the pride of the Seyek fleet. It represents the culmination of Seyek capital ship research and development, a perfect distillation of their heavy fleet doctrine. Unlike Starfleet designs, however, the Sunrise lacks the advanced diplomatic facilities of the Federation, preferring to focus on the installation of powerful sensors and well-equipped labs instead.

The powerful photonic lances that serve as the backbone of its firepower were originally derived from Fiiral designs, and have been refined on the Audacious class to their absolute apex on the Sunrise.

Audacious Class Heavy Cruiser
C7 S4 H3 L5 P4 D4
1,495,000t mass, 291m length
Period of Service - 2380-Now
7 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 4 Technician

The stepping-stone to the Sunrise, the Audacious is part replacement, part radical refit of the older Starburst class. The initial ship, the Audacious itself, was slated to be the Supernova until the design project was completed and it was commissioned as the new class, and maintains subtle visual distinctions from its sister ships. The next of the class, the Serene, is considered the true first ship of the Audacious class. The vessels were designed around the powerful photonic lances, and they give the Audacious class a punch above its weight.

Constrictor Class Destroyer
C6 S3 H3 L4 P3 D4
1,250,000t, 193m length
Period of Service - 2390-Now
3 Officer, 4 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The constrictor is based on older Fiiral designs, when their capital ships were wrapped around a lone photonic lance. Advancements in miniaturization has allowed them to fit a pair of the weapons onto the Constrictor, giving it excellent firepower for its size. She was designed to complement the Audacious class as a cheaper but high-powered combatant.

Peacemaker Class Corvette
C3 S3 H2 L2 P2 D2
729,000t, 158m Length
Period of Service - 2307-Now
1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The Peacemaker is an upgrade to the older Soxistin class, expanding her sickbay and recreational facilities for better crew endurance and adding several thousand tons of armor to the hull for improved survivability.

As a basic patrol design, Peacemakers are not armed with photonic lances, and use more conventional plasma cannons as their primary armament. While slow at warp, they very maneuverable at sublight, and primarily serve as in-system interdictors and first responders, assisted by a robust sensor package for the ship's size.

Soxistin Class Corvette
C3 S3 H1 L2 P1 D2
562,000t, 155m length
Period of Service - 2380-Now
1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 3 Technician

The Soxistin Class Corvette is named for a large rodent on Rethelia. Given the Seyek natural dislike of small, scurrying mammals is similar to the stereotypical human revulsion towards spiders, its name could best be translated in intent as the Tarantula class. It is armed with long-range plasma torpedoes, which were removed on the subsequent Peacemaker class due to improvements in plasma cannon design, in turn derived from improvements to photonic lances.

Seeker Class Science Ship
C1 S5 H1 L2 P2 D2
635,000t, 155m Length
Period of Service - 2390-now
1 Officer, 1 Enlisted, 5 Technician

When a Sunrise or Audacious are unavailable to study an anomaly, or the other designs are insufficient, the Seyek send in a Seeker. A primarily non-combat design, the Seeker is intended to follow in the tracks of exploratory vessels and either study identified points of interest more in-depth, or survey for more interesting finds. Based on the Soxistin hull, the Seeker replaces her obvious torpedos for high-gain sensors; magazines with extensive laboratory facilities. It also improves on the crew facilities, a necessity for long survey missions.
I see the Stellaris inspiration - I like!

Those periods of service though - are you sure those classes were designed more than half a century from now? ;)

Unlike other species, the Seyek do not have a traditional Enlisted/Officer divide. Their organization is also extremely flat, with specializations being seen as much more important than the constellation of Enlisted and Officer ranks that the Federation has.
Huh, this kinda explains that flat 0.35/0.35/0.35 crew income we get from them.

Did you also mean to include Techs in there?

Something that I want to bring up while I was chewing the numbers:

We operate a Starfleet Logistics arm. Other than resources, what exactly stops us from building Starfleet cargo ships and freighters with military-spec warp drives? Surely there's a demand for transport that cruises at warp seven rather than warp five, and while I understand the security issues with releasing such equipment to civilians, we wouldn't be doing that. More than doubling the speed of our internal logistics arm would correspond to a significant increase in capacity, in addition to making interception more difficult and giving us more flexibility in a crisis.
Maybe the cargo ships and freighters use fusion cores? I know they're a thing on the ship design spreadsheet...although they don't actually save any SR.

If we assume the stats for a "generic freighter" on the front page:
He already stated those are off for freighters in this post. They could conceivably be cargo ship stats, but I'm not sure if any auxiliary ships have a conventional CSHLPD stat line anymore.

So in a ranking based upon performance vs. weight with Blue for Federation ships and Red for Seyek ships:
  1. Constellation-A Class Cruiser - 19 stats in 700kt = 37kt per stat
  2. Renaissance Class Cruiser - 26 stats in 1,000kt = 38kt per stat
  3. Constitution-B Class Cruiser - 23 stats in 1,000kt = 43kt per stat
  4. Centaur-A Class Frigate - 17 stats in 800kt = 47kt per stat
  5. Soxistin Class Corvette - 12 stats in 562kt = 47kt per stat
  6. Seeker Class Science Ship - 13 stats in 635kt = 49kt per stat
  7. Miranda-A Class Frigate - 13 stats in 655kt = 50kt per stat
  8. Peacemaker Class Corvette - 14 stats in 729kt = 52kt per stat
  9. Constrictor Class Destroyer - 23 stats in 1,250kt = 54kt per stat
  10. Audacious Class Cruiser - 27 stats in 1,495kt = 55kt per stat
  11. Ambassador Class Explorer - 50 stats in 3,000kt = 60kt per stat
  12. Excelsior-A Class Explorer - 35 stats in 2,300kt = 66kt per stat
  13. Sunrise Class Explorer - 34 stats in 2,488kt = 73kt per stat
  14. Excelsior Class Explorer - 31 stats in 2,300kt = 74kt per stat
The Federation pretty solidly outperforms the Seyek across every class. The only exceptions been the Miranda-A and baseline Excelsior with the baseline Excelsior being comparatively ancient and the Miranda-A being pretty close in performance considering it's a refit of an even more ancient design.

First, can you please use a different shade of blue? My eyes... :cry:

Second, we know that costs get greater-than-linearly more expensive as the stat increases in magnitude and the tonnage increases. The difference between C9 and C8 is more expensive than that between C6 and C5, for example.

Still, even taking that into account, the Seyek aren't that much better at explorer design than Starfleet. Although they are more resource-efficient (Sunrise is 250br 150sr), they cost a lot of more crew.
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Those periods of service though - are you sure those classes were designed more than half a century from now? ;)
You see, I run a Trek game set in 2415 and so when I'm like "roughly thirty years ago" sometimes my brain doesn't register 2380 is not correct. :confused:
Huh, this kinda explains that flat 0.35/0.35/0.35 crew income we get from them.

Did you also mean to include Techs in there?
No, I mean literally the rank names, since Techs probably are petty officers, ensigns, etc. If you look at the US Navy rank structure (because it's similar to Starfleet), there's E-1 to E-9ish and then O-1 to O-10. Even if you include the "Senior" and similar specializations as their own separate rank the Seyek basically have half the overall ranks.

In the Seyek system, Techs would probably be pretty easy to identify, but at the lower levels it'd be difficult to distinguish between their E and O classes.
Could we please develop some body armor for them? I mean I know it's contractually mandated for red/gold shirts to die on any missions. But I would at least like for our opponents to work for it at least.

"It's not that there's no such thing as armor. I've seen some of the boys with armor. The problem is, disruptors and such are hard to armor against. If they don't just straight-up disintegrate your whole body, then on high settings they tend to slam through anything that isn't ultra-dense or exotic material like it wasn't even there. You can armor pretty well against stun settings and 'low heat' power output- but that just gives your enemy a reason to use a weapon that will straight up kill you."

I don't really see much of a reason for the Cardassians to start a full scale war at all, while the Gabriel conflict is going on (remember, the talk about being ready for war within 5 years preceded the Treaty of Celos). If they win decisively there maybe they'll decide to double down and invade the Federation proper, but why would they think they would fare better in a full scale war if they didn't win in the Gabriel? It's not like the force ratio would change in their favor, in the GBZ they can use their own fleet (which should make up a much higher fraction of the forces of their pact than Starfleet does for Federation + affiliates), the Dylarians and the Sydraxians initially were involved as well. So about 1/3 of their clients. The Federation has Starfleet, 3 of 10 members and no affiliates involved. That leaves thinking they can deal a knockout blow with a surprise offensive, but given how slow wars generally tend to move, how strong fixed installations tend to be compared to ships and that most of our industry is far from the border the only way to achieve a quick victory would be to rely on our internal politics making us unable to continue the war, and it seems unlikely that the Cardassians would count on our lack of a will to fight after being repeatedly surprised on that score? Sure, if say Indoria gets occupied that could easily mean the current CoSF is forced to resign, but it doesn't at all mean the war is won for them.
One distinct possibility is that the Cardassians may view the Gabriel Expanse conflict as a sort of proxy for their instinctive "at your throat or at your feet" thing. The one we've discussed, where they're not comfortable engaging in negotiations with someone until a dominance hierarchy has emerged.

I mean, in a species where that's actually a psychological thing, you'd expect there to be some common behaviors designed around minimizing the amount of random destruction it causes. Like having people compete in relatively narrow, ritualized arenas where damage to society at large is limited, but where dominance can be symbolically established.

Unlike the others here I don't think that a Cardassian/Federation war would be waged till the last ship/starbase since the sheer size of both factions makes that a nearly impossible task. Instead I fully expect a settlement to be reached once the war starts to slow down/becomes deadlocked and in that case an agreement of the Federation stopping their westward-expansion, giving up claims on the Cardassian Border and in the GBZ might well be achievable (and desirable) goals for them if they have enough success (like destroying a part of our fleet and occupying a few important border worlds). As long as they keep their demands somewhat reasonable the internal pressures in the Federation to agree to such a deal should be significant, especially if another bigger problems arises.

For example I don't see the Federation, especially its eastwards members, agreeing to decades of brutal fighting just to hold the majority of the GBZ or CBZ and their minor colonies.
This seems to be more or less what happened in canon, resulting in desultory Cardassian-Federation armed conflict throughout much of the 24th century. Remember that we don't actually have much evidence that our relations with the Cardassians (unlike, say, the Romulans) are qualitatively different from what happened in canon. The details may be differing, but the broad outlines might well be just the same.

I think each major theater might count as a separate major crisis.

We've never quite introduced the Cardassians to the sheer Crazy Awesome that is the TOS core crew, have we?

They know about Nash, but I think they believe Kirk and co were propaganda figures, not real people who actually did all that stuff, don't they?

Meaning the screams of SULU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Cardassia Prime should probably reach at least Indoria.
I like your thinking but it's not entirely true that we've kept the TOS cast away from them.

Nowadays, it's Commodore Nash terrifying the Cardies from the bridge of USS Kumari.

Ten years ago, it was Commodore Uhura- the first overall sector commander of the newly formed Cardassian Border Zone.

They may have been able to with Sydraxia and Yrillia as staging areas. Even now sympathetic elements may allow an Obsidian Order op to sabotage our assets.

"Take one hell of a saboteur to knock out the entire Utopia Planitia yard."

[looks out window]

"We're a pretty big place."

Space is big. Starfleet may have effective sub space sensors, but it can't monitor all of its territory to the extent that sneaking in a small throwaway force is impossible. Or a not exactly small one.

It just needs to be understood the trip is one way.
The problem is that while doing this ONCE is plausible, doing it over and over and over until the enemy's entire infrastructure collapses entirely is not, especially not without cloaking devices. A lot of tactics work once but don't work unlimited times in real life- because they fail often enough that the cost of trying them dozens of times becomes prohibitive, especially after the enemy reacts to your first attempt.
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I can't get over how much that ship looks like a giant space mushroom.
I thought it looked like the Mercury capsule.
The crew of the Avandar deserve a promotion to EC duty.
I think that would be a reward all of its own.
1,250,000t, 193m length
That seems really heavy for its length (and I'm comparing it to other Seyek ships; Starfleet ships are probably particularly long).

The colors for the seyek navy and merchant fleet are the patterns from coral and kingsnakes, respectively.

For those who don't know, the coral snake is a highly venomous snake, and there's a harmless species of kingsnake with similar colors.
I've actually been waiting for someone to notice this, ever since I introduced the concept in the King's Peace...
The main gate was flanked by two featureless concrete pillars, a pair of Seyek guards posted in small recesses cut into the pillars. The stiff guards at the rear gate scarcely moved as a convoy of three hovercars approached. The center vehicle was painted a brick-red. Two bands of black ran down the sides of the car and through the center of the roof, separated by a yellow stripe. The lead and rear vehicles had the opposite -- on them, the yellow touched the red, and the black the yellow. It matched the striping on a band wrapped around the right arms of each guard.
...Although I poorly described it. I actually just went back and edited it, and as you can see here I decided later (during the writing of the fleet bit lol) to change the yellow on the civilian flag to cream. To try and picture how those cars might look, I also just went and badly edited the first usable car ortho I could find:
I suspected people would only realize when it was actually visual.

That seems really heavy for its length (and I'm comparing it to other Seyek ships; Starfleet ships are probably particularly long).
Lol, right before I posted I was looking at that too like, :|

I didn't put a whole lot of effort into scaling, so those numbers (like service dates) could be tweaked. I worked off some of Leila's stuff where she had the Sunrise scaled alongside an Excelsior and a Megatortoise, and settled on the 480 length there. Then I scaled the rest of the ships as per the chart by simple pixel-to-meter conversion. I decided it would be better to remain consistent with the chart than to deviate from it, even if it lead to some weirdness. In fairness to @Leila Hann I'm not sure she knew the weights of the ships when drawing them up anyways.

E: however, the Seyek ships are pretty beefy, even if they're not long. I think the Destroyer does probably need scaling up to near-cruiser size, though.
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Omake - A Small Token - Night
So because a suit of War-Plate showed up, I thought it worthwhile to follow up on that, based on the traditions I laid out about it.

A Small Token

The Honiani are not a people given to ostentatious displays, at least of a personal nature. Their fashion is given to flowing lines and simple patterns of color, though in great variety. The severe cuts of the outfits of these two was thus something that stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Of course, so did the way that crowd, even the hardline street preachers who were trying to organize a protest or a riot or both, parted before them. They approached the embassy gates, where a reinforced security detachment including spacers from the Avandar were warily eying the crowd.

"Those are War Plate monks," one of the embassy security team said. There was a subtle straightening of backs and checking of weapons. The Avandar played a role in the destruction of a suit of War Plate recently, a rogue one, but nobody is quite sure how the Honiani will respond to the destruction of what is practically a sacred relic regardless of how it happened and what use it was being put to. Still, the monks profess no trouble, and scan clean of any weapons, even knives or the like. Once admitted, they move directly towards one of the Avandar security people, though not at a speed that suggests an attack, and stop a short but respectful distance away.

"Spacer Reinquist?" This is the taller of the two. An uneasy nod is the reply. "Phobos Castigatus was our brother, at least until madness possessed them and they broke their vows." As one, the two Honiani bow, deeply, though briefly. "Ranger Rinidy says that you stood alone against Phobos Castigatus, with only the barest weapons and armor compared to your foe, and so enabled her to bring him down. Few sentients could stand against a War Plate so. Fewer still would have the courage to try." The shorter holds out a hand with a badge in it bearing their fallen brother's name. "When a War Plate goes rogue, when it breaks its vows, its name is stricken from the rolls of honor and may never be reused. Unless the one or ones who brought it to justice chooses to redeem that name. Ranger Rinidy has...understandably refused. You are the only hope that Phobos Castigatus will ever regain its honor."

"What would this require?" A standard question. Always ask what you're about to do and what it involves. It's a little before Not Touching Things 101 in the curricula.

"Live a good life, Spacer Reinquist. And continue to stand against evil."

The human's hand reaches out and closes around the badge. The two Honiani bow again, holding it longer, and walk away. The crowd once more parts before them, and the street preachers take the malevolent glares sent their way by the monks as a cue to take their rabble-rousing elsewhere. There will be no riot today.

Phobos Castigatus wasn't chosen at random. Phobos Castigatus was the original, Imperial name of the Titan Danse Macabre before it turned to Chaos. The symbolism is of course deliberate. (And in the entire 40k canon, we actually know the original Imperial name of only two Chaos Titans, so I wasn't really spoiled for choice. Titanus Briarius/Phantom Magnus isn't nearly as good a name.)
Omake - The Next Generation Pt 2 - Iron Wolf
The Next Generation, Pt 2
USS Saratoga

Lieutenant Ixazza's tongue was stuck out in concentration, her face lit by the softly-glowing constellation of duotronic chips in front of her. She waved a tricorder's handheld scanner over them with one hand and flicked through lines of code on the tricorder itself with her other. She was sitting on the shoulders of her sister, Lieutenant Ixbrezzen, who was carefully running a micron repair wand over the duotronic pathways, delicate silver strands suspended in clear plastic. It was silent except for the hum of the repair wand and the low rumble of the ship's warp engines.

Ixbrezzen and Ixazza were rarities among the Apiata, a pair of twins, which made them even closer than the typical sister-worker pair in the creche. Maybe it was this unique closeness that had led their Hive's queen to nudge them in the direction of Starfleet.

"Ah!" Ixbrezzen broke the silence, her voice low but intense, "I found the issue. It appears feedback from last week's overload of the sensor dome has damaged some of the circuits in the fire control module." She looked up at Ixazza, "Including the subdiagnostics."

Ixazza nodded, "This would explain the inefficiencies. And why we had to look manually. Where would a defective chip be?"

Ixbrezzen reached up and pointed at a cluster of five chips. Ixazza ran her tricorder over them, then nodded with satisfaction as her tricorder beeped. She removed one chip and casually dropped it into a pocket, before replacing it. The replacement glowed among the others. Ixazza and Ixbrezzen grinned in satisfaction..

"Record time again, sis!" Ixbrezzen said, beaming up with pride, "At this rate we'll be Chief Engineers in no time!"

"Only one of us can be the Chief, 'Brezz."

"Hmf." Ixbrezzen scrunched her face up, "That's not fair. Maybe one of us should transfer to a different department." She thought for a moment, "Ooh, Ops…" She smiled mischievously, "Then I could make sure your workers got all the best shifts."

Ixazza buzzed with laughter, "I am sure even thinking that might disqualify you from the position."

The door opened suddenly and a Seyek slithered into the room. He was wearing a modified engineering suit, pants replaced by a quilted grey-white covering that started at the tip of his tail and worked to meet the suit at his 'torso.' "Ma'ams, has the task -- ah!" he looked up from a PADD, and realized that Ixazza had nearly fallen off her sister's shoulders in surprise, windmilling her arms wildly as she tried to keep her balance.

"Apologies!" Belessen said as he propelled himself across the small space, reaching and grabbing Ixazza just as she fell. "Sorry, Ixazza!"

Ixazza found herself cradled in the Seyek's arms, looking up at him as he flicked a tongue out. Some deeply-buried part of her mind tickled slightly and she blushed, a response she still hadn't figured out how to process. So instead she scrambled out of his grip, landing on her feet in perfect pose, "Ensign B-Belessen!" She stuttered, "What are you doing here?"

"It is oh-two-hundred!" He responded. Almost by way of apology, he slithered over and helped Ixbrezzen close panelling over the exposed chips.

Ixazza turned her forearm outward, looking at the chronometer she kept strapped on the underside, and groaned. Coming through the door now was an Indorian, Lieutenant Panora, and Petty Officer Layiil, a Fiiral. Panora had the lime-green of the Medical department around his collar, and Layiil the dark green of Security. Shoving her way past the two of them, a drink carafe in hand, was Ensign Rera-Prem, the junior Gaeni helmswoman. There were so many people in the cramped room the door remained open.

Back before the Saratoga had formally launched, the six of them had worked in the same section, and had often ended up in the mess hall on break at the same time. Rera-Prem had eventually taken to calling them the 'Newcomer's Club,' on account of the fact they were all new species known to the Federation. The tradition had stuck even after launch, when they were dispersed throughout the ship.

"We got caught up in tracking the error and forgot the time." Ixazza said, antenna depressed in embarrassment. She held out her hands as the red-haired Gaeni quickly poured a greenish liquid into a cup that she shoved at Ixazza, just barely avoiding sloshing the contents. Ixazza accepted it with a smile, wafting the scent towards her antennae. She was rewarded with warm notes of fruit.

"... Apparently forgetting us was worth it," Layiil said jokingly, nodding at the now-covered bank of chips, "Unless it is a different sub-junction of the computer core that is the problem?"

"Nope! Completed in record time!" Ixbrezzen repeated. "'Azza picked the right one straightaway."

"Well, someone offered some half-way decent advice for once." Ixazza laughed and used her wings to leap back as Ixbrezzen tried to give her a playful swat, dodging Rera-Prem, who gave her no mind as she finished handing out the drinks.

"This is an excellent mixture." Belessen said, before chugging the rest of the green drink.

Panora lifted the cup to his face and wafted the scent, before taking a sip, "Good work as always. I am very much enjoying the subtle wood flavors." He carefully took a sip, "Mm, and a hint of hive spice."

"Thanks!" Rera-Prem said, grinning from ear to ear, "I made it by soaking a broken table leg in a 0.5% hive-spice solution. You'll note subtle notes of cinnamon from the titration process -- it's pretty great how well those go together." A gleam came into her eye. "Then after three days of soaking I vaporized the whole thing with a phaser and used a spare condenser to mix the particulate with the rest of the drink."

"Wait, where'd you get a table leg?" Asked Ixbrezzen, her antenna twitching over the mixture, "...Tables are usually built to have all of them attached."

"Brezz would know, she's an engineer," Layiil said. He raised the mug to drink, then stopped himself short, feathers twitching, "Was it at least, a clean one?"

Rera-Prem gave an aw-shucks shrug, "Some Apiata dropped a conference table set aside for one of their queens or something and it chunked off. I think it was for the new sector commander, Nerzizza?"

Ixazza spat out her drink in shock, earning a reproachful look from Belessen, who she'd drenched, "This came from a High Queen's desk?"

"Well, technically the suspended micro-charcoal in the drink did, yes. Also, pretty irrelevant if it was dirty or not: the process would have sterilized it."

Panora reached into the breast pocket he'd sown onto his lab uniform and produced a handkerchief for Belessen. The Seyek hissed with annoyance as he dabbed at his face, "I suspect we will have to petition Commander zh'Shrohran," that was Saratoga's svelte Andorian executive officer, "For increased supervision for yourself on these excursions."

Layiil chirped with laughter, "She went along on that trip."

"Yeah!" Rera-Prem added, "zh'Shrohran was the cause for it in the first place because she startled the workers with her 'hey ladies' routine. She stole that from ka'Sharren, by the way. But I didn't steal that leg. I just grabbed it before they pitched it in the trash."

"Well, it is nice it got used from something," Ixazza said, "Though now I think you are going to say you found the hive-spice after it fell off the back of Queen Ubrizzi's personal shuttle."

There was a lull that turned into shocked surprise as Rera-Pram just stared into the middle distance, her face an unmoving mask.

"You did not!" The Apiata twins blurted in unison.

Rera-Prem's stony facade crumbled in an instant and she cackled madly, "Oh, the looks on your faces! No. zh'Shrohran brought it back for Captain Zresh," Rera-Prem said, "But it turns out hive-spice isn't great for a lot of Tellarites, he donated it to me instead. Perks of bridge duty!"

"You're pretty lucky!" Ixbrezzen said, "I wish I was on the bridge. All 'Azza and I get to deal with are other engineers and Baird." That was the Chief Engineer on the ship, and Ixbrezzen said his name with obvious disgust.

"Sssh. Baird. What a creep." Rera-Prem said.

"He's not…" Ixazza paused.

"He has..." Ixbrezzen began.

The two sisters stared at each other, "He can fix stuff." Ixbrezzen finished lamely.

"At a level acceptable for a Lieutenant Commander." Ixazza added.

Belessen turned to Panora, "You should be sick of his stuff, correct? Like how instead of saying Saratoga, he says 'Sexy Sara.'" Panora gave him a withering look and Belessen let his tongue hang out in bemusement.

"You gotta get the intonation right man," interjected Layiil. He dropped his sing-song voice down to passing facsimile of Baird's Bostonian drawl, "Ssssexy Sssara."

"Ugh." Panora grunted, and Ixarrza and Ixbrezzen made sympathetic faces. Rera-Prem was stifling her bemusement in the arm of her jacket.

"Sssexy." Belessen began.


"Sssara!" Layiil finished.

"Please stop." Panora grabbed his handkerchief back from Belessen and folded it with quick, sharp movements, his gaze extremely disapproving. "Ships are not sexy, they are our protectors and companions in the stars. They are the self-wrought whales on which we ride through the terrible ocean of death that is the vacuum of space. Like whales, they deserve respect, not some sort of misplaced sexual animus." He paused, took a deep breath, "You creeps."

"You should send those thoughts to Baird," Belessen snickered. "If we fail to contain his urges I suspect one day we will see him next to an open access panel, his trousers--"

"I am extrapolating," A stern voice interrupted Belessen, as a Vulcan man walked through the doorway. "That will end in highly inappropriate speculation, Ensign."

Everyone visibly straightened, Belessen blanching and muttering an apology, Ixazza almost shouting her response, "Lieutenant Commander Sovan!" She said, "We weren't expecting to see you this early, sir."

"I wished to see the progress being made on the targeting systems personally." Sovan said, "They are critical to the function of my department. I would hope this lapse in professionalism has not delayed you."

"No, sir." Ixazza said, "Function is nominal."

Sovan nodded, satisfied, "Faster than the time I would have predicted," He said, and Ixbrezzen beamed in spite of herself, "Commander Baird did not overstate your capabilities."

There was a guilty silence, when the ship's comms let out a whistle, "Yellow Alert. Primary command staff to the bridge. Cardassian Threat vessel confirmed approaching Friendly vessel."

"Now you understand the impetus for my personal visit. I must now report to the bridge." Sovan said, looking at the faces in the room. "I would remind you, Lieutenants," He looked down the bridge of his nose at the two Apiata, "That discipline will be vital in a combat zone. But that discipline starts in peacetime."

Ixazza and Ixbrezzen nodded, "Yes sir!" They said in unison.

"I believe the rest of you have duties to attend to." He said, turning and leaving abruptly as he arrived, the rest of the room scurrying out after him in a rush. That just left Ixazza and Ixbrezzen, who both let out a nervous sigh. That had come dangerously close to the scolding of a Queen. This far from home, there was little they imagined could be worse than the displeasure of the ship's Tactical Head.
(Part 3)
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Here is my take on what the Kepler might look like. Using Renaissance parts and referencing the Oberth as a design influence.

The Kepler is going to have a deflector integrated into the saucer section, this looks like it has a deflector dish at the front of the engineering section, which probably is too big anyway.
The Kepler is going to have a deflector integrated into the saucer section, this looks like it has a deflector dish at the front of the engineering section, which probably is too big anyway.

I was under the impression it had both. One in the engineering hull, and then one in the saucer. The raised bump on the front of the saucer is where the secondary deflector is.

And the tonnage estimates I have seen are around 950kt-1mt which would put it slightly smaller the Renaissance, which this is.
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I was under the impression it had both. One in the engineering hull, and then one in the saucer. The raised bump on the front of the saucer is where the secondary deflector is.
For frigates non-saucer-only deflectors are only legal if the design has a large engineering subframe, all suggested Kepler designs have either a small or medium engineering subframe and are therefore restricted to saucer-only deflectors. The quantity field does not refer to the number of deflectors but the size, unless you think the Ambassador has 11 separate deflectors?
And the tonnage estimates I have seen are around 950kt-1mt which would put it slightly smaller the Renaissance, which this is.
I wasn't talking about the overall size but specifically the engineering section. It's not completely clear how to relate sections to subframes, but it would be reasonable to associate the engineering section with the engineering and warp sub-frames, which are going to be either small or medium size.