Would be worth doing if we approach the combat cap. And even with the new cap calculations we'll get there before we dig ourselves out of our logistics hole.
That's not entirely clear to say the least, in 2314 we were 5 Freighters and 8 Cargo Ships short of being able to cover our needs (of 9 Freighters, 20 Cargo total).
Relevant MWCO notifications since then:
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3701)
Starfleet Cargo Ship
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3706)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3602)
2 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3707, 3708)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3704)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3605)
We also currently have 3 Freighters being built at the Lasieth Auxiliary shipyards, two of which complete early next year, the third in 2319. That means ships currently under construction are sufficient to catch up to our 2314 needs, and a couple more years at this pace should be enough to catch up to then current needs. We will also want some reserve for state of emergencies, but that should also be manageable, particularly if we build more berths than we need and explicitly keep some of them open for the Auxiliary Commands.
As for the combat cap, we are currently at about 200 used out of (150 + 10*10)*1.5 = 375 available, and can expect the cap to rise to (150 + 21*10)*1.5 = 540 after all current affiliates join if threat stays constant. Building up to that should take until 2325 or so, and by then we might have members who currently aren't even affiliates yet.