Would be worth doing if we approach the combat cap. And even with the new cap calculations we'll get there before we dig ourselves out of our logistics hole.
That's not entirely clear to say the least, in 2314 we were 5 Freighters and 8 Cargo Ships short of being able to cover our needs (of 9 Freighters, 20 Cargo total).

Relevant MWCO notifications since then:

Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3701)
Starfleet Cargo Ship
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3706)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3602)
2 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3707, 3708)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3704)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3605)

We also currently have 3 Freighters being built at the Lasieth Auxiliary shipyards, two of which complete early next year, the third in 2319. That means ships currently under construction are sufficient to catch up to our 2314 needs, and a couple more years at this pace should be enough to catch up to then current needs. We will also want some reserve for state of emergencies, but that should also be manageable, particularly if we build more berths than we need and explicitly keep some of them open for the Auxiliary Commands.

As for the combat cap, we are currently at about 200 used out of (150 + 10*10)*1.5 = 375 available, and can expect the cap to rise to (150 + 21*10)*1.5 = 540 after all current affiliates join if threat stays constant. Building up to that should take until 2325 or so, and by then we might have members who currently aren't even affiliates yet.
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Since we're getting closer to the end of the year, I don't recall if I've posted it but here is a tentative 2317 shipyard ops plan. Using the Apinae shipyard for the long-demanded auxiliary construction, with the understanding that we'll simply bump the builds if needed for wartime repairs. Assumes that the Heavy Industrial Park will be up and running by the beginning of next year, since no completion data has ever been stated. Note that it would be possible to do another Excelsior build in 40 Eridani Berth A rather than the Constellation, but we would have to use the Snakepit to ask for an Excelsior's worth of resources. I don't really think it's worth it. Constellations are cheap and useful.

[no vote][BUILD] 2317 1 Excelsior, 2 Excelsior refits, 1 Miranda-A, 2 Miranda-A refits, 3 Constellation-As, 2 Constellation Refits, 5 Renaissance

  • SF Berth A (3mt) – In 2317.Q1 commence Constellation-A using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)
  • SF Berth 1 (1mt) – When berth clears in 2317.Q4, commence Miranda-A build using 'serial production' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)
  • SF Berth 2 (1mt) – In 2317.Q1 commence Constellation-A using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)

  • 40 Eridani Berth A (3mt) – Commence Constellation-A in 2317.Q1 (ETC 2320.Q1)
  • 40 Eridani Berth B (3mt) – Commence Excelsior-A in 2317.Q1 with 1qt off build time from Admiral Sirvk bonus (ETC 2320.Q4)
  • 40 Eridani Berth 1 (1mt) – Begin refit of Dryad to Mirada-A in 2317.Q1 (ETC 2318.Q1)
  • 40 Eridani Berth 2 (1mt) - Begin refit of Calypso to Miranda-A in 2317.Q1 (ETC 2318.Q1)

  • Oreasa Starfleet Berth 1 (1mt) – In 2317.Q3, begin refit of Kearsage to Constellation-A (ETC 2318.Q3)
  • Oreasa Starfleet Berth 2 (1mt) – In 2316.Q3, begin refit of Vigour to Constellation-A (ETC 2318.Q3)

  • Ana Font Berth A (2.5mt) – In 2317.Q1 begin refit of Excelsior to Excelsior-A (ETC 2318.Q1)
  • Ana Font Berth 1 (1mt) – In 2317.Q2 commence Renaissance build (ETC 2320.Q2)

  • LOCF Berth A (2.5mt) – In 2317.Q1 begin refit of Kumari to Excelsior-A (ETC 2318.Q1)
  • LOCF Berth 1 (1mt) – Occupied with Renaissance build (ETC 2318.Q2)

  • Apinae Shipyard Berth A (3mt) – Available 2317.Q2. Notify Auxiliary Command that berth can be made available for up to 16 quarters (4 years) if they wish to conduct a super-freighter here.
  • Apinae Shipyard Berth 1 (1mt) – Available 2317.Q2. Notify Auxiliary Command that berth will be available for up to 12 quarters (3 years) if they wish to conduct auxiliary ship construction here.

  • UP Berth A (3mt) – Occupied with Excelsior-A double build using Chen's bonus (ETC 2318.Q2)
  • UP Berth B (3mt) – Occupied with Ambassador prototype as dual build using Chen's bonus. (ETC 2321.Q4)
  • UP Berth C (3mt) – Occupied with Excelsior-A double build using Chen's bonus (ETC 2318.Q2)
  • UP Berth D (3mt) – Occupied with Ambassador prototype as dual build using Chen's bonus. (ETC 2321.Q4)
  • UP Berth 1 (1mt) – In 2317.Q1 commence Renaissance build using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)
  • UP Berth 2 (1mt) - In 2317.Q1 commence Renaissance build using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)
  • UP Berth 3 (1mt) - In 2317.Q1 commence Renaissance build using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)
  • UP Berth 4 (1mt) – In 2317.Q1 commence Renaissance build using 'parallel construction' industrial park bonus. (ETC 2319.Q2)

Apinae Shipyard Berth A (3mt) – Available 2317.Q2. Notify Auxiliary Command that berth can be made available for up to 16 quarters (4 years) if they wish to conduct a super-freighter here.
Wasn't this berth meant to be available for repairs so as to save towing time? I suppose constructions there could be bumped, but that doesn't seem to happen by default if there is a suitable free berth available further away.
Wasn't this berth meant to be available for repairs so as to save towing time? I suppose constructions there could be bumped, but that doesn't seem to happen by default if there is a suitable free berth available further away.

Saving on towing time only really matters in the event of a war (in which case I assume we'd be more than willing to bump construction). Otherwise, who cares about an extra month or whatever in transit time?

Particularly since we may soon be down to only a single ship in the GBZ that would require a 3mt yard.
Refitting 1 blooded Constie at a time I see.


How many more Mirandas need refits?

[looks at her prospective statline, post-refit]

"C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4... Science... five..."

[looks up Science stat of Oberths and Excelsiors]

"Science... five..."




"...It's okay, I can wait."


My kitty would never forgive me if I ever argued against cats.

(Yes. Of course Romulans love Terran Cats. Why do you ask?)
Romulans are actually fairly catlike in personality, or such is my impression. Klingons are more wolfish (not tame enough for dogs). No wonder they don't get along at all...

Wasn't this berth meant to be available for repairs so as to save towing time? I suppose constructions there could be bumped, but that doesn't seem to happen by default if there is a suitable free berth available further away.
The Apinae shipyard is there mainly for repairs in wartime. We're not operating under wartime levels of repair needs.

When we ordered the yard, I think we expected intense combat in the Gabriel Expanse to last longer; as it stands, there hasn't been heavy fighting in that region since Lora III. Therefore, there seems less pressing need to keep the berths open. Maybe we'll need them and maybe we won't, but explorer-sized berths are too few in number for us to be happy leaving one entirely empty for years on the off chance we'll need to repair a damaged explorer. It's been... what, 18-24 months since an explorer was damaged in the Gabriel Expanse?
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I am all in favor of building some more berths in the Apinae shipyard. As in we do nothing but build berths there on the next snakepit. It would be better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.
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That's not entirely clear to say the least, in 2314 we were 5 Freighters and 8 Cargo Ships short of being able to cover our needs (of 9 Freighters, 20 Cargo total).

Relevant MWCO notifications since then:

Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3701)
Starfleet Cargo Ship
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3706)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3602)
2 Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3707, 3708)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3704)
Starfleet Cargo Ship (NCC-3705)
Starfleet Freighter (NCC-3605)

We also currently have 3 Freighters being built at the Lasieth Auxiliary shipyards, two of which complete early next year, the third in 2319. That means ships currently under construction are sufficient to catch up to our 2314 needs, and a couple more years at this pace should be enough to catch up to then current needs. We will also want some reserve for state of emergencies, but that should also be manageable, particularly if we build more berths than we need and explicitly keep some of them open for the Auxiliary Commands.

As for the combat cap, we are currently at about 200 used out of (150 + 10*10)*1.5 = 375 available, and can expect the cap to rise to (150 + 21*10)*1.5 = 540 after all current affiliates join if threat stays constant. Building up to that should take until 2325 or so, and by then we might have members who currently aren't even affiliates yet.
The main thing that increases our logistics footprint is mining colonies and to a lesser extent, budget increases and ratification. Any increase of 30 resources represents about three additional transport ships required, times the multiplier, fortunately colony supply is taken care of on the outbound route. So every Snakepit we order up three resource colonies (as in every Snakepit) is a permanent 3-6 additional logistics ships we need. A starbase is an additional 1 ship. And those budgetary requirements you're discussing don't include transportation for projects, which are approximately 150 to 200 units worth divided into 6 two-month chunks for a year-long project, or another two to three transports worth. A ratification might represent another 4 to 6 transports needed although we can then draw from their merchant marine.

So no, we aren't likely to catch up anytime soon.

e: more like 1-2 per colony, corrected
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The Kepler is going to have a deflector integrated into the saucer section, this looks like it has a deflector dish at the front of the engineering section, which probably is too big anyway.
I was under the impression it had both. One in the engineering hull, and then one in the saucer. The raised bump on the front of the saucer is where the secondary deflector is.

Have both like Voyager!

The quantity field does not refer to the number of deflectors but the size, unless you think the Ambassador has 11 separate deflectors?
Someone please draw this. It should be delightfully absurd.

I'm with Anon_User, I want to see this So Bad!

It sounds like the sort of thing the Gaen would do when they finally build their Ambassador!


[looks at her prospective statline, post-refit]

"C4 S5 H3 L4 P4 D4... Science... five..."

[looks up Science stat of Oberths and Excelsiors]

"Science... five..."




"...It's okay, I can wait."

I'm now excited for the Constellation-B Refit!
Since we're getting closer to the end of the year, I don't recall if I've posted it but here is a tentative 2317 shipyard ops plan. Using the Apinae shipyard for the long-demanded auxiliary construction, with the understanding that we'll simply bump the builds if needed for wartime repairs. Assumes that the Heavy Industrial Park will be up and running by the beginning of next year, since no completion data has ever been stated. Note that it would be possible to do another Excelsior build in 40 Eridani Berth A rather than the Constellation, but we would have to use the Snakepit to ask for an Excelsior's worth of resources. I don't really think it's worth it. Constellations are cheap and useful.

[no vote][BUILD] 2317 1 Excelsior, 2 Excelsior refits, 1 Miranda-A, 2 Miranda-A refits, 3 Constellation-As, 2 Constellation Refits, 5 Renaissance

Geez I keep catching myself trying to find ways to do parallel builds outside of UP. Man, I'll miss Chen's Shipyard Ops tenure :(

@OneirosTheWriter, can you confirm the ETC of the Mars Heavy Industrial Park? (or update the front page)
The main thing that increases our logistics footprint is mining colonies and to a lesser extent, budget increases and ratification. Any increase of 30 resources represents about three additional transport ships required, times the multiplier, fortunately colony supply is taken care of on the outbound route. So every Snakepit we order up three resource colonies (as in every Snakepit) is a permanent 6-9 additional logistics ships we need. A starbase is an additional 1 ship. And those budgetary requirements you're discussing don't include transportation for projects, which are approximately 150 to 200 units worth divided into 6 two-month chunks for a year-long project, or another two to three transports worth. A ratification might represent another 4 to 6 transports needed although we can then draw from their merchant marine.

I believe starbases only need ships when they're not in the system of a major world. When they are, they are assumed to be able to supply themselves locally. Also, is there a 1-for-1 on Special/Bulk resources and small/bulk cargo?

Geez I keep catching myself trying to find ways to do parallel builds outside of UP. Man, I'll miss Chen's Shipyard Ops tenure :(

The Industrial Park also applies to the San Francisco Yards, meaning it might be worth our while to add another 3mt berth there one year or another.
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I believe starbases only need ships when they're not in the system of a major world. When they are, they are assumed to be able to supply themselves locally. Also, is there a 1-for-1 on Special/Bulk resources and small/bulk cargo?
Fair point on starbases.

I'm using this example for my numbers, whose math only works if it's a 1:1, however route length means multiple trips are possible. That still comes out to about one additional ship per mining colony.
I am all in favor of building some more berths in the Apinae shipyard. As in we do nothing but build berths there on the next snakepit. It would be better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.

I'd argue that improving frontier defenses is more important.

If they roll over Risa or Lapycorias, berths won't matter as much.

It is better to not take the damage in the first place.
The main thing that increases our logistics footprint is mining colonies and to a lesser extent, budget increases and ratification. Any increase of 30 resources represents about three additional transport ships required, times the multiplier, fortunately colony supply is taken care of on the outbound route. So every Snakepit we order up three resource colonies (as in every Snakepit) is a permanent 6-9 additional logistics ships we need. A starbase is an additional 1 ship. And those budgetary requirements you're discussing don't include transportation for projects, which are approximately 150 to 200 units worth divided into 6 two-month chunks for a year-long project, or another two to three transports worth. A ratification might represent another 4 to 6 transports needed although we can then draw from their merchant marine.

So no, we aren't likely to catch up anytime soon.
2314 we had a yearly income of 830 BR 610 SR and 11 Starbases. According to you that should have resulted in a requirement of 155 logistic ships, instead of the 29 that were actually required. Even just assuming 3 per mining colony and nothing else would have meant 48 ships.

I'd argue that improving frontier defenses is more important.

If they roll over Risa or Lapycorias, berths won't matter as much.

It is better to not take the damage in the first place.

"Nothing but berths there" is silly, but we should probably expand one or more of our shipyards.

2314 we had a yearly income of 830 BR 610 SR and 11 Starbases. According to you that should have resulted in a requirement of 155 logistic ships, instead of the 29 that were actually required. Even just assuming 3 per mining colony and nothing else would have meant 48 ships.

A good point. Luckily, we're apparently going to get actual quotas to meet, so this sort of reverse-engineering calculation should be unnecessary.
2314 we had a yearly income of 830 BR 610 SR and 11 Starbases. According to you that should have resulted in a requirement of 155 logistic ships, instead of the 29 that were actually required. Even just assuming 3 per mining colony and nothing else would have meant 48 ships.
I sadly don't have the time to do the math right now but what happens if you deduct the income we get from member/affiliates worlds? I could see their donations to Starfleet being covered by their logistics systems.
What reasons would the Cardassians actually have for attacking Risa? It is accessible through their clients and not that defended, but they also dont really gain any advantage from controlling it and we would get tons of war support from them doing the space equivalent of kicking a puppy.
They would probably also need to be worried about the loyality of any soldier they send to garrison it...