What the Licori have here is a weapon capable of entirely an entire solar system with little fallout to locations outside the system. It's currently too slow to be a practical weapon, the Couragous had time to detect it from outside the system and approach to close range before the star burped, but if they can speed it up the Licori have the perfect genocide device. Launch a fleet of small high speed probes/suicide ships equipped with these and they can wipe out the Ked Pah or anyone else who opposes them in a matter of hours.

The Federation is right to jump to full alert and throw every diplomatic trick they have at the Licori, while preparing an appropriate military response for if that fails, to try and get them to see reason.

Don't forget, they do not just have a WMD, they also have a devastating conventional weapon.

The side effect of their test was powerfull enough to punch straight through our Excelsior's shields and slag the entire warp drive. That instantly defeats any opponent. No warp drive means no power for the weaponry batteries, no option to retreat.
Don't forget, they do not just have a WMD, they also have a devastating conventional weapon.

The side effect of their test was powerfull enough to punch straight through our Excelsior's shields and slag the entire warp drive. That instantly defeats any opponent. No warp drive means no power for the weaponry batteries, no option to retreat.
That only happened because the star blew up in their own face. Remember the sequence of events:

-Licori ship approaches star
-Courageous approaches Licori ship
-Licori ship sets star on fire
-Star flares, possibly destroying Licori ship and crippling Courageous.

Had McAdams not allowed her concern for the Licori's activities to override the usual rule of "don't fly really really close to a star," Courageous would probably have been unharmed. This isn't a criticism of McAdams' actions- she did the right thing- but it does point out the profound limitations of trying to use the Licori starbreaker as an antiship weapon. It's basically the equivalent of digging a huge pit in a conspicuous location and waiting for your enemy to stumble in it. They might do so if they don't realize there's a problem, but they'd never do so once they're alert to the possibility.
You could just threadban Thoughtmaster instead.

Guys. Let's not pin the blame on a single person. Really, it's all the discussion going on at the time that was at fault.

The best way to get on top of a really distracting and antithetical and unpopular opinion is to ignore it. No amount of eloquent speeches on your soapboxes are going to help - it in fact, made the whole thing worse and even more distracting. Discussion got dragged down to borderline ad hominems. I'm glad I did not participate.

This thread gets salty enough at times. Witness the aftermath of the Bajor diplo push. Or how spiteful people can get for major decisions like the Kadeshi expedition or so many other examples. Let's not turn the salt hill into a mountain.
That only happened because the star blew up in their own face. Remember the sequence of events:

-Licori ship approaches star
-Courageous approaches Licori ship
-Licori ship sets star on fire
-Star flares, possibly destroying Licori ship and crippling Courageous.

Had McAdams not allowed her concern for the Licori's activities to override the usual rule of "don't fly really really close to a star," Courageous would probably have been unharmed. This isn't a criticism of McAdams' actions- she did the right thing- but it does point out the profound limitations of trying to use the Licori starbreaker as an antiship weapon. It's basically the equivalent of digging a huge pit in a conspicuous location and waiting for your enemy to stumble in it. They might do so if they don't realize there's a problem, but they'd never do so once they're alert to the possibility.

Was the Courageous' warp drive destroyed by the star, or by the device that destabilized the star? It sounded like the latter.

EDIT: we've been told that Licori ships have been using "special high-energy systems" to even the odds against otherwise superior Ked-Paddah vessels. That warp drive crippling effect might already be one of those systems.
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Don't forget, they do not just have a WMD, they also have a devastating conventional weapon.

The side effect of their test was powerfull enough to punch straight through our Excelsior's shields and slag the entire warp drive. That instantly defeats any opponent. No warp drive means no power for the weaponry batteries, no option to retreat.
It also probably destroyed the ship carrying out the tests-and possible the mentat's notes on the final adjustments they had made to the star puncher. Even if they hadn't been closer to the star, they would have probably taken more damage from the initial burst and lost power in the same way as Courageous.

I'm also unconvinced of the wunderweapon nature of this threat. Withing a few 'episodes' we will no doubt develop a countermeasure for our shielding systems that removes the risk of even a close-range burst from this techonology. It's too unbalancing to have ships just push an I WIN button in the combat engine rather than this being limited to a singular, probably failed event outcome.
We don't have "a pair of Rennies". We have one. And literally all of our Miranda-As are in the GBZ, on the other side of Federation space.

So we substitute a Connie-B and Ainsworth has to use Explorers as escorts for awhile. The details are not particularly relevant to the point that we don't have to assume a leadership role in every crisis and working with an ally is an acceptable outcome.
You're looking at the outcome of a series of coin flips and trying to attribute causation to it. Does Challorn get hit, or Exeter? Flip a coin. If there's a "somehow avoid being targeted" feature that Exeter used, I don't know what it could have been.

the syndrixans seem to consistently be benefiting from focused fire. We might not have a tech to focus on a target, but other governments may have there own special abilities or techs. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the syndraxian special tactic is focused fire. It could also just be bad luck on our part, there is not yet enofhg data points to say for certain.
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the syndrixans seem to consistently be benefiting from focused fire. We might not have a tech to focus on a target, but other governments may have there own special abilities or techs. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the syndraxian special tactic is focused fire.

It's possible. On the other hand, we've only had two battles with them that used the combat engine so far, so the focus-firing could just be a fluke of the dice. We need more data points before we can be sure of anything.
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Can't. We need Intel on Cardssian & clients' fleet strength and ship building.

You have three "any" reports plus a Cardassian-specific one. You don't think one of those "any" reports could go to the Licori?

the syndrixans seem to consistently be benefiting from focused fire. We might not have a tech to focus on a target, but other governments may have there own special abilities or techs. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the syndraxian special tactic is focused fire.

I don't know why this would be a secret. Surely our tactical folks would be noting, "Hey they seem to be using focused fire." I still think folks are taking too much from bad luck. We've been told explicitly that when the same battle was run multiple times, the Federation forces had a clear victory half the time.
You appear to be ignoring the fact that the Challorn physically fled the battle around Turn 70, and was therefore unable to be targeted thereafter. Yes, the Challorn took a lot more hits in this battle than the Exeter did. We don't know why. It's probably bad luck, probably.

I seem to have been criminally misinterpreted here and I'm not quite certain why.

For one thing, the Challorn took fewer hits than the Exeter did, as I noted -- 23 vs 35.

For another thing, you're damn right the Challorn fled at turn 70 and was unable to be targetted thereafter.

For a third thing, you see to have ignored the fact that the events of the battle went as so:

Sydraxians beat the fuck out of Challorn by spending roughly 2/3 of their turns firing on it and only 1/3 on the Exeter. Meanwhile, UFP forces target both Sydraxian ships equally and don't even breach shields on either because of it.

Challorn flees because it's fucked.

Sydraxians turn their weapons on Exeter. The Exeter continues to spread its fire roughly equally and both Sydraxians go from ~ 15 shield to having taken a bit of hull each by the end of the battle.

What I am saying is that the Challorn was fucked by halfway through the battle while the Exeter was largely unharmed but also both Sydraxian ships had unbreached shields.

And the reason for that, was that the Sydraxians put a larger portion of their total fire on one ship than the UFP did.

If you'd care to dispute that, please, be my guest. You're welcome to blame the RNG entirely but that's not exactly productive and given the current pattern of non-single-ship engagements going poorly for us, until such time as that pattern is broken, it's suspect reasoning.
Eh, dunno. Looking at Combat/Hull/Shields, we had a 5/3/4 and a 4/3/3 against a 4/4/5 and a 3/2/3. That's close enough to a tie that I'd count it as being within the margin of error. A Constitution-B really is at best tied against a Kalindrax, and Challorn isn't THAT much better than a Hasque.

To reduce that to narrative terms...

The big killer was that early in the battle (first 40 turns) Challorn got STUPIDLY unlucky (like seriously, "5% chance of this happening to us" unlucky) and took 14 hits out of the first 20 shots the Sydraxians fired. Only six went to Exeter. That knocked down the Constellation's shields and resulted in Challorn suffering severe damage and having to retreat.

After which point Exeter hulked the hell out and went all Way of the Elephant on the enemy. Exeter's counterattack burned down both Sydraxian ship's shields, causing them to run screaming in terror because apparently for SOME reason their new rules of engagement are "don't risk letting the Federation damage any more of our ships seriously they are way too on fire as it is." :D

I don't disagree that this is an accurate description of the battle. But as you said, the law of large numbers means the Challorn getting quite so beat so fast was an unlikely and unexpected event. And in addition, we should have about a 5% evasion advantage across the board. Plus +1 evasion from research, plus better shield regeneration. These advantages should make the stats, which are already in our favor, quite a bit more so.

Just to walk you through the logic:

We know from the ship design spreadsheet, almost every single version of it, that evasion mostly depends on kilotons. Our proposed Renaissance design has 20.63%. A Centaur-A has about 22.5%. A 750kt ship should have about 23-24%. A 1.5mt ship should have about 15.5%. At 2.2mt the Excelsior should have about 5-6%.

Based on this, we can expect the Kalindrax (1.4 to 1.5mt) to have about 5% less evasion than the Constitution, and the Hasque (700 to 800kt) to have about the same evasion as the Constellation.

We also know that:
Enterprise against the Lorgot and Karnack got a 10% Evasion chance for crew rating.

At the time she was Veteran, so we'd expect a Blooded ship to have a 5% bonus. In other words, both our ships should have about a 5% evasion advantage.

20 / 20 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)

We also have evasion technology that should tilt the odds further in our favor, although I'll leave it out of the reckoning because they may have similar.

Now, we can also measure the extra damage we get out of doctrine and FA. Based on the logs, when we dealt damage the damage to shields vs the listed damage was 1.01x for us and 1.1x for them. Where would such a bonus come from?

Cardassian Research - Research into Cardassianstactics to provide bonuses in combat and diplomacy against this newly encountered engima on your frontiers.

26 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Cardassians)
26 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% CardassiansCombat Power)
26 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
30 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel) [6 Overflow]

34 / 60 Tactical Analysis II
44 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II
39 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis II
54 / 60 Intelligence Analysis II

We've been researching Cardassian FA pretty much since we met them, so tier 2 is a good approximation of how much FA research the Sydraxians could have on us. They could make up for their evasion disadvantage and gain about 2% in combat power, with ours taking a 2% hit. It's also reasonable to say that their Doctrine might provide them 5% in this situation, given that doctrine bonuses are almost always situational 5%s. Even given different trees, I would expect that to hold true.

Given that the Sydraxian combat bonus was 10%, I would say they have a 5% Doctrine and a 5% Federation Tactics intel report working for them, but no Foreign Analysis research. That also means we retain the evasion advantage.

I also didn't see evidence that our shield regen was better than theirs, but that's very difficult to find in the log.

Overall I find it reasonable to say that we should have enough of an advantage to win significantly more often than not, and that a relative loss is within variance and would happen enough to be noticeable.
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If you'd care to dispute that, please, be my guest. You're welcome to blame the RNG entirely but that's not exactly productive and given the current pattern of non-single-ship engagements going poorly for us, until such time as that pattern is broken, it's suspect reasoning.

Two battles are not enough of a dataset, I guess. Plus, if engine does not have targeting priorities, this was either random or Sydraxians actually being warrior culture and investing into one of Offensive Doctrines enough to unlock focus fire.
@ctulhuslp, there isn't any tech in our doctrine tree that enables "focus all fire on one enemy ship." There is no way to single out a specific ship and pound it, as distinct from singling out a category of ships and pounding them.

There might be "focus fire on the smallest ship" techs available to the Sydraxians, but if the Sydraxians had those then we wouldn't have wound up taking most of the casualties from the Battle of Deva IX aboard one of our two largest ships.

So it pretty much has to be your other option: 'purely random.'

Guys. Let's not pin the blame on a single person. Really, it's all the discussion going on at the time that was at fault.

The best way to get on top of a really distracting and antithetical and unpopular opinion is to ignore it.
If we all persistently have to ignore the same few people in order to stop the thread from blowing up, because those specific people are violating the spirit of the quest so badly that the QM starts hitting us with militarization...

Then it's kind of unfair to us to have to deal with that. It's a significant burden on the people who are normal, good faith participants, in exchange for very little benefit. Just saying.

Was the Courageous' warp drive destroyed by the star, or by the device that destabilized the star? It sounded like the latter.
Rosie McAdams said:
Our travails began at the Agamede system, where we encountered a Licori ship performing experiments on a local star that seemed to be destabilising it. We approached because the Licori vessel was making itself very difficult to acquire any manner of lock, due to its proximity to the star. However, as we approached and began to demand an explanation from the Licori ship, a tremendous energy wave was released. Most of our sensor tracks stopped dead and that stage, and were only made operable much later. Worst, however, is that the entire warp drive system, from core to coils, ceased functioning. After a moment to assess the damage, we made the decision to make a blind turn away from the star and attempt escape at full impulse. This worked, however it was not ideal, and we suffered damage as stellar ejecta was already en route. We got a good toasting. That damage further destroyed our command and control systems, and if we hadn't already evacuated main bridge following a containment loss leak, we all would have been incinerated moments later.
Basically, if the 'tremendous energy wave' came from the Licori ship, then the Licori ship in question fired without warning or provocation- possible but far from likely.

Conversely, if the 'tremendous energy wave' came from the star itself, that would make perfect sense, because McAdams had already noted how the experiment was destabilizing the star. Furthermore, ejecta had already blasted off the surface of the star, suggesting that something nasty was happening to the star internally. I think it makes more sense to attribute the damage to Courageous to the star itself than to a hypothetical explorer-killing weapon mounted directly on the Licori ship.

Can't. We need Intel on Cardssian & clients' fleet strength and ship building.
I think we juuuust might need information on the Licori fleet more, or at least as much as we need information on the Cardassians.

What I am saying is that the Challorn was fucked by halfway through the battle while the Exeter was largely unharmed but also both Sydraxian ships had unbreached shields.

And the reason for that, was that the Sydraxians put a larger portion of their total fire on one ship than the UFP did.

If you'd care to dispute that, please, be my guest. You're welcome to blame the RNG entirely but that's not exactly productive and given the current pattern of non-single-ship engagements going poorly for us, until such time as that pattern is broken, it's suspect reasoning.
Look, there are basically two possibilities:
1) We got unlucky and there's nothing we can do about it, because sometimes when you flip a coin 20 times, you get 14 heads. OR,
2) There's a balance issue and/or a bug in the combat engine.

There is no Option 3. There is no "our captains are idiots." Claiming they are won't accomplish anything because the combat engine will still work the way the combat engine works. There is no "we need to research a tech that makes sure 75% of our shots all hit the same ship," because there is no such tech.

Either the combat engine is balanced and we've been unlucky, or the combat engine is unbalanced and the only thing we can do is beg Oneiros to fix it, since he's not releasing the code or anything.

You're criticizing Option 1 as 'unproductive.' Exactly how do you propose to do anything about Option 2?
Two battles are not enough of a dataset, I guess. Plus, if engine does not have targeting priorities, this was either random or Sydraxians actually being warrior culture and investing into one of Offensive Doctrines enough to unlock focus fire.
Which is rediculous. Being able to say 'shoot just that one ship' in a fight shouldn't be something that we need to unlock.
I ran it three more times. Sydraxians won the first, but the next two were Starfleet victories. This is the last of them:

Turn 0 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.77 vs Shields 50.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 48.21
Turn 1 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.94 vs Shields 30.00
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 26.03
Turn 2 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.64 vs Shields 48.21
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 44.53
Turn 3 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.33 vs Shields 30.00
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 27.43
Turn 4 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.63 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 39.30
Turn 5 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.04 vs Shields 27.43
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 26.29
Turn 6 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.92 vs Shields 44.53
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 42.59
Turn 7 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.99 vs Shields 42.59
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 39.56
Turn 8 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.46 vs Shields 26.03
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 23.54
Turn 9 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.27 vs Shields 39.56
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 37.27
Turn 10 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.70 vs Shields 26.29
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 24.42
Turn 11 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.09 vs Shields 39.30
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 37.01
Turn 12 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 13 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.27 vs Shields 37.01
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 34.51
Turn 14 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.21 vs Shields 37.27
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 36.05
Turn 15 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.51 vs Shields 36.05
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 31.49
Turn 16 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.86 vs Shields 34.51
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 33.56
Turn 17 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.32 vs Shields 23.54
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 23.22
Turn 18 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.35 vs Shields 24.42
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 22.93
Turn 19 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.21 vs Shields 33.56
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 31.13
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 32.13/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 5, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 9.11

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 23.93/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 6, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 4, Damage Dealt: 16.18

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 32.49/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 7, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 5.42

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 24.22/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 3, Damage Dealt: 10.51


Turn 20 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.28 vs Shields 24.22
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 22.93
Turn 21 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.29 vs Shields 22.93
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 20.61
Turn 22 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.48 vs Shields 23.93
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 22.31
Turn 23 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.83 vs Shields 20.61
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 16.75
Turn 24 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 25 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 26 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.59 vs Shields 32.13
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 30.38
Turn 27 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.44 vs Shields 22.31
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 20.73
Turn 28 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.29 vs Shields 30.38
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 28.96
Turn 29 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.36 vs Shields 20.73
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 19.24
Turn 30 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.01 vs Shields 16.75
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 16.73
Turn 31 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.16 vs Shields 16.73
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 15.56
Turn 32 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.63 vs Shields 19.24
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 16.34
Turn 33 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.27 vs Shields 16.34
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 16.04
Turn 34 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 35 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.17 vs Shields 32.49
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 29.29
Turn 36 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.50 vs Shields 29.29
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 25.76
Turn 37 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.68 vs Shields 28.96
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 27.11
Turn 38 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.91 vs Shields 25.76
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 21.81
Turn 39 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.11 vs Shields 27.11
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 24.78
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 25.78/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 10, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 15.29

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 17.04/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 10, Hits Received: 9, Damage Dealt: 29.34

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 22.81/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 8, Fired On: 10, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 11.70

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 16.56/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 10, Hits Received: 8, Damage Dealt: 19.48


Turn 40 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.72 vs Shields 25.78
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 24.99
Turn 41 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.80 vs Shields 17.04
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 16.15
Turn 42 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.74 vs Shields 24.99
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 20.88
Turn 43 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 44 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.30 vs Shields 16.56
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 14.24
Turn 45 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.69 vs Shields 16.15
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 13.19
Turn 46 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.59 vs Shields 22.81
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 20.19
Turn 47 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.11 vs Shields 13.19
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 10.87
Turn 48 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.90 vs Shields 20.88
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 17.68
Turn 49 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.23 vs Shields 17.68
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 17.43
Turn 50 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.65 vs Shields 14.24
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 9.55
Turn 51 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.03 vs Shields 17.43
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 17.40
Turn 52 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.87 vs Shields 17.40
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 14.25
Turn 53 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.20 vs Shields 20.19
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 15.95
Turn 54 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.23 vs Shields 10.87
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 9.52
Turn 55 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.69 vs Shields 9.52
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 6.56
Turn 56 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.89 vs Shields 9.55
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 8.65
Turn 57 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.80 vs Shields 8.65
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 6.83
Turn 58 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.70 vs Shields 14.25
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 13.48
Turn 59 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 14.48/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 11, Fired On: 17, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 26.05

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 7.56/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 16, Hits Received: 14, Damage Dealt: 35.17

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 16.95/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 12, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 16.88

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 7.83/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 15, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 37.08


Turn 60 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.69 vs Shields 16.95
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 12.21
Turn 61 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.58 vs Shields 12.21
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 8.59
Turn 62 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.69 vs Shields 14.48
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 13.72
Turn 63 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 64 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.31 vs Shields 7.83
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 5.49
Turn 65 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 66 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.31 vs Shields 13.72
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 10.08
Turn 67 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.09 vs Shields 5.49
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 4.39
Turn 68 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.10 vs Shields 7.56
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 7.45
Turn 69 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.90 vs Shields 10.08
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 9.10
Turn 70 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 71 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.10 vs Shields 9.10
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 7.89
Turn 72 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.27 vs Shields 4.39
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 2.10
Turn 73 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.93 vs Shields 2.10
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 73 - Ship Hasque is attempting to retreat! Will retreat on turn 95!
Turn 74 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 75 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.23 vs Shields 8.59
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 4.32
Turn 76 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.19 vs Shields 4.32
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 3.12
Turn 77 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.13 vs Shields 7.45
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 7.31
Turn 78 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.67 vs Shields 3.12
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.42
Turn 79 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 8.89/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 14, Fired On: 22, Hits Received: 20, Damage Dealt: 38.68

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 8.31/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 25, Fired On: 19, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 48.77

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 1.42/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 17, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt: 22.63

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 24, Fired On: 22, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 38.18


Turn 80 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 81 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.53 vs Shields 8.31
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 7.73
Turn 82 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.61 vs Shields 7.73
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 7.06
Turn 83 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.33 vs Shields 1.42
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 1.08
Turn 84 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.82 vs Shields 7.06
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 3.95
Turn 85 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.36 vs Shields 3.95
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 1.36
Turn 86 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 87 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.91 vs Shields 1.00
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 88 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 89 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.75 vs Shields 1.08
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 89 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is attempting to retreat! Will retreat on turn 111!
Turn 90 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Hasque reduced to 19.14 Hp
Turn 91 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.86 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 38.13 Hp
Turn 92 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.67 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 35.43 Hp
Turn 93 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.18 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Hasque reduced to 18.96 Hp
Turn 94 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.97 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Hasque reduced to 14.95 Hp
Turn 95 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Hasque reduced to 12.40 Hp
Turn 95 - Ship Hasque has successfully retreated!
Turn 96 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 97 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.21 vs Shields 8.89
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 8.66
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 98 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.30 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 34.12 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 99 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.37 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 31.72 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 9.66/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 20, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 51.24

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 2.36/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 33, Fired On: 23, Hits Received: 20, Damage Dealt: 60.16

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 3.17/4, Shield 1.00/50, Hull 31.72/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 18, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 23, Damage Dealt: 22.63

Hasque - Combat 1.86/3, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 12.40/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated
Fired: 29, Fired On: 29, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 45.36


Turn 100 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.27 vs Shields 1.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.00
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 101 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.51 vs Shields 9.66
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 7.99
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 102 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.00 vs Shields 2.36
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 2.36
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 103 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 104 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.60 vs Shields 7.99
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 6.23
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 105 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.60 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 29.10 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 106 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.28 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 26.79 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 107 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.82 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 24.95 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 3/4/3
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 108 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.78 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 23.15 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 109 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.40 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 19.72 Hp
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 110 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.10 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 16.58 Hp
Ship 1 has taken casualties: 1/0/0 out of 3/4/3
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Turn 111 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.49 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 13.06 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/0/1 out of 3/4/3
Turn 111 - Ship Kalindrax 1 has successfully retreated!
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Sydraxians has no remaining ships! Federation is victorious!
Sydraxians has no remaining ships! Federation is victorious!

USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 6.23/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:

Fired: 22, Fired On: 26, Hits Received: 23, Damage Dealt: 58.69
USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 2.36/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:

Fired: 40, Fired On: 24, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 75.69
Kalindrax 1 - Combat 1.31/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 13.06/40 - Crew 1-4-2/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated

Fired: 19, Fired On: 33, Hits Received: 31, Damage Dealt: 22.63
Hasque - Combat 1.86/3, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 12.40/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated

Fired: 31, Fired On: 29, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 48.78

Fleet Federation Ship Detailed Breakdown
Ship: USS Exeter

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 4 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 39.30/40.00
Turn 6 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 9 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 11 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 37.01/40.00
Turn 12 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 13 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 34.51/40.00
Turn 15 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 16 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 33.56/40.00
Turn 17 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 19 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 31.13/40.00
Turn 21 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 23 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 24 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 25 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 26 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 30.38/40.00
Turn 28 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 28.96/40.00
Turn 37 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 27.11/40.00
Turn 39 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 24.78/40.00
Turn 40 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 24.99/40.00
Turn 42 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 20.88/40.00
Turn 48 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 17.68/40.00
Turn 49 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 17.43/40.00
Turn 50 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 51 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 17.40/40.00
Turn 52 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 14.25/40.00
Turn 53 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 57 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 58 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 13.48/40.00
Turn 60 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 61 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 62 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 13.72/40.00
Turn 66 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 10.08/40.00
Turn 69 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 9.10/40.00
Turn 71 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 7.89/40.00
Turn 75 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 79 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 83 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 88 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 89 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 91 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 94 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 95 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 96 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 97 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 8.66/40.00
Turn 100 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 101 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 7.99/40.00
Turn 104 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 6.23/40.00
Turn 110 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!

Ship: USS Challorn

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 1 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 2 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 3 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 27.43/30.00
Turn 5 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 26.29/30.00
Turn 7 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 8 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 10 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 24.42/30.00
Turn 14 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 18 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.93/30.00
Turn 20 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 22 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.31/30.00
Turn 27 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 20.73/30.00
Turn 29 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 19.24/30.00
Turn 30 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 31 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 32 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 16.34/30.00
Turn 33 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 16.04/30.00
Turn 34 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 35 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 36 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 38 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 41 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 16.15/30.00
Turn 43 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 44 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 45 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 13.19/30.00
Turn 46 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 47 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 10.87/30.00
Turn 54 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 9.52/30.00
Turn 55 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 6.56/30.00
Turn 56 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 59 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 63 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 64 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 65 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 67 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 68 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 7.45/30.00
Turn 70 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 72 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 73 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 74 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 76 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 77 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 7.31/30.00
Turn 78 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 80 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 81 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 7.73/30.00
Turn 82 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 7.06/30.00
Turn 84 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 3.95/30.00
Turn 85 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 1.36/30.00
Turn 86 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 87 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 90 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 92 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 93 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 98 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 99 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 102 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 2.36/30.00
Turn 103 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 105 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 106 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 107 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 108 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 109 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 111 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Fleet Sydraxians Ship Detailed Breakdown
Ship: Kalindrax 1

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 48.21/50.00
Turn 2 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 44.53/50.00
Turn 4 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 6 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 42.59/50.00
Turn 7 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 39.56/50.00
Turn 9 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 37.27/50.00
Turn 11 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 14 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 36.05/50.00
Turn 15 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 31.49/50.00
Turn 16 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 18 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 22 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 25 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 26 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 32 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 35 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 29.29/50.00
Turn 36 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 25.76/50.00
Turn 38 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 21.81/50.00
Turn 40 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 42 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 46 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 20.19/50.00
Turn 49 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 51 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 53 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 15.95/50.00
Turn 60 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 12.21/50.00
Turn 61 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 8.59/50.00
Turn 62 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 66 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 70 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 71 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 75 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 4.32/50.00
Turn 76 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 3.12/50.00
Turn 77 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 78 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 0.42/50.00
Turn 83 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 1.08/50.00
Turn 88 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 89 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/50.00
Ship is attempting to Escape, will escape on Turn 111
Turn 91 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 38.13 Hp
Turn 92 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 35.43 Hp
Turn 96 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 98 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 34.12 Hp
Turn 99 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 31.72 Hp
Turn 100 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/50.00
Turn 102 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 103 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 105 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 29.10 Hp
Turn 106 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 26.79 Hp
Turn 107 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 24.95 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 3/4/3
Turn 108 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 23.15 Hp
Turn 109 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 19.72 Hp
Turn 110 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 16.58 Hp
Casualties! 1/0/0 out of 3/4/3
Turn 111 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 13.06 Hp
Casualties! 0/0/1 out of 3/4/3
Ship has escaped on Turn 111

Ship: Hasque

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 1 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 26.03/30.00
Turn 3 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 5 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 8 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 23.54/30.00
Turn 10 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 12 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 13 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 17 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 23.22/30.00
Turn 19 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 20 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 22.93/30.00
Turn 21 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 20.61/30.00
Turn 23 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 16.75/30.00
Turn 24 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 27 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 28 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 29 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 30 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 16.73/30.00
Turn 31 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 15.56/30.00
Turn 33 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 34 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 37 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 39 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 41 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 43 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Ship USS Challorn has evaded!
Turn 44 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 14.24/30.00
Turn 45 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 47 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 48 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 50 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 9.55/30.00
Turn 52 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 54 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 55 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 56 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 8.65/30.00
Turn 57 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 6.83/30.00
Turn 58 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 59 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 63 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 64 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 5.49/30.00
Turn 65 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 67 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 4.39/30.00
Turn 68 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 69 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 72 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 2.10/30.00
Turn 73 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Ship is attempting to Escape, will escape on Turn 95
Turn 74 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 79 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 80 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 81 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 82 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 84 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 85 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 86 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 87 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Turn 90 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 19.14 Hp
Turn 93 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 18.96 Hp
Turn 94 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 14.95 Hp
Turn 95 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Reduced to 12.40 Hp
Ship has escaped on Turn 95
Turn 97 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 101 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 104 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
I seem to have been criminally misinterpreted here and I'm not quite certain why.

For one thing, the Challorn took fewer hits than the Exeter did, as I noted -- 23 vs 35.

For another thing, you're damn right the Challorn fled at turn 70 and was unable to be targetted thereafter.

For a third thing, you see to have ignored the fact that the events of the battle went as so:

Sydraxians beat the fuck out of Challorn by spending roughly 2/3 of their turns firing on it and only 1/3 on the Exeter. Meanwhile, UFP forces target both Sydraxian ships equally and don't even breach shields on either because of it.

Challorn flees because it's fucked.

Sydraxians turn their weapons on Exeter. The Exeter continues to spread its fire roughly equally and both Sydraxians go from ~ 15 shield to having taken a bit of hull each by the end of the battle.

What I am saying is that the Challorn was fucked by halfway through the battle while the Exeter was largely unharmed but also both Sydraxian ships had unbreached shields.

And the reason for that, was that the Sydraxians put a larger portion of their total fire on one ship than the UFP did.

If you'd care to dispute that, please, be my guest. You're welcome to blame the RNG entirely but that's not exactly productive and given the current pattern of non-single-ship engagements going poorly for us, until such time as that pattern is broken, it's suspect reasoning.

The quoted log happened under identical conditions and displayed none of the apparent tendencies you claim exist. Therefore, it's RNG. Claiming otherwise is suspect reasoning accounting for more than your single example. Plus, you can see false patterns in our own ships' shooting if you break it down too.
The thing that I'm having a problem wrapping my head around is why focus fire would be a research when it is clearly common sense procedure.
Which is rediculous. Being able to say 'shoot just that one ship' in a fight shouldn't be something that we need to unlock.
Given how the combat engine works, if you COULD actually order your entire fleet to freely target single enemy ships, battles would be much more lethal and large battles would be staggeringly lethal. Look at the Battle of Tregh'bak (early part of the Biophage, Courageous and Sarek plus Klingons against Romulans). Back then, the combat engine DID concentrate whole fleets' firepower on single enemy ships, and it usually resulted in the losing side's ships vanishing like ants under a blowtorch.

The thing is, "focus all fire on Ship A" will always beat "spread fire evenly over Ships X, Y, and Z." But if both sides are doing the same thing, you have all three of your ships firing at one of mine and vice versa- we both lose ships very quickly. Even more quickly if there are, say, 20 ships on each side. It turns naval combat into a game of rocket tag.

Randomized fire is necessary in the combat engine, to model the reality that you can't simply ignore half the enemy fleet while shooting at the other half. It takes special maneuvers and planning to create opportunities to do that in real life. Most of the time, the enemy force will be fully engaged against your force, and you can't control in advance which parts of the enemy force will be most exposed to your fire.


Long story short, if we can easily do it to them, they can easily do it to us. That means we get to blow up more Sydraxian ships in each battle... but it also means that a lot more of OUR ships wind up irretrievably lost under the concentrated fire of the Sydraxian fleets. So ask yourselves, guys: would you be happier with the outcome of Deva IX if we'd managed to wipe out all their ships with focused fire, at the cost of losing two or three of our own permanently?
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I think we juuuust might need information on the Licori fleet more, or at least as much as we need information on the Cardassians.

Long-term we've been putting off the Cardassian shipbuilding report for far too long and we've had multiple hints that their shipbuilding has diverged significantly from predictions thanks to their new client states. I don't think we need to know the Licori's shipbuilding beyond a general idea of "can we add our Excelsiors to the Ked Paddah and Gaeni fleets and form up an unstoppable wrecking ball with which to dictate terms."
We don't need Licori shipbuilding but we do need their fleet strength. It makes a big difference whether they have Combat 35 or Combat 55, among other things because if there is a war, we need to know when we've accounted for their warships.

OR: the tremendous energy wave was meant to hit the star and initiate the core collapse, but the Courageous got caught in the blast and had its warp core fried.
That would call into question why the star was already destabilizing before McAdams approached. It's certainly possible, it's not something to be totally ruled out. But again, which is more likely, that a blast powerful enough to cripple an Excelsior in one shot came from the Licori ship, or from the star the Licori ship had already spent an extended period of time destabilizing?
We don't need Licori shipbuilding but we do need their fleet strength. It makes a big difference whether they have Combat 35 or Combat 55, among other things because if there is a war, we need to know when we've accounted for their warships.

That would call into question why the star was already destabilizing before McAdams approached. It's certainly possible, it's not something to be totally ruled out. But again, which is more likely, that a blast powerful enough to cripple an Excelsior in one shot came from the Licori ship, or from the star the Licori ship had already spent an extended period of time destabilizing?


Regardless of what happened to the Courageous though, we know that Licori ships have some kind of special ability that lets them compete with the Ked-Paddah. I would hope the Ked-Paddah would share their field data with us, along with their own estimates of Licori fleet and shipyard strength.
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Long-term we've been putting off the Cardassian shipbuilding report for far too long and we've had multiple hints that their shipbuilding has diverged significantly from predictions thanks to their new client states. I don't think we need to know the Licori's shipbuilding beyond a general idea of "can we add our Excelsiors to the Ked Paddah and Gaeni fleets and form up an unstoppable wrecking ball with which to dictate terms."

I don't want to know their shipbuilding; I want to know their fleet strength. And it's not an either/or. We have multiple reports available to assign to multiple priorities.