but have been side-tracked on a bunch of the research stuff.

Request for Comment:
I think the federation should have some group capable at Xenopsychology, given that Diplomacy is their shtick. I'd like someone capable at Personal Tech, but given how terrible away teams seem to be equipped I can understand a decision otherwise; however, this would then become something I'd support fixing soonish. Lastly, I feel that your decision to have all doctrine handled by the single group "Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division" is a missed opportunity. Instead, as in Hearts of Iron 2, I'd have doctrine be done by individual officers. This gives us a reason to pull good officers off their starships: turning them into good tech teams.
Maybe we should talk over our goals for long term fleet doctrine. That's as important as immediate resources.

@OneirosTheWriter offers the following options:
Lone Ranger Doctrine - If you want to focus on small numbers of big multi-megaton types as the core of your fleet
Swarm Doctrine - If you want to focus on Escort types anchored by a few heavy hitters
Combined Arms Doctrine - If you want to keep a mix of ships

For our defense fleet (as opposed to the exploration fleet), I favor the Swarm doctrine. Simplifying greatly, my logic is this. I like having options. When there's trouble in multiple places, it's much easier to spread a fleet of Escorts out over a wide area and balance them as appropriate to the threats. I don't value Light Cruisers very much. I think a Heavy Cruiser like an Excelsior anchored by a support group of Escorts is an effective and flexible fleet, and it's easy to split off the Escorts in their own small groups for missions requiring minimal firepower.

The main detriment is that you get less Defense for your total combat power, making it more difficult to garrison key worlds. But I think it's worth it.

@Nix for ship building, don't forget that we can also build to replace obsolete models with newer models. We have 4 Soyuz that can be retired just as soon as we build better Escorts to replace them, plus the Constitution as soon as we have an Excelsior that doesn't need to go into the Exploration Corps. And we can always spend poltiical will to straight up reduce miltiarization and allow more ships.
@Nix for ship building, don't forget that we can also build to replace obsolete models with newer models.
I know, that's why I mentioned replacements.

I don't think lowering militarization directly affects the combat limit, raising threat does though and costs the same.

We might also consider looking at more/upgraded starbases for defense without counting towards the combat limit.
Mmm, I'd prefer somewhere between Lone Ranger & Combined Arms. The massive defence value increase from the Cruisers is way too valuable given our crew restraints. Right now, we need three Centaurs to match an Excelsior for Defence Value. That actually results in a higher expenditure of both crew and resources.

Which is why I'd like to base our Defence around the Heavy Cruisers. Then give some extra padding with Escorts so that we can move firepower around as needed. It won't allow us to be quite as min-maxy with Combat distribution as if we were favouring Swarm, but it costs less and allows us to have a strong backbone.
We might also consider looking at more/upgraded starbases for defense without counting towards the combat limit.
Indeed. As far as I understand, in OTL Starfleet Starbases had the firepower to hold off an entire fleet all on their lonesome. It'd be nice to be capable of producing a Starbase that could handle the Defence requirements of Sol all on its lonesome. I'd expect it to cost a pretty penny though.
Tea, Sympathy, and Phasers

It is one of the graveyard shifts on the USS Courageous at the moment, a time when on most ships the bridge is held down by one of the more junior officers, say a Lieutenant-Commander with ambitions. However, Victoria Eaton, all signs of bandaging hidden beneath her crisply pressed, splendid crimson uniform, was relaxing in her command chair. Relaxing, of course, is a very relative term, especially with Captain Eaton. Her back is ramrod straight, posture so perfect it could have stepped forth from the pages of a 19th Century grammar school manual. In her hands, however, sits a fine china teacup on a saucer, and the only motion that betrays that she is not an automaton, or perhaps a particularly straight-laced Vulcan, is the small curl to her lips and the slightly lusty flutter of lashes as she savours each sip of tea.

Her faithful first officer, Commander Rosalea McAdams, is at her side, presentation no less immaculate, with every Starfleet regulation observed and in compliance. Around her the bridge, even in the middle of this drudgery shift, is a hive of calm and concise activity. Blonde hair curls into a neat bun. She simply stands at her captain's side. She has followed Victoria through every assignment her old friend has ever had, moving heaven and earth if needed.

Victoria notices the young helmsman of the shift, a surprisingly twitchy Andorian with an Ensign's rank device on his uniform, continually glancing over his shoulder at her. After this has continued for a few minutes, she cocks her head at her subordinate. "Is something the matter, Ensign na'Mashaar?"

"N-no, Captain," the Andorian officer stammers, quickly burying himself in the helm console. The Vulcan Ops officer snickers - or at least, does that eyebrow thing that Vulcans do when they no doubt wish to snicker but feel that such an emotion would lead to spontaneously becoming a Romulan.

"Very well, Ensign na'Mashaar," Victoria replies.

A moment passes, another sip warms the Captain.

"Except...," the Ensign slowly voices. Victoria allows herself a tiny smile. The Andorian squirms in his seat, but finally gets out, "What was it like on the Bronze Sky?"

"What was it like?" repeats Victoria.

The Ensign nods. "The Tac officer, he, uh, said it was very, uh, sporty, over there."

"Sporty... Well, I suppose you could term it that," muses Victoria. She glances up at Rosalea and hmm's.


The damaged corridor is dark and smoke filled. Plasma burns scar the twisted walls. Torches stab beams of light through the gloom, gleaming off the exposed wiring. The turtle-like Rigellians are there, staring at the ruins of the plasma conduit while Victoria's engineer, a grumbling, porcine Tellarite, makes his assessment. Victoria watches on with Rosalea, hands clasped primly behind her back.

"It's not possible," the Rigellian complains. "There must have been some secondary fault you're not seeing. There's no way for this plasma to angle like that."

"Now look here, I know more about plasma than you've ever forgotten," the engineer snaps. "This conduit took out both by itself."

Victoria steps away and begins to make her supplementary log while the engineer argues with the Rigellian. But all the while, her mind is racing. There is a way, she realises. A properly treated steel plate would survive just long enough to redirect a deadly jet of plasma into the secondary impulse power conduits on the deck below, before being vaporised itself, leaving no trace. Yet, that would also imply...

The Captain glances up and sees a shadow detach from the murk, a limb telescoping towards the engineer. "Look out!" she cries.

Her phaser leaps forth like it rides lightning to her grip, and spits death even as the return fire strikes a Rigellian officer, who goes down in smoke and gurgles.

The shape disappears back into the unpowered Engineering area. "He's heading to the warp core!" Victoria's voice is a booming thunder that cuts through the tumult. "Chief, stay with the Rigellians. Security team, on me!"

She issues no order to her first officer; she already knows where Rosalea will be.

The Captain rushes down the corridor, phaser out and firing. Her eyes burn like coals and her lips snarl. A shape lurches out at her, swinging a heavy club overhead. Her free hand snaps out to catch her foe on the elbow, spoiling the strike, just before her heel slams through the side of his knee. A crack like a splintering tree trunk echoes in the corridor, just before Victoria twists to put her phaser pistol in the Rigellian's face and dispatches him. She disregards the ozone and cooked meat smell.

Rosalea is firing past her like a woman possessed, covering her commanders charge into the teeth of danger.

Within minutes they have pushed through, cutting down another foe as they head into the heart of Engineering.

Victoria springs up onto a console and vaults onto an overhead catwalk, scrambling to her feet. She has got the drop on two Rigellians huddled over the mechanism that would feed anti-matter into the warp core if it were running. One jerks upright and begins to train a phaser and then drops nervelessly when Victoria's fire lanes through his face. The other saboteur pauses, glancing at his weapon on the casing next to him, glancing up at the Starfleet officer standing above him.

"A bloody cook!" cries Victoria for a moment before her visage hardens like the armour of the Courageous. "Step back."

The Rigellian reaches for his phaser, and Victoria sends him to join his conspirator.

Captain Victoria Eaton takes in a deep breath and holsters her phaser. A brief tug at the hem of her uniform straightens it out. She turns and walks away.

"Captain Telsk, I believe that concludes that matter," she says aloud as the rest of the officers catch up. "Commander McAdams, please arrange for transport back to the Courageous, I am in dire need of some fresh Lady Grey."

"Of course, Captain," says Rosalea as she holsters her phaser and removes her communicator. "And perhaps while we're there, you might consider getting those two serious looking phaser burns looked at?"

Victoria glances down and blinks in surprise. "Oh. Well, if you insist." They don't hurt, and she knows that isn't a good sign. But no helping it now, the doctor will just have to see what he can do about it.

"McAdams to Courageous, two to beam, directly to sick bay."

The blue light flashes and the next thing that the two officers know, Victoria is sagging to the ground in the sickbay as doctors and nurses react in shock. Before she can hit the floor Rosalea is there, catching and cradling her. Soon a multitude of hands are on her, pulling her up onto a gurney.

"You, Captain, are going to be the death of me," whispers Rosalea amidst the babble of doctors.

"Lady Grey, hot, spot of milk, one lump," whispers back Victoria as an anaesthetic hypospray is pressed into the side of her neck. "Have it waiting..."


"Sporty," repeats the Captain as she glances down at her tea, Lady Grey, hot, spot of milk, one lump.

"Well, yes, I suppose it was a bit sporty," she agrees at last. "But overall it was dark, gloomy, and not terribly much to write home about. Do not concern yourself with it, Ensign."

"Aye, Captain..."


Or alternatively...

* @AKuz 's Yuri ocular implants briefly flash purple in the indoor office light*

I ship it!

> : 3
I think the federation should have some group capable at Xenopsychology, given that Diplomacy is their shtick. I'd like someone capable at Personal Tech, but given how terrible away teams seem to be equipped I can understand a decision otherwise; however, this would then become something I'd support fixing soonish. Lastly, I feel that your decision to have all doctrine handled by the single group "Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division" is a missed opportunity. Instead, as in Hearts of Iron 2, I'd have doctrine be done by individual officers. This gives us a reason to pull good officers off their starships: turning them into good tech teams.
I might add in a Diplomatic Service group - I'm just a wee bit wary of overloading the number of research groups. Might tweak preferences.

I might switch Tactical Command to Foreign Tactics focus instead and as officers finish their missions you can get specialised doctrine teams.
There is a reason that I talked about british tradtion and clearly they are already 90 days away from the spacedocks.

Now I just imagine, like, half of Courageous' crew carefully watching their calenders, and crossing off each new day with sighs of longing on their lips and stars in their eyes.
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Research Tutorial Turn (Old System)
QM/N: 2020 update here - Friendly heads up, this variant of the Research phase has been replaced by different mechanics.


Stardate 20712.4

The Starfleet Ship Design Bureau was the somewhat innocuously named hub of all research within Starfleet. That in turn meant that the Vulcan Rear Admiral T'Laur was the hub of all research within Starfleet, for it her role to direct the technology teams of the Bureau. This was determined annually at a date late in the human calendar year, when T'Laur met with representatives of all the various technology teams and other Starfleet departments to iron out the assignments, and who would be allocated to Federation service for the coming year.

As the attendees of the meeting began to shuffle in a crimson tide of prestigious uniforms, wearing ever more fancy rank designs on their chests, T'Laur reflected to herself that what she was looking forward to most about her upcoming retirement was the promise of pure solitude. Then the fanciest rank device of them all walked in as Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi entered the room with her entourage of aides, officers, and Yeomen in tow. T'Laur had heard good things about the Admiral, and wished her well in her service for the years to come. But for this meeting, T'Laur had a number of logical objectives to achieve and for her final year of service, she was not going to let anyone get in the way.

"I see we are all in attendance," announces T'Laur. "Then let us begin."


Current RP Pool = 35pt

10pts are required to activate a Tech Team
35 / 10 = 3 rem 5

3 Tech Teams may be activated, 5rp carry forward to next year

T'Laur would like to carry on research in the areas of:


With this in mind, T'Laur then looks at her roster of available tech teams.

The Vulcan Science Academy has "Sensors" as a preferred tech area, so their Skill will count for double against techs in this category, so T'Laur begins her vote with:

[e] Plan T'Laur​
-[e] Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors​

Next on the hit parade, T'Laur looks for a tech team that can handle "Computing". It so happens that the Daystrom Institute think they are pretty handy on that front, so T'Laur gives them the tick.

[e] Plan T'Laur​
-[e] Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors​
-[e] Daystrom Institute - Computers​

This leaves just Medical. Now, although T'Laur would like to eventually get Starfleet Medical to create a research team to work with her, at this stage it's no dice. Since she doesn't have a Medical specialist team, T'Laur looks for the highest skill team that remains. Spock may not be a doctor, but at Skill 4 he is a fine scientist and he no doubt knows a good doctor or two to join his team for the coming year. As a result, her final vote is:

[e] Plan T'Laur​
-[e] Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors​
-[e] Daystrom Institute - Computers​
-[e] Spock - Medical​

Through the power of superior Vulcan bloody mindednesslogic and reasoning, T'Laur's vote is successful, and is implemented.

So voting is as simple as: count your tens, then pick an area, then pick a team!


As a result of this infusion of research material, the Vulcan Science Academy is able to take to the Sensor research with a will. Now, there are three techs that make up the sensor category.
Sensor Tech​
0 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - Chance of intercepting cloaked vessels before battle​
0 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)​
0 / 20 Enhanced Sensors - (2% weight savings for Science)​

All three of these techs get the boost from the Tech Team's Skill, which is 3. However, because their Preference is also Sensors, they double their productivity.

Further, every tech team will give one field in their area an extra +5, because research is often about getting the right breakthrough. However, because science is unpredictable, this field is chosen at random. A roll of d3 = 3, so Enhanced Sensors 1 gets the +5. So at the end of the turn of research we get.

Sensor Tech​
0 + 6 = 6 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - Chance of intercepting cloaked vessels before battle​
0 + 6 = 6 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)​
0 + 6 + 5 = 11 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)​

Enhanced sensors is not far away now!

This continues on to the other two tech areas, which nets us...

6 / 20 Data Analysis Center I (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team)​
6 / 20 Targeting Computer I (2% weapon weight reduction)​
6 / 20 Ship Computer Core I (2% Science weight/power savings)​
11 / 20 Ship Operating System I (1% warp core power improvement)​

4 / 20 Sickbay I (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)​
4 / 20 Away Team Medical Equipment I (Improve Rolls for various Distress Call missions)​
9 / 20 Infectious Diseases Lab I (Improve Plague handling rolls)​

Spock does not have a preference for Medical, so he only applies his natural skill. Of course, because his natural skill is so high, he gives as much of a bonus as some teams do in their native area! Clearly, some people need to practice!
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(OLD VERSION) The State of Play - Research Megapost
To Boldly Go Research
Research areas

Current Ship Design Projects

Comet Class Design Project
The opening slide of the Generalist Frigate Design Project.


[Stage 1 of R&D Complete - Stage 2 will develop the individual frames]


[Comet Prototype may now be produced]

Kepler Class Science Frigate Design Project
The opening slide of the Kepler Science Frigate Design Project.


[Stage 1 of R&D Complete - Stage 2 will develop the individual frames]

20 / 20 Final Tactical Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Operations Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Engineering Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Hull Frame Design
20 / 20 Final Warp Suite Frame Design

Ambassador Class Heavy Explorer Design Project
The opening slide of the Ambassador Design Project.


[Stage 1 of R&D Complete - Stage 2 will develop the individual frames]


Renaissance Class Cruiser Design Project
Two tiers of research will be required.


Renaissance 2320-2360 [330m 1m t]
C5 S3 H4 L5 P4 D5
Cost[100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-5, T-3]

Prototype will require 4.5 years to build on present estimates. Estimated reliability will be 98%.

Hospital Ship Research Project

Adapt the existing hull-form of the Renaissance-class, a 1 megaton platform, for use as a Hospital ship.

Prototype will require 3.75 years to build (reduced due to working off existing hull-form).

20/20 Design & Modelling Work

Normal Tech


[T1] ToC Computing

ToC Computing
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

20 / 20 Data Analysis Center I (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team)
20 / 20 Targeting Computer I (2% weapon weight reduction)
20 / 20 Type-IV Duotronic Core (Ship Computer Core I) (2% Science weight/power savings)
20 / 20 Majel 3.0 (Ship Operating System I) (1% warp core power improvement)

[T1 Computer Core, OS, Targeting Computer Unlocked]
[Required for T1 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 24th Century Computing Installations
LEADS TO - 24th Century Shipboard Computing
[T2] 2310s Computing Installations

PREREQS - ToC Computing
2310s Computing Installations
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

30 / 30 Type-12 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center II) (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team (8))
30 / 30 Wolff-T'Par Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Centers) (+2 rp annually from research colonies)
20 / 20 Pattern 3 SCF (Supercomputer Facility I) (Increases Comms Encryption, -1 to attempts to opposing SigInt attempts)

[Required for T2 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2320s Research Centers (DAC II, PAC)
LEADS TO - Primitive Isolinear Computing (DAC II)
LEADS TO - 2320s Mainframe Centers
[T2] 2310s Shipboard Computing

PREREQS - ToC Computing
2310s Shipboard Computing
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

30 / 30 Targeting Computer II (2% weapon weight reduction) [3 Overlow]
30 / 30 Revised Type-IV Duotronic Core (Ship Main Computer Core II) (1% Science weight/power savings)
30 / 30 Majel 3.1 (Ship Operating System II) (1% warp core power improvement) [3 Overflow]

[T2 Computer Core, Operating System, Targeting Computer unlocked]

LEADS TO - Primitive Isolinear Computers
LEADS TO - 2320s Ship Computer Cores
LEADS TO - 2320s Automated Ship Systems
[T3] 2320s Research Centers

PREREQS - 2310s Computing Installations
2320s Research Centers
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

60 / 60 Type-14 Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center III) (-0.5 RP required to activate Tech Team (7.5))
60 / 60 Wolff-T'Par B-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center II) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)

[Required for T3 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2330s Research Centers
LEADS TO - 2330s Mobile Computing
[T3] 2320s Mainframe Systems

PREREQS - 2310s Computing Installations
2320s Mainframe Systems
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

40 / 40 Pattern 4 SCF (Supercomputer Facility II) (Improved Ship Modeling, +1 to Ship Design Projects)
20 / 20 Type-1 Plasma Coolant Exchange (Supercomputer Cooling I) (Improved Ship Modeling, +1 to Ship Design Projects)

LEADS TO - 2320s Mainframe Systems
LEADS TO - 2330s Colony Core
[T3] Primitive Isolinear Computers

PREREQS - 2310s Computing Installations, 2310s Shipboard Computing
Primitive Isolinear Computers
Duotronic computing has stood the Federation in good stead for decades, but it is reaching the limits of what it can achieve. A new paradigm is required.

80 / 80 Prototype Isolinear Computer (Isolinear Tech I) (Required to progress computing to Isolinear-Era)

LEADS TO - Production Isolinear Computer
[T3] 2320s Ship Computer Cores

PREREQS - 2310s Shipboard Computing
2320s Ship Computer Cores
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

60 / 60 Type-V Duotronic Computer Core (Ship Main Computer Core III)
40 / 40 Gravitonic Stabilisers (Ship Core Protection I)
40 / 40 Daystrom 2320 Test Regime (Core QA I)

[Unlocks T3 Computer Cores]

LEADS TO - 2330s Ship Automated Systems
LEADS TO - 2339s Ship Computer Cores
[T3] Automated Ship Systems - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2310s Shipboard Computing
Automated Ship Systems
Systems for reducing crewing requirements and ccomputer weight requirements.

60 / 60 Majel 3.5 (Ship Operating System III)
60 / 60 Targeting Computer III
40 / 40 Navigational Computer I

40 / 40 Barret-V System Automation (Crew Saving I) (Reduce Enlisted Crew Requirements)

[Unlocks T3 Operating Systems]
[Unlocks T3 High-Automation Variant Sub-Frames]
[Required to Unlock T3 Navigational Sensor Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Automated Ship Systems
LEADS TO - 2330s Subsystems
[T4] 2330s Research Centers

PREREQS - 2320s Research Centers
2330s Research Centers
Next iteration of Research Computers

0 / 50
Lateral-Processing Duotronic Mainframe (Data Analysis Center IV) (+1 Free Tech Team Activation)
Teraquad Storage Node (Data Storage I) (+2 RP Generated)

LEADS TO - 2340s Research Centers
[T4] 2330s Mobile Computing - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2320s Research Centers
2330s Mobile Computing
Development of better high-powered mobile processing.

50 / 50
Wolff-T'Par D-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center III) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)
Gigaquad Mobile Storage (Mobile Storage I) (-1pp to Cost of Research Colonies)

[Required for T4 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2340s Mobile Computing
[T4] Production Isolinear Computers

PREREQS - Primitive Isolinear Computers
Production Isolinear Computers
A version of the Isolinear Chip suited for production environments.

70 / 70
Gak-ch'Bothyk Isolinear Processor (Isolinear Tech II) (Opens up new tech)

LEADS TO - 2330s Mainframe Systems
LEADS TO - Positronic Theory
LEADS TO - 2330s Ship Computer Cores
[T4] 2330s Mainframe Systems

PREREQS - Production Isolinear Computers, 2320s Mainframe Systems
2330s Mainframe Systems

0 / 45
Pattern-I SCF (Supercomputer Facility III) (Improved Federation Computing Power, +5 RP/year)
Quantum Simulator (Ship Modeling I) (Ship Design Projects start at +2)
Type-2 Plasma Coolant Exchange (Supercomputer Cooling II) (+5 RP/year)

LEADS TO - 2340s Colony Cores
LEADS TO - 2340s Mainframe Systems
[T4] 2330s Colony Cores

PREREQS - 2320s Mainframe Systems
2330s Colony Cores
Advanced yet easy to transport and assemble mainframe facilities for colony world administrators.

40 / 40 Colony Mainframe (Colony Mainframe I) (+2 rp/year per non-Research Colony)
40 / 40 Tellarite Process Engineering (Core Systems I) (+1 pp/year per Colony)

LEADS TO - 2340s Colony Cores
[T4] 2330s Ship Computer Cores

PREREQS - 2320s Ship Computer Cores, Production Isolinear Computers
2330s Ship Computer Cores

17 / 65
Type-1 Isolinear Computer Core (Ship Main Computer Core IV)
Automatic Recovery Systems (Ship Core Protection II)
'Northwood' Secondary Core Systems (Secondary Core I)
Daystrom 2320 Test Regime (Core QA II)

[Unlocks T4 Computer Cores, specialist Secondary Cores]

LEADS TO - 2340s Ship Computer Cores
LEADS TO - 2340s Automated Ship Systems
[T4] 2330s Automated Ship Systems

PREREQS - 2320s Automated Ship Systems, 2320s Ship Computer Cores
2330s Automated Ship Systems

0 / 50
Majel 4.0 (Ship Operating System IV)
Life Support OS Module (Ship OS Safety I)
Barret-VI Analysis Automation (Crew Saving II) (Reduce Tech Crew Requiments)

[Unlocks T4 Operating System]
[Unlocks T4 High-Automation Subframe Variants]

LEADS TO - 2340s Automated Ship Systems
[T4] 2330s Subsystems

PREREQS - 2320s Automated Ship Systems
2330s Subsystems
Individual processor-intensive systems

0 / 50
Targeting Computer III
Navigational Computer II
Sensor Pre-Fetch System (Science Computer I)

[Unlocks T4 TCU, necessary to unlock T4 Nav Sensors]

LEADS TO - 2340s Subsystems
[T5] 2340s Research Centers

PREREQS - 2330s Research Centers
2340s Research Centers

0 / 65
Early Isolinear Mainframe (Data Analysis Center V) (+1 Free Tech Team Activation)
Teraquad Storage Node (Data Storage I) (+2 RP Generated)

[T5] 2340s Mobile Computing

PREREQS - 2330s Mobile Computing
2340s Mobile Computing
Development of better high-powered mobile processing.

0 / 80
Wolff-T'Par D-Type Portable Mainframe (Portable Analysis Center III) (+1 rp annually from research colonies)
Networked Mobile Storage (Mobile Storage II) (One-Time +5 Exp to Random Tech Team)

[Required for T5 Science Labs]

[T5] 2340s Mainframe Systems

PREREQS - 2330s Mainframe Systems
2340s Mainframe Systems
An improved standard high-powered computing facility.

0 / 65
Pattern-I-B SCF (Supercomputer Facility IV) (Improved Federation Computing Power, +5 RP/year)
Real-Time Subspace Modeler (Ship Modeling II) (Ship Design Projects start at 4)
Type-4 Plasma Coolant Exchange (Supercomputer Cooling III) (+5 RP/year)

[T5] 2340s Colony Cores

PREREQS - 2330s Mainframe Systems, 2330s Colony Cores
2340s Colony Cores
An improved set of Colony administration computers.

0 / 55
Colony Mainframe (Colony Mainframe II) (+2 rp/year per non-Research Colony)
Refined Process Engineering (Core Systems II) (+1 pp/year per Colony)

[T5] Positronic Theory

PREREQS - Production Isolinear Computers
Positronic Theory
The start of Positronic Processing

6 / 90
Positronic Theory (Positronic Tech I) (None Yet)

[T5] 2340s Ship Computer Cores

PREREQS - 2330s Ship Computer Cores
2340s Ship Computer Cores
Further advancements in Shipboard Computer Cores

0 / 85
Type-2 Isolinear Computer Core (Ship Main Computer Core V)
Automatic Recovery Systems (Ship Core Protection III)
'San Diego' Secondary Core Systems (Secondary Core II)
Daystrom 2340 Test Regime (Core QA III)

[Unlocks T5 Computer Cores]
[Unlocks T5 Dedicated Secondary Cores]

[T5] 2330s Automated Ship Systems

PREREQS - 2330s Automated Ship Systems, 2330s Ship Computer Cores
2330s Automated Ship Systems
Develop better Automated Ship Systems

0 / 70
Majel 4.0 (Ship Operating System IV)
Life Support OS Module (Ship OS Safety I)
Barret-V Control Automation (Crew Saving III) (Reduce Offier Crew Requiments)

[Unlocks T5 Operating System parts]
[Unlocks T5 High-Automation Subframe Variants]

[T5] 2340s Subsystems

PREREQS - 2330s Subsystems
2340s Subsystems
Individual processor-intensive systems

0 / 50
Targeting Computer IV
Navigational Computer III
Sensor Pre-Fetch System (Science Computer II)

[Necessary to Unlock T5 Nav Sensors]
[Unlocks T5 TCU parts]

Warp Technology
[T1] ToC Warp Technology

ToC Warp Technology
Basic Warp Cores, Drives, and assorted Technology for the ToC.

20 / 20 Dilithium Efficiency I (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio reduced by 0.1)
20 / 20 Warp Core Construction I (Warp Core Weight reduced by 2%)
20 / 20 Warp Core Scaling I (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced by .5/1/2)
20 / 20 Warp Core Safety Design I (Reduced chance of Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed, improved reliability by 2%)

20 / 20 Escort Warp Coil Design I (Nacelle Weight Penalty to 1.05)

[T1 Warp Cores, Injectors, Coolants, EPS unlocked]

LEADS TO - 2310s Warp Cores
LEADS TO - 2310s Warp Propulsion
LEADS TO - 2310s Warp Core Safety
[T2] 2310s Warp Cores

PREREQS - ToC Warp Technology

2310s Warp Cores
Warp Cores and power generation all come under here.

40 / 40 Chelok-Am Dilithium Treatment (Dilithium Efficency II) (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio reduced by 0.1)
40 / 40 Improved Thermal Shroud (Warp Core Construction II) (Warp Core Weight reduced by 2%)

60 / 60 Improved Injector Throttling (Warp Core Scaling II) (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced by .5/1/2)
20 / 20 Mars-1 Deuterium Pre-Burner (Warp Core Power Generation I) (+2% to Warp Core output)

[T2 Warp Cores, Injectors unlocked]

LEADS TO - 2320s Core Efficiency
LEADS TO - 2320s Core Power
[T2] 2310s Warp Core Safety

PREREQS - ToC Warp Technology

2310s Warp Core Safety
Warp Core Safety/Reliability comes under here.

40 / 40 K19 Main Engineering System Module (Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design II) (Reduced chance of Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
40 / 40 Light-Weight Coolant Redundancy (Warp Core Operation Safety Design II) (Improved reliability by +2)
20 / 20 EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes I (Reliability for all stats improved by 0.1)

[T2 Coolant, EPS Parts Unlocked]

LEADS TO - 2320s EPS Safety
LEADS TO - 2320s Warp Core Safety
[T2] 2310s Warp Propulsion

PREREQS - ToC Warp Technology

2310s Warp Propulsion
Warp Drives come under here.

40 / 40 Advanced Warp Theory I (Opens additional Techs)
20 / 20 Warp Coil Design Efficiency I
20 / 20 Advanced Subspace Field Theory I (Opens additional Techs)
20 / 20 Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy I

[Required for T2 Warp Nacelles]

LEADS TO - 2320s Advanced Subspace Fields
LEADS TO - 2320s Warp Drives
[T3] 2320s Core Efficiency

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Cores
2320s Core Efficiency
Increase your Warp Core Efficiency

60 / 60 Ord-Duk Academy Dilithium Shaping (Dilithium Efficency III)
40 / 40 Improved Thermal Shroud (Warp Core Construction II)
60 / 60 Improved Injector Throttling (Warp Core Scaling II)

[Will unlock T3 Injector parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Core Efficiency
[T3] 2320s Core Power

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Cores
2320s Core Power
Generate additional power.

40 / 40 Mars-37K Magnetic Constrictor Segments (Warp Core Power Generation II)
20 / 20 Advanced Anti-Dueterium Sublimator (Warp Core Anti-Matter Injector I)
20 / 20 Fused Dueterium Gas Compressor (Warp Core Matter Injector I)

[Unlocks T3 Warp Core, Injector Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Core Power
LEADS TO - Next Generation Core Design
[T3] 2320s Advanced Subsace Fields

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Propulsion
2320s Advanced Subsace Fields
Theory work for developing new advances in Subspace Fields

5 / 30
Advanced Subspace Field Theory II (Opens additional Techs)

LEADS TO - Next Generation Core Design
[T3] 2320s Warp Drives

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Propulsion
2320s Warp Drives
Improved Warp Drive Technology

0 / 50
Advanced Warp Theory II (Required to progress)
Warp Coil Design Efficiency II (-2% Nacelle Weight)
Miracht Refining Techniques (Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy II) (-2% Nacelle SR Cost)

[Required for T3 Warp Nacelle Designs]

LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Drives
[T3] 2320s EPS Safety

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Core Safety
2320s EPS Safety
EPS Safety/Reliability comes under here.

40 / 40 EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes II
40 / 40 Secure Console EPS Taps (EPS Console Taps I)

[Unlocks T3 EPS Systems]

LEADS TO - 2330s EPS Safety
LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Core Safety
[T3] 2320s Warp Core Safety

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Core Safety
2320s Warp Core Safety
Warp Core Safety/Reliability comes under here.

49 / 50
Main Engineering Improvements (Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design III)
Light-Weight Coolant Redundancy (Warp Core Operation Safety Design III)

[Unlock T3 Coolant Systems]

LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Core Safety
[T4] 2330s Core Efficiency

PREREQS - 2320s Core Efficiency
2330s Core Efficiency
Increase your Warp Core Efficiency

0 / 65
Yoyodyne Dilithium Breed Systems (Dilithium Efficency IV)
High-Tensile Plasma Taps (Warp Core Construction III)
Class 3 Feeder Systems (Warp Core Scaling III)

[Unlocks T4 Injector Systems]

LEADS TO - 2340s Core Efficiency
LEADS TO - 2340s Core Power
[T4] 2330s Core Power

PREREQS - 2320s Core Power
2330s Core Power
Increase the power output of Warp Cores

0 / 50
Type-VII Reactor Chamber Design (Warp Core Power Generation III)
Advanced Anti-Dueterium Sublimator (Warp Core Anti-Matter Injector II)
Fused Dueterium Gas Compressor (Warp Core Matter Injector II)

[Unlock T4 Warp Cores]

LEADS TO - 2340s Core Power
[T4] Next Generation Core Design

PREREQS - 2320s Core Power, 2320s Advanced Subspace Fields
Next Generation Core Design
A new approach to Warp Core design fit for a new generation of cores.

0 / 40
Next Generation Core Design I (Opens up new Techs)

LEADS TO - 2340s Core Power
LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Drive
[T4] 2330s Warp Drives

PREREQS - 2320s Warp Drives
2330s Warp Drives

0 / 55
Advanced Warp Theory III (Required to progress)
Warp Coil Design Efficiency III
Coil Forging Techniques (Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy III)

[Required for T4 Warp Nacelle Designs]

LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Drives
[T4] 2330s EPS Safety

PREREQS - 2320s EPS Safety
2330s EPS Safety
EPS Safety/Reliability comes under here.

0 / 50
EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes III
Principal Corridor Manifolds (EPS Console Taps II) (+0.2 all crew types due to reduced operational injuries)

[Unlocks T4 EPS Parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Core Safety
LEADS TO - 2340s EPS Safety
[T4] 2330s Warp Core Safety

PREREQS - 2320s Warp Core Safety, 2320s EPS Safety
2330s Warp Core Safety
Warp Core Safety/Reliability comes under here.

0 / 70
Anti-Matter Feed Line MCS (Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design IV) (Warp Core Breach Chance improved by 20)
New Coolant Compound (Warp Core Operation Safety Design IV) (Improve Warp Core reliability by 2)

[Unlocks T4 Coolant Parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Core Safety
[T5] 2340s Core Efficiency

PREREQS - 2330s Core Efficiency
2340s Core Efficiency
Increase your Warp Core Efficiency

0 / 85
Dilithium Geometric Calculations (Dilithium Efficency V) (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio reduced by 0.1)
Structrual Integrity Integration (Warp Core Construction IV) (Warp Core Weight reduced by 2%)
V1-Type Injector Systems (Warp Core Scaling IV) (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced by .5/1/2)

[Unlocks T5 Injectors]

[T5] 2340s Core Power

PREREQS - 2330s Core Power, Next Generation Core Design, 2330s Core Efficiency
2340s Core Power
Increase the power output of Warp Cores

0 / 65
Carbon Polyduranate Power Transfer Conduit Sheaths (Warp Core Power Generation IV) (+1% to Warp Core output)
Anti-Matter Stream Sensors(Warp Core Anti-Matter Injector III) (+0.5% to Warp Core output, -0.5 Warp Core Reliability)
Streamlined Injector Cap Designs (Warp Core Matter Injector III) (+0.5% to Warp Core output, -0.5 Warp Core Reliability)

[Unlocks T5 Warp Cores]

[T5] 2340s Warp Drives

PREREQS - 2330s Warp Drives, Next Generation Core Design
2340s Warp Drives

0 / 70
Advanced Warp Theory IV (Required to progress)
Warp Coil Design Efficiency IV
Coil Forging Techniques (Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy IV)

[Required for T5 Warp Nacelles]

[T5] 2340s EPS Safety

PREREQS - 2330s EPS Safety
2340s EPS Safety

0 / 70
EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes IV (Reliability for all stats improved by 0.1)
Principal Corridor Manifolds (EPS Console Taps III) (+0.2 all crew types due to reduced operational injuries)

[Unlocks T5 EPS parts]
[T5] 2340s Warp Core Safety

PREREQS - 2330s Warp Core Safety, 2330s EPS Safety
2340s Warp Core Safety

0 / 90
Natural-Magnetic Expulsion (Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design V) (Warp Core Breach Chance improved by 20)
Micro-Second Nozzle Balancing (Warp Core Operation Safety Design V) (Improve Warp Core reliability by 2)

[Unlocks T5 Warp Coolant Parts]

Starship Construction
[T1] ToC Starship Frames

ToC Starship Frames
The practicals of building starships, leading to more capable designs.

20 / 20 Hull Armour Material Science I
20 / 20 Hull Integrity Grids I
20 / 20 Frame Weight Improvements I

[T1 Principal Frames, Hull Armour Unlocked]
[T2] 2310s Starship Durability

PREREQ - ToC Starship Frames

2310s Starship Durability
The practicals of building starships, leading to more durable designs

40 / 40 Duranium-Tritanium Investigation (Hull Armour Material Science II) (Leads to new options)
40 / 40 Type-VI Family SIF Generators (Hull Integrity Grids II)
20 / 20 2310s Escape Pod (Escape Pod I) (Chance to reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
20 / 20 SIF Geometry Research (Durability I) (Leads to reducing combat potential loss due to hull damage)
20 / 20 Super-Heavy Duty EM Rail Ejectors (Warp Core Ejection Design I) (Better chance to prevent Warp Core Breach scenario at 0hp)

[Unlocks T2 SIF parts]
[Unlocks T2 Warp Core Ejection Parts]

LEADS TO - 2320s Starship Safety (Escape Pod, Durability, Eject)
LEADS TO - 2320s Starship Armour (Hull Armour/Integrity)
[T2] 2310s Starship Frames

PREREQ - ToC Starship Frames

2310s Starship Frames
The practicals of building starships, leading to more capable designs.

40 / 40 Microfilament Truss Construction (Frame Weight Improvements II)
20 / 20 Reinforced Voids (Explorer Scaling Bonuses I)
20 / 20 Escort Scaling Bonuses

[T2 Principal Frames, Hull Armour Unlocked]
[T2 Onboard Industry Unlocked]

LEADS TO - 2320s Lightweight Frames
LEADS TO - 2320s Construction Techniques
LEADS TO - 4000kt Shipyard Berth
[T2] 450kt Module

PREREQ - ToC Starship Frames

450kt Module
The practicals of building starships, leading to more capable designs.

0 / 40
Module II (Allow Scale 1.5 Module)

LEADS TO - 600kt Module
[T3] 2320s Starship Safety

PREREQS - 2310s Starship Durability
2320s Starship Safety
The practicals of designing safe ships.

60 / 60 Type-VI Mk2 Family SIF Generators (Hull Integrity Grids II)
40 / 40 2320s Escape Pod (Escape Pod I) (Chance to reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
40 / 40 Redundancy Investigations (Durability II) (Leads to reducing combat potential loss due to hull damage)
40 / 40 Initial Breach Monitoring Systems (Warp Core Ejection Design II) (Better chance to prevent Warp Core Breach scenario at 0hp)

[Unlocks T3 Warp Core Ejection parts]
[Unlocks T3 SIF Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Core Mounting
LEADS TO - 2330s Evacuation Systems
[T3] 2320s Starship Armour

PREREQS - 2310s Starship Durability
Duranium-Tritanium Basic Alloy
The next phase in starship hull armouring

40 / 40 Microfibre Interweave Shell Plates (Exterior Plating I)
40 / 40 Electron-Bonded Tritanium Fasteners (Hull Armour Mechanics I)
40 / 40 Primitive Phase-Bonding (Frame Truss Mounting I)
60 / 60 Tritanium Phase Tempering (Hull Armour Material Science III) (Needed to progress)
40 / 40 Escort Armour Pattern

[Unlocks T3 Hull parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Starship Armour
[T3] 2320s Lightweight Frames

PREREQS - 2310s Starship Frames
2320s Lightweight Frames
For decreasing the weight of starship structual components.

55 / 55
Microextrustion Trusses (Internal Structure I)
Bi-Duranide Support Rods (Secondary Structure I)
Ceramic Fabric Pin-Jacketing (Loading Bearing I)
Longitudinal Electron-Bonding (Nacelle Pylon I)

[Unlocks T3 Principal Frames]

[T3] 2320s Construction Techniques

PREREQS - 2310s Starship Frames
2320s Construction Techniques
More advanced construction techniques for reducing construction times.

40 / 40 Reorganised Transport Network (Supply Network I) (Part 1)
40 / 40 Prepositioned Large Components (Stockpiles I) (Part 2)
40 / 40 Mk2 Workbee (Workbee I) (Part 3)
40 / 40 Type-IV Dockyard Utility Array (Dock Tools I) (Part 4)
40 / 40 Molecular QA Check Scanners (QA Systems I)

[Unlocks T3 Onboard Industry]

LEADS TO - 2330s Construction Techniques
LEADS TO - 2330s Starship Armour
LEADS TO - 2330s Industrial Replicators
LEADS TO - 5000kt Shipyard Berth
[T3] 4000kt Shipyard Berth

PREREQS - 2310s Starship Frames
4000kt Shipyard Berth
A design for larger berths capable of managing large builds.

0 / 45
4000kt Shipyard Berth (Shipyard I) (Enables 4,000kt Shipyard Berths to be built)

LEADS TO - 5000kt Shipyard Berth
[T3] 600kt Module

PREREQS - 450kt Module
600kt Module
Enables large mission modules.

0 / 60
600kt Module (Module III) (Allow Scale 2.0 Module)

[Unlocks 600kt Modules]

LEADS TO - 900kt Module
[T4] 2330s Warp Core Mounting

PREREQS - 2320s Starship Safety
2330s Warp Core Mounting
New techniques for creating the housing voids of the Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Assembly.

0 / 35
Advanced Thermal Shrouds (Warp Core Strut Materials I)
Ultra-High Speed EM Rails (Warp Core Ejection Design III) (Better chance to prevent Warp Core Breach scenario at 0hp)
Light-Weight MCS Scaffolding (Warp Core Framework I)

[Required to unlock T4 Warp Core Suites]
[Unlocks T4 Warp Core Ejection Parts]

[T4] 2330s Evacuation Systems

PREREQS - 2320s Starship Safety
2330s Evacuation Systems
Systems for improving Crew Safety.

15 / 65
Type-VI Mk2 Family SIF Generators (Hull Integrity Grids III)
ARSM Escape Pod (Escape Pod II) (Chance to reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
Selective Armouring (Crew Protection I)

[Unlocks T4 SIF Parts]

[T4] 2330s Starship Armour

PREREQS - 2320s Starship Armour, 2320s Construction Techniques
2330s Starship Armour
Improved Armour Techniques

0 / 30
Super-Heavy Duty Ceramic Fabric (Exterior Plating II)
Polycarbonide Framing Mounts (Hull Armour Mechanics II)
Production Phase-Bonding (Frame Truss Mounting II)
Poly-Duranide Alloys (Hull Armour Material Science IV) (Needed to progress)
Frigate Armour Pattern
Cruiser Armour Pattern
Capital Armour Pattern

[Unlocks T4 Hull Parts]
[Required to Unlock High-Protection Variant Engineering Subframes]
[T4] 2330s Construction Techniques - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2320s Construction Techniques}
2330s Construction Techniques
Improved Construction Techniques

60 / 60
Reorganised Transport Network (Supply Network II) (Part 1)
Prepositioned Large Components (Stockpiles II) (Part 2)
Mk2 Workbee (Workbee II) (Part 3)
Type-IV Dockyard Utility Array (Dock Tools II) (Part 4)
Molecular QA Check Scanners (QA Systems II)

LEADS TO - Rapid Escort Construction
LEADS TO - Rapid Cruiser Construction
LEADS TO - Rapid Explorer Construction
LEADS TO - Rapid Prototyping
[T4] 2330s Industrial Replicators

PREREQS - 2320s Construction Techniques
2330s Industrial Replicators
The early era of Industrial Scale Replicators.

67 / 70
Type-III Mass Assembly Replicator (Industrial Replicator I)

[Unlocks T4 Onboard Industry]
[Unlock changes to Key and Critical Industry options]

LEADS TO - 2340s Large Industrial Replicators
LEADS TO - Precision Replicators
[T4] 5000kt Shipyard Berth

PREREQS - 2320s Construction Techniques. 4000kt Shipyard Berth
5000kt Shipyard Berth
A design for larger berths capable of managing large builds.

0 / 60
5000kt Shipyard Berth (Shipyard I) (Enables 5,000kt Shipyard Berths to be built)

[T4] 900kt Module

PREREQS - 600kt Module
900kt Module
Allow a 900kt Mission Module to be used.

0 / 80
600kt Module (Module IV) (Allow Scale 3.0 Module)

[T5] Rapid Frigate Construction

PREREQS - 2330s Construction Techniques
Rapid Frigate Construction
For increased construction speed when it comes to Escort-scale vessels.

0 / 65
Mass Component Assembly (Rapid Frigate Construction I)
Parallel Assembly (Frigate Build Techniques I)

[Improve Production Speeds for Escorts, especially Escorts built in parallel]

[T5] Rapid Cruiser Construction

PREREQS - 2330s Construction Techniques
Rapid Cruiser Construction
For increased construction speed when it comes to Cruiser-scale vessels.

0 / 65
Mass Component Assembly (Rapid Cruiser Construction I)
Serial Assembly (Cruiser Build Techniques I)

[Improve Production Speeds for Cruisers, especially for repeating ship builds]

[T5] Rapid Explorer Construction

PREREQS - 2330s Construction Techniques
Rapid Explorer Construction
For increased construction speed when it comes to Explorer-scale vessels.

0 / 65
Mass Component Assembly (Rapid Explorer Construction I)
Institutional Knowledge (Explorer Build Techniques I)

[Improve Production Speeds for Explorers, especially if the Shipyard has previously produced an Explorer of the same class]

[T5] Rapid Prototype Construction

PREREQS - 2330s Construction Techniques
Rapid Prototype Construction
For increased construction speed when it comes to Prototype vessels.

10 / 60
Advanced Bespoke Assemblers (Rapid Prototype Construction I) (Prototype Penalty reduced from 50% to 25%)
[T5] 2340s Large Industrial Replicators

PREREQS - 2330s Industrial Replicators
2340s Large Industrial Replicators

0 / 60
Type-IV Mass Assembly Replicator (Industrial Replicator II)

[Unlock changes to Key and Critical Industry options]
[T5] Precision Replicators

PREREQS - 2330s Industrial Replicators
Precision Replicators

0 / 60
Type-II Exotic Matter Replicator (Precision Replicator I)

[Unlock changes to Key and Critical Industry Options]
[Unlock T5 Onboard Industry options]

Personal Tech
[T1] Basic ToC Equipment

Basic ToC Equipment

20 / 20 San Francisco 1 Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Standard Equipment I) (reduce crew losses on away missions)
20 / 20 Mark-II Phaser Family (Personal Phasers I) (reduced crew casualties to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)
20 / 20 Yamaha 34a Duotronic Chip (Tricorder I) (Nothing yet)

LEADS TO - 2310s Equipment
LEADS TO - 2310s Personal Protection
[T2] 2310s Equipment

PREREQS - Basic ToC Equipment
2310s Equipment
Man-portable equipment, whether intended for Away Teams or shipboard use.

40 / 40 San Francisco 2 Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Equipment II) (reduce crew losses on away missions)
20 / 20 Academy Away Team Annex (Away Team Training I) (Only Requires 7 turns instead of 8 to increase first experience level)
20 / 20 Type-I Transport Pattern Enhancer Band (Safety Devices I) (Reduce ship destroyed penalty to crew losses)
40 / 40 Miniaturised Molecular Scanner (Tricorder II) (Nothing yet)

20 / 20 Low-Radiation Emitter Units (Portable Shield Systems I) (Nothing Yet)

LEADS TO - Specialised Teams
LEADS TO - Basic Modern Tricorder
LEADS TO - 2320s Equipment
[T2] 2310s Personal Protection

PREREQS - Basic ToC Equipment
2310s Personal Protection
Man-portable equipment, whether intended for Away Teams or shipboard use.

40 / 40 Mark-III Phaser Family (Personal Phasers II) (reduced crew casualties to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)
20 / 20 Type-VI Zero-G Vac-Suit (Vacuum Protection Gear I) (Begins to reduce crew losses due to ship damage)
20 / 20 Tellar Sciences Heavy Duty Suit (Hazardous Environment Gear I) (Start of path to shield+tech integrated away team protective gear)
40 / 40 Mark-III Type-3 Phaser (Phaser Rifles I) (+1 to events involving alien boarding/away team combat)

LEADS TO - Primitive Integration
LEADS TO - 2320s Personal Weapons
[T3] Specialised Teams

PREREQS - 2310s Equipment
Specialised Teams
Sometimes tricky situations require a more deft touch than "whoever happens to be nearby".

30 / 30
Security 2315 Away Team Curriculum (Away Team Training II) (Reduced chance of away team casualties)
Talent Identification (Hazard Team I) (Non-Explorers: Gain +1 C on missions requiring away teams)

LEADS TO - Hazard Team Concept
[T3] Basic Modern Tricorder

PREREQS - 2310s Equipment
Basic Modern Tricorder
Portable devices to help crew members carry-out functions independently.

16 / 50
Super Light-Weight LCARS Module (Tricorder III) (Leads to Next Tier)
Type-III Science Tricorder (Science Tricorder I) (+1 S on Missions requiring away teams)
Type-III Medical Tricorder (Medical Tricorder I) (Improve crew survival chances)

LEADS TO - Modern Tricorder
[T3] 2320s Equipment

PREREQS - 2310s Equipment
2320s Equipment
Man-portable equipment, whether intended for Away Teams or shipboard use.

60 / 60 Amarkian Marine Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Equipment III) (re-roll attempts to conduct forced boarding)
40 / 40 High-Efficiency Rebreathers (Safety Devices II) (Reduce ship destroyed penalty to crew losses)
40 / 40 Type-A Engineering Kit (Engineering Gear I) (+1 to rolls ship recovery Distress Calls)
40 / 40 High-Density Power Cells (Portable Shield Systems II) (Nothing Yet)

LEADS TO - 2330s Equipment
LEADS TO - Production Integrated Uniform
[T3] Primitive Integration

PREREQS - 2310s Personal Protection
Primitive Integration
Early attempts to integrate technological functions into Crew Uniforms.

40 / 40 Type-VII Zero-G Vac-Suit (Vacuum Protection Gear II) (Begins to reduce crew losses due to ship damage)
40 / 40 Personal Integrity Field Experiments (Hazardous Environment Gear II) (Continue path to shield+tech integrated away team protective gear)
40 / 40 Communicator Badge (Integrated Uniform I) (+1 to rolls for Distress Call Missions)

LEADS TO - Production Integrated Uniforms
[T3] 2320s Personal Weapons

PREREQS - 2310s Personal Protection
2320s Personal Weapons
Improved personal protection weapons for crew-members.

15 / 50
Miniaturised Power-Packs (Personal Phasers III) (Leads to improved Tech)
Improved Phaser Emitter (Phaser Rifles II) (Leads to improved Tech)

LEADS TO - 2330s Phaser Side-Arms
LEADS TO - 2330s Phaser Rifles
[T4] Hazard Team Concept

PREREQS - Specialised Teams
Hazard Team Concept
Sometimes tricky situations require a more deft touch than "whoever happens to be nearby".

8 / 50
Science 2325 Away Team Curriculum (Away Team Training III) (Re-Roll Science Tests involving Away Missions)
Talent Identification (Hazard Team II) (Non-Explorers: Gain +1 S on missions requiring away teams)
Emergency Responses (Away Team Engineering I) (Improved chance to get a Disabled Result instead of Destroyed Result)

LEADS TO - Hazard Teams
[T4] Modern Tricorder

PREREQS - Basic Modern Tricorder
Modern Tricorder
Portable devices to help crew members carry-out functions independently.

0 / 60
Reinforced Power Pack (Tricorder IV) (Leads to Next Tier)
Type-IV Science Tricorder (Science Tricorder I) (+1 S on Missions requiring away teams)
Type-IV Medical Tricorder (Medical Tricorder I) (Improved Crew Survival leads to +0.25 all crews)

LEADS TO - Next Generation Tricorder
[T4] 2330s Equipment

PREREQS - 2320s Equipment
2330s Equipment
Man-portable equipment, whether intended for Away Teams or shipboard use.

27 / 55
Amarkian Marine Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Equipment III) (re-roll attempts to conduct forced boarding)
High-Efficiency Rebreathers (Safety Devices II) (Reduce ship destroyed penalty to crew losses)
Type-A Engineering Kit (Engineering Gear I) (+1 to rolls ship recovery Distress Calls)
High-Density Power Cells (Portable Shield Systems II) (Nothing Yet)

LEADS TO - 2340s Equipment
LEADS TO - Personal Integrity Field
[T4] Production Integrated Uniforms

PREREQS - Primitive Integration, 2320s Equipment
Production Integrated Uniforms
Early attempts to integrate technological functions into Crew Uniforms.

0 / 55
Type-VIII Zero-G Vac-Suit (Vacuum Protection Gear III) (Improved safety generates +0.1/crew)
Personal Integrity Field Experiments (Hazardous Environment Gear III) (Continue path to shield+tech integrated away team protective gear)
PADD-Holo Wrist Display Unit (Integrated Uniform II) (+1 to rolls for Diplomatic Missions requiring Away Teams)

LEADS TO - Personal Integrity Field
[T4] 2330s Phaser Side-Arms

PREREQS - 2320s Personal Weapons
2330s Phaser Side-Arms
Improved personal protection weapons for crew-members.

0 / 60
Mark-V Phaser Family (Personal Phasers IV) (+1 to unplanned personal-level combat rolls)

LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Side-Arms
[T4] 2330s Phaser Rifles

PREREQS - 2320s Personal Weapons
2330s Phaser Rifles
Improved small arms for crew-members.

0 / 60
Mark-V Type-3 Phasers (Phaser Rifles III) (+1 to planned personal level combat rolls)

LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Rifles
[T5] Hazard Teams

PREREQS - Hazard Team Concept
Hazard Teams
Sometimes tricky situations require a more deft touch than "whoever happens to be nearby".

0 / 65
Engineering 2335 Away Team Curriculum (Away Team Training IV) (+1 Hull Point may be repaired while underway with Engineering Tricorders)
Implement Hazard Teams (Hazard Team III) (Increase Event Rate)
(Away Team Engineering II) (Improved chance to get a Disabled Result instead of Destroyed Result)

[T5] Next Generation Tricorder

PREREQS - Modern Tricorders
Next Generation Tricorder
Portable devices to help crew members carry-out functions independently.

0 / 85
Reinforced Power Pack (Tricorder V) (Leads to Next Tier)
Type-V Science Tricorder (Science Tricorder II) (+1 S on Missions requiring away teams)
Type-V Medical Tricorder (Medical Tricorder II) (Improved Crew Survival leads to +0.25 all crews)
Type-V Engineering Tricorder (Engineering Tricorder I) (+1 Hull Point may be repaired while underway with Engineering Tricorders)

[T5] 2340s Equipment

PREREQS - 2330s Equipment
2340s Equipment
Man-portable equipment, whether intended for Away Teams or shipboard use.

0 / 85
Vulcan Science Academy Pattern Away Team Kit (Away Team Equipment V) (+1 S for away missions)
(Safety Devices IV) (Improve crew intake +0.25 all crews)
Type-B Engineering Kit (Engineering Gear III) (+1 to some Engineering-related events)
Andorian Academy Mk 8 Coils (Portable Shield Systems IV) (Nothing Yet)

[T5] Personal Integrity Field

PREREQS - 2330s Equipment, Production Integrated Uniforms
Personal Integrity Field
Early attempts to integrate technological functions into Crew Uniforms.

0 / 70
Rebreathing Equipment (Vacuum Protection Gear IV) (Improved safety generates +0.1/crew)
Personal Integrity Field Inegration (Integrated Uniform III) (Hazard Team away missions re-roll)

[T5] 2340s Phaser Side-Arms

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Side-Arms
2340s Phaser Side-Arms
Improved personal protection weapons for crew-members.

0 / 80
Refitted Mark-V Phaser Family (Personal Phasers V) (+1 to unplanned personal-level combat rolls)

[T5] 2340s Phaser Rifles

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Rifles
2340s Phaser Rifles
Improved small arms for crew-members.

0 / 80
Refitted Mark-V Type-3 Phasers (Phaser Rifles IV) (+1 to planned personal level combat rolls)

[T1] ToC Sensors

ToC Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space.

20 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
20 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
20 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)

20 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)

[T1 LR/SR/Nav Sensor Parts Unlocked]
[Required for T1 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2310s Short-Range Sensors
LEADS TO - 2310s Long-Range Sensors
[T2] 2310s Short-Range Sensors

PREREQS - ToC Sensors
2310s Short-Range Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space.

40 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
40 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)

40 / 40 Geological Survey Sensors I (+1 to resource acquisition for non-Explorer Crew)

[T2 Long Range Sensor Parts Unlocked]
[Required to unlock Survey Sensors]

LEADS TO - 2320s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
LEADS TO - 2320s Targeting Sensors
LEADS TO - 2320s Geological Sensors
[T2] 2310s Long-Range Sensors

PREREQS - ToC Sensors
2310s Long-Range Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space.

40 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II -
20 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I
40 / 40 Long Range Sensors II
100 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)

[T2 Long-Range Sensor Parts Unlocked]
[Required for T2 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays
LEADS TO - 2320s Sensor Installations
LEADS TO - 2320s Survey Sensors
[T3] 2320s Anti-Cloaking Sensors

PREREQS - 2310s Short-Range Sensors
2320s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
Research into detecting that which people are attempting to hide

58 / 58
SR Anti-Cloaking III - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
Milli-Cochrane Tachyon Emission Detection (Anti-Cloaking Tech I) (Necessary to Progress)

LEADS TO - 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
[T3] 2320s Targeting Sensors

PREREQS - 2310s Short-Range Sensors
2320s Targeting Sensors
For research into improving your ability to target what is around you in space.

40 / 40 Targeting Sensors III
20 / 20 Torpedo Homing Packages I
20 / 20 Phaser Tracking Sensors I
20 / 20 Tactical Command Sensors I

[Unlocks T3 SR Sensor parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors
LEADS TO - 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
[T3] 2320s Geological Sensors

PREREQS - 2310s Short-Range Sensors
2320s Geological Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is on planets around you in space.

60 / 60 Geological Survey Sensors II (Gain increased rewards from mapping missions)

[Unlocks Survey Sensors]
[Required for T3 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2340s Geological Sensors
[T3] 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

PREREQS - 2310s Long-Range Sensors
2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

50 / 50
Enhanced Sensors III
Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy II

LEADS TO - 2330s Starship Sensor Arrays
LEADS TO - 2330s Specialist Exploratory Sensors
[T3] 2320s Sensor Installations

PREREQS - 2310s Long-Range Sensors
2320s Sensor Installations
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

20 / 100
Large-Scale Sensor Array II (Increase Event Rate in Systems with Starbases)

LEADS TO - 2330s Starbase Sensors
[T3] 2320s Long Range Sensors

PREREQS - 2310s Long-Range Sensors
2320s Long Range Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

55 / 55
Long Range Sensors III - (gain +1 to Rolls in Anomaly Missions for non-Explorers)
Long Range Sensor Efficiency I

[Unlocks T3 LR Sensors]
[Required to unlock T3 Nav Sensors]

LEADS TO - 2330s Long Range Sensors
[T4] 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s Short-Range Sensors
2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors
Research into detecting that which people are attempting to hide

4 / 70
SR Anti-Cloaking IV - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
Milli-Cochrane Tachyon Emission Detection (Anti-Cloaking Tech II) (Necessary to Progress)

[T4] 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s Targeting Sensors
2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors
For research into improving your ability to target what is around you in space.

60 / 60 Phaser Tracking Sensors II

[Unlocks T4 Medium/Heavy SR sensor parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Targeting Sensors
[T4] 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s Targeting Sensors
2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
For research into improving your ability to target what is around you in space.

15 / 45
Torpedo Homing Packages II

[Unlocks T4 Light SR sensor parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Targeting Sensors
[T4] 2330s Starship Sensor Arrays

PREREQS - 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays
2330s Starship Sensor Arrays
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 70
Enhanced Sensors IV - (2% weight/power savings for Science)
Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy III (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
Sensor Hull Mountings I (Science Weight reduced by 2%)
Sensor Power I (Science Power use reduced by 2%)

[Unlocks T4 Survey Sensors]
[Required to unlock T4 Ops Frames]

LEADS TO - 2340s Geological Sensors
LEADS TO - Next Generation Sensor Technology
[T4] 2330s Specialist Exploratory Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s High-Powered Sensor Arrays

2330s Specialist Exploratory Sensors
For putting special equipment in the hands of special people.

0 / 50
Stellar Catographic Sensors I (+1 to Stellar Anomaly Research rolls)
Specialist Sensors I (+1 to Science for Long-Range Explorer Vessels after 6mnth refit)

[Unlocks T4 Nav Sensor parts]
[Required for T4 Science Labs]

[T4] 2330s Starbase Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s Sensor Installations
2330s Starbase Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 115
Large-Scale Sensor Array III (+1 Defence for Outposts/Starbases/Deep Space, Increase Event Rate in Systems with Starbases)

LEADS TO - 2340s Starbase Sensors
[T4] 2330s Survey Sensors

PREREQS - 2320s Survey Sensors

2330s Survey Sensors

10 / 70
Long Range Sensors IV - (gain +1 to Rolls in Anomaly Missions for Explorers)
Long Range Sensor Efficiency II

[Unlocks T4 LR Sensors]

LEADS TO - 2340s Survey Sensors
[T5] 2340s Targeting Sensors

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Tracking Sensors, 2330s Torpedo Homing Sensors
2340s Targeting Sensors
For research into improving your ability to target what is around you in space.

0 / 75
Targeting Sensors IV (2% power use for combat)
Torpedo Homing Packages III (+1% combat weight, -4% combat power savings for Escorts)
Phaser Tracking Sensors III (+1% combat power, -2% combat weight for Explorers )
Tactical Command Sensors II(-2% combat weight/power for cruisers)

[Unlocks T5 SR Sensor Parts]

[T5] 2340s Geological Sensors

PREREQS - 2330s Starship Sensor Arrays, 2320s Geological Sensors
2340s Geological Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 80
Geological Survey Sensors III (Gain increased rewards from mapping missions)

[Unlocks T5 Survey Sensors]

[T5] Next Generation Sensor Technology

PREREQS - 2330s Starship Sensor Arrays
Next Generation Sensor Technology
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 100
Enhanced Sensors V
Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy IV
Sensor Hull Mountings II
Sensor Power II

[Required to unlock T5 Ops Frames]
[Required for T5 Science Labs]

[T5] 2340s Starbase Sensors

PREREQS - 2330s Sensor Installations
2340s Starbase Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 130
Large-Scale Sensor Array IV (+1 Defence for Outposts/Starbases/Deep Space, Increase Event Rate in Systems with Starbases)

[T5] 2340s Survey Sensors

PREREQS - 2330s Survey Sensors
2340s Survey Sensors
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space from a long way out.

0 / 90
Long Range Sensors V
Long Range Sensor Efficiency III

[Unlocks T5 LR Sensor Parts]

[T1] Early ToC Weapons

Early ToC Weapons
For things that go pew and/or bang.

20 / 20 Early Nadion Theory (Phasers I) (Lead to Phaser Development)
20 / 20 Advanced Torpedo Theory (Torpedo I) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
20 / 20 Type-IV Heavy EPS Manifold ( Phaser Power Conductors I) (-1% Combat Power/Use)
20 / 20 Type-VI Torpedo Warhead (Torpedo Yield I) - (-2% combat power use for Escorts)

[Unlocks T1 Weapon Parts]

[T2] 2310s Phaser Development

PREREQS - ToC Weapons
2310s Phaser Development
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

40 / 40 Type-VI Twin-Emitter Bank Design (Phasers II)
40 / 40 Adopted Nacelle EPS Conduit (Phaser Power Conductors II)
20 / 20 Phaser Modulations I (+1% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)
20 / 20 Structural-Integrity Integrated Manifold Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability I)

[Unlocks T2 Phasers]

LEADS TO - 2320s Phaser Efficiency
LEADS TO - Primitive Phaser Arrays
LEADS TO - 2320s Phaser Development
LEADS TO - 2320s Penetrating Nadions
[T2] 2310s Torpedo Development

PREREQS - ToC Weapons
2310s Torpedo Development
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

40 / 40 Future Torpedo Research Program (Torpedo II) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
40 / 40 Revised Type-VI Warhead (Torpedo Yield II)

20 / 20 Class-1 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System I)
20 / 20 Blast-Proof Reactant Separators (Torpedo Safety I)

[Unlocks T2 Torpedoes]

LEADS TO - 2320s Torpedo Tracking
LEADS TO - 2320s Torpedo Development
[T3] 2320s Phaser Efficiency

PREREQS - 2310s Phaser Development
2320s Phaser Efficiency
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

40 / 40 Structural-Integrity Integrated Manifold Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability II)
40 / 40 Superenergetic Nadion Crystals (Phaser Efficiency I)
40 / 40 Power Tap Redundancy (Phaser Reliability I) (Reduce Weapon subsystem repair time)

[Required to unlock T3 Tactical Frames]

LEADS TO - 2330s LW Secondary Phasers
LEADS TO - 2340s HY Heat Sinks
[T3] Primitive Phaser Arrays

PREREQS - 2310s Phaser Development
Primitive Phaser Arrays
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

60 / 60 Prototype Type-IX Phaser Array (Phaser Array I) (Leads to Next Tech Level)

LEADS TO - Production Phaser Arrays
[T3] 2320s Phaser Development

PREREQS - 2310s Phaser Development
2320s Phaser Development
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

53 / 55
Type-VII Phaser Banks (Phasers III) (Increase Cruiser/Capital Critical Hit Chance)
High-Strength EPS Alternator (Phaser Weight I)

[Unlocks T3 Phaser Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Phaser Development
[T3] 2320s Penetrating Nadions

PREREQS - 2310s Phaser Development
2320s Penetrating Nadions
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

40 / 40 Phaser Modulations II (+4% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)

LEADS TO - 2330s Penetrating Nadions
LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Drills
LEADS TO - 2330s High-Yield Phasers
[T3] 2320s Torpedo Tracking

PREREQS - 2310s Torpedo Development
2320s Torpedo Tracking
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

47 / 70
Multi-Spectral Tracking Computer (Torpedo Tracking I) (-5% Evasion in opposing ships)

[T3] 2320s Torpedo Development

PREREQS - 2310s Torpedo Development
2320s Torpedo Development
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

53 / 55
Future Torpedo Research Program (Torpedo III) (Lead to Torpedo Development)
Type-VIII Warhead (Torpedo Yield III) (Increase Frigate Critical Hit Chance)
Refined Class-1 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System II)
Magnetically Sealed Mixing Chamber (Torpedo Safety II)

[Unlocks T3 Torpedo Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Torpedo Development
LEADS TO - Quantum Torpedo Theory Work
[T4] 2330s LW Secondary Phasers

PREREQS - 2320s Phaser Efficiency
2330s LW Secondary Phasers
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

40 / 55
Woznium Emitter Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability III)
Cryogenic Systems (Phaser Efficiency II)
Multiple EPS Feeds (Phaser Reliability II)

[Unlocks Secondary Phaser options - Increase Cruiser and Capital Evasion]

LEADS TO - 2340s Secondary Phasers
[T4] Production Phaser Arrays

PREREQS - Primitive Phaser Arrays
Production Phaser Arrays
A powerful development in Phaser Technology - instead of small banks of emitters, the phaser array comprises a long series of emitters that can combine strength.

53 / 70
Type-IX Production Phaser Array (Phaser Array II)

[Unlocks powerful Phaser Array Weapon Part Variants]

LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Development
LEADS TO - 2340s Secondary Phasers
[T4] 2330s Phaser Development

PREREQS - 2320s Phaser Development
2330s Phaser Development
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 65
Type-VIII Phaser Banks (Phasers IV)
Tritanium Microfilament Emplacement Trusses (Phaser Weight II)

[Unlocks T4 Phaser parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Development
LEADS TO - 2340s High-Yield Heat Sinks
LEADS TO - 2340s Phaser Drills
[T4] 2330s Penetrating Nadions

PREREQS - 2320s Phaser Development
2330s Penetrating Nadions
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 40
Phaser Modulations III (+2% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)

LEADS TO - 2340s Penetrating Nadions
[T4] 2330s High-Yield Phasers

PREREQS - 2320s Penetrating Nadions
2330s High-Yield Phasers
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 60
Multi-TeraWatt Taps (Phaser Power I) (Increase Cruiser/Capital Critical Hit Chance)
Frigate Core Taps (Frigate Phasers I) (Increase Frigate Shield Burnthrough)
Starbase Phasers I (Starbase +1 C)

[Required to Unlock Large T4 Escort Tactical Frame]

LEADS TO - 2340s High Yield Phaser
[T4] Quantum Torpedo Theory Work

PREREQS - 2320s Torpedo Development
Quantum Torpedo Theory Work
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

40 / 70
Quantum Torpedo Theory Work (Torpedo IV) (Lead to Torpedo Development)

LEADS TO - Quantum Torpedo Prototype
[T4] 2330s Torpedo Development

PREREQS - 2320s Torpedo Development
2330s Torpedo Development
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

0 / 70
Class-7 Type-VIII Warhead (Torpedo Yield IV) (Increase Frigate Critical Hit Chance)
Class-2 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System III)
Redesigned Handling Procedures (Torpedo Safety III) (Improve Weapon subsystem repair time)

[Unlocks T4 Torpedoes]

LEADS TO - 2340s Torpedo Development
LEADS TO - Quantum Torpedo Prototype
[T5] 2340s Secondary Phasers

PREREQS - 2330s LW Secondary Phasers, Production Phaser Arrays
2340s Secondary Phasers
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 75
Allisite Crystalline Capacitor Core (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability IV)
Refined Cryogenic Systems (Phaser Efficiency III)
Light-Weight EPS Constrictors (Phaser Reliability III)
Type-VIII Secondary Phaser Array (Secondary Phaser I)

[Required to Unlock Large/Medium T5 Capital Tactical Frames]
[Unlocks dedicated Secondary Phaser Parts]

[T5] 2340s Phaser Development

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Development, Production Phaser Arrays
2340s Phaser Development
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 90
Type-X Phaser Arrays (Phasers V)
Type-X Array Support Systems (Phaser Array III)
Revamped Nadion Lead Coils (Phaser Weight III)

[Unlock T5 Phaser parts]

[T5] 2340s High Yield Heat Sinks

PREREQS - 2320s Phaser Efficiency, 2330s Phaser Development
2340s High Yield Heat Sinks
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

0 / 60
Triple-Loop Cryogenics (Heat Sinks I)

[Required as part of unlocking T5 Tactical Subframes]

[T5] 2340s Phaser Drills

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Development, 2320s Penetrating Nadions
2340s Phaser Drills
Phasers that can be used for mining and excavation purposes

0 / 45
Phaser Drills I (+5 Output from all Mining Colonies)

[T5] 2340s Penetrating Nadions

PREREQS - 2330s Phaser Development
2340s Penetrating Nadions
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

Gain +1 Militarisation

0 / 60
Phaser Modulations IV (+2% chance of inflicting shield burn-through)

[T5] 2340s High-Yield Phasers

PREREQS - 2330s Penetrating Nadions
2340s High-Yield Phasers
Directed Energy weapons that use Nadions to transfer the strong nuclear force to destroy targets.

Gain +1 Militarisation

0 / 70
Multi-TeraWatt Taps (Phaser Power II) (Increase Cruiser + Capital Critical Hit Chance)
Escort Core Taps (Frigate Phasers II) (Increase Frigate Burn-through chance)
Starbase Phasers II (Starbase +1 C)

LEADS TO - 2340s High Yield Phaser
[T5] Quantum Torpedo Prototype

PREREQS - Quantum Torpedo Theory Work, 2320s Torpedo Development
Quantum Torpedo Prototype
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

0 / 75
Quantum Torpedo Theory Work (Torpedo V) (Lead to Torpedo Development)

LEADS TO - Quantum Torpedo Production Model
[T5] 2340s Torpedo Development

PREREQS - 2330s Torpedo Development
2340s Torpedo Development
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

0 / 70
Type-IX Warhead (Torpedo Yield V) (Increase Frigate Critical Hit Chance)
Class-3 Burst Torpedo Launcher (Launcher System IV)
Redesigned Handling Procedures (Torpedo Safety IV) (Reduce Weapon subsystem repair times)

[Unlock T5 Torpedo parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Torpedo Development
LEADS TO - Quantum Torpedo Prototype
[T6] Quantum Torpedo Production Model

PREREQS - Quantum Torpedo Prototype, 2340s Torpedo Development
Quantum Torpedo Production Model
Projectile weapons utilising an antimatter warhead.

Gain +1 Militarisation

0 / 95
Quantum Torpedo Production Model (Torpedo VI)

[Unlock T6 Quantum Torpedoes]

[T1] ToC Shields

Basic ToC Shields
For stopping things that go pew and/or bang.

20 / 20 Mark-III Deflector Shield Family (Core Shields I)
20 / 20 Graviton Modulation Theory (Navigational Deflector Efficiency I)
20 / 20 Andorian Astroengineering System B (Navigational Deflector Construction I)
20 / 20 Accelerated Energy Reinforcement (Shield Regeneration I) (No effect yet)

[Unlock T1 Navigation Deflectors, Shields]

LEADS TO - 2310s Deflector Shields
LEADS TO - 2310s Navigational Deflectors
[T2] 2310s Deflector Shields

PREREQS - ToC Shields
2310s Deflector Shields
For stopping things that go pew and/or bang.

40 / 40 Mark-IV Deflector Shield Family (Core Shields II)
20 / 20 AAHE-5 Emitter Pattern (Emitter Designs I)
20 / 20 Rationalisation (Emitter Simplification I)
20 / 20 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
20 / 20 Shield Regeneration II (No effect yet)
20 / 20 Shield Reliability I (+1 reliability for shields)

[Unlock T2 Deflector Shield parts]

LEADS TO - 2320s Deflector Emitters
LEADS TO - 2330s Next-Gen Emitters
LEADS TO - 2320s Deflector Shields
[T2] 2310s Navigational Deflectors

PREREQS - ToC Shields
2310s Navigational Deflectors
For stopping things that could give you a bad day at high speed

40 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Reberb (Navigational Deflector Efficiency II)
40 / 40 Graviton Wavefront Driver (Navigational Deflector Construction II)

20 / 20 AAHE-6 Advanced Emitter (Emitter Designs I )
20 / 20 Generic Deflector Waveguide (Exotic Material Efficiency I)
20 / 20 Improved Redundancy (Emitter Redundancy I)

[Unlock T2 Navigation Deflectors]

LEADS TO - 2320s Dish Construction
LEADS TO - 2320s Navigational Deflectors
[T3] 2320s Deflector Emitters

PREREQS - 2310s Deflector Shields
2320s Deflector Emitters
Design and research on the physical construction of deflector emitter and waveguide nodes.

40 / 40 Emitter Designs II
40 / 40 Emitter Simplification II
40 / 40 Shield Reliability II
20 / 20 Navigational Deflector Shunt (Gain +25% rounded up to Shield Rolls against natural phenomena)

[Reduces next set of Shields' SR costs by 5% over what they would have been]

LEADS TO - 2330s Next-Gen Emitters
LEADS TO - 2330s Emitter Materials
[T3] Shield Regeneration Project - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2310s Deflector Shields

Shield Regeneration Project
Design and research on the field properties of deflector shields.

40 / 40 AAI-4 Shield Distribution System (Shield Regeneration III)

LEADS TO - 2330s Shield Geometry
[T3] 2320s Deflector Shields - COMPLETE

REREQS - 2310s Deflector Shields
2320s Deflector Shields
For stopping things that go pew and/or bang.

60 / 60 Mark-V Deflector Shield Family (Core Shields III)
40 / 40 zh'Meryth Advanced Deflector Geometry (Shield Geometry I) (+1 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
40 / 40 Stellar Filtering I (+1 to Shield Rolls against Stellar events)

[Unlocks T3 Deflector Shield Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Shield Geometry
LEADS TO - 2330s Deflector Absorption
LEADS TO - 2330s Deflector Reliability
[T3] 2320s Dish Construction

PREREQS - 2310s Navigational Deflectors
2320s Dish Construction
For stopping things that could give you a bad day at high speed

0 / 45 Navigational Deflector Construction III (Gain +1 to Shld-T against interstellar phenomena) *
Exotic Material Efficiency II
Compact Deflector Design I

* = e.g., Ion Storms.

LEADS TO - Next-Gen Main Deflectors
[T3] 2320s Navigational Deflectors

PREREQS - 2310s Navigational Deflectors
2320s Navigational Deflectors
For stopping things that could give you a bad day at high speed

50 / 50
Shaped Wavefront Navigation System (Navigational Deflector Efficiency III)
Redirecting Cowling (Emitter Designs II)
Re-Gas Cylinder Alignment (Emitter Redundancy II)

[Unlock T3 Navigational Deflector parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Navigational Shaping
[T4] 2330s Next-Gen Emitters

PREREQS - 2320s Deflector Emitters
2330s Next-Gen Emitters
Design and research on the physical construction of deflector emitter and waveguide nodes.

0 / 50
Emitter Yield I (-2% to Shield Weight)
Emitter Designs III (-2% to Shield Power)
Shield Reliability III (+1 reliability for shields)

[Unlock T4 Deflector Shields w- 2330s Deflector Absorption]

[T4] 2330s Emitter Materials

PREREQS - 2320s Deflector Emitters
2330s Emitter Materials
Design and research on the physical construction of deflector emitter and waveguide nodes.

0 / 35
Emitter Simplification III
Emitter Materials I

[Unlocks low-SR variants of T3 Deflector Shields]
[If T4 Deflector Shields are unlocked, will unlock low SR variants]

[T4] 2330s Shield Geometry

PREREQS - Shield Regeneration Project, 2320s Deflector Shields
2330s Shield Geometry
Design and research on the field properties of deflector shields.

0 / 50
Shield Geometry II (+2% to Evasion)
Shield Regeneration IV (+2% to Shield Regeneration)

LEADS TO - 2340s Deflector Shields
[T4] 2330s Deflector Absorption

PREREQS - 2320s Deflector Shields
2330s Deflector Absorption
Design and research on the field properties of deflector shields.

0 / 70
Core Shields IV (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%)
Graviton Reabsorption I (reduce Defence requirement by 3%)
Stellar Filtering II (+1 to Shield Rolls against Stellar events)

[Unlock T4 Deflector Shield Parts with Next-Gen Emitters]

LEADS TO - 2340s Deflector Shields
[T4] 2330s Deflector Reliability

PREREQS - 2320s Deflector Shields
2330s Deflector Reliability
Design and research on the field properties of deflector shields.

0 / 50
Deflector Reliability I (halve Shield repair time in case of subsystem damage)
Coolant Systems I (-1% to shield burnthrough chance)

LEADS TO - 2340s Deflector Shields
[T4] 2330s Navigational Shaping

PREREQS - 2320s Navigational Deflectors
2330s Navigational Shaping
For stopping things that could give you a bad day at high speed

0 / 70
(Navigational Deflector Efficiency IV)
(Emitter Designs III)
Emitter Redundancy III (+1 reliability for Defence)

[Unlock T4 Prototype Navigational Deflectors]

LEADS TO - Next-Generation Main Deflector
[T5] 2340s Deflector Shields

PREREQS - 2330s Shield Geometry, 2330s Deflector Absorption, 2330s Deflector Reliability
2340s Deflector Shields
Design and research on the field properties of deflector shields.

0 / 95
Toyama Shield Pattern (Shield Geometry III) (+2 to Damage Evasion Attempts)
Exotic Particle Recycling (Shield Regeneration V)
Mark-VII Deflector Shield Family (Core Shields V) (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%)
Graviton Reabsorption II
Stellar Filtering III (+1 to Shield Rolls against Stellar
Deflector Reliability II
Coolant Systems II

[Unlock T5 Deflector Shields]

[T5] Next-Gen Main Deflectors

PREREQS - 2330s Navigational Shaping, 2320s Dish Construction
Next-Gen Main Deflectors
For stopping things that could give you a bad day at high speed

0 / 95
Navigational Deflector Construction IV (Reduce Defence weight requirements by 2%)
Exotic Material Efficiency III (improve Weight:SR ratio of Defence)
Compact Deflector Design II (Escort Defence Weight/Power reduced by -2%, reliability -1)
Navigational Deflector Efficiency V (reduce Defence power requirements by 2%)
Emitter Designs IV (-2% to Defence Weight)
Emitter Redundancy IV (+1 reliability for Defence)

[Unlock T5 Nav Deflectors]

[T1] ToC Communications

ToC Communications
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

20 / 20 Long Range Subspace Comms I (Lead to roll bonus for Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
20 / 20 Fleet Comms I (Give a 1% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)
20 / 20 Research Net I (Gain +5 RP/year)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Intercepts I (Improve Intelligence Gathering)

LEADS TO - 2310s Message Networking
LEADS TO - 2310s Communications
LEADS TO - 2310s Message Security
[T2] 2310s Message Networking

PREREQS - ToC Communications
2310s Networking
Technology for enabling people to work together.

40 / 40 DataNet 2.0 (Research Net II) (Gain +5 RP/year)
40 / 40 Regional DataNet (Colony Research Net I) (Research Colonies cost -1 pp)

LEADS TO - 2320s Federation Datanet
LEADS TO - 2320s Colony Datanets
[T2] 2310s Communications

PREREQS - ToC Communications
2310s Comms
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

40 / 40 Higgs Dampening Comm Filter (Long Range Subspace Comms II) (Gain +1 to all Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
40 / 40 SFT-10 Fleet Comm System (Fleet Comms II) (Give a 2% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)

LEADS TO - 2320s LR Comms
LEADS TO - 2320s Fleet Comms
[T2] 2310s Message Security

PREREQS - ToC Communications
2310s Message Security
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

40 / 40 Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts II) (Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Encryption I (Improve Information Security)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Decryption I (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)

LEADS TO - 2320s Fleet Comms
LEADS TO - 2320s Encryption
LEADS TO - 2320s Decryption
LEADS TO - 2320s Signal Intercepts
[T3] 2320s Federation Datanet

PREREQS - 2310s Message Security
2320s Federation Datanet
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 50
Federation DataNet 3.0 (Research Net III) (Gain +5 RP/year)
Public Outreach I (1 Non-Affiliate at Random gets a Diplomatic Push)

LEADS TO - 2330s Federation Datanet
LEADS TO - 2330s Affiliate Datanet
[T3] 2320s Colony Datanets

PREREQS - 2310s Message Networking
2320s Colony Datanets
Technology for enabling people to work together.

60 / 60 Regional DataNet (Colony Research Net II) (All Mining/Research Colonies generate +1 Rp)
40 / 40 Colony Network I (Affiliate Diplomatic Rolls gain +1)

LEADS TO - 2330s Affiliate Datanet
[T3] 2320s LR Comms

PREREQS - 2310s Communications
2320s LR Comms
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

60 / 60 Long Range Subspace Comms III (+1 to Response Rolls)
60 / 60 Emergency Network I (Increase Distress Call Event Rate)

LEADS TO - 2330s Affiliate Datanet
LEADS TO - 2330s LR Comms
LEADS TO - 2330s Emergency Network
[T3] 2320s Fleet Comms

PREREQS - 2310s Communications, 2310s Message Security
2320s Fleet Comms
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

10 / 50
Fleet Comms III (+1 to ships that can respond to an incident)
Tactical Net I (+1% to Fleet Combat Attack Values)

LEADS TO - 2330s Fleet Comms
[T3] 2320s Encryption

PREREQS - 2310s Message Security
2320s Encryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

40 / 40 Subspace Communications Encryption II (Improve Information Security)
40 / 40 Encryption Theory I (Necessary to Progress)
40 / 40 Starfleet Encryption I (Needed for 2330s Fleet Comms)

LEADS TO - 2330s Fleet Comms
LEADS TO - 2330s Encryption
LEADS TO - 2330s Cryptography Theory
[T3] 2320s Decryption

PREREQS - 2310s Message Security
2320s Decryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

40 / 40 Subspace Communications Decryption II (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
40 / 40 Decryption Theory I (Needed to Progress)
40 / 40 System Adaption I (Get Intel reports on new powers sooner)

LEADS TO - 2330s Cryptography Theory
LEADS TO - 2330s Decryption
[T3] 2320s Signal Intercepts - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2310s Message Security
2320s Signal Intercepts
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

60 / 60 Deci-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts III) (Projects to Increase Events in Zones available)
40 / 40 Listening Post I (Border Zone projects become available)

LEADS TO - 2330s Signal Intercepts
LEADS TO - 2330s Listening Posts
[T4] 2330s Federation Datanet

PREREQS - 2320s Federation Datanet
2330s Federation Datanet
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

26 / 70
Federation DataNet 3.5 (Research Net IV) (Gain +5 RP/year)
Public Outreach I (1 Non-Affiliate at Random gets a Diplomatic Push)

LEADS TO - 2340s Federation Datanet
LEADS TO - 2340s Affiliate Datanet
[T4] 2330s Affiliate Datanet

PREREQS - 2320s Colony Datanets, 2320s Federation Datanet, 2320s LR Comms
2330s Affiliate Datanet
Technology for enabling people to work together.

0 / 70
Affiliate DataNet (Colony Research Net III) (+2 RP per Affiliate)
Colony Network II (Affiliate Diplomatic Rolls gain +1)

LEADS TO - 2340s Affiliate Datanet
[T4] 2330s LR Comms

PREREQS - 2320s LR Comms
2330s LR Comms
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

0 / 65
Long Range Subspace Comms IV (+1 to to Diplomatic Rolls)

LEADS TO - 2340s Affiliate Datanet
LEADS TO - 2340s LR Comms
[T4] 2330s Emergency Network

PREREQS - 2320s LR Comms
2330s Emergency Network
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

62 / 65
Emergency Network II (Re-Roll Response if no ships pass)

LEADS TO - 2340s Emergency Network
[T4] 2330s Fleet Comms

PREREQS - 2320s Fleet Comms, 2320s Encryption
2330s Fleet Comms
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 50
Fleet Comms IV (-1 to turns required to flee a Fleet Battle, -2 during a general retreat)
Tactical Net II (+1% to Fleet Combat Values)

LEADS TO - 2340s Fleet Comms
[T4] 2330s Encryption

PREREQS - 2320s Encryption
2330s Encryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

11 / 50
Subspace Communications Encryption III (Improve Information Security)
Starfleet Encryption II (Needed for 2340s Fleet Comms)

LEADS TO - 2340s Fleet Comms
LEADS TO - 2340s Encryption
[T4] 2330s Cryptography Theory

PREREQS - 2320s Encryption, 2320s Decryption
2330s Cryptography Theory

10 / 50
Encryption Theory II (Necessary to Progress)
Decryption Theory II (Needed to Progress)

LEADS TO - 2340s Encryption
LEADS TO - 2340s Decryption
[T4] 2330s Decryption

PREREQS - 2320s Decryption
2330s Decryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 50
Subspace Communications Decryption III (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
System Adaption II (Get Intel reports on new powers sooner)

LEADS TO - 2340s Decryption
[T4] 2330s Signal Intercepts

PREREQS - 2320s Signal Intercepts
2330s Signal Intercepts
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 60
Deci-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts IV) (Projects to Increase Events in Zones available)

LEADS TO - 300kt Intel Module
LEADS TO - 2340s Listening Posts
[T4] 2330s Listening Posts

PREREQS - 2320s Signal Intercepts
2330s Listening Posts
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 45
Listening Post II (Can more reliabily beat counter-intel)

LEADS TO - 2340s Listening Posts
[T5] 2340s Federation Datanet

PREREQS - 2330s Federation Datanet
2340s Federation Datanet
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 85
Federation DataNet 4.0 (Research Net V) (Gain +5 RP/year)
Public Outreach II (1 Non-Affiliate at Random gets a Diplomatic Push)

[T5] 2340s Affiliate Datanet

PREREQS - 2330s Affiliate Datanet, 2330s Federation Datanet, 2330s LR Comms
2340s Affiliate Datanet
Technology for enabling people to work together.

0 / 85
Affiliate DataNet (Colony Research Net IV) (+2 RP per Affiliate)
Colony Network III (Affiliate Diplomatic Rolls gain +1)

[T5] 2340s LR Comms

PREREQS - 2330s LR Comms
2340s LR Comms
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

0 / 80
Long Range Subspace Comms V (+1 to to Diplomatic Rolls)

[T5] 2340s Emergency Network

PREREQS - 2330s LR Comms
2340s Emergency Network
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

0 / 80
Emergency Network III (+1 to Escort/Cruiser Response Rolls)

[T5] 2340s Fleet Comms

PREREQS - 2330s Fleet Comms, 2330s Encryption
2340s Fleet Comms
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 70
Fleet Comms V (-1 to turns required to flee a Fleet Battle)
Tactical Net III (+2% to Fleet Combat Values)

LEADS TO - 2340s Fleet Comms
[T5] 2340s Encryption

PREREQS - 2330s Encryption, 2330s Cryptographic Theory
2340s Encryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 75
Subspace Communications Encryption IV (Improve Information Security)
Starfleet Encryption III (Needed to progress)
Encryption Theory III (Necessary to Progress)

[T5] 2340s Decryption

PREREQS - 2330s Decryption, 2330s Cryptographic Theory
2340s Decryption
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 70
Subspace Communications Decryption IV (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)
System Adaption III (Get Intel reports on new powers sooner)

[T5] 300kt Intel Module

PREREQS - 2330s Signal Intercepts
300kt Intel Module
Mobile intel-gathering platforms

0 / 40
Intel Module I (Unlock Scale 1 Intel Module)

[T5] 2340s Listening Posts

PREREQS - 2330s Signal Intercepts
2340s Listening Posts
Technology for looking into other people's messages, or stopping them from looking into yours.

0 / 60
Listening Post III (Can more reliabily beat counter-intel)

Mineral Technology

[T1] ToC Mineral Technology

ToC Mineral Technology
For locating and exploiting mineral deposits.

20 / 20 High Velocity Conveyor Lines (Bulk Resource Extraction I) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
20 / 20 Material Quality Focus (Bulk Resource Identification I) (+ 1 to Rolls on Resource Extraction missions)
20 / 20 Chem-Catalyst Smelting Process (Bulk Refining Techniques I) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
20 / 20 Radiation-Resistant Handling Machinery (Special Resource Extraction I) (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
20 / 20 Improvisational Extraction Mindset (Special Resource Identification I) (+ 1 to Rolls on Resource Extraction Missions)
20 / 20 Radiation-Resistant Processors (Special Refining Techniques I) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

LEADS TO - 2310s Bulk Resources
LEADS TO - 2310s Special Resources
[T2] 2310s Bulk Resources

PREREQS - ToC Mineral Technology
2310s Bulk Resources
For locating and exploiting bulk mineral deposits.

40 / 40 High Strength Tunnel Bracing (Bulk Resource Extraction II) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
40 / 40 Improved Salvage Procedures (Bulk Resource Identification II) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
40 / 40 Oxygen Exclusion Device (Bulk Refining Techniques II) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

LEADS TO - 2320s Bulk Mining
LEADS TO - 2320s Bulk Refining
LEADS TO - 2320s Bulk Surveying
[T2] 2310s Special Resources

PREREQS - ToC Mineral Technology
2310s Special Resources
For locating and exploiting special mineral deposits.

40 / 40 Special Resource Extraction III (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
40 / 40 Special Resource Identification III (boost to SRs found on Resource Extraction missions)

40 / 40 Special Refining Techniques II (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)

LEADS TO - 2320s Special Mining
LEADS TO - 2320s Special Refining
LEADS TO - 2320s Special Surveying
[T3] 2320s Bulk Mining

PREREQS - 2310s Bulk Resources
2320s Bulk Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of bulk resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 50
Drill Support Servomechanics (Bulk Resource Extraction III) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
Bulk Resource Priority I (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2330s Bulk Mining
[T3] 2320s Bulk Refining

PREREQS - 2310s Bulk Resources
2320s Bulk Refining
For efficiently, safely processing bulk materials. This requires rugged, durable equipment and high-capacity processing facilities.

5 / 50
Tritanium-Capable Induction Furnace (Bulk Refining Techniques III) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
High-Versatility MIning Equipment (Bulk Colony Survey I) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2330s Bulk Refining
[T3] 2320s Bulk Surveying

PREREQS - 2310s Bulk Resources
2320s Bulk Surveying
For detecting deposits of bulk materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

0 / 50
Ship-Portable Refining Equipment (Bulk Resource Identification III) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Straak Pattern Predictive Survey Heuristics (Bulk Tagging I) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2330s Bulk Surveying
[T3] 2320s Special Mining

PREREQS - 2310s Special Resources
2320s Special Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of special resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 50
Shielded Mining Rigs (Special Resource Extraction III) (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
Special Resource Priority I (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2330s Special Mining
[T3] 2320s Special Refining - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2310s Special Resources
2320s Special Refining
For efficiently, safely processing special materials. This can require special tools and protection against exotic radiation.

60 / 60 Dissociative Wave Purification (Special Refining Techniques III) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
60 / 60 Hardened Facility Pattern Enhancers (Special Colony Survey I) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2330s Special Refining
[T3] 2320s Special Surveying

PREREQS - 2310s Special Resources
2320s Special Surveying
For detecting deposits of exotic or special materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

50 / 50
Multirole Radiation-Safe Containers (Special Resource Identification III) (boost to SRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Uprated Exotic-Physics Detector Suite (Special Tagging I) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2330s Special Surveying
[T4] 2330s Bulk Mining

PREREQS - 2320s Bulk Resources
2330s Bulk Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of bulk resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 70
Wear-Resistant Cutting Tools (Bulk Resource Extraction IV) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
Bulk Resource Priority II (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2340s Bulk Mining
[T4] 2330s Bulk Refining

PREREQS - 2320s Bulk Resources
2330s Bulk Refining
For efficiently, safely processing bulk materials. This requires rugged, durable equipment and high-capacity processing facilities.

0 / 70
Gravitic Nullifier (Bulk Refining Techniques IV) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
Custom Hazard-Resistant Modifications (Bulk Colony Survey II) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2340s Bulk Refining
[T4] 2330s Bulk Surveying

PREREQS - 2320s Bulk Resources
2330s Bulk Surveying
For detecting deposits of bulk materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

0 / 70
High Capacity Material Containers (Bulk Resource Identification IV) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Ground Penetrating Spectroscopy (Bulk Tagging II) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2340s Bulk Surveying
[T4] 2330s Special Mining

PREREQS - 2320s Special Resources
2330s Special Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of special resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 70
Minimum-Vibration Cutting Tools (Special Resource Extraction IV) (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
Special Resource Priority II (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2340s Special Mining
[T4] 2330s Special Refining

PREREQS - 2320s Special Resources
2330s Special Refining
For efficiently, safely processing special materials. This can require special tools and protection against exotic radiation.

70 / 70
Non-Degrading Machine Tools (Special Refining Techniques IV) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
Anti-Rad Treated Prefabricated Shelters (Special Colony Survey II) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2340s Special Refining
[T4] 2330s Special Surveying

PREREQS - 2320s Special Resources
2330s Special Surveying
For detecting deposits of exotic or special materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

0 / 70
Shuttle Loading Protocols (Special Resource Identification IV) (boost to SRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Zaardmani Radiation Scan Calibration (Special Tagging II) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2340s Special Surveying
[T5] 2340s Bulk Mining

PREREQS - 2330s Bulk Resources
2340s Bulk Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of bulk resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 90
Transporter-Emplaced Charges (Bulk Resource Extraction V) (+5br on Resource Extraction missions)
(Bulk Resource Priority III) (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2350s Bulk Mining
[T5] 2340s Bulk Refining

PREREQS - 2330s Bulk Resources
2340s Bulk Refining
For efficiently, safely processing bulk materials. This requires rugged, durable equipment and high-capacity processing facilities.

0 / 90
Transporter Molecular Sifting Process (Bulk Refining Techniques V) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
Spare Part Replicator Catalog (Bulk Colony Survey III) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2350s Bulk Refining
[T5] 2340s Bulk Surveying

PREREQS - 2330s Bulk Resources
2340s Bulk Surveying
For detecting deposits of bulk materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

0 / 90
Volumetric-Intensive Beamup Procedure (Bulk Resource Identification V) (boost to BRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Transporter-Tracer Analytic Technique (Bulk Tagging III) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2350s Bulk Surveying
[T5] 2340s Special Mining

PREREQS - 2330s Special Resources
2340s Special Mining
Tools and techniques for faster extraction of special resources. Includes setting the exploratory and strategic agenda, to focus on such operations.

0 / 90
Pseudocrystal Structure Scanners (Special Resource Extraction V) (+5sr on Resource Extraction missions)
Special Resource Priority III (Increase Mapping Mission Chance in Home Sectors)

LEADS TO - 2350s Special Mining
[T5] 2340s Special Refining

PREREQS - 2330s Special Resources
2340s Special Refining
For efficiently, safely processing special materials. This can require special tools and protection against exotic radiation.

0 / 90
Subspace Induction Furnace (Special Refining Techniques V) (+5 to Mining Colony annual production)
Modular Shielded Mine Installations (Special Colony Survey III) (Increase chance of a site being colony-capable)

LEADS TO - 2350s Special Refining
[T5] 2340s Special Surveying

PREREQS - 2330s Special Resources
2340s Special Surveying
For detecting deposits of exotic or special materials, and gathering them onto a starship.

0 / 90
Shipboard Pretreatment Equipment (Special Resource Identification V) (boost to SRs found on Resource Extraction missions)
Subspace Deposit Tomography (Special Tagging III) (Non-Explorers Gain +1 to Mapping Missions)

LEADS TO - 2350s Special Surveying

[T1] Early Xenopsychology

Early Xenopsychology
The first steps to fostering cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

20 / 20 Xeno Architecture I (2% Weight/Power Savings for Presence)
20 / 20 Recruiting Campaign I (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.05 each)
20 / 20 Diplomatic Analysis I (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls)
20 / 20 Universal Translator II (Improve First Contact Scenarios)

[Unlock T0 Diplomacy Packages]

LEADS TO - 2310s Xenopsychology
[T2] 2300s Xenopsychology

PREREQS - 2310s Xenopsychology

2300s Xenopsychology
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

40 / 40 Xeno Architecture II (2% weight/power savings for Presence) [5 Overflow]
40 / 40 Recruiting Campaign II (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.1 each)
40 / 40 Diplomatic Analysis II (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls) [5 Overflow]
30 / 30 Universal Translator III (+1 to Presence tests for non-Explorer Corps ships when in First Contact)
40 / 40 First Contact Protocols II (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)
20 / 20 Presence Reliability Research I (Presence Reliability improved by 2) [8 Overflow]

[Unlock T1 Diplomacy Packages]

LEADS TO - 2310s Diplomacy
LEADS TO - 2310s Xenopsychology
LEADS TO - 2310s Affiliates Research
[T2] 2310s Diplomacy

PREREQS - 2300s Xenopsychology
2310s Diplomacy
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

60 / 60 Universal Translator IV (Nothing yet)
80 / 80 Extended Diplomatic Reach I (Apply an Annual Roll for a Random Non-Affiliate with Positive Relations)
60 / 60 Extended Profiles I (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)

LEADS TO - 2320s Diplomacy
[T2] 2310s Xenopsychology

PREREQS - 2300s Xenopsychology
2310s Xenopsychology
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

60 / 60 Xeno Architecture III
60 / 60 First Contact Protocals III (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)
40 / 40 Presence Reliability Research II (+2 to Presence Reliability)
60 / 60 Unified Theory I (Leads to further tech)
60 / 60 Psych Mapping I (Leads to further tech)

[Unlock T2 Diplomacy Packages]

LEADS TO - 2320s Xenoarchitecture
LEADS TO - 2320s Xenopsychology
[T2] 2310s Affiliates Research

PREREQS - 2300s Xenopsychology
2310s Affiliates Research
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

60 / 60 Recruiting Campaign III (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.15 each)
60 / 60 Diplomatic Analysis III (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
60 / 60 Public Media I (Leads to further tech)

[Unlocks T1 Recreation Parts]

LEADS TO - 2320s Affiliates Research
[T3] 2320s Diplomacy

PREREQS - 2310s Diplomacy
2320s Diplomacy
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

80 / 80 Universal Translator V (+10 to Starting Relations in First Contact situations)
100 / 100 Extended Diplomatic Reach II (Apply an Annual Roll for three Random Non-Affiliates with Positive Relations)
80 / 80 Extended Profiles II (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
60 / 60 Active Diplomacy I (+2 to results of Diplomatic Pushes)

LEADS TO - 2330s Active Diplomacy
LEADS TO - 2330s Passive Diplomacy
LEADS TO - Unified Psychological Model
[T3] 2320s Xenopsychology

PREREQS - 2310s Xenopsychology
2320s Xenopsychology
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

30 / 75
First Contact Protocals IV (+10 to starting relations with First Contact, 5% chance to Affiliate)
Unified Theory I (Leads to further tech)
Psych Mapping I (Leads to further tech)

LEADS TO - 2330s Federation Public Media
LEADS TO - Unified Psychological Model
[T3] 2320s Xenoarchitecture

PREREQS - 2310s Xenopsychology
2320s Xenoarchitecture
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

24 / 70
Xeno Architecture IV
Presence Reliability Research III (Gain +2 to Presence Reliability)

[Unlocks T2 Diplomatic Packages]

LEADS TO - Unified Psychological Model
[T3] 2320s Affiliates Research

PREREQS - 2310s Affiliates Research
2320s Affiliates Research
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

80 / 80 Recruiting Campaign IV (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.2 each)
80 / 80 Diplomatic Analysis IV (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
60 / 60 Affiliate Links I (Gain 1 Free Diplomatic Push Each Turn)
80 / 80 Public Media II (Leads to further tech)

[Unlocks T2 Recreation Parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Affiliates Research
LEADS TO - 2330s Federation Public Media
[T4] 2330s Active Diplomacy

PREREQS - 2320s Diplomacy
2330s Active Diplomacy
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

0 / 90
Universal Translator VI (+5 to Starting Relations in First Contact situations)
Extended Profiles III (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
Active Diplomacy I (+2 to results of Diplomatic Pushes)

LEADS TO - 2340s Diplomatic Outreach
[T4] 2330s Passive Diplomacy

PREREQS - 2320s Diplomacy
2330s Passive Diplomacy
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

55 / 105
Extended Diplomatic Reach III (Apply an Annual Roll for five Random Non-Affiliates with Positive Relations)
Passive Diplomacy I (Non-Affiliate Diplomatic Pushes are calculated in Q2 and Q4, with quarter-bonus)

LEADS TO - 2340s Passive Diplomacy
[T4] Unified Psychological Model

PREREQS - 2320s Diplomacy, 2320s Xenoarchitecture, 2320s Xenopsychology
Unified Psychological Model
A new way of thinking about cross-cultural psychology, enabling Federation scientists to adapt quickly to new species.

0 / 90
First Contact Protocals V (+5 to starting relations with First Contact, 5% chance to Affiliate)
Unified Theory II (Integration mark becomes 250, full membership 400)
Xeno Architecture V (2% weight/power savings for Presence)
Presence Reliability Research IV (Gain +2 to Presence Reliability)

[Unlocks T3 Diplomacy Packages]

LEADS TO - 2340s Diplomatic Outreach
LEADS TO - 2340s Federation Public Media
[T4] 2330s Federation Public Media

PREREQS - 2320s Xenopsychology
2330s Federation Public Media
The state-run media systems of the Federation represent a powerful tool for outreach.

0 / 80
Psych Mapping II (+1 Free Diplomatic Posture Report)
Public Media II (Max Diplomatic Pushes increased to 5)

LEADS TO - 2340s Federation Public Media
LEADS TO - 2340s Passive Diplomacy
[T4] 2330s Affiliates Research

PREREQS - 2320s Affiliates Research
2330s Affiliates Research
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

3 / 90
Recruiting Campaign V (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.25 each)
Diplomatic Analysis V (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
Affiliate Links II (Gain 1 Free Diplomatic Push Each Turn)

[Unlocks T3 Recreation Parts]

LEADS TO - 2340s Affiliates Research
[T5] 2340s Diplomatic Outreach

PREREQS - 2330s Active Diplomacy, Unified Psychological Model
2340s Diplomatic Outreach
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

0 / 105
Universal Translator VII (+5 to Starting Relations in First Contact situations)
First Contact Protocals VI (+5 to starting relations with First Contact, 10% chance to Affiliate)
Extended Profiles IV (+1 to all Diplomatic Rolls)
Active Diplomacy II (+2 to results of Diplomatic Pushes)

[T5] 2340s Passive Diplomacy

PREREQS - 2330s Passive Diplomacy, 2330s Federation Public Media
2340s Passive Diplomacy
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

0 / 115
Extended Diplomatic Reach IV (Apply an Annual Roll for all Non-Affiliates with Positive Relations)
Passive Diplomacy II (Non-Affiliate Diplomatic Pushes are calculated in Q2 and Q4, with half-bonus)

[T5] 2340s Federation Public Media

PREREQS - 2330s Federation Public Media
2340s Federation Public Media
The state-run media systems of the Federation represent a powerful tool for outreach.

0 / 110
Psych Mapping III (+1 Free Diplomatic Posture Report)
Public Media III (Max Diplomatic Pushes increased to 6)
Xeno Architecture VI (2% weight/power savings for Presence)
Presence Reliability Research V (Gain +2 to Presence Reliability)

[Unlocks T4 Diplomatic Packages\

[T5] 2340s Affiliates Research

PREREQS - 2330s Affiliates Research
2340s Affiliates Research
For deepening cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

0 / 105
Recruiting Campaign VI (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates to 0.3 each)
Diplomatic Analysis VI (+2 to the -Annual- Diplomacy Rolls)
Affiliate Links III (+4 to Annual Diplomatic Roll for Affiliates)

[Unlocks T4 Recreation Packages]

[T1] ToC Medical

Turn of the Century Medical
For healing up the end results of those things that go pew and/or bang.

20 / 20 Excelsior-Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay I) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
20 / 20 M'Benga-Sevok Biohazard Protocol (Infectious Diseases Lab I) (Improve Plague handling rolls)
20 / 20 Boyce Radiation Protocol (Radiation Treatment I) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)

[Unlocks T1 Sickbay]
[Required for T1 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2310s Trauma Medicine
LEADS TO - 2310s Intensive Care
[T2] 2310s Trauma Medicine

2310s Trauma Medicine
For healing up the end results of those things that go pew and/or bang.

40 / 40 T'Koren Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay II) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
20 / 20 April Pattern Trauma Ward (Sickbay Trauma Ward I) (Improve battlefield Crew Survival Rolls)
20 / 20 Portable First-Aid Kit (Away Team Medical Equipment I) (Improve results for various Distress Call missions) [2 Overflow]

[Unlocks T2 Sickbays]

LEADS TO - 2320s Trauma Medicine
LEADS TO - 2320s Field Medicine
[T2] 2310s Intensive Care

2310s Intensive Care
For treating acute conditions such as disease, radiation sickness, and unfamiliar syndromes.

20 / 20 Type-1 Medical Tricorder (Away Team Medical Scanner I) (Improve Rolls for various Distress Call missions)
40 / 40 McCoy-Park Biohazard Protocol (Infectious Diseases Lab II) (Improve Plague handling rolls)
40 / 40 Hydronalin Stimulation Therapy (Radiation Treatment II) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)
60 / 60 Multi-Spectrum Bioscan (Medical Sensors I) (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new non-sapient creatures)

[Required for T2 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2320s Multi-Species Care
LEADS TO - 2320s Preventative Care
LEADS TO - 2320s Radiation Therapy
[T3] 2320s Trauma Medicine

PREREQS - 2310s Trauma Medicine
2320s Trauma Medicine
For healing up the end results of those things that go pew and/or bang.

60 / 60 T'Koren-B Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay III) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
40 / 40 Modified April Pattern Trauma Ward (Sickbay Trauma Ward II) (Improve battlefield Crew Survival Rolls)

[Unlocks T3 Sickbays]

LEADS TO - 2330s Trauma Medicine
[T3] 2320s Field Medicine

PREREQS - 2310s Trauma Medicine
2320s Field Medicine
For rapid response to medical emergencies on the ground.

25 / 35
Broad Spectrum Hypospray (Improve results for various Distress Call missions)
Shipboard Deployable Hospital (+1 to any event involving mass casualties, gain pp from these events)

LEADS TO - 2330s Emergency Relief
[T3] 2320s Multi-Species Care

PREREQS - 2310s Intensive Care
2320s Multi-Species Care
For treating the Federation's diverse member species more effectively. Includes infectious disease research.

80 / 80 Automated Contingent-Logic Bioscan (Medical Sensors II) (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new sapient creatures)
60 / 60 Pan-Species Care Protocol Handbook (Multi-Species Doctrine I) (+0.05 to recruitment per Affiliates)
40 / 40 Type-2 Medical Tricorder (Away Team Medical Scanner II) (Improve results for various Distress Call missions)
60 / 60 Amended McCoy-Park Protocol (Infectious Diseases Lab III) (Improve Plague handling rolls)

[Required for T3 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2330s Multi-Species Care
LEADS TO - 2330s Emergency Relief
[T3] 2320s Preventative Care

PREREQS - 2310s Intensive Care
2320s Preventative Care
For ensuring the health and welfare of Starfleet personnel. Includes convalescence facilities and recovery from long-term conditions.

40 / 40 Melanthriss Physical Therapy Protocol (Rehabilitation I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from recovered crew)
40 / 40 Noel-Lurs Diagnostic Guide (Mental Care I) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from better retention)
40 / 40 Sterile Field Generators (Sickbay Expansions I) (+2 to Hull/Survival rolls made during botched plague rolls)

LEADS TO - 2330s Preventative Care
LEADS TO - 2330s Long-Term Care
[T3] 2320s Radiation Therapy

PREREQS - 2310s Intensive Care
2320s Radiation Therapy
Specific treatments and equipment for radiation sickness, including exotic radiation.

60 / 60
Chelok-Gar Method Antiradiation Therapy (Radiation Treatment III) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls in Warp Core Breaches or some Science Mission mishaps)

LEADS TO - 2330s Radiation Analysis
[T4] 2330s Trauma Medicine

PREREQS - 2320s Trauma Medicine

2330s Trauma Medicine
For healing up the end results of those things that go pew and/or bang.

70 / 70
Quaice Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay IV) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
th'Shrin Pattern Trauma Ward (Sickbay Trauma Ward III) (Improve battlefield Crew Survival Rolls)

[Unlocks T4 Sickbay]

LEADS TO - 2340s Trauma Medicine
LEADS TO - 2340s Emergency Relief
[T4] 2330s Emergency Relief

PREREQS - 2320s Field Medicine, 2320s Multi-Species Care
2330s Emergency Relief
For rapid response to medical emergencies on the ground.

0 / 45
Tricorder First Aid Assistant Program (Away Team Medical Equipment III) (Improve results for various Distress Call missions)
Starfleet Physician Assistant Cross-Training (Field Hospital II) (+2 Response to any event involving mass casualties, gain pp from these events)

LEADS TO - 2330s Emergency Relief
[T4] 2330s Multi-Species Care

PREREQS - 2320s Multi-Species Care
2330s Multi-Species Care
For treating the Federation's diverse member species more effectively. Includes infectious disease research.

47 / 90
Improved Bioscan Heuristics (Medical Sensors III) (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new sapient creatures)
PSCP Handbook Supplements (Multi-Species Doctrine II) (+0.05 to recruitment per Affiliates)
Type-3 Medical Tricorder (Away Team Medical Scanner III) (Improve response rolls for various Distress Call missions)
T'Pirit Biohazard Protocol (Infectious Diseases Lab IV) (Improve Plague handling response rolls)

[Required for T4 Science Labs]

LEADS TO - 2340s Multi-Species Care
LEADS TO - 2340s Emergency Relief
[T4] 2330s Long-Term Care

PREREQS - 2320s Preventative Care
2330s Long-Term Care
Improvements in convalescent care for disabled Starfleet personnel.

0 / 40
Asurva-Melanthriss Physical Therapy Protocol (Rehabilitation II) (+.25 to all standard/explorer Recruitment categories from recovered crew )

LEADS TO - 2340s Long-Term Care
[T4] 2330s Preventative Care

PREREQS - 2320s Preventative Care
2330s Preventative Care
Covers advances in mental health care, and in disease containment aboard ship.

0 / 45
Projective Psychoanalytics (Mental Care II) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from better retention)
Positive-Pressure Gradient Fields (Sickbay Expansions II) ( (+1 to Hull/Survival rolls made during botched plague rolls)

LEADS TO - 2340s Preventative Care
[T4] 2330s Radiation Analysis

PREREQS - 2320s Radiation Therapy
2330s Radiation Analysis
Specific treatments and equipment for radiation sickness.

0 / 60
Radioisotope Stabilization Field (Radiation Treatment IV) (+1 to Response Rolls to some radiation-related events)

LEADS TO - 2340s Preventative Care
[T5] 2340s Trauma Medicine

PREREQS - 2330s Trauma Medicine
2340s Trauma Medicine
For healing up the end results of those things that go pew and/or bang.

0 / 90
Quaice-Rrorash Pattern Sickbay (Sickbay V) (Improve Crew Survival Rolls)
Rrorash Pattern Trauma Ward (Sickbay Trauma Ward IV) (Improve battlefield Crew Survival Rolls)

[Unlocks T5 Sickbays]

[T5] 2340s Emergency Relief

PREREQS - 2330s Emergency Relief, 2330s Multi-Species Care, 2330s Trauma Medicine
2340s Emergency Relief
For rapid response to medical emergencies on the ground.

0 / 70
Away Team Protoplaser Training (Away Team Medical Equipment IV) (Improve results for various Distress Call missions)
Mass Pharmaceutical Replication Protocols (Field Hospital III) (+2 Response to any event involving mass casualties, gain pp from these events)

[T5] 2340s Multi-Species Care

PREREQS - 2330s Multi-Species Care
2340s Multi-Species Care
For treating the Federation's diverse species more effectively. Includes infectious disease research.

0 / 110
Interpolative Heuristic Bioscan (Medical Sensors IV) (+1 to Science Rolls regarding new creatures)
PSCP Committee Outreach Program (Multi-Species Doctrine III) (+0.05 to recruitment per Affiliates)
Type-4 Medical Tricorder (Away Team Medical Scanner IV) (Improve response rolls for various Distress Call missions)
Quaice-T'Pirit Protocol (Infectious Diseases Lab V) (Improve Plague handling response rolls)

[Required for T5 Science Labs]
[T5] 2340s Long-Term Care

PREREQS - 2330s Long-Term Care
2340s Long-Term Care
Improvements in convalescent care for disabled Starfleet personnel.

0 / 80
Neuro-Immune Restorative Therapy (Rehabilitation III) (+.25 to all standard/explorer Recruitment categories from recovered crew )

[T5] 2340s Preventative Care

PREREQS - 2330s Preventative Care, 2330s Radiation Analysis
2340s Preventative Care
Covers advances in mental health care, and in disease containment aboard ship.

0 / 70
Psychotherapeutic Holography (Mental Care III) (+.25 to all standard Recruitment categories from better retention)
Ultrasonic Anti-Microbial Disintegrator (Sickbay Expansions III) (+1 to Hull/Survival rolls made during botched plague rolls)

LEADS TO - 2340s Preventative Care

[T1] ToC Propulsion

ToC Propulsion
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

20 / 20 Impulse Engine I
20 / 20 Warp Drive Engineering I
20 / 20 Endurance I

[Unlocks T1 Impulse Engine, Fuel & Matter Stores parts]
[Required for T1 Warp Nacelles]

LEADS TO - 2310s Impulse Drives
LEADS TO - 2310s Warp Engineering
LEADS TO - 2310s Endurance
[T2] 2310s Impulse Drives

PREREQS - ToC Propulsion

2310s Impulse Drives
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

40 / 40 Impulse Engine II
40 / 40 Impulse Reactor I
20 / 20 Fusion-EPS Exchanger I
20 / 20 Ship Thrusters I
20 / 20 Impulse Coils I

[Unlocks T2 Impulse Engine]

LEADS TO - 2320s Sublight Motion
LEADS TO - 2320s Fusion Power

[T2] 2310s Warp Engineering

PREREQS - ToC Propulsion

2310s Warp Engineering
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

40 / 40 Warp Drive Engineering II
40 / 40 Integrated Coil Assembly I
40 / 40 Warp Plasma Injector I
20 / 20 Subspace Pairing I
20 / 20 Coil Alignment Tools I

[Required for T2 Warp Nacelles along with T2 Warp Drives]

LEADS TO - 2320s Warp Engineering
LEADS TO - 2320s Civilian Warp System

[T2] 2310s Endurance

PREREQS - ToC Propulsion

2310s Endurance
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

40 / 40 Endurance II
40 / 40 Deuterium Storage I
40 / 40 Anti-Dueterium Storage I

[Unlocks T2 Fuel & Matter Stores]

LEADS TO - 2320s Endurance
LEADS TO - 2320s Antimatter Safety
LEADS TO - 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

[T3] 2320s Sublight Motion

PREREQS - 2310s Impulse Drive, 2310s Ship Safety (Construction)

2320s Sublight Motion
Sublight starship propulsion systems

55 / 55
Impulse Engine III
Ship Thrusters II
Impulse Coils II

[Unlocks T3 Impulse Engine parts]

LEADS TO - 2330s Sublight Motion
LEADS TO - 2330s Fusion Reactor
[T3] 2320s Fusion Power - COMPLETE

PREREQS - 2310s Impulse Drive, 2310s Endurance
2320s Fusion Power
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

60 / 60 Impulse Reactor II
40 / 40 Fusion-EPS Exchanger II
20 / 20 High-Efficiency Shielding I

[Stations gain +1 L, +1 S; Outposts gain +1 L, +1 S; Starbases gain +1 C, +1 L, +1 S]

LEADS TO - 2330s Fusion Power
LEADS TO - 2330s Sublight Motion
[T3] 2320s Endurance

PREREQS - 2310s Endurance

2320s Endurance
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

42 / 50
Endurance III
Deuterium Storage II
High Density Protein Store I

[Unlocks T3 Fuel & Matter Storage]

LEADS TO - 2330s Endurance
LEADS TO - 2330s Fusion Power
[T3] 2320s Antimatter Safety

PREREQS - 2310s Endurance

2320s Antimatter Safety
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

46 / 55
Anti-Deuterium Storage II (Improve all Warp Core Breach rolls)
Refuel Protocol I
Fail-Safe Isocontainer I

LEADS TO - 2330s Antimatter Safety
LEADS TO - 2330s Endurance
[T3] 2320s Warp Drive Engineering

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Drive Engineering, 2310s Warp Propulsion (Warp Tech)

2320s Warp Drive Engineering
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

13 / 55
Warp Drive Engineering III
Warp Plasma Injector II
Coil Alignment Tools II
Subspace Pairing II

[Required for T3 Warp Drive Nacelles]

LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Drive Engineering
LEADS TO - 2330s Civilian Warp Systems
[T3] 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

PREREQS - 2310s Warp Drive Engineering, 2310s Warp Cores

2320s Civilian Warp Systems
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

28 / 55
Integrated Coils II
Black Box Core I
Civilian Drive Assembly I

[Freighter construction time reduced by -1Qtr]

LEADS TO - 2330s Warp Drive Engineering
LEADS TO - 2330s Civilian Warp Systems
[T4] 2330s Sublight Motion

PREREQS - 2320s Sublight Motion, 2320s Ship Safety (Construction), 2320s Fusion Power

2330s Sublight Motion
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 70
Impulse Engine IV
Ship Thrusters III
Impulse Coils III

LEADS TO - 2340s Sublight Motion
LEADS TO - Next Generation Impulse
[T4] 2330s Fusion Power

PREREQS - 2320s Impulse Drive, 2320s Endurance
2330s Fusion Power
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 70
Impulse Reactor III
Fusion-EPS Exchanger III
High-Efficiency Shielding II

[Stations gain +1 L; Outposts gain +1 C; Starbases gain +1 P, +1 L]

LEADS TO - 2340s Fusion Power
LEADS TO - 2340s Sublight Motion
LEADS TO - Next Generation Impulse
[T4] 2330s Endurance

PREREQS - 2320s Endurance, 2320s Antimatter Safety

2330s Endurance
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 70
Endurance IV
Deuterium Storage III
High Density Protein Store II

[Unlocks T4 Fuel & Matter Storage]

LEADS TO - 2340s Endurance
LEADS TO - 2340s Fusion Power
[T4] 2330s Antimatter Safety

PREREQS - 2320s Endurance

2330s Antimatter Safety
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 70
Anti-Deuterium Storage III (Improve all Warp Core Breach rolls)
Refuel Protocol II
Fail-Safe Isocontainer II

LEADS TO - 2340s Antimatter Safety
LEADS TO - 2340s Endurance
[T4] 2330s Warp Drive Engineering

PREREQS - 2320s Warp Drive Engineering, 2320s Warp Propulsion (Warp Tech)

2330s Warp Drive Engineering
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 75
Warp Drive Engineering IV
Coil Alignment Tools III
Subspace Pairing III

[Required for T4 Warp Drive Naclles]

LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Drive Engineering
LEADS TO - 2340s Civilain Warp Systems
LEADS TO - Advanced Civilian Drives
[T4] 2330s Civilian Warp Systems

PREREQS - 2320s Warp Drive Engineering, 2320s Warp Cores

2330s Civilian Warp Systems
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 75
Integrated Coils III
Black Box Core II
Civilian Drive Assembly II

[Hospital Ship, Colony Ship construction time reduced by -1Qtr]

LEADS TO - 2340s Warp Drive Engineering
LEADS TO - 2340s Civilain Warp Systems
LEADS TO - Advanced Civilian Drives
[T5] 2340s Sublight Motion

PREREQS - 2330s Sublight Motion, 2330s Ship Safety (Construction), 2330s Fusion Power

2340s Sublight Motion
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 90
Impulse Engine V
Ship Thrusters IV
Impulse Coils IV

[T5] Next Generation Impulse

PREREQS - 2330s Sublight Motion, 2330s Fusion Power, 2330s Automated Ship Systems (Computing)

Next Generation Impulse
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 95
Advanced Impulse Engine I
Advanced Impulse Coils I

[T5] 2340s Fusion Power

PREREQS - 2330s Impulse Drive, 2330s Endurance
2340s Fusion Power
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 90
Impulse Reactor IV
Fusion-EPS Exchanger IV
High-Efficiency Shielding III

[T5] 2340s Endurance

PREREQS - 2330s Endurance, 2330s Antimatter Safety

2340s Endurance
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 95
Endurance V
Deuterium Storage IV
High Density Protein Store III

[Unlocks T4 Fuel & Matter Storage]

[T5] 2340s Antimatter Safety

PREREQS - 2330s Endurance

2340s Antimatter Safety
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 95
Anti-Deuterium Storage IV (Improve all Warp Core Breach rolls)
Refuel Protocol III
Fail-Safe Isocontainer III

[T5] 2340s Warp Drive Engineering

PREREQS - 2330s Warp Drive Engineering, 2330s Warp Propulsion (Warp Tech)

2340s Warp Drive Engineering
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 95
Warp Drive Engineering V
Warp Plasma Injector IV
Coil Alignment Tools IV
Subspace Pairing IV

[Required for T5 Warp Drive Naclles]

[T5] Advanced Civilian Drives

PREREQS - 2330s Warp Drive Engineering, 2330s Warp Drives (Warp Tech), 2330s Civilian Warp Systems

Advanced Civilian Drives
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 90
Advanced Contained Warp Plasma Matrix I
Advanced Integrated Drive Assembly I

[Auxiliaries may now cruise at Warp 6 (2 Sq/Mnth)]

[T5] 2340s Civilian Warp Systems

PREREQS - 2330s Warp Drive Engineering, 2330s Warp Cores

2340s Civilian Warp Systems
The science and mechanics of mobility in space.

0 / 95
Integrated Coils IV
Black Box Core III
Civilian Drive Assembly III

[Superfreighter construction time reduced by -2Qtr]

Forbidden Tech
Forbidden Tech

Forbidden Tech
Cloaks, subspace weapons, all sorts of fun stuff. The Federation Council is not letting you anywhere near this.
-- Unavailable --
Ulithi Biophage Research & Investigation

Ulith III Biophage
A highly infectious and destructive disease has broken out in two locations. Although there is a known vector for the Ulith III breakout, there is no known vector for the Korlonia II breakout that occurred a year later.
8 / 8 Re-examine the Ulith III site and USS Challorn sensor records for indications of how long the disease was dormant in the ice.
8 / 8 Re-examine the abandoned Korlonia II site and USS Kumari sensor records for indications of a possible vector
10 / 10 Perform full analysis of the properties of the Biophage.
6 / 12 Backtrack the course of the USS Cheron to determine if there is any connection.

4 / 4 Coordinate with Klingon Medical service for any similar reports.
4 / 4 Attempt to contact the Romulan Star Empire regarding similar reports.
20 / 20 Fully Examine the Dunwich IV colony site and review the gigaquads of sensor data pulled in.

Ship Design Tech

Ship Design - Escort
[T1] ToC Escort

ToC Escort
This is the technology base of the typical turn of the century escort, as is common in the galaxy around 2300.

10 / 10 Centaur-A Nacelle Mount (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements) (-5% to Nacelle Penalty on Escorts)
10 / 10 Light-Weight Torpedo Feed (Escort Combat Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Model 43 Streamline Anti-Matter Pod (Escort Reaction Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design I (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)

10 / 10 ONA Costs Directive 2307 (Escort Design Efficiency I) (-2% to SR Costs)
10 / 10 SRSM Array Type-3 (Escort Science Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Lwaxana Design Protocol '04 (Escort Presence Design I) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
10 / 10 Xurth-Pattern Armour Scheme (Escort Hull Design I) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
10 / 10 Type-VI-E Deflector Array (Escort Shield Design I) (-1% to Escort shield weight)

LEADS TO - 2310s Escort - Combat
LEADS TO - 2310s Escort - Science
LEADS TO - 2310s Escort - Engineering
[T2] 2310s Escort - Combat

PREREQS - ToC Escort
2310s Escort Combat Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

20 / 20 New Orleans-A Pattern Nacelle (Escort Nacelle Design Improvements II)
20 / 20 Type II Phaser Bank (Escort Combat Design II)
20 / 20 ToC Torpedo Room Design (Escort Torpedo Launcher II)
20 / 20 Improved Type-S EPS Magnetic Constrictor (Escort Reaction Design II)
20 / 20 Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design II

[T2] 2310s Escort - Science

PREREQS - ToC Escort
2310s Escort Science Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

20 / 20 ONA Costs Directive 230x (Escort Design Efficiency II)
20 / 20 Lwaxana Design Protocol '0x (Escort Presence Design II)
20 / 20 Improved Sensor Cupola Design (Escort Science Design II)
10 / 10 XA3 Compact Plasma Coolant Exchange (Escort Warp Core Weight I)
10 / 10 High-Efficiency EPS Conduit (-1% Science/Presence Power Use)

[T2] 2310s Escort - Engineering

2310s Escort Engineering Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

20 / 20 Early Light-Weight Duranimum Alloy (Escort Hull Design II) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
20 / 20 Type-VII-E Deflector Array (Escort Shield Design I) (-1% to Escort shield weight)
10 / 10 ONA Standards Initiative (Escort Reliability Design I) (+1% to Escort Reliability)
10 / 10 Alpha-Pattern Close Interlocking Geometry (Escort Shield Geometry I)(-2% to Escort Shield power Use)

[T2] 1mt Escort Design

1mt Escort Design
For designing escorts that can go up to one million ton in weight.

60 / 60 Escort Size I (Scale 3.5 Escorts now allowed)

[T3] 2320s Escort - Combat

2320s Escort Combat Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

30 / 30
(Escort Nacelle Design Improvements III)
(Escort Combat Design III)
(Escort Torpedo Launcher III)
(Escort Reaction Design II)
(Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design III)

[T3] 2320s Escort - Science

2320s Escort Science Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

8 / 25
(Escort Design Efficiency III)
(Escort Presence Design III)
(Escort Science Design III)
(Escort Warp Core Weight III)
(High-Efficiency EPS Conduit II)

[Unlocks T3 Frigate Science Subframes]

[T3] 2320s Escort - Engineering

2320s Escort Engineering Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

30 / 30 (Escort Hull Design III) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
30 / 30 (Escort Shield Design II) (-1% to Escort shield weight)
20 / 20 (Escort Reliability Design II) (+1% to Escort Reliability)
20 / 20 (Escort Shield Geometry II)(-2% to Escort Shield power Use)

[T3] 1mt Escort Design

1.2mt Escort Design
For designing escorts that can go up to one million ton in weight.

0 / 70
Escort Size II (Scale 4 Escorts now allowed)

[T4] 2330s Escort - Combat

2330s Escort Combat Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Nacelle Design Improvements IV) (-2% to Nacelle Weight on Escorts)
(Escort Combat Design IV) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Torpedo Launcher IV) (+1% to Combat Stat Weight, -3% to Combat Power Use)
(Escort Reaction Design III) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design IV) (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)

[T4] 2330s Escort - Science

2330s Escort Science Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Design Efficiency IV) (-2% to SR Costs)
(Escort Presence Design IV) (-1% to Escort Presence weight)
(Escort Science Design IV) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Warp Core Weight IV) (-2% Warp Core weight on Escorts)
(High-Efficiency EPS Conduit III) (-1% Science/Presence Power Use)

[T4] 2330s Escort - Engineering

2330s Escort Engineering Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Hull Design IV) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
(Escort Shield Design III) (-1% to Escort shield weight)
(Escort Reliability Design III) (+1% to Escort Reliability)
(Escort Shield Geometry III)(-2% to Escort Shield power Use)
[T5] 2340s Escort - Combat

2340s Escort Combat Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Nacelle Design Improvements V) (-2% to Nacelle Weight on Escorts)
(Escort Combat Design V) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Reaction Design IV) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Torpedo Launcher V) (+1% to Combat Stat Weight, -3% to Combat Power Use)
(Escort Miranda Torpedo Roll Bar Design V) (Free +1 Lvl to Reused Module Scale 0.5 Frame Weight, -2% Combat Power Req and -2% to Weight when a Module is present)

[T5] 2340s Escort - Science

2340s Escort Science Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Design Efficiency V) (-2% to SR Costs)
(Escort Presence Design V) (-1% to Escort Presence weight)
(Escort Science Design V) (-1% to Escort stat weights)
(Escort Warp Core Weight V) (-2% Warp Core weight on Escorts)
(High-Efficiency EPS Conduit IV) (-1% Science/Presence Power Use)

[T5] 2340s Escort - Engineering

2340s Escort Engineering Package
For designing smaller, sub-1 million ton vessels. These are typically much more combat and defence oriented, and are often short on science and durability.

0 / 35
(Escort Hull Design V) (-1% to Escort hull weight)
(Escort Shield Design IV) (-1% to Escort shield weight)
(Escort Reliability Design IV) (+1% to Escort Reliability)
(Escort Shield Geometry IV)(-2% to Escort Shield power Use)

Ship Design - Cruiser
[T1] ToC Cruiser - COMPLETE

ToC Cruiser
This is the technology base of the typical turn of the century cruiser, as is common in the galaxy around 2300.

15 / 15 Cruiser Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Costs)
15 / 15 Cruiser Science Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Presence Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements I (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
15 / 15 Cruiser Combat Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Defence Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Hull Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Shield Design I (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Reliability I (+1 Reliabilty)

[T2] 2310s Cruiser - Science - COMPLETE

2310s Cruiser Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

30 / 30
Cruiser Design Efficiency II
Cruiser Science Design II
Cruiser Presence Design II
Cruiser Module Design I
[T2] 2310s Cruiser - Combat - COMPLETE

2310s Cruiser Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

30 / 30 Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements II (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
30 / 30 Cruiser Combat Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
30 / 30 Cruiser Defence Design II (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
15 / 15 Cruiser Phaser Bank Capacitors I (+1 to Cruiser Combat Reliability)

[T2] 2310s Cruiser - Engineering - COMPLETE

2310s Cruiser Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

30 / 30 Cruiser Hull Design II
30 / 30 Cruiser Shield Design II
15 / 15 Cruiser Shield Geometry I
30 / 30 Cruiser Reliability II

[T2] 2,100kt Cruiser Design

2,100kt Cruiser Design
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will allow for cruisers up to Scale 7

22 / 80 Cruiser Size I (Allow Cruisers up to Scale 7)
[T3] 2320s Cruiser - Science

2320s Cruiser Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 40
Cruiser Design Efficiency III
Cruiser Science Design III
Cruiser Presence Design II
Cruiser Module Design II
[T3] 2320s Cruiser - Combat

2320s Cruiser Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 40
Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements III (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
Cruiser Combat Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Defence Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Phaser Bank Capacitors II (+1 to Cruiser Combat Reliability)
[T3] 2320s Cruiser - Engineering

2320s Cruiser Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

30 / 40
Cruiser Hull Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Design III (-1% to Cruiser stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Geometry II (-1% to Cruiser Shield Power Use)
Cruiser Reliability III (+1 Reliability)
[T3] 2,400kt Cruiser Design

2,400kt Cruiser Design
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will allow for cruisers up to Scale 7

0 / 105
Cruiser Size II (Allow Cruisers up to Scale 8)
[T4] 2330s Cruiser - Science

2330s Cruiser Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 55
Cruiser Design Efficiency IV (-2% to SR Costs)
Cruiser Science Design IV (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Presence Design IV (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Module Design III (-2% to Scale 1 Module Frame Weight)
[T4] 2330s Cruiser - Combat

2330s Cruiser Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 55
Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements III (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
Cruiser Combat Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Defence Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Phaser Bank Capacitors II (+1 to Cruiser Combat Reliability)
[T4] 2330s Cruiser - Engineering

2330s Cruiser Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 55
Cruiser Hull Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Design III (-1% to Cruiser stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Geometry II (-1% to Cruiser Shield Power Use)
Cruiser Reliability III (+1 Reliability)
[T4] 3,000kt Cruiser Design

3,000kt Cruiser Design
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will allow for cruisers up to Scale 10

0 / 120 Cruiser Size III (Allow Cruisers up to Scale 10)
[T5] 2340s Cruiser - Science

2340s Cruiser Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 65
Cruiser Design Efficiency IV (-2% to SR Costs)
Cruiser Science Design IV (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Presence Design IV (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Module Design III (-2% to Scale 1 Module Frame Weight)
[T5] 2340s Cruiser - Combat

2340s Cruiser Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 65
Cruiser Nacelle Design Improvements III (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Cruisers)
Cruiser Combat Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Defence Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Phaser Bank Capacitors II (+1 to Cruiser Combat Reliability)
[T5] 2340s Cruiser - Engineering

2340s Cruiser Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 65
Cruiser Hull Design III (-1% to Cruisers stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Design III (-1% to Cruiser stat weights)
Cruiser Shield Geometry II (-1% to Cruiser Shield Power Use)
Cruiser Reliability III (+1 Reliability)
[T5] 3,600kt Cruiser Design

3,600kt Cruiser Design
The start of the research process that will enable further cruiser designs, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will allow for cruisers up to Scale 12

0 / 175 Cruiser Size III (Allow Cruisers up to Scale 12)

Ship Design - Explorer
[T1] ToC Explorer

ToC Explorer
This represents the technology package of your typical 2300s Explorer.

20 / 20 Early Comprehensive Space Lab (Explorer Science Design) I (-1% to Explorer stat weights) [7 Overflow]
20 / 20 Lwaxana Design Protocol '05 (Explorer Presence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) [7 Overflow]
20 / 20 Excelsior-B Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements I) (-2% to Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
20 / 20 Type-4 Heavy Phaser Bank (Explorer Combat Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) [7 Overflow]
20 / 20 Volsk-Cheg Plasma Tap (Explorer Defence Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) [7 Overflow]
20 / 20 th'Parshaan Hull Composite (Explorer Hull Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights) [12 Overflow]
20 / 20 Type-VI-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design I) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)

[T2] 2310s Explorer - Science

2310s Explorer Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

40 / 40 Explorer Science Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
40 / 40 Explorer Presence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Explorer Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Cost)
20 / 20 Sensor Power Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer science power use)
20 / 20 Explorer Presence Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer presence power use)

[T2] 2310s Explorer - Combat

2310s Explorer Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Combat side of the design.

40 / 40 Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
40 / 40 Explorer Combat Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
40 / 40 Explorer Defence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Phaser Bank Power Feeds I (-1% to Explorer Power Use)

[T2] 2310s Explorer - Engineering

2310s Explorer Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing late 2300s, early 2310s technology. This will develop the Engineering side of the design.

40 / 40 Explorer Hull Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design II) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
20 / 20 Explorer Reliability Design I (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
20 / 20 Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap I (+2% Explorer Power Generation)

[T3] 2320s Explorer - Science

2320s Explorer Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2320s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

60 / 60 Explorer Science Design III
60 / 60 Explorer Presence Design III
40 / 40 Explorer Design Efficiency II
40 / 40 Sensor Power Efficiency II
40 / 40 Explorer Presence Efficiency II

[T3] 2320s Explorer - Combat

2320s Explorer Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2320s technology. This will develop the Combat side of the design.

48 / 60
(Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements III)
Explorer Combat Design III
Explorer Defence Design III
Phaser Bank Power Feeds II
[T3] 2320s Explorer - Engineering

2320s Explorer Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2320s technology. This will develop the Engineering side of the design.

60 / 60 Explorer Hull Design III
40 / 40 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design III)
40 / 40 Explorer Reliability Design II
40 / 40 Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap II

[T4] 2330s Explorer - Science

2330s Explorer Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2330s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

14 / 75
Explorer Science Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Presence Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Design Efficiency II (-2% to SR Cost)
Sensor Power Efficiency II (-1% to Explorer science power use)
Explorer Presence Efficiency II (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
[T4] 2330s Explorer - Combat

2330s Explorer Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2330s technology. This will develop the Combat side of the design.

0 / 75
(Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements III) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
Explorer Combat Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Defence Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Phaser Bank Power Feeds II (-1% to Explorer Power Use)
[T4] 2330s Explorer - Engineering

2330s Explorer Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2330s technology. This will develop the Engineering side of the design.

14 / 70
Explorer Hull Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design III) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Reliability Design II (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap II (+2% Explorer Power Generation)
[T5] 2340s Explorer - Science

2340s Explorer Science Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2340s technology. This will develop the Science/Presence side of the design.

0 / 95
Explorer Science Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Presence Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Design Efficiency II (-2% to SR Cost)
Sensor Power Efficiency II (-1% to Explorer science power use)
Explorer Presence Efficiency II (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
[T5] 2340s Explorer - Combat

2340s Explorer Combat Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2340s technology. This will develop the Combat side of the design.

0 / 95
(Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements III) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
Explorer Combat Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Defence Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Phaser Bank Power Feeds II (-1% to Explorer Power Use)
[T5] 2340s Explorer - Engineering

2340s Explorer Engineering Package
The start of the research process that will enable the Ambassador project, representing 2340s technology. This will develop the Engineering side of the design.

0 / 90
Explorer Hull Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design III) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
Explorer Reliability Design II (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap II (+2% Explorer Power Generation)

Starbase Design
[T2] ToC Starbase Design - COMPLETE

ToC Starbase Design

20 / 20 Macro Sensors I (+1 S to installations)
20 / 20 Large Phaser Banks I (+1 C to installations)
20 / 20 Large Torpedo Arrays I (+1 C to installations)
20 / 20 Large Scale Armour I (+1 H to installations)
20 / 20 Large Scale Shields I (+1 L to installations)

[T2] 2310s Starbase Design - Combat - COMPLETE

2310s Starbase Design
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

40 / 40 Macro Sensors II (+1 S to installations)
40 / 40 Large Phaser Banks II (+1 C to installations)
40 / 40 Large Torpedo Arrays II (+1 C to installations)
40 / 40 Large Scale Armour II (+1 H to installations)
40 / 40 Large Scale Shields II (+2 L to installations)

[T2] 2310s Starbase Design - Repair - COMPLETE

2310s Starbase Design - Repair
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

58 / 58
Outpost Ship Repair Facilities I
Starbase Ship Repair Facilities I
Starbase Ship Repair Expansions I

[Starbases count as 1x1000kt Repair Berth]
[Outposts count as a 1x750kt Repair Berth]

[T2] 2310s Starbase Design - Control - COMPLETE

2310s Starbase Design - Control
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

40 / 40 Installation C&C Capacity I (+1 D to installation, +1 to Response Rolls of ships in sector)

[T3] 2320s Starbase Design - Combat

2320s Starbase Design
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

0 / 55
Macro Sensors III (+1 S to installations)
Large Phaser Banks III (+1 C to installations)
Large Torpedo Arrays III (+1 C to installations)
Large Scale Armour III (+1 H to installations)
Large Scale Shields III (+2 L to installations)

[T3] 2320s Starbase Design - Repair

2320s Starbase Design - Repair
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

0 / 75
Outpost Ship Repair Facilities II
Starbase Ship Repair Facilities II
Starbase Ship Repair Expansions II

[Starbases count as 1x2500kt Repair Berth]
[Outposts count as a 1x1250kt Repair Berth]

[T3] 2320s Starbase Design - Control

2320s Starbase Design - Control
For helping further developments in the large installations that support your operations.

30 / 45
Installation C&C Capacity II (+1 D to installation, +1 to Response Rolls of ships in sector)

[T3] 2320s Starbases

2320s Starbases
To create supersized orbital starbases

0 / 70
Starbase II (Allow creation of Starbase II stations)

C16 S12 H24 L24 P12 D10 - Require 100 SR

[T3] 2320s Outposts

2320s Outposts
To create more advanced Outposts

0 / 70
Outpost II (Allow creation of Outpost II stations)
C10 S6 H12 L12 P6 D4 - Require 20 SR

[T3] 2320s Deep Space

2320s Deep Space
To create more advanced Deep Space Starbases

10 / 30
Deep Space I (Allow creation of Deep Space I stations)

C12 S10 H14 L14 P12 D8 - Require 40 SR
Supply burden 1Sm 1Bk

Biophage Emergency Research

General Research

Ulith III Biophage General Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)

10 / 10 Perform full analysis of the properties of the Biophage.
20 / 20 Fully Examine the Dunwich IV colony site and review the gigaquads of sensor data pulled in.
10 / 10 Assess Biophage Infection Beam Properties [+5 from Examination of Debris]
10 / 10 Assess Biophage Technical Repurposing Abilities

Vaccine Research - Medical

Biophage Vaccine Research Rush [REQ: Medical] (1 turn)

10 / 10 Perform full analysis of the properties of the Biophage.
20 / 20 Sample Bio-laboratory Containment Procedures
20 / 20 Sterilisation Procedures
30 / 30 Vaccine Development I

40 / 40 Vaccine Development II
20 / 20 Structural Integrity Field Modifications I
30 / 30 Structural Integrity Field Modifications II

Combat Research - Doctrine

Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)

20 / 20 Develop EPS Venting Protocols [+5 for Actions at Birkeed III]
20 / 20 Romulan Combat Footage Analysis
20 / 20 Phaser Firebreaks (to slow spread of biophage on a planet)
20 / 20 Rapid Beam-out (Save crews while minimising the risk of conveying the infection)

28 / 30 Specific Phaser Remodulation [+10% to Combat Pool in fleet battles vs Biophage]
18 / 20 Anti-Biophage Torpedo Payload Jacketing [Escorts gain +1 Combat vs Biophage large ships]
18 / 20 Navigation Deflector Disruption Pulse [-1 to Biophage Combat stat, to a minimum of 2]
Romulan Cooperation - Doctrine

Romulan Cooperation Doctrine Research (1 turn)

10 / 10 Establish Initial Contact Points
Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures - Doctrine

It appears that the Biophage is placing pieces of itself in shuttlecraft and then launching them at ships as a kind of long-range weapon strike. These suicide shuttle attacks killed thousands in orbit around Ithrid II and disabled a Romulan explorer. We don't know if the Biophage has any more of these craft, but if he does it will most certainly be turned on us at some point.

15 / 15 Shuttle Cloak Sensor Pattern Analysis (+1 to Science when attempting to spot inbound shuttles)
15 / 15 Mutual Support Formation (+1 to Combat when attempting to intercept inbound shuttles)
30 / 30 Tachyon Burst Sweep (+1 to Science when attempting to spot inbound cloaked vessels)
20 / 20 Shield Harmonics Modifications (+1 to Shield when attempting to withstand a hit)

Convoy Protocols - Doctrine

Starfleet holds the protection of civilian life extremely dear. The evacuation process represents a very dangerous time for colonists, and making sure that all captains and crew are well-versed in how to handle these situations is crucial.

(When all techs researched, provides a boost to intercepting attacks on the convoy) [Escort and light cruiser grade vessels gain +1 Combat, +1 Defence when intercepting attacks on a convoy, and an additional +1 if two or more vessels are present)
5 / 5 Starfleet-Civilian Communications
5 / 5 Sensor Interlock Coordination
5 / 5 Contingency Doctrines

Anti-Biophage Ship Modifications - Ship Design

Starfleet Ship Design thinks there are some temporary modifications that can be made to ships in order to make them more resistent to the Biophage.

20 / 20 Structural Integrity Field Modifications [+1 to Hull vs Biophage, Slow down infection rates]
11 / 30 Structural Integrity Field Modifications II
14 / 20 Freon-Trilithium Plasma Coolant Hull Adhesive (Slow down infection rates from Infection Beams if hull undamaged)
10 / 10 "The Big Red Button" Accelerated Warp Core Breach Process (+1 to attempts to self-destruct after infection)


--- Fleet Design Doctrines ---
[T1] Lone Ranger Doctrine

Lone Ranger Doctrine
Large Solitary Explorers should form the backbone of the fleet, equipped and empowered to operate as lone wolves.
Pursuing this doctrine will lead to things like: Combat Bonuses while outnumbered/alone; Council count your Explorers for less combat value; research bonuses to Ship Design - Explorer.

50 / 50 Lone Ranger Doctrine
[T2] Way of the Anchor

PREREQS - Lone Ranger
Way of the Anchor

You rely on your large ships to carry out the heavy lifting of the fleet.

25 / 25 Anchor Ship (Explorers gain +2 to Response rolls, Cruisers gain +1)
25 / 25 Explorer Ethos (All Explorers count for -1 Combat with the Council)

LEADS TO - The Mission Unending
[T2] Way of the Elephant

PREREQS - Lone Ranger
Way of the Elephant
You rely on your large ships to carry out the heavy lifting of the fleet.

25 / 25 Attack Pattern Echo (+5% Fleet Combat when outnumbered)
25 / 25 Rapid Shield Roll (+1 Shield when Outnumbered 2:1 or more at start of battle)

LEADS TO - The Mission Unending
[T2] Way of the Giant

PREREQS - Lone Ranger
Way of the Giant
You rely on your large ships to carry out the heavy lifting of the fleet.

25 / 25 Explorer Emphasis (+1 to Ship Design (Explorer) Research)
25 / 25 Big is Beautiful (Reduce Explorer and Cruiser project pp request costs by 25%)

LEADS TO - The Mission Unending
[T3] The Mission Unending

PREREQS - Way of the Anchor, Way of the Elephant, Way of the Giant
The Mission Unending
Emphasise the science mission of the Explorer.

75 / 75 Explorer Esteem (+5pp from Every Explorer Built)
75 / 75 Dual-Mission (All Explorers Count as -1 Combat)

[T1] Swarm Doctrine

Swarm Doctrine
The fleet should be based around large groups of small ships that can overwhelm the enemy. These should be anchored by only a few heavier hitters.
Pursuing this doctrine will lead to things like: combat bonuses when you outnumber the enemy; bonuses for having at least half your force be escorts; research bonuses for Ship Design - Escort; Council counts your Escort combat value as less.

0 / 50 Swarm Doctrine
[T2] Way of the Bee

PREREQS - Swarm Doctrine
Way of the Bee
You rely on small ships to carry your fleet in battle.

0 / 25 Sting Like a Bee (+5% Fleet Combat when outnumbering)
0 / 25 Multiple Attack Vectors (+4% Shield Burn-Through Chance)

LEADS TO - From Many, One
[T2] Way of the Butterfly

PREREQS - Swarm Doctrine
Way of the Butterfly
You rely on small ships to carry your fleet in battle.

0 / 25 Float Like a Butterfly (Escorts gain +10% Evasion)
0 / 25 Live Another Day (+2 to Defence when attempting to flee)

LEADS TO - From Many, One
[T2] Way of the Flood

PREREQS - Swarm Doctrine
Way of the Flood
You rely on small ships to carry your fleet in battle.

0 / 25 Quantity is Quality (+2 to Escort Research, -1 Qtr to Escort build times)
0 / 25 Street Patrol (+1 to Escort Response Rolls)

LEADS TO - From Many, One
[T3] From Many, One

PREREQS - Way of the Bee, the Butterfly, the Flood
From Many, One

0 / 75 From Many... (+1 responding Ship able to add stats to event rolls)
0 / 75 ...One (+1 to Escort Response Rolls)

[T1] Combined Fleet Doctrine

Combined Fleet Doctrine
The fleet should be comprised of a similar number of each type of ship, as they are all important.
Pursuing this doctrine will lead to things like: combat bonuses when you have a fleet with multiple ship types; chances to discard hull damage to your explorers when you have all three ship types in a fleet; small research bonuses for any Ship Design.

0 / 50 Combined Fleet Doctrine
[T2] Way of the Fulcrum

PREREQS - Combined Fleet
Way of the Fulcrum
Your fleet holds that all types of ships have key roles to play.

0 / 25 Mix and Match (Sector fleets with at least 1 Escort, Cruiser, Explorer count requires -2 D)
0 / 25 Combined Strike (+5% Fleet Combat with at least 1 Escort, Cruiser, Explorer)

LEADS TO - Balance
[T2] Way of the Union

PREREQS - Combined Fleet
Way of the Union
Your fleet holds that all types of ships have key roles to play.

0 / 25 Broad Push (+1 to all Ship Design Research)
0 / 25 Diversity (+2 to all new class design projects)

LEADS TO - Balance
[T2] Way of the Remora

PREREQS - Combined Fleet
Way of the Remora
Your fleet holds that all types of ships have key roles to play.

0 / 25 Screening (Explorers in a fleet with more escorts than explorers gain +10% Evasion)
0 / 25 Ablative (Explorers in a fleet with more escorts than explorers gain +1 L)

LEADS TO - Balance
[T2] Balance

PREREQS - Way of the Fulcrum, Union, Remora
Your fleet holds that all types of ships have key roles to play.

0 / 100 (Cost of new class design projects reduced by 50%)

--- Fleet Tactics Doctrines ---
[T1] Fleet in Being

Fleet in Being

You prefer to keep your ships concentrated in the home systems. Garrison requirements are increased for your member world systems, reduced for your border sectors. However, the Federation Council discounts the Combat value of ships in your home sector, and your ships are safer against hostile acts. When at war, you gain bonuses for fighting near your starbases or in your home system.


0 / 50 Fleet in Being

LEADS TO - Federation World Focus
LEADS TO - Fleet Preservation
LEADS TO - Key Infrastructure
[T2] Federation World Focus

PREREQS - Fleet in Being
Federation World Focus
Put the emphasis on protecting the homeworlds of your members.

0 / 25 Security Reassurance (-10% to Combat Value of Ships in a home sector)
0 / 25 Redeployment (Garrison requirements shifted away from border zones to home sectors)
0 / 25 Frontier Duty (+5% Penalty to Combat value of ships in Border Zones)

LEADS TO - Thorough Exploration
LEADS TO - Fleet Concentration
[T2] Fleet Preservation

PREREQS - Fleet in Being
Fleet Preservation
Your focus is keeping your fleet intact and a factor in other people's strategic calculus.

0 / 25 Aversion (+2 R to attempts to flee/decline battle)
0 / 25 Unlock Target Priority: Reduce Explorers

LEADS TO - Fleet Concentration
[T2] Key Infrastructure

PREREQS - Fleet in Being
Key Infrastructure
You require strong fortifications to be able to fall back on.

0 / 25 Starbases (-25% to cost of building Starbases)
0 / 25 Deep Space Stations (-25% to cost of building Deep Space Stations)
0 / 25 Outposts (-50% to cost of expanding Outposts)

LEADS TO - Center of Gravity
LEADS TO - Focused Industry
[T3] Thorough Exploration

PREREQS - Federation World Focus
Thorough Exploration
You want to intensify your nearby exploration efforts to make sure you know what is in your local systems.

0 / 25 Home Ground (Additional 5% Discount to Combat Value of Ships in Home Systems)
0 / 25 Ready Backup (+1 Response Team)

LEADS TO - Fortress System
LEADS TO - Thirst for Answers
[T3] Fleet Concentration

PREREQS - Federation World Focus, Fleet Preservation
Fleet Concentration
Keep the fleet together in strong forces that have critical mass.

0 / 25 Home Fleet (Set 1 system as being the home of the fleet, -10% Combat Value to any ship in this fleet)
0 / 25 Osmosis (Reduce Garrison requirements outside of the Home Fleet system)

LEADS TO - Exploration Fleet
LEADS TO - Pride of the Fleet
LEADS TO - Attritional Battle
[T3] Center of Gravity

PREREQS - Key Infrastructure
Center of Gravity
Your fleet pivots around the heavy infrastructure of your key systems.

0 / 25 Pivot Point (-2Qtr to Starbase Build Times)
0 / 25 Recognising Requirements (+3 to Starbase Research)

[T3] Focused Industry

PREREQS - Key Infrastructure
Focused Industry
The Fleet in Being is about bulk and presence, which members need to help fund.

0 / 25 Mineral Contributions (+10 BR/SR from each Member World)
0 / 25 Personnel Contributions (+0.25/0.25/0.25 Crew from each Member World)

[T4] Fortress System

PREREQS - Thorough Exploration
Fortress System
Your home systems will be tough nuts for anyone to crack.

0 / 25 Starbase Anchors (+1 to Starbase Research)
0 / 25 Command & Control (+2 to Starbase D)
0 / 25 Buttoned Up Tight (Reduce enemy infiltration chances)

[T4] Thirst for Answers

PREREQS - Thorough Exploration
Thirst for Answers
You need to know everything around your homeworlds that you can use, or that can be used against you.

0 / 25 Intensity (Increase Home Sector Event Rates)

[T4] Exploration Fleet

PREREQS - Fleet Conentration
Exploration Fleet
Keeping up a sturdy fleet of Explorers is a key part of allowing the rest of the fleet to sit back.

0 / 25 Unlock Target Priority: Hull Value
0 / 25 Cutting Edge (pp cost of new Explorer class designs by 25%)

[T4] Pride of the Fleet

PREREQS - Fleet Concentration
Pride of the Fleet
Centerpieces to your fleet need to be kept up to date.

0 / 25 Explorer Adaptability (Reduce Explorer Prototype penalty by half)
0 / 25 Cruiser Adaptability (Reduce Cruiser Prototype penalty by half)

[T4] Attritional Battle

PREREQS - Fleet Concentration
Attritional Battle
The purpose of battle is to inflict a steady rate of loss and leverage our larger fleet sizes.

0 / 25 Unlock Target Priority: Escort Types (Effect)

[T1] Defensive Doctrine: Forward Defence

Forward Defence
You prefer to keep your ships at the border zones, either ready to keep invaders away from your home sectors, or to launch the attacks into their space. Garrison requirements are lowered for your home systems, but increased for any border sectors. The Federation Council discounts the combat value of ships in the border sectors for purposes of gauging militarisation. When at war, you gain bonuses when fighting away from your home systems and starbases.


50 / 50 Forward Defence

LEADS TO - Border World Focus
LEADS TO - To Boldly Go
LEADS TO - Frontline Infrastructure
LEADS TO - Mobility Focus
[T2] Border World Focus

PREREQS - Forward Defence
Border World Focus
Build your new system of defence out from the border worlds. This requires a bit of theory work, and a bit of lobbying work.

25 / 25 Early Doctrine (Ships in Border Zones count for -1 Combat against Cap)
25 / 25 Outward Focus (Rebalance Defence requirements from home to border)

LEADS TO - Hard Shell System
LEADS TO - Mutual Support
[T2] To Boldly Go

PREREQS - Forward Defence
To Boldly Go
The unknown is usually what happens outside your borders. If your ships are here, you should explore extensively.

25 / 25 General Order 37 - Patrolling (Event rate in border zones increases)
25 / 25 Captain's Initiative (+1 to Response Rolls in Border Zones)

LEADS TO - Independent Captains
LEADS TO - Frontier Service Training
[T2] Frontline Infrastructure

PREREQS - Forward Defence
Frontline Infrastructure
With this much tonnage forward, your new system needs to develop better ways of keeping your ships supplied.

25 / 25 Public Awareness (Removes pp penalty for border zone starbases)
25 / 25 Forward Siting Identification (Reduce pp cost for declaring a border zone)

LEADS TO - Dispersed Industry
LEADS TO - Deep Space Construction
[T2] Mobility Focus

PREREQS - Forward Defence
Mobility Focus
To operate on the border zones, you have to stay nimble, with ever more space to cover. You can't let forces slip by, and must be quick to react to opportunities.

25 / 25
Self-Sufficient Designs (+2 to all Cruiser research)
Response Teams (+1 to attempts to intercept raiding attempts)

LEADS TO - Counterpunch
[T3] Counterpunch

PREREQS - Mobility Focus
Sometimes it is more effective to let a force think it's slipped in, only to swoop when its too far from home to escape.

0 / 25 Rapid Prototyping (Cruiser prototype penalty reduced by half)
0 / 25 Anchor Strike (Unlock Target Priority: Combat+Defence)

[T3] Hard Shell System

PREREQS - Border World Focus
Hard Shell System
Watch the borders fiercely and contest every lightsecond of space from your claimed border. All or nothing.

0 / 25 Hard Shell System (Further rebalance the garrison requirements between border and home sector)
0 / 25 Contest Every Lightyear (+1 to Wolf-Pack Intercept attempts)

[T3] Mutual Support

PREREQS - Border World Focus
Mutual Support
With so much of your fleet on the border zones, you need to be quick to respond to issues

25 / 25 Mutual Support (Can roll at -2 to respond to neighbouring home sectors)
25 / 25 Propulsion Focus (+2 to Propulsion research)

[T3] Independent Captains

PREREQS - To Boldly Go
Independent Captains
Operating far from central command means that your captains always need to be prepared for the chance that they must take action on their own.

25 / 25
Known Space (Reduced event rate in home sectors)
The Infinite Cathedral of Stars (Increased event rate in border zones)

[T3] Frontier Service Training

PREREQS - To Boldly Go
Frontier Service Training
An emphasis starts in Starfleet Academy on training for safety while on the frontier.

25 / 25 New Curriculum (+1 to DC of all sabotage attempts)
25 / 25 Spirit of Adventure (+1/1/1 to Explorer Corps recruiting)

[T3] Dispersed Industry

PREREQS - Frontline Infrastructure
Dispersed Industry
To furnish your wider areas of operation, you need to stretch your industrial base further afield.

25 / 25 Colony Efforts (+5 Resources from colony worlds)
25 / 25 Redundancy (Federation starts duplicating critical industry in more places)

[T3] Deep Space Construction

PREREQS - Frontline Infrastructure
Deep Space Construction

10 / 25
Frontier Starbases (25% discount to Border Zone Starbases)
Sense of Security (All Border Zone starbases generate +1pp/yr)

[T3] Forward Logistics

PREREQS - Frontline Infrastructure
Forward Logistics

0 / 50 Heavy Repair Bays (Make available a project to repair up to 60% damage on Explorers at Starbases)

Offensive Doctrine: Wolf Pack Doctrine

Wolf Pack Doctrine
Be able to refuse fleet battles, and operate in smaller groups in enemy territory, picking off isolated ships, engaging in small-group battles, attacking undefended starbases and avoiding high-risk action as much as possible. Gain bonuses to small size engagements, and ability to decline battles.

0 / 50 Wolf Pack Doctrine

[T2] Operational Tempo

PREREQS - Wolf Pack Doctrine
Operational Tempo
Knowing your limits and your capacities allows you to pick the rate of work that gets the most out of your ships.

0 / 25 Course Guidelines (Re-roll a failed attempt to avoid battle)
0 / 25 Early Wolfpack Logistics (All Ships in a Wolf Pack Gain +1 D)

LEADS TO - Initative Doctrine
LEADS TO - Patience
LEADS TO - Daring Captains
[T2] Homefront Support

PREREQS - Wolf Pack Doctrine
Homefront Support
When ship and crew are far from home, their success may rest on the support given months ago.

0 / 25 Design Emphasis (Reduced pp costs for Target* ship type requests)
0 / 25 Romanticism (Gain +0.25 O/E/T Recruitment)

*Target Ship = Explorer in Lone Ranger Fleet Design

LEADS TO - Building the Den
LEADS TO - Pack Logistics
[T2] Wolf Pack

PREREQS - Wolf Pack Doctrine
Wolf Pack
Wolves among the stars, a wolfpack is a set of starships that hunt as a team far in enemy territory, evading sensors and striking when least expected.

0 / 50 Forming the Wolf Pack (Gain ability to declare a 'Wolf Pack' fleet)

A 'Wolf Pack' is a Fleet that is: not more than 5% of total tonnage, not more than 5% of total numbers, that may attempt to bypass border zones and operate in enemy territory.

LEADS TO - Attack Pattern Alpha
LEADS TO - Interdiction
LEADS TO - Small Unit Tactics
[T2] Initiative Doctrine

PREREQS - Operational Tempo
Initiative Doctrine
It is important to retain the initiative when in enemy territory. The moment you are reacting to their moves, you are already dead.

0 / 25 Improved Positioning (+2 to attempts to join or decline battle)
0 / 25 The Better Part of Valour (Gain +2 D when escaping)

[T2] Patience

PREREQS - Operational Tempo
Do not jump at everything that moves in your path. Have patience, and look for the right moment.

0 / 25 Sensor Dampening Techniques (-2 S to opposing Sci-T to find your Wolf Pack)
0 / 25 Approach Training (Enemy reaction rolls reduced by 3)

[T2] Building the Den

PREREQS - Homefront Support
Building the Den
This is both a hazardous mission and specialised task. It is important to have the industrial base prepared for the effort.

0 / 25 Targeted Industrial Expansion (Reduce pp costs for new berths that most closely match your Target ship)
0 / 25 Streamlined Assembly (Reduce Target ship build times by 25%, to a maximum of 2 Qtr)

[T2] Pack Logistics

PREREQS - Homefront Support
Pack Logistics
It is a whole of flet effort to keep Wolf Packs operating as long as possible.

0 / 25 Synth Efficiencies (+2 Month Wolf Pack tour duration) * 6 month default
0 / 25 Expanded Counselling (Wolf Pack crew retention losses cut in half) * 10% by default

[T2] Attack Pattern Alpha

PREREQS - Wolf Pack
Attack Pattern Alpha
A system of attack useful for disrupting the enemy.

0 / 25 Attack Pattern Alpha (Unlock Attack Pattern Alpha : Removes enemy target priority)
0 / 25 Improved Pack Coordination (+1 L, +1 D for a Wolf Pack when outnumbering enemy)

[T2] Interdiction

PREREQS - Wolf Pack
The lifeblood of all stellar powers is that of exotic materials from distaff mine sites to their industrial hearts.

0 / 25 Trunk Loop Targeting (Enables Targeting of Trunk Loop traffic)
0 / 25 Feeder Loop Targeting (Enables Targeting of Feeder Loop traffic)
0 / 25 Industrial Loop Targeting (Enables Targeting of Industrial Loop traffic)

[T2] Small Unit Tactics

PREREQS - Wolf Pack
Small Unit Tactics
When you fight in small task forces far from home, you have to know how to squeeze the most out of your team.

0 / 25 Tactical Training (+5% Fleet Value for a Wolf Pack)
0 / 25 Joint Targeting (+2% Shield Burn-Through for a Wolf Pack)

Offensive Doctrine: Base Strike Doctrine

Base Strike Doctrine
Focus your fleet power on enemy starbases and systems. Receive a combat bonus when attacking starbases, attempting to secure orbit, or defending against the same.

20 / 50 Base Strike Doctrine

[T2] Attack Pattern Delta

PREREQS - Base Strike Doctrine
Attack Pattern Delta
Less a tactical attack pattern, and more of an operational one that allows a fleet to avoid

0 / 25 Reflective Sensor Scans (-2 to enemy intercept reaction rolls)
0 / 25 Navigational Mapping (+2 D to avoiding Border Zone interceptions)

LEADS TO - Coordinated Fire
LEADS TO - Galaxy Wing
LEADS TO - Spearhead
[T2] Who Dares Wins

PREREQS - Base Strike Doctrine
Who Dares Wins
To be successful at this doctrine, you have to be daring and strike one area like a hammerblow, holding nothing back.

0 / 25 Priority Analysis (+5% Damage, +2% Shield-Burnthrough vs Starbases, Outposts, Defences)
0 / 25 The Bigger They Are (Unlock Target Priority: Starbases/Outposts)

LEADS TO - The Shining Light
LEADS TO - In Excelsis
LEADS TO - Nor the Battle to the Strong
[T2] Strong Foundations

PREREQS - Base Strike Doctrine
Strong Foundations
It is important that when we strike other bases, that our own are well protected in our absence.

0 / 25 Starbase Protective Design Effort (+1 L, H for Starbases)
0 / 25 Outpost Protective Design Effort (+1 L, H for Starbases)

LEADS TO - Starbase Push
LEADS TO - Arsenal of Equality
[T3] Coordinated Fire

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Delta
Coordinated Fire
Striking at the heart of the enemy, you are sure to be heavily opposed. With a potentially limited window to attack, you must make it count.

0 / 25 Revamped Targeting (Unlock Target Priority: Hull+HP Lost)
0 / 25 The Sting in the Tail (Improved Critical Hit Rate)

[T3] Galaxy Wing

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Delta
Galaxy Wing
Rather than spreading them through the battle line, concentrate your explorers into a potent force.

0 / 35 Galaxy Wing (Unlock Tactic: Galaxy Wing, explorers are more likely to be the source of fire)

[T3] Steamrunner Wing

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Delta
Steamrunner Wing
Escorts operating in formation can pose a formidible threat, using torpedo spreads to corral the enemy.

0 / 35 Steamrunner Wing (Unlock Tactic: Steamrunner Wing, enemy fleet value reduced, your critical hit rate increased)

[T3] Spearhead

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Delta
When you attack a fortified position, you need grit and you need focus.

0 / 25 Multi-Phasic Sensor Sweep (Increase detection vs minefields)

[T2] The Shining Light

PREREQS - Who Dares Wins
The Shining Light
Through training and exhortations, your captains and crews learn to place a great priority on protective colonies and infrastructure.

0 / 25 Sector Coordination (Gain +2 to Response Rolls for defending Colonies/Installations)
0 / 25 Utmost Effort (Gain +1 L when outnumbered or defending a Starbase)

[T2] In Excelsis

PREREQS - Who Dares Wins
In Excelsis
Sometimes today's explorer can still serve as tomorrow's jack-of-all-trades.

(Able to nominate one class with an Explorer role for the following)
0 / 25 Shipyard Veterancy (Nominated Capital Ship reduces construction time by 25%)
0 / 25 Automation Update (Crew Requirements on this ship reduced by 20%, rounded down)

[T2] Nor the Battle to the Strong

PREREQS - Who Dares Wins
Nor the Battle to the Strong
There is more to a fleet than combat. The Explorer Corps is your guiding light, the best and brightest who can turn battles with more than phasers.

0 / 25 Public Campaign (Explorer Corps Recruitment increased by +1 per type)
0 / 25 Advanced Toolkit (Each EC Explorer in a fleet grants +2% Fleet Value)

[T2] Starbase Push

PREREQS - Strong Foundations
Starbase Push
It is crucial to establish a starbase to protect homeworlds.

0 / 25 Public Awareness Campaign (All new members without a starbase get a free 8-turn Snakepit project to build one)
0 / 25 Minefield Preparation (Minefields start with improved stats)

[T2] Arsenal of Equality

PREREQS - Strong Foundations
Arsenal of Equality
To reduce your vulnerability to a base strike, it is important to diversify your production base.

0 / 40 Risk Assessment (New Shipyard Complexes become cheaper)

Offensive Doctrine: Decisive Battle Doctrine

Decisive Battle Doctrine
Concentrate your fleet for all-in battles and receive bonuses in engagements involving large forces.

50 / 50 Decisive Battle Doctrine

[T2] United Starfleet

PREREQS - Decisive Battle Doctrine
United Starfleet
A grand fleet, a powerful undeniable force, is the correct way to go.

25 / 25 Garrison Assessments (Sharply reduce all garrison levels during wartime)
25 / 25 United Fleet (A detached United Fleet "sector" is added)

LEADS TO - Hand in Hand
LEADS TO - Arsenal of Liberty
[T2] Sensor Pickets

PREREQS - Decisive Battle Doctrine
Sensor Pickets
The enemy won't want to face the concentrated might of your fleet, so you had better make it difficult to avoid you.

25 / 25 Frigate Network (+2 S to Scouting phase, +2 to initating battle)
25 / 25 Coordinated Minesweeping (+1 S to Minesweeping for Frigates)

LEADS TO - Torpedo Charge
LEADS TO - Battle Bridge Link
[T2] Attack Pattern Omega

PREREQS - Decisive Battle Doctrine
Attack Pattern Omega
Sometimes the key is to focus on the big threats, and let the giants go toe-to-toe.

10 / 25 Target Assessment (Unlock Target Priority: Shield+Combat)
10 / 25 Tactical Consulation (Unlock Attack Pattern Omega: Explorers gain +50% weighting for firing and targeting)

LEADS TO - Feints
LEADS TO - Vanguard
LEADS TO - Auxiliary to Shields
[T3] Hand in Hand

PREREQS - United Starfleet
Hand in Hand
Gather up members and affiliates to present a unified front to the foe.

25 / 25 Pre-Arranged Command Structures (Required)
25 / 25 Government Outreach (Required)

(When both complete, affiliates and members allocate 25% of their total C to the United Fleet by default)

LEADS TO - United Federation
[T3] Arsenal of Liberty

PREREQS - United Starfleet
Arsenal of Liberty
Free people in common purpose can achieve any goal.

25 / 25 Infrastructure Gear-Up (PP cost of shipyards and related infrastructure reduced)
25 / 25 Accelerated Production Schedules (Reduce all build times by 1Qtr)
25 / 25 Recruitment Surge (+15% Academy intake)

[T3] Torpedo Charge

PREREQS - Sensor Pickets
Torpedo Charge
Sometimes all it takes for David to strike down Goliath is the courage to try.

20 / 35
Frigate Assault (Unlock Torpedo Charge: enemy cruiser and explorer evasion halved, chance of critical hits from frigates increased)

[T3] Battle Bridge Link

PREREQS - Sensor Pickets
Battle Bridge Link
A focus on the battle bridge over the main bridge when expecting contact, plus a focus on networking, will produce performance gains.

25 / 25
Auxiliary Bridge Links (Gain +0.25% fleet weight for every ship in the fleet up to 5% )
Protective Spaces (Crew loss chance reduction)

[T2] Feints

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Omega
Sharp movements from your frigates will distract and disorient.

0 / 25 Battlespace Mobility (Reduce sticky-targeting of enemy ships) *
0 / 25 Screening (Increase chance to be targeted of your frigates compared to your capitals)

* = Based on a comparison of your total frigate Reaction vs enemy total frigate reaction

[T2] Vanguard

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Omega
A heavy fist of supporting cruisers can be the way to properly prepare a battle.

0 / 25 Heavy Vanguard (Increase weighting for cruisers in the vanguard)
0 / 25 Supporting Phasers (Cruisers in the vanguard do increased damage)

[T2] Auxiliary to Shields

PREREQS - Attack Pattern Omega
Auxiliary to Shields
Having a better array of power management options on hand will help crews without the likes of Scotty or Geordie save the day.

0 / 35 Power Management Research (Ships may opt to reduce Evasion and Reaction but gain +1 L shield)

Foreign Analysis
Romulan Research

Romulan Research - Research into Romulan tactics to provide bonuses in combat and diplomacy against this foe.

30 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power vs Romulans)
4 / 60 Tactical Analysis II (+1% Fed Combat Power vs Romulans)
30 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Rom Combat Power)
9 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II (-1% Rom Combat Power)
30 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
9 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
30 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)
16 / 60 Intelligence Analysis II (Quicker access to ship details for new classes)
Klingon Research

Klingon Research - Research into Klingon tactics to provide bonuses in combat and diplomacy against this friend ... who hasn't been a friend for all that long.

30 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Klingons)
30 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Klingon Combat Power)
30 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
30 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)

18 / 60
Tactical Analysis II
Doctrinal Analysis II
Attack Pattern Analysis II
Intelligence Analysis II
Cardassian Research

Cardassian Research - Research into Cardassianstactics to provide bonuses in combat and diplomacy against this newly encountered engima on your frontiers.

26 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Cardassians)
26 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% CardassiansCombat Power)
26 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)

30 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel) [6 Overflow]

60 / 60 Tactical Analysis II
60 / 60 Doctrinal Analysis II
60 / 60 Attack Pattern Analysis II
60 / 60 Intelligence Analysis II

[Tier 2 Cardassian Analysis Complete - Now +/- 1% Fleet Value in Federation/Cardassian engagements, +0.02 Evasion, +1 dedicated Cardassian Report]

67 / 90
Tactical Analysis III
Doctrinal Analysis III
Attack Pattern Analysis III
Intelligence Analysis III
Horizon Research

Horizon Research - Research into Horizon tactics to provide bonuses in combat and diplomacy.

30 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power v Horizon)
30 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Horizon Combat Power)
30 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
30 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)

49 / 60
Tactical Analysis II
Doctrinal Analysis II
Attack Pattern Analysis II
Intelligence Analysis II

Research teams

San Francisco Fleet Yards - Ship Design (Explorer), Ship Construction

San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau
Preference: Ship Design - Explorer, Ship Construction
Skill 6
Principally: Human
XP: 0 / 8
40 Eridani A Shipyards - Ship Design (Escort), Warp Technology

40 Eridani A Shipyards
Preference: Ship Design - Escort, Warp Technology
Skill 6
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 2 / 8
Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau (Design - Capital / Propulsion)

Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau
Preference: Ship Design - Capital, Propulsion
Skill 3
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 3 / 5
Ana Font Design Group (Design - Cruiser / Warp)

Ana Font Design Group
Preference: Ship Design - Cruiser, Warp Technology
Skill 3
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 3 / 5
Oreassa Yards Design Group (Design - Escort / Shields)

Oreassa Yards Design Group
Preference: Ship Design - Escort, Shields
Skill 3
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 3 / 5
Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors, Xenopsychology

Vulcan Science Academy
Preference: Sensors, Xenopsychology
Skill 6
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 5 / 8
Starfleet Science Academy - Comms, Computing Technology

Starfleet Science Academy
Preference: Communications Technology, Computing Technology
Skill 6
Principally: Human
XP: 0 / 8
Daystrom Institute - Computers, Shields

Daystrom Institute
Preference: Computers, Shields
Skill 6
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 8
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science, Personal Tech

Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science
Preference: Minerals, Personal Tech
Skill 5
Principally: Tellarite
XP: 6 / 7
Andorian Academy - Shields, Comms

Andorian Academy
Preference: Shields, Communications
Skill 6
Principally: Andorian
XP: 0 / 8
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Tech, Propulsion

Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Preference: Warp Technology, Propulsion
Skill 6
Principally: Andorian
XP: 4 / 8
Starfleet Tactical Command - Analysis, Offensive Doctrine

Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division
Preference: Foreign Analysis, Offensive Doctrine
Skill 5
Principally: Various
XP: 3 / 7
Spock - Xenopsychology, Sensors

Preference: Xenopsychology, Sensors
Skill 7
Principally: Human/Vulcan
XP: 3 / 9
Starfleet Medical Research Command - Medical, Personal Tech

Starfleet Medical Research Command
Preference: Medical, Personal Tech
Skill 6
Principally: Various
XP: 3 / 8
Starfleet IDR - Medical

Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute
Preference: Medical
Skill 5
Principally: Various
XP: 0 / 7
Utopia Planitia Design Group, Ship Design (Explorers)

Utopia Planitia Design Group
Preference: Ship Design (Cruisers), Ship Design (Explorers)
Skill 7
Principally: Human
XP: 1 / 9
Kuznetsova's Tiger Team - Doctrine, Foreign Analysis

Capt Kuznetsova's Tiger Team
Preference: Fleet Design Doctrine, Foreign Analysis
Skill 6
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 8
Vice Admiral Lathriss - Defensive Doctrine, Fleet Design Doctrine

Vice Admiral Lathriss
Preference: Defensive Doctrine, Fleet Design Doctrine
Skill 5
Principally: Amarki
XP: 6 / 7
Federation Broadcast Service - Comms, Xenopsychology

Federation Broadcast Service Innovations Division
Preference: Comms, Xenopsychology
Skill 5
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 7
Office of Naval Architecture - Ship Construction, Fleet Design Doctrine

Office of Naval Architecture
Preference: Ship Construction, Fleet Design Doctrine
Skill 5
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 7
University of Betazed - Xenopsych, Personal Tech

University of Betazed Research School
Preference: Xenopsych, Personal Tech
Skill 5
Principally: Betazoid
XP: 6 / 7
Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office - Weapons, Ship Construction

Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office
Preference: Weapons, Ship Construction
Skill 5
Principally: Vulcan/Human
XP: 2 / 7
Taves Nar - Starbase/Construction

Taves Nar Orbital Engineering
Preference: Starbase Design, Starship Construction
Skill: 5
Principally: Amarkian
XP: 1 / 7
Caitian Frontier Police R&D - Personal Tech / Comms

Caitian Frontier Police R&D
Preference: Personal Tech / Communications
Skill 4
Principally: Caitian
XP: 5 / 6
Intazzi Team Grand Hive R&D - Propulsion / Escort

Intazzi Team Grand Hive R&D - Propulsion / Escort
Preference: Propulsion / Ship Design - Escort
Skill 5
Principally: Apiata
XP: 1 / 7
All Pyllix Geological Institute - Mining / Sensors

All Pyllix Geological Institute
Preference: Mining / Sensors
Skill 4
Principally: Indorian
XP: 3 / 6
Amash Hagan - Computing / Personal Tech

Amash Hagan Research Office
Preference: Computing / Personal Tech
Skill 4
Principally: Rigellian
XP: 5 / 6
Prograde Ops - Weapons / Offensive Doctrine

Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team
Preference: Weapons / Offensive Doctrine
Skill 4
Principally: Various
XP: 1 / 6
Protective Engineering - Starbases / Defensive Doctrine

Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau
Researched: Starbases / Defensive Doctrine
Skill 4
Principally: Apiata
XP: 1 / 6
Henn-Makad Institute - Starbases / Minerals

Henn-Makad Engineering Institute
Preference: Starbase Design / Mineral Research
Skill 4
Principally: Gaeni
XP: 3 / 6
Inid Uttar Institute - Sensors / Propulsion

Inid-Uttar Institute
Preference: Sensors / Propulsion
Skill 4
Principally: Gaeni
XP: 3 / 6
Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis

Technocracy Interstellar Ministry
Preference: Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis
Skill 4
Principally: Gaeni
XP: 3 / 6
Aerocommandos Research Corps

Aerocommandos Research Corps
Preference: Personal Equipment
Skill 4
Principally: Orion
XP: 2 / 6
Herelund Tomographics Division

Herelund Tomographics Division
Preference: Sensors
Skill 4
Principally: Caldonian
XP: 1 / 6
Experimental Computing Group - Computers / Sensors

Experimental Computing Group
Preference: Computers / Sensors
Skill 3
Principally: Various
XP: 3 / 5
Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau - Weapons / Ship Design - Capital

Utopia Planitia Tactical Design Bureau
Preference: Ship Design (Explorer), Weapons
Skill 3
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 5
Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau - Design - Escort / Design - Cruiser

Lasieth Craft Yards Design Bureau
Preference: Ship Design (Escort), Ship Design (Cruiser)
Skill 3
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 5
Advanced Sensor Concepts Group - Sensors / Computers

Advanced Sensor Concepts Group
Preference: Sensors, Computers
Skill 3
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 5
Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis) - Foreign Analysis / Comms

Starfleet Intelligence Office 44 (Diplomatic Analysis)
Preference: Foreign Analysis, Comms
Skill 3
Principally: Various
XP: 2 / 5

Preference: Weapons
Skill 4
Principally: Vulcan
XP: 0 / 6
Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory

Hacitorus Nadion Laboratory
Preference: Weapons
Skill 4
Principally: Seyek
XP: 0 / 6
Arqueniou System Broadcast Service

Arqueniou System Broadcast Service
Preference: Comms
Skill 4
Principally: Qloathi
XP: 0 / 6
Laudon Orbital Construction

Laudon Orbital Construction
Preference: Ship Design - Frigate / Ship Construction
Skill 2
Principally: Rigel
XP: 2 / 4
Generic Team 1

Starfleet Research Team 1
Researched: Starship Construction 5, Doctrine 1
Skill 1
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 10
Generic Team 2

Starfleet Research Team 2
Researched: Weapons 6
Skill 1
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 10
Generic Team 3

Starfleet Research Team 3
Researched: Medical 5, Ship - Explorer 1
Skill 1
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 10
Generic Team 4

Starfleet Research Team 4
Researched: Ship Design - Escort 5
Skill 1
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 10
Generic Team 5

Starfleet Research Team 5
Researched: Ship Design Explorer 6
Skill 1
Principally: Various
XP: 6 / 10
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Ah, so T'Laur spent it for us to show us how it's done. All right.

Edit: I'm personally leaning towards finishing one level of Sensors, Computing and Medical research before investing in something else.
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I'm thinking that we should focus on Xenopsych, Comms, Personal, and Explorer Designs.

Explorer design is a must-have, considering we want togo all in on the five year missions, but where are we going Doctrinally? I personally favour Combined Arms, as it's the middle of the road does-everything doctrine that best fits the Federation (Swarm is for Klingons with their cheap birds.)
I think we should finish current research progress, then move onwards.

Also we needz more RP pls.

Explorer design is a must-have, considering we want togo all in on the five year missions, but where are we going Doctrinally? I personally favour Combined Arms, as it's the middle of the road does-everything doctrine that best fits the Federation (Swarm is for Klingons with their cheap birds.)

I agree that Combined arms is the best fit for the Federation. Because in the event of a war, we're going to call back in all our yuge explorers and will have to use them with the escorts and handful of cruisers that we keep around for basic defense.

It's best to keep that in mind when planning.
We definitely need Away Team Equipment I, because that's Uniforms With Pockets.

I'm thinking that we should focus on Xenopsych, Comms, Personal, and Explorer Designs.

Also we needz more RP pls.

My priorities are:
  1. Computing (with Daystrom Institute) for '6 / 20 Data Analysis Center I (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team)'
  2. Communication (with Starfleet Science Academy) for '0 / 20 Research Net I (Gain +2 RP/turn)'
  3. Xenopsychology because Spock is awesome and I don't expect him to be reliably available forever
  4. Sensors with the Vulcan Science Academy or Warp Technology with Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems since those are the next two best teams.
  5. Everything else
The first two get us from a minimum of two research actions a turn to three, and would have gotten us a fourth research action this turn.
where are we going Doctrinally?
Note that we currently have nobody with a specialty in any doctrine. I'd wait to see what our teams are good at, and in particular, what Captain Nash ka'Sharren's specialty is before deciding.