If they have come up with something worse than Genesis, like Red Matter for example, I would think it would be foolish not to consider the option.
It's foolish and callous to consider it, and violates the principals which the Federation and Starfleet are founded upon! If you were a Starfleet officer giving that suggestion, with that rationale, you might very well wind up drummed out of the service, and rightfully so. As it stands, I can only regret that the participants in a thread can't vote to threadban you.
The foolishness is in thinking that the terrible actions of an enemy would somehow justify us sinking to such depths.
They would not.
I don't think even the Hawks, except perhaps the most hard-line of them, like war. And though they may advocate for decisive action against, say, the Cardassians or Sydraxians, they don't seem to object with Starfleet making peaceful contact with other races, or that we're not fighting a war with the Klingons or Romulans. I get the impression that for even the hard-line-est Hawks, "total war" is "use starships to blow up shipyards and wreck a few mining installations", not "RAZE THEIR PLANETS TO THE BEDROCK AND SALT THE EARTH! WIPE THEIR VERY MEMORY FROM THE GALAXY!" level stuff.
To thus advocate for the use of not only tactics that result in needless death, but the use of terrible technologies that needlessly kill, is a terrible, fool-hardy thing.
It's foolish and callous to consider it, and violates the principals which the Federation and Starfleet are founded upon! If you were a Starfleet officer giving that suggestion, with that rationale, you might very well wind up drummed out of the service, and rightfully so. As it stands, I can only regret that the participants in a thread can't vote to threadban you.

It is important to have other viewpoints in the thread... even if we disagree with them and are the reason "this is not an empire quest" tag is on the top of the page

If they have come up with something worse than Genesis, like Red Matter for example, I would think it would be foolish not to consider the option.

hello yes.

pls tell me about weaponses as i seamstress pants for you.

not worry about notepad. is necessary for good sew.

tell me exactly how weaponses work. is necessary for into pants
Even in the Federation there are Hawks ... and that's good, because it's an example of what to be wary about.

Even with the Hawks, we're more concerned with them aggressively provoking a war than committing war crimes during it. The Amarki are belligerent, not cruel. Even belligerent might be stretching it a bit.
If they have come up with something worse than Genesis, like Red Matter for example, I would think it would be foolish not to consider the option.
Even if you want an aggresssive solution to the Licori, there is no need to respond to their superweapons with superweapons of our own. The Kar Peddah were said to be kicking the Licori's hind ends in conventional battles, and that the occasional successful act of weaponized SCIENCE! is what's holding the Kar Peddah at bay. Starfleet would not need to use exotic WMD to end the conflict, photon torpedoes would be more than enough.
Well yeah, I'm sure Iron Wolf knows, but it just... hasn't come up, and if there was ever anything written down about it, that material is buried 1200 pages deep.
The biggest infodump was not IC and so I don't think it was threadmarked:
Ah, how I've WAITED to reveal this MASSIVE TWIST:
I'd use it as a signpost only.

Anyways here's the creature template I sent to Oneiros:

Nutshell: Inquisitive, Pragmatic Snake-People. Sneeple.
Canon/OC: OC
Homeworld: Rethelia
Alignment: Explorer
Tech: 2290's
Type: Reptilian/Snekoids
Distinctive Features: Big snakes with arms.
Social: Proportional Non-Representative Constitutional Monarchy

When transcribing Seyek speech, use an abundance of 's' noises as a sneaky way of emulating a hiss, because it's messy to write like "Sssssnakes sssssay thiissssssss especsssssically on 'ssssssoft' c' noissssessssss".

To answer some of the relevant questions: yes, Seyek are a democracy. A weird one though, that has some similarities to corporate shareholding. Basically, the vote share a party or candidate recieves, is directly the amount of voting power they have in government. Say party Party A received 40% of the vote, Party B 30%, and Candidate C 10%. A and C have only single representatives, while Party B has split it's influence among three members. In order for legislation for Party A to pass, it either needs the support of two members of B party, or a member of B party and C. Party A could also choose to split it's vote share 100 ways, with each member holding .1% of the influence, but that would be fucking crazy, probably. I'm sure some political scientist has come up with a term for this, but I can't find it, so here's a few I came up with: "Direct-indirect Democracy," "Proportional Oligarchy," "Proportional Non-Representative Democracy," and "Party Democracy." The latter in particular I think works because in such a system party politics would be how you actually get your favorite representative to the Union Council.

Seyek basically looked at their parliamentary democracies ending up highly whipped and said, "Right, if you're all going to vote in a bloc anyways, we might as well just cut out the middleman" because they're like that.

There is only one other species in the Seyek Union, the Fiiral. They look like this, because that's how they looked in my Stellaris game. The Fiiral were a spiritual monarchy that bordered on the Seyek EDIT: for clarity, in space. The Fiiral are from a separate planet. The science and rationalist minded Seyek could not abide to see these citizens living under the shackles of a false regime, and in the Fifth Seyek-Fiiral war formally annexed Fiiral space. What followed was several decades of unrest, as Fiiral made up around 25% of the total population now inside the Union. As a compromise, 50 years ago the Seyek reformed their government to put the formal Fiiral monarchy in place in a constitutionally-constrained head of state role. The Fiiral Monarch has some say in the government, particularly in procedural roles and as part of the judiciary (which I haven't fully worked out yet but i doubt it will matter). Seyek and Fiiral can force a monarch to abdicate by referendum, but cannot choose their successor. Needless to say, there is some tension inherent to this compromise. Tension that's possibly exploitable!

So the Seyek are kinda like the Federation... but much, much more problematic.

Have fun!
I think since then I've personally retconned the monarchy being head of state as established 100 years ago [I don't know if @OneirosTheWriter has thoughts on that, it probably doesn't matter too much]. There's some more illumination in The King's Peace:

The King's Peace
Wenefiir Palace, seat of the Seyek Monarchy, stood out from the other buildings of the Rethelian capital. First was its height -- Seyek architecture preferred buildings low to the ground, dug into the earth in various tunnels and burrows, their exteriors often simple and no-nonsense, unless their builder had been attempting to make some sort of statement. By contrast Wenefiir was tall, with spires reaching up to the heavens, exterior richly adorned in precious metals and gemstone-glass. It had a certain grace to it that most of the surrounding Seyek buildings lacked -- indeed, that most of them lacked. The security arrangements were odd, as well -- simple alternating bars of deceptively strong metal, topped with platinum-plated spikes that signalled royalty. The main gate was flanked by two featureless concrete pillars, a pair of Seyek guards posted in small recesses cut into them. The stiff guards at the rear gate scarcely moved as a convoy of three hovercars approached. The center vehicle was painted a brick-red. Two bands of black ran down the sides of the car and through the centerline of the roof, separated by a yellow stripe. The lead and rear vehicles had the opposite -- on them, the yellow touched the red, and the black the yellow. It matched the striping on a band wrapped around the right arms of each guard.

The lead vehicle pulled up briskly, the transparent aluminum on the driver's side unfolding to reveal a brown-scaled Seyek, who promptly passed identification to one of the guards. They scanned it quickly and then turned and signaled back towards the palace. The gates swung open as the guard slithered back to their post, the hovercars quietly gliding onto the grounds beyond, soon passing through an archway built into the exterior of the palace. Shadow had barely touched the interior before they emerged into the bright courtyard beyond, pulling up smoothly to a covered entranceway, flanked by two Fiiral dressed in light formal clothing. The side of the car with the two black stripes slid upwards, and the Fiiral clasped their four sets of claws together, tentacle-arms limp in deference as a jet-black Seyek slithered out. A light breeze rustled the pink overgarment she wore over her upper body as she looked at the two Fiiral, tongue tasting the air.

"Salutations, Chancellor Celessan," the Fiiral chittered singsong voices, "The King is awaiting your audience."

"Excellent," Celessan said, as her aide Xichen, a slimmer male with white-pink scales, slithered out of the car. She let the Fiiral attendees lead her down the familiar path to the King's private office, through a series of corridors. They were tastefully furnished, decorated with religious artifacts from the long Fiiral history and ornately-framed pictures of past monarchs and saints hanging from the walls. The carpet was magnificently patterned, but a bit threadbare from the shoes that tread it and the scales that dragged over it. Celessan supposed the wear added a sense of ruggedness to the sophistication, a reminder that even in these ornate settings, work was being done.

After a few twists and turns, mostly to avoid tour groups, they came to the Grand Gallery, the high ceiling held up by two rows of graceful pillars. At the base of each one was an attendant, who bowed in respect as Celessan passed. She bobbed her head slightly in return. At the far end of the hall the pillars ended and the roof -- really just the floor above -- opened up to a high vaulted ceiling, honey-colored sunlight streaming down through panes of transparent gold-aluminum. At the last pair of pillars before the staircase Celessan saw a familiar, blue-cloaked Rigellian speaking to one of the attendants.

"Ambassador Duvip, such a pleasure to see you!" she said as she slithered up to the tan-scaled man. He was accompanied by an aide, her cloak a deep maroon.

"Chancellor Celessan," he said, looking up and blinking slowly -- which belied how fast he could speak: "Good to see you! I was just here to talk to one of the Queen's secretaries about hiring some Rigellians. I have to admit, I was hoping to bump into you here today. Save some time."

"The timing is almost suspicious," Celessan said, with a wry flick of her tongue.

Duvip gave her a slow, aw-shucks shrug, "Hey, I have to hope all that lovely time we spent together at your fundraiser paid off. Some little lizards say you were trying to put something pretty similar into action."

Celessan bowed her head down slightly, bringing it closer to Duvip, "You should not always sustain every spurious rumor that happens to slither out of my office. But you are correct. Our discussion was merely confirmation that the Federation would give assent to such a scheme."

Duvip stepped back slightly, squeaking out three quick exhales of bemusement, "Chancellor. I'm just a diplomat for the Rigellian government. Our ratification is still a ways off, and it was way off when I first showed up here."

Celessan flicked out her tongue again, tasting the air. Rigellians were very difficult for the more mammalian species to read -- the scaled plates that made up their faces left very little in the way of expression, and their propensity for cloaks made reading body language difficult. But Seyek were similar, and could read the slight biochemical changes their emotions triggered. Other species would have to settle for hiring a Betazoid. Right now Duvip wasn't giving her much of a read, but she could tell he was a little nervous -- the kind of nervous that mixes with excitement, at the thought of doing something vaguely naughty and getting away with it.

Celessan straightened, "I respect you, Duvip, so I will accept your statement." She blinked one eye, a human expression she knew Duvip was familiar with, "But it is something of an open secret the Federation and Rigellian diplomatic services work closely together -- and see with far sight."

Duvip nodded his head, "I'll take that compliment." He turned to his aide, who stretched her head out in the direction of the door, "But as fun as conspiracy spinning is -- I gotta go. I've kept you from the king long enough."

Celessan nodded and Duvip and his aide both gave her short bows. They blinked, and then in unison thumped down towards the other end of the Grand Gallery. Celessan turned back to the stairs and slithered towards them. Flanking either side were two Fiiral in full ceremonial guard outfit, all purple fabric and glossy metal. Helms of chromed tritanium, with purple tassels hanging off the end, more chrome of a breastplate, purple-and-gold fabric visible underneath. Celessan nodded to them as she slithered by and up, "Chins up, soldiers." They didn't respond. The gleam of the very sharp bayonets on the ends of their plasma rifles glinted in Celessan's eyes as she went by. They'd mounted those as standard on their rifles during the first war in an attempt to give them extra reach in close-quarters -- far too many Fiiral had died with their fragile bones crushed in the coils of a Seyek assault trooper.

And now they let a Seyek slither by them to be alone with their King. Progress, Celessan supposed, but one extracted at a bloody price.

More guards awaited her at the first landing, and then another pair at the top of the stairs. One more outside the door to the King's private office. In the old days, he'd have sat on a throne on the landing below her and issued decrees and proclamations to a court. But that throne was gone, literally and figuratively -- the Palladium Throne had been destroyed in the final war, sabotaged by Fiiral fanatics. As for the powers of those who sat in it… well, by that metric, Celessan's unextraordinary council seat was its successor.

She came to a final pair of guards, outside the last unassuming door between her and the King. "Just a moment ma'am," one of them said. She waited for several seconds outside the unassuming door that led to the office, lowering herself slightly so as not to tower over the guards. The other guard gave off a more pungent heat, leading Celessan to suspect he was sick. A sniffle confirmed her suspicion. The sick guard pressed a hand to her head and then nodded at Celessan, before opening the door.

She slithered through to find the King, dressed in simple (but no doubt-well made) clothes, standing in front of the armchair in which he usually sat for these meetings. "Ah, Celessan!" he said. "I apologize for the delay, there were some family matters that needed attending to."

"Of course, your highness." During the first war, the wry observation from a comedian that 'Seyek do not kneel' went from statement of fact to rallying nationalist cry. Celessan, indeed, lacked the knees with which the traditional supplication pose required, but she did her best with a low head bow of respect, nose almost touching the floor.

"Well, now that the formality is concluded," Iifirdir said, settling into his chair as Celessan straightened again, drawing her coils under her as she stood relaxed, "What shall we discuss today, Celessan?"

"Serious matters, I am sorry to say your highness." Iifirdir straightened somewhat in interest, "Some concerns have been raised by the citizens concerning the recent close-to-skirmishing between the Federation and the Cardassians and their Sydraxian allies during the Kadak-Tor incident."

"I thought that incident was as peacefully resolved as it could be?" Iifirdir said, head cocked, "Aside from the unfortunate crew of the Kadak-Tor and a few Federation shipping vessels, it turned out about as well as could be expected."

"This is true, to be sure. But for many, the positioning of the Explorer Corps near our systems while standing off against the Cardassians was… a step too far." Celessan curved her body slightly in annoyance, "They believe that we came close to a war with the Cardassians, one that would be waged near Rethelia, not the Federation. Such concerns had existed before, of course, but the Explorer Corps seeking refuge in our space has crystallized them." She expanded her hood slightly, a rare expression of nervousness from the elder Seyek stateswoman, "It has… seen the rise of tensions between Fiiral and Seyek. Fiiral is much closer to the Federation's space, and Seyek believe that it will be they who suffer most in the war. We also suspect the Cardassians of psychological operations designed to sow such discord between our peoples."

Iifirdir was quiet for a moment, "A grave concern for our Union to be sure. But what are the odds of a war between the Federation and the Cardassians now? It was my understanding that the Cardassians had withdrawn from the larger galactic sphere after their… mishandling of the Kadak-Tor."

"That is what we had hoped, but some concerns have arisen over a system called Bajor. Both the Federation and the Cardassians have expressed an interest in closer relations with the Bajoran state, have sent envoys and ambassadors. It has the makings of a flashpoint."

"The Bajorans are a deeply spiritual people, are they not? How could they possibly wish to become one with the Cardassians? They are, by all accounts, hardly tolerant of such things."

"We suspect the Cardassians would enforce secularization measures at disruptor point," Celessan said, bluntly.

An awkward moment passed before Iifirdir spoke again, "You'll forgive me some impudence, Celessan, but I am sure you can understand why I would say the Bajorans have my sympathy."

"Indeed I do, your Highness. It is my desire -- and the desire of your government -- that the mistakes we, the Seyek, made a hundred and fifty years ago are not repeated between the Cardassians and the Bajorans. It is a moral imperative from our direct experiences," Celessan paused, "but also a practical one to reduce the chances of all-out hostilities on our borders."

Iifirdir whistled with amusement, "I would never expect you to undertake an action soley out of idealism, Celessan." Iifirdir tapped a claw on his armchair in approval, "An admirable plan in any case. But, unfortunately, this seems like high-level intergalactic relations. I do not see how I could help you navigate these troubled winds in a way the very talented members of your government could not."

"You underestimate yourself, your highness. You are a symbol to many in the Union -- to the Fiiral, a divine manifestation, or at least a nationalist touching-stone. To many Seyek, a sign of our magnanimity and tolerance -- the truth of such things does not matter so much to them. My government has settled on a two-stage plan for you that will gain us internal stability and then hopefully soothe the tensions between the Federation and Cardassians.

"The first stage is for you to survey the worlds of the Seyek Union, not matter how large or small. You will make public appearances, speeches to the masses, tour the facilities and industries that keep our Union slithering forward."

"Surely you would be more equipped for that, Celessan. You are elected by the people."

"Ah, but were it so. Only forty percent of citizens chose me last election. From me, it might seem simply crass. But you are removed from the trappings of politics. You are something more."

Iifirdir nodded, "A tour it is, then. I would enjoy getting out of this castle and seeing more of the Union. I don't believe a single monarch has ever visited all of the Union."

"That is so."

"And the second stage?"

Celessan paused for slight dramatic effect, "We invite the Federation and the Cardassians -- and perhaps their affiliates -- here for a state dinner and summit. Something less weighty than the Bajor situation as the excuse for it, perhaps, but something to get them sitting across the table from one another. Open diplomatic ties slightly more. As it is with our people, it is so in the Federation and the Cardassian Union -- they view you as removed from politics, useless even. You will be a neutral party in a non-neutral state. They will possibly view this as you staying relevant."

Iifirdir chuckled, and based on what Celessan tasted in the air and the way his heat became more pungent, it was out of nerves, "Really, Celessan. I am gracious that you think so highly of me -- in apparent contrast to most of the quadrant -- but I am hardly a diplomat or a scholar. I am not sure I will be up to the calibre of whomever they all send."

"You will have as much time as it takes for you to complete your survey of our systems, and then after that, however long it takes to negotiate the circumstances of their visit. It will furnish you with time to educate yourself on their leaders, if you feel that is necessary. But for the most part, you are simply to be the glue that brings them together." Celessan straightened up, slightly with pride, "Iifirdir, I have seen you grow from a young prince to our young sovereign. I guided you as my predecessor guided your mother. I would not ask this of you if you were not sufficient."

Iifirdir waited a long time, the mechanical clock he'd built on his deck ticking away. Finally, he rose. Celessan coiled herself, bringing herself to his eye level. He nodded, firmly. Regally. "We are in agreement with our government's plan, Chancellor."

Celessan bowed low again. "Thank you, your Highness."

"Is there anything more for the government to report?"

"Nothing of importance, your highness."

"Very well. A pleasant and insightful conversation as always, Celessan. I only pray that the gods can guide me along the path you envision." Iifirdir raised his hand and made the traditional symbol of dismissal, "Go in peace, Chancellor."

Perhaps an inspirational section for the latest Seyek plot:
"This is true, to be sure. But for many, the positioning of the Explorer Corps near our systems while standing off against the Cardassians was… a step too far." Celessan curved her body slightly in annoyance, "They believe that we came close to a war with the Cardassians, one that would be waged near Rethelia, not the Federation. Such concerns had existed before, of course, but the Explorer Corps seeking refuge in our space has crystallized them." She expanded her hood slightly, a rare expression of nervousness from the elder Seyek stateswoman, "It has… seen the rise of tensions between Fiiral and Seyek. Fiiral is much closer to the Federation's space, and Seyek believe that it will be they who suffer most in the war. We also suspect the Cardassians of psychological operations designed to sow such discord between our peoples."
I probably should actually do a Wolfe [Or Other Person] report on them at some point, especially if they become more important.

I've actually been looking for something like this for a while, thank you
Again, pretty sure the Hawk faction wouldn't be in favor of such extreme tactics, strategies, and means.
Even with the Hawks, we're more concerned with them aggressively provoking a war than committing war crimes during it. The Amarki are belligerent, not cruel. Even belligerent might be stretching it a bit.
Clarification: Having the extreme fringe voice their opinion is valuable or you get Section 31. To keep them doing so, not ridiculing their position is mandatory; else the stop participating and start acting. It's an early warning system.
You know what I just realized? Technically we're supposed to get a Council sessions post in M2, so be prepared to wait until after that to find out the fate of the Courageous.

Mwuhahahahaha! Yes, let's debate the Yrillians while we worry about McAdams.
Comments on GBZ doings.

Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25453.4 - Rear Admiral Ainsworth

The Amarkia have completed their station at Bean's Star, and their combat task force is starting to deploy into the 1e subsector. We've had some signs of Kalindrax signatures around 2e and 1e, but they are avoiding contact at the moment. I won't deny that I relish the idea of a Kalindrax running into a Riala in a dark nebula somewhere. I am attempting to work with Admiral Toor to arrange an aggressive push to pin down the Sydraxians. I'm willing to take some uneven exchanges to attrit the Sydraxians. It is a little risky with the Cardassians waiting, but with more member worlds expressing interest in the Gabriel, it will work in our favour.

Translation: I'm willing to see 1.5 of our ships destroyed up for 1 of theirs, because we can take it better than they can.

Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate 25482.2 - Rear Admiral Ainsworth

The Somak has finished prospecting around 31 Miele, and discovered a number of recoverable resource deposits. The Apiata have finished prospecting their first system in subsector 1g, the 25 Dorsata system. However it appears to be of little value, and they are moving on to the next site.

Admiral Toor has agreed to requests to work with us to draw out the Sydraxian fleet and, failing that, at least locate any secondary station or outpost they may have.

'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go again!

By the way, Admiral Toor's stats have been posted in the GBZ status post.

Admiral Galen Toor
Current Posting: Commander, Amarkian Gabriel Fleet
Rule-Abiding: High
Aggression: Medium
Nerve: Medium
Politics: High
The man who led the Amarkian response to Syndicate slaving raids in Amarkian Space.

A solid all-rounder it looks like.

It doesn't like like the two combat squadrons have been updated to reflect the new fleet distribution yet, though the Exeter appears to be on convoy duty from the logs.

Main Fleet
Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

Task Force 1, Commodore Jessica Rivers
-USS Kumari, NCC-2005, Excelsior, Captain Erzath zh'Darlyth [Blooded]
-USS Avandar, NCC-, Excelsior
-USS Republic, NCC-1743, Constitution-B, Captain Demora Sulu
-USS Korolev, NCC-1744, Constitution-B, Captain Kwame Okoye
-USS Fidelity, NCC-1634, Miranda-A, Captain Oriskany
Task Force 2, Commodore Revak
-USS Saratoga, NCC-1745, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Valiant, NCC-1747, Constitution-B, Captain -
-USS Challorn, NCC-1809, Constellation, Captain - [Blooded]
-USS Winterwind, NCC-2105, Centaur-A, Captain Abigail Taggart
-USS Bull, NCC-2107, Centaur-A, Captain Kenneth O'Laughlin
If they have come up with something worse than Genesis, like Red Matter for example, I would think it would be foolish not to consider the option.

Not really. You don't always need a superweapon to counter a superweapon. In this case, we have such a conventional military advantage over the Licori that no wunderwaffen of theirs could hope to even the odds. The Licori using red matter or genesis or whatever isn't going to make a fleet of excelsiors any less able to conquer their homeworld.

The foolishness is in thinking that the terrible actions of an enemy would somehow justify us sinking to such depths.
They would not.
I don't think even the Hawks, except perhaps the most hard-line of them, like war. And though they may advocate for decisive action against, say, the Cardassians or Sydraxians, they don't seem to object with Starfleet making peaceful contact with other races, or that we're not fighting a war with the Klingons or Romulans. I get the impression that for even the hard-line-est Hawks, "total war" is "use starships to blow up shipyards and wreck a few mining installations", not "RAZE THEIR PLANETS TO THE BEDROCK AND SALT THE EARTH! WIPE THEIR VERY MEMORY FROM THE GALAXY!" level stuff.
To thus advocate for the use of not only tactics that result in needless death, but the use of terrible technologies that needlessly kill, is a terrible, fool-hardy thing.

Well spoken. I think I'm probably a pretty good representative of the Hawk party, and my hawkish positions can be summed up as follows:

1. A short, bloody, decisive war is preferable to a long, drawn out slog that sucks up lives and resources and keeps us living in fear and uncertainty for years or decades. While no war at all is obviously preferable to either, its not always an option. This is why I had been wanting to invade the Sydraxians for years until the Treaty of Celos made it nonviable; I'd rather get it all over with at once.

2. Most enemies are rational, and will see the value of not digging themselves deeper once they've lost. I'd like to take a big bite out of the CDF if we have an opportunity, because the Cardassians are smart enough to know when they've been beaten and will hopefully avoid troubling us after that. This would mean less war in the long run.

3. A show of force should be met with a show of greater force. Most alien races are militarily weaker than us, if only because of their much smaller size. If a minor power postures at us, we should posture back and give them a hint of just how much force we could bring to bear against them. As Samuel Vimes said, the point of wearing a visible weapon is not to help you win fights, but to make people not want to fight you in the first place. That's why I would have prefered sending two or three excelsiors to escort Sarek to the Dawiar rather than one, though in that case it worked out regardless.
Last edited:
Even if you want an aggresssive solution to the Licori, there is no need to respond to their superweapons with superweapons of our own. The Kar Peddah were said to be kicking the Licori's hind ends in conventional battles, and that the occasional successful act of weaponized SCIENCE! is what's holding the Kar Peddah at bay. Starfleet would not need to use exotic WMD to end the conflict, photon torpedoes would be more than enough.
You should note, I said considered, not used, and the main reason such would be opened would be to guarantee that no examples of such devices or their designs remain. It doesn't do us much good to stop their production of the WMDs if they are able to smuggle the designs to other powers.
Captain's Log - 2314.Q2.M3
"Always look on the bright side of life," sings Rosalee McAdams as she looks out over the darkened cavern of the shuttlebay. Bustling like crimson beetles below, her crew are busily disassembling and reassembling the components of the shuttlecraft. If enough juice can be drawn together from the batteries, and then enough comm equipment brought together to jury rig a functioning subspace antenna, to replace the one that melted off, then a way out of this mess could be found.

All around the ship the hull is scorched and blackened. The ship has been crunched to hell and gone, but its still there. The crew is still there. Two dozen were lost in compartments that became exposed to the lash of stellar plasma before they got away. The biggest problem is that the entire warp assembly seems to have burned out. From core the coil, whatever it was that disrupted the star disrupted them, surely enough. Only the impulse engines still work.

Something new that the boffins will need to fortify ship systems against, no doubt.

"For life is quite absurd, and death's the final word. You must always face the curtain with a bow!"

"Captain?" asks the first officer, Hayden Kennedy.

"Forget about your sin, give the audience a grin," continues on Rosalee. "Enjoy it, it's the last chance anyhow!" She stops and turns back towards the Commander.

"Are you alright, Captain?"

"Oh, never mind me, just mulling things over."

"I know the tea supplies were unfortunately lost with that bulkhead collapse, but if you just give coffee a-"

"Not one more word, Commander Kennedy, not one word."


[Chief of Staff NB: Provided courtesy of the Illuminated Technocracy - I've taken the liberty of switching up units out of Gaeni standard to Earth standard.]
Ship Research Supervisor's Report, IGS Pall-Keat, Stardate 25510.5

Fascinating, fascinating. Outrageously unsafe, yes, I would discipline any researcher attempting this outside of a simulation, yes. But fascinating.

As massive stars progress through the stages of nuclear fuel consumption towards iron-nickel, the thermal output efficiency reduces, and thermal pressure is overtaken by degeneracy pressure. The Licori Mentat has performed something most fascinating. For less than a millisecond, something happened to suppress the degeneracy pressure of the star, which started the process of a core collapse, but it was aborted before it could complete by the return of degeneracy pressure. As a result, though the nearby Licori colony world of Pica Tleila will need to take protective measures, this will not endanger the broader known galaxy.

Despite this, for those within the system, this was a cataclysmic event, and some portion of the star was ejected to take up orbits.


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25510.5 - Captain Langa Mbeki

After cutting short our mapping assignment after making modest discoveries, we have joined the search for the missing Courageous. This whole affair is bringing back uncomfortable memories of the loss of the Miracht, but I will not let that slow me down. I am bound and determined to find the Courageous. The Explorer Corps faces the deadliest yet most fascinating anomalies the galaxy can offer. We can only survive it if every member of the EC holds fast.

People rescued my crew from that moon despite the peril, and I will do the same for others.

[Gain +15sr]


Sector Commander's Log, Rigel Sector Fleet, Stardate 25510.9

The USS Courageous has been located in a badly damaged condition. And I mean really damaged. Both from some unknown energy discharge, but also from a way too close encounter with stellar ejecta from an abortive artificial core collapse. I don't know how Captain McAdams got her command out of that, or held it together through nearly three months adrift without mains power or comms as rescuers attempted to isolate possible vectors, but she did it.

A tow is being made by the RDS Yagad-Tich, taking the ship towards 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards, which I am told will have a berth ready for the Courageous' arrival.


Starfleet Operations Command, Flash Alert

To: All Stations, All Commands

Licori Mentats in Federation space in possession of scientific equipment are to be seized and detained on sight.


Captain's Report, USS Courageous, Stardate 25511.2 - Captain Rosalee McAdams

Well, with a little tea, a quick message from Commodore Eaton, and a chance for a solid thirty minutes of decent sleep, I feel that I am once more a sentient being fit for society. It makes for a pleasant change.

Our travails began at the Agamede system, where we encountered a Licori ship performing experiments on a local star that seemed to be destabilising it. We approached because the Licori vessel was making itself very difficult to acquire any manner of lock, due to its proximity to the star. However, as we approached and began to demand an explanation from the Licori ship, a tremendous energy wave was released. Most of our sensor tracks stopped dead and that stage, and were only made operable much later. Worst, however, is that the entire warp drive system, from core to coils, ceased functioning. After a moment to assess the damage, we made the decision to make a blind turn away from the star and attempt escape at full impulse. This worked, however it was not ideal, and we suffered damage as stellar ejecta was already en route. We got a good toasting. That damage further destroyed our command and control systems, and if we hadn't already evacuated main bridge following a containment loss leak, we all would have been incinerated moments later.

This meant that impulse was run at full off of main batteries for a considerable length of time without any way of conveying to the engineering teams to shut it off and switch over.

Suffice to say that I intend to spend my time awaiting the board of inquiry and repair of Courageous preparing a manual for new procedures on what to do when the lights and intercom go off.


Communique from the Office of the President, Stardate 25511.3

After reviewing reports received from relevant agencies, the following advice is given.

As per the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets, UFP Starfleet is formally advised that the Federation believes there to be a High Threat of a State of War being recognised between the Arcadian Empire of Morshadd and the United Federation of Planets within the next year.


Intercom from Admiral Sousa to Yeoman's Desk

Adm: "Yeoman Hightower?"

Yeo: "Yes, Admiral?"

Adm: "Coffee, hot, please. Add a shot of synthehol this time."


Ambassador's Log, Morshadd, Ambassador Elisa Bairn, Stardate 25511.4

I honestly cannot call to mind the last time I raised this much unholy hell with someone. And if ever I do recall such a time, I am positive it will not be with a senior government minister. His Arcadian Majesty's Interior Minister was ashen faced and surprisingly accepting as I gave him a piece of the Council's mind. They are promising an investigation and full disclosure into the incident, though I am told by representatives of the various science academies that the exact mechanism employed by the Mentat is as yet being suppressed.

I don't mind that. I'm perfectly happy for that information to never rise into the public eye again.


Starfleet Intelligence, Flash Alert

All Commands, All Stations

High threat of Gaeni entrance into Ked Paddah-Licori War on side of Ked Paddah.

Ultimatum has been issued to Arcadian Emperor.


Sector Commander's Log, Gabriel BZ, Stardate

Some combat on our end. The newly arrived Exeter and the Challorn bumped into a Kalindrax and a Hasque while covering for the prospectors. We took a little more damage, but the Sydraxians still received hull damage and will be in shipyards for now. With our numbers advantage, I'm happier with two ships down on each side, which will let a Starfleet-Amarkian attack squadron hit wherever else the Hierarchy is deploying from in the Gabriel.

Beyond that, prospecting for new resources is slow work, but we know they are out there. I'm told that 31 Miele is being considered for a research colony, but I am loathe to invest in it at this stage.


Turn 0 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.79 vs Shields 40.00
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 39.13
Turn 1 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.85 vs Shields 50.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 46.11
Turn 2 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.60 vs Shields 46.11
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 43.48
Turn 3 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.11 vs Shields 30.00
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 27.87
Turn 4 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.32 vs Shields 30.00
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 28.55
Turn 5 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.83 vs Shields 43.48
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 38.61
Turn 6 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.40 vs Shields 28.55
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 25.91
Turn 7 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.16 vs Shields 27.87
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 27.71
Turn 8 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.32 vs Shields 38.61
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 35.25
Turn 9 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.99 vs Shields 35.25
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 32.24
Turn 10 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 11 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.34 vs Shields 32.24
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 28.87
Turn 12 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.52 vs Shields 25.91
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 23.14
Turn 13 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 14 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.30 vs Shields 23.14
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 22.81
Turn 15 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.04 vs Shields 28.87
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 26.81
Turn 16 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.47 vs Shields 39.13
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 38.61
Turn 17 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.22 vs Shields 22.81
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 21.47
Turn 18 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.24 vs Shields 26.81
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 25.56
Turn 19 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.89 vs Shields 21.47
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 18.29
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 39.61/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 5, Fired On: 2, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 12.08

USS Challorn - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 19.29/30, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 7, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 6, Damage Dealt: 14.66

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 26.56/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 8, Damage Dealt: 4.89

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 28.71/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 4, Fired On: 3, Hits Received: 2, Damage Dealt: 8.20


Turn 20 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.60 vs Shields 39.61
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 37.85
Turn 21 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.90 vs Shields 37.85
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 34.66
Turn 22 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.68 vs Shields 19.29
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 15.25
Turn 23 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.36 vs Shields 28.71
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 27.34
Turn 24 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.91 vs Shields 27.34
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 24.40
Turn 25 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.28 vs Shields 15.25
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 11.64
Turn 26 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.65 vs Shields 34.66
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 32.84
Turn 27 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 28 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.64 vs Shields 11.64
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 9.83
Turn 29 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.29 vs Shields 26.56
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 22.22
Turn 30 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.55 vs Shields 9.83
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 7.02
Turn 31 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.71 vs Shields 7.02
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 5.15
Turn 32 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.72 vs Shields 5.15
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 1.06
Turn 33 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 34 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.96 vs Shields 24.40
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 22.42
Turn 35 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.66 vs Shields 22.42
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 21.75
Turn 36 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.93 vs Shields 1.06
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 37 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.16 vs Shields 22.22
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 21.05
Turn 38 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.25 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 28.63 Hp
Turn 39 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.10 vs Shields 21.75
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 20.64
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 33.84/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 6, Hits Received: 5, Damage Dealt: 21.54

USS Challorn - Combat 3.82/4, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 28.63/30 - Crew 2-4-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 14, Hits Received: 14, Damage Dealt: 18.77

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 22.05/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 19.77

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 21.64/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 10, Fired On: 9, Hits Received: 7, Damage Dealt: 22.93


Turn 40 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 21.64
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 20.78
Turn 41 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.02 vs Shields 20.78
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 19.75
Turn 42 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.32 vs Shields 19.75
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 19.42
Turn 43 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.75 vs Shields 1.00
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 0.18
Turn 44 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.06 vs Shields 22.05
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 18.96
Turn 45 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.85 vs Shields 33.84
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 32.91
Turn 46 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.81 vs Shields 32.91
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 29.82
Turn 47 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 48 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.61 vs Shields 19.42
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 15.78
Turn 49 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.45 vs Shields 18.96
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 17.50
Turn 50 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.26 vs Shields 15.78
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 13.49
Turn 51 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.23 vs Shields 0.18
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 52 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.66 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 27.90 Hp
Turn 53 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.10 vs Shields 29.82
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 29.71
Turn 54 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.43 vs Shields 29.71
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 28.13
Turn 55 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.89 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 24.73 Hp
Turn 56 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.68 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 20.68 Hp
Turn 56 - Ship USS Challorn is attempting to retreat! Will retreat on turn 72!
Turn 57 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.68 vs Shields 28.13
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 26.29
Turn 58 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.56 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 16.77 Hp
Turn 59 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.66 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 12.75 Hp
Ship 0 has taken casualties: 0/1/0 out of 2/4/2
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 27.29/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 16, Fired On: 11, Hits Received: 10, Damage Dealt: 30.27

USS Challorn - Combat 1.70/4, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 12.75/30 - Crew 2-3-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 12, Fired On: 21, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 22.74

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 18.50/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 17, Fired On: 14, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 37.33

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 14.49/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 15, Fired On: 14, Hits Received: 12, Damage Dealt: 32.09


Turn 60 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.31 vs Shields 27.29
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 26.95
Turn 61 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.83 vs Shields 18.50
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 17.67
Turn 62 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.44 vs Shields 1.00
Ship USS Challorn Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 63 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.77 vs Shields 14.49
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 13.71
Turn 64 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 65 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.08 vs Shields 17.67
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 13.55
Turn 66 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.84 vs Shields 26.95
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 26.03
Turn 67 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.11 vs Shields 26.03
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 25.90
Turn 68 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.40 vs Shields 13.71
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 9.27
Turn 69 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.31 vs Shields 9.27
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 6.94
Turn 70 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 71 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Challorn
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.96 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Challorn reduced to 9.49 Hp
Turn 72 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 72 - Ship USS Challorn has successfully retreated!
Turn 73 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.42 vs Shields 13.55
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 13.13
Federation Fleet is now applying Way of the Elephant modifier.
Turn 74 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.07 vs Shields 25.90
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 24.72
Turn 75 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.01 vs Shields 6.94
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 5.92
Turn 76 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.99 vs Shields 24.72
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 22.53
Turn 77 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.06 vs Shields 22.53
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 22.47
Turn 78 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.24 vs Shields 22.47
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 22.20
Turn 79 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 23.20/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 19, Hits Received: 17, Damage Dealt: 41.16

USS Challorn - Combat 1.27/4, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 9.49/30 - Crew 2-3-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated
Fired: 17, Fired On: 23, Hits Received: 23, Damage Dealt: 25.79

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 14.13/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 17, Hits Received: 15, Damage Dealt: 42.60

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 6.92/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 21, Fired On: 21, Hits Received: 16, Damage Dealt: 37.85


Turn 80 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.10 vs Shields 6.92
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 6.82
Turn 81 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.06 vs Shields 23.20
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 22.03
Turn 82 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.31 vs Shields 22.03
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 20.58
Turn 83 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 84 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.99 vs Shields 20.58
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 16.19
Turn 85 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.29 vs Shields 16.19
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 12.57
Turn 86 - Ship Hasque is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.26 vs Shields 12.57
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 10.08
Turn 87 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.46 vs Shields 6.82
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 3.33
Turn 88 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.16 vs Shields 10.08
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 8.81
Turn 89 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.62 vs Shields 14.13
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 9.46
Turn 90 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.19 vs Shields 8.81
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 6.39
Turn 91 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.06 vs Shields 3.33
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 0.24
Turn 92 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 93 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 2.41 vs Shields 6.39
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 3.74
Turn 94 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.08 vs Shields 3.74
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 0.35
Turn 95 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.22 vs Shields 1.35
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 1.11
Turn 96 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.53 vs Shields 1.11
Ship USS Exeter Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 97 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.23 vs Shields 10.46
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 6.19
Turn 98 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.94 vs Shields 6.19
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 4.23
Turn 99 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
USS Exeter - Combat 5.00/5, Shield 0.00/40, Hull 30.00/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 27, Fired On: 32, Hits Received: 28, Damage Dealt: 58.64

USS Challorn - Combat 1.27/4, Shield 2.00/30, Hull 9.49/30 - Crew 2-3-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated
Fired: 18, Fired On: 23, Hits Received: 23, Damage Dealt: 25.89

Kalindrax 1 - Combat 4.00/4, Shield 4.23/50, Hull 40.00/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 33, Fired On: 20, Hits Received: 18, Damage Dealt: 67.08

Hasque - Combat 3.00/3, Shield 1.24/30, Hull 20.00/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:
Fired: 22, Fired On: 25, Hits Received: 19, Damage Dealt: 40.34


Turn 100 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 4.89 vs Shields 1.24
Ship Hasque Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 100 - Ship Hasque is attempting to retreat! Will retreat on turn 109!
Turn 101 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.39 vs Shields 4.23
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 3.83
Turn 102 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.48 vs Shields 3.83
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.32
Turn 103 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.28 vs Shields 0.32
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 103 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is attempting to retreat! Will retreat on turn 111!
Turn 104 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.80 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 39.19 Hp
Turn 105 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 106 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.52 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 29.43 Hp
Turn 107 - Ship Kalindrax 1 is firing upon Ship USS Exeter
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.35 vs Shields 0.00
Ship USS Exeter reduced to 25.74 Hp
Turn 108 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.68 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 reduced to 38.51 Hp
Turn 109 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Hasque
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.55 vs Shields 0.00
Ship Hasque reduced to 19.45 Hp
Turn 109 - Ship Hasque has successfully retreated!
Turn 110 - Ship USS Challorn is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 0.36 vs Shields 1.00
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.64
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Federation Fleet is no longer applying Way of the Elephant modifier.
Turn 111 - Ship USS Exeter is firing upon Ship Kalindrax 1
Damage roll - Hitpower 1.20 vs Shields 0.64
Ship Kalindrax 1 Shields reduced to 0.00
Turn 111 - Ship Kalindrax 1 has successfully retreated!
Fleet Sydraxians has begun a retreat because of Hull damage!
Sydraxians has no remaining ships! Federation is victorious!
Sydraxians has no remaining ships! Federation is victorious!

USS Exeter - Combat 4.29/5, Shield 1.00/40, Hull 25.74/30 - Crew 3-4-4/3-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status:

Fired: 31, Fired On: 35, Hits Received: 30, Damage Dealt: 71.62
USS Challorn - Combat 1.27/4, Shield 3.00/30, Hull 9.49/30 - Crew 2-3-2/2-4-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated

Fired: 23, Fired On: 23, Hits Received: 23, Damage Dealt: 28.69
Kalindrax 1 - Combat 3.85/4, Shield 0.00/50, Hull 38.51/40 - Crew 3-4-3/3-4-3 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated

Fired: 36, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 25, Damage Dealt: 71.33
Hasque - Combat 2.92/3, Shield 1.00/30, Hull 19.45/20 - Crew 1-2-2/1-2-2 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Retreated

Fired: 22, Fired On: 27, Hits Received: 21, Damage Dealt: 40.34

Fleet Federation Ship Detailed Breakdown
Ship: USS Exeter

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 39.13/40.00
Turn 1 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 5 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 10 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 15 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 16 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 38.61/40.00
Turn 18 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 20 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 37.85/40.00
Turn 21 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 34.66/40.00
Turn 23 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 26 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 32.84/40.00
Turn 27 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 29 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 34 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 35 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 39 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 40 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 41 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 44 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 45 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 32.91/40.00
Turn 46 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 29.82/40.00
Turn 47 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 49 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 50 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 53 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 29.71/40.00
Turn 54 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 28.13/40.00
Turn 57 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 26.29/40.00
Turn 60 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 26.95/40.00
Turn 64 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 65 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 66 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 26.03/40.00
Turn 67 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 25.90/40.00
Turn 68 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 69 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 70 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 72 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 74 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 24.72/40.00
Turn 76 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.53/40.00
Turn 77 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 22.47/40.00
Turn 78 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.20/40.00
Turn 81 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.03/40.00
Turn 82 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 20.58/40.00
Turn 83 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 84 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 16.19/40.00
Turn 85 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 12.57/40.00
Turn 86 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 10.08/40.00
Turn 87 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 88 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 8.81/40.00
Turn 89 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 90 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 6.39/40.00
Turn 91 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 92 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 93 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 3.74/40.00
Turn 94 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 0.35/40.00
Turn 95 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 1.11/40.00
Turn 96 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/40.00
Turn 97 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 98 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 99 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 100 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 102 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 103 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 105 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 106 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 29.43 Hp
Turn 107 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 25.74 Hp
Turn 111 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!

Ship: USS Challorn

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 2 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 3 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 4 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 28.55/30.00
Turn 6 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 25.91/30.00
Turn 7 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 8 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 9 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 11 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 12 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 23.14/30.00
Turn 13 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Ship Kalindrax 1 has evaded!
Turn 14 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 22.81/30.00
Turn 17 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 21.47/30.00
Turn 19 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 18.29/30.00
Turn 22 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 15.25/30.00
Turn 24 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 25 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 11.64/30.00
Turn 28 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 9.83/30.00
Turn 30 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 7.02/30.00
Turn 31 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 5.15/30.00
Turn 32 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 1.06/30.00
Turn 33 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 36 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Turn 37 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 38 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 28.63 Hp
Turn 42 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 43 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 0.18/30.00
Turn 48 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 51 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Turn 52 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 27.90 Hp
Turn 55 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Reduced to 24.73 Hp
Turn 56 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 20.68 Hp
Ship is attempting to Escape, will escape on Turn 72
Turn 58 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 16.77 Hp
Turn 59 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Reduced to 12.75 Hp
Casualties! 0/1/0 out of 2/4/2
Turn 61 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 62 - Fired upon by the Kalindrax 1!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Turn 63 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 71 - Fired upon by the Hasque!
Reduced to 9.49 Hp
Ship has escaped on Turn 72
Turn 73 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 75 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 79 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Ship Hasque has evaded!
Turn 80 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 101 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 104 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 108 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Turn 109 - Firing upon the Hasque!
Turn 110 - Firing upon the Kalindrax 1!
Fleet Sydraxians Ship Detailed Breakdown
Ship: Kalindrax 1

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 0 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 1 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 46.11/50.00
Turn 2 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 43.48/50.00
Turn 5 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 38.61/50.00
Turn 8 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 35.25/50.00
Turn 9 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 32.24/50.00
Turn 11 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 28.87/50.00
Turn 13 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 14 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 15 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 26.81/50.00
Turn 16 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 18 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 25.56/50.00
Turn 19 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 20 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 22 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 25 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 27 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 29 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 22.22/50.00
Turn 32 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 37 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 21.05/50.00
Turn 38 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 43 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 44 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 18.96/50.00
Turn 47 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 49 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 17.50/50.00
Turn 51 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 52 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 54 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 56 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 58 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 59 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 61 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 17.67/50.00
Turn 62 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 65 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 13.55/50.00
Turn 67 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 73 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 13.13/50.00
Turn 76 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 78 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 81 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 82 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 83 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 84 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 85 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 88 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 89 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 9.46/50.00
Turn 90 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 93 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 94 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 95 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 96 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 97 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 6.19/50.00
Turn 98 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 4.23/50.00
Turn 99 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 101 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 3.83/50.00
Turn 102 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.32/50.00
Turn 103 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/50.00
Ship is attempting to Escape, will escape on Turn 111
Turn 104 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 39.19 Hp
Turn 105 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 106 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 107 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 108 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 38.51 Hp
Turn 110 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 0.64/50.00
Turn 111 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/50.00
Ship has escaped on Turn 111

Ship: Hasque

Enemies Destroyed:
Turn 3 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 27.87/30.00
Turn 4 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 6 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 7 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 27.71/30.00
Turn 10 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 12 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 17 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 21 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 23 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 27.34/30.00
Turn 24 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 24.40/30.00
Turn 26 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 28 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 30 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 31 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 33 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 34 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 22.42/30.00
Turn 35 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 21.75/30.00
Turn 36 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 39 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 20.64/30.00
Turn 40 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 20.78/30.00
Turn 41 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 19.75/30.00
Turn 42 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 19.42/30.00
Turn 45 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 46 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 48 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 15.78/30.00
Turn 50 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 13.49/30.00
Turn 53 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 55 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 57 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 60 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 63 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 13.71/30.00
Turn 64 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 66 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 68 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 9.27/30.00
Turn 69 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 6.94/30.00
Turn 70 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Ship USS Exeter has evaded!
Turn 71 - Firing upon the USS Challorn!
Turn 72 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 74 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 75 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 5.92/30.00
Turn 77 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 79 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 80 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Shields holding, now at 6.82/30.00
Turn 86 - Firing upon the USS Exeter!
Turn 87 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 3.33/30.00
Turn 91 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.24/30.00
Turn 92 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Successfully evaded!
Turn 100 - Fired upon by the USS Exeter!
Shields holding, now at 0.00/30.00
Ship is attempting to Escape, will escape on Turn 109
Turn 109 - Fired upon by the USS Challorn!
Reduced to 19.45 Hp
Ship has escaped on Turn 109

QM/N: Blargh, tired.
Huh, I honestly would consider that engagement a defeat, rather than a victory, seeing as our opponents didn't lose any crew while we lost a few.
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