To be fair, I think people did back off a bit after Oneiros's timely warning, and that's good, but I agree.
We need to NOT obsessively dwell on the worst case scenario (a supernova killing billions). We have good reason to think that is NOT happening, among other things because zh'Dohlen's report reads:
" However, in the case of the USS Courageous, we do hold grave concerns. Contact has still not been resumed. They were last in subsector 2c, between Arcadian and Laio space, in contact with neutral forces, and experiencing unusual photodynamic pressures. The Rigel Sector Fleet is searching, as are Gaeni, Rigellian, and UESPA forces. The first force responding to the system they were last attending reports that the star there underwent some form of "limited artificial core collapse". UESPA is dispatching a research cruiser, and two Gaeni Tech-Cruisers are on hand. We are attempting to determine what sparked the incident, and to determine any sign of the Courageous or any signature that may give an egress direction."
Now, that means that friendly ships have already investigated that star system. If there were an apocalyptic explosion with interstellar repercussions, they would have mentioned it. They didn't say "that star just exploded, everyone within forty light years go hide on the opposite side of your planet." They said "limited artificial core collapse." I suspect that whatever really happened is to a supernova as a firecracker is to a nuclear bomb. Still colossally destructive locally, but not an astropolitical cosmic disaster.