We were previously told that Humans/Tellarities had been saving up for the Rennie building program.
We did a resource swap so Andorians could afford one.
We advised the Betazoids to build one as their home fleet flagship.
Guess the Vulcans didn't want to be left out.
Oh I know that - just trying to reconcile it with the 2313 and 2314 MWCO resources and incomes and any commenced builds in between.
After spending way too much time on this, I think I've got it figured out.
Basically, for each member fleet, current year's resources is the sum of:
1) last year's resources
2) current year's income (indicating it's actually last year's EOY income)
3) last year's expenditures
4) this year's pre-allocated expenditures (including any scrapping)
5) any MWCO trade deals between member fleets
Then any MWCO trade deals with Starfleet (like the -55br +30sr with Andor) or any actioned-upon advice from us (like Betazed building that Rennie). This obviously won't be included in the current year MWCO update's shown resources, since we're voting from the MWCO update itself.
It's (4) and (5) that makes things confusing, since they have to be inferred. And any pre-allocated expenditures (4) can't be double-counted in next year's (3).
The pre-allocated expenditures for each relevant member fleet in 2314:
Andor: 2 Mir-A refit
Vulcan: 1 Soyuz scrap, 1 Rennie
Tellar: 1 Soyuz scrap, 3 Rennie
Earth: 3 Rennie
Betazed: none
The MWCO trade deals between member fleets in 2314:
Vulcan-Tellar - this has to be done, or else
Vulcan can't build a Rennie and Tellar can only build 2 Rennies:
- Vulcan: +25br -25sr
- Tellar: -25br +25sr
(Of course, this could just be an error by Oneiros, and no such trade actually exists, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt

There is one possible error that I saw: Andor isn't using the 2314 income (i.e. 2313 EOY income, 75br 55sr) for coming up with the 2314 resources - it's erroneously using the 2313 income (i.e. 2312 EOY income, 60br 45sr) instead. If I'm right, Andor's 2314 resources in the MWCO update should be corrected from 45br 125sr to 60br 135sr.
Once all is said and done, the current resources (including Andor fix above) as of Q2 for these member fleets should be:
Andor: 15br 25sr
Vulcan: 30br 30sr
Tellar: 55br 0sr
Earth: 5br 5sr
Betazed: 40br 80sr