EOY - 2302
End of Year Report Card - 2302

Starting Resources
555 Bulk Resources
380 Special Resources
50 Political Will
35 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 12.25 Officer, 22.25 Enlisted, 12.25 Techs
Explorer Corps: 5 Officer, 6 Enlisted, 5 Techs

Spent During the Year
(for 1 Excelsior, 3 Oberths, repairs to USS Cheron, USS Courageous)
300 Bulk Industrial Resources
375 Special Industrial Resources
63 Political Will (Hophos III, 40 Eridani A, Tellar Prime)
30 Research Points (3 x teams activated)

Standard: 1 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 1 Technician
Explorer: 1 Enlisted

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards

+20pp from Valentina Sousa

3 Projects commenced

Omake Reward, @AKuz - +.25 Explorer Corps Officers

USS Enterprise
Lieutenant Leaniss, +1 Presence
+75 sr
+5 rp
+10 relations with Orion
Gain Federation Affiliate, Risa

USS Courageous
1 battle
-1 Enlisted
1 turn of Damage
+1 Crew Rating

Improvement to relations with Klingon Empire

USS Sarek

1 battle
Contact with the Dawiar
Improvement to relations with Klingon Empire
Gain husband Sulak, +1 Hull

Other Ships
USS Kearsage - +10pp, +10 Relations with Yrillians
USS Cheron - 3 turns of damage, -1 Officer, -2 Enlisted, -1 Techs
USS Kumari - +5pp, +5rp

Ship Movements
1 Excelsior from Unassigned to Romulan Border Zone
2 Centaur from Unassigned to Romulan Border Zone
1 Constellation from Unassigned to Vulcan Sector
1 Miranda from Unassigned to Vulcan Sector

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down
1 Excelsior
3 Oberths

Ship Commissioned

Updated Resources
555br - 300 + 0 = 255 Bulk Resources
380sr - 375 + 75 + 25 = 105 Special Resources
50pp - 63 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 5 + 20 = 47 Political Will
35rp - 30 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 35 Research Points

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
255 + 150 = 405 Bulk Resources
105 + 100 = 205 Special Resources
47 + 25 = 72 Political Will
35 + 30 = 65 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 15.5 Officer, 26.5 Enlisted, 15.5 Techs
Explorer Corps: 6 Officer, 7 Enlisted, 6 Techs
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Shipyard Ops 2303.Q1
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 21122.5

My second year in the office, and Starfleet is moving along nicely. The campaign to expand our explorer operations continues apace. The new large berth at 40 Eridani A is on schedule for opening in a couple months, and it looks like Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa is settling in nicely.

That said, we have had not one but two of our Explorers dry-docked during the last year, the worst of it the old USS Cheron, who has had to be repaired at considerable cost, with an entire new warp core constructed and fitted. Still, although we have lost good people, our ships have returned to space anew. We will never step back from the gauntlet that space throws at us every day. We will always answer the challenge.

Computer, End Log


Candidates for Shipyards Ops:

[ ][SYO] Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa
Human Female, 52
Current posting: Returning from sabbatical
Vice Admiral Sousa was one the handful of candidates you beat out to become the commander of Starfleet. She has been politicking heavily to lay claim to Shipyard Ops, as if she doesn't get the assignment, she will most likely be forced into retirement. If selected, gain +20 Political Will and +5/year while she is in the job.


A small, petite woman moves to the front of the conference room and clears her throat. Every last person who hails from Shipyard Operations sharpens immediately at the sound. You have to grin at that. Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa may not have the most intimidating stature, but her eyes burn with vigour. Her will could flatten mountains that dare get in her way. Thunn sa'Asharr was a solid hand on the tiller, but Sousa will brook no slack in her department. You see her new Chief of Staff, a newly minted flag officer, and someone you had considered for a role commanding a Five Year Mission, Trinnarv Xursh. Rinias ch'Vohlet, the San Francisco Fleet Yards boss, his counterpart Sivrk from 40 Eridani A, and a host of others, including members from Sanik's Ship Design Bureau and Chen's Explorer Corps.

These are all steadily becoming familiar faces to you, people you are comfortable working with. You suspect there will be another new face sometime soon, however. Rumour has reached you that the head of Starfleet Operations, Vice Admiral Donald Hamsfeld, is thinking of retiring back to Earth and his home town of Chicago. He has been a faithful servant of Starfleet, but you can't say that you will be upset to see him leave, as he guarded his portfolio's prerogatives zealously.

"Good morning, officers," says Sousa, and you have no idea how that solid a noise comes out of that small a person. "We have a few things on our plate for today. A new berth will open shortly, and the berth used to repair the Cheron is clear. Do we wish to lay down new shipping this year, or leave it clear. And we need to arrange for the crews for the half-finished Oberths."


[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to ONE ship of 3m ton displacement that will commence in Q2, and up to ONE ships of 1m ton displacement that will commence in Q1.

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - one (1) large 3mt Berth [ACTIVE Q2], - two (2) small 1mt Berths

Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 405br
Special Industrial Resources: 205sr
Political Will: 72pp
Research Points: 65rp

Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 15.5 Officer, 26.5 Enlisted, 15.5 Techs
Explorer Corps: 6 Officer, 7 Enlisted, 6 Techs

Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​

Light Cruisers
2284-2370 [310m 700k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D3
Cost [70br, 40sr, 3 years], Crew [O-2, E-4, T-2]​
Long-range Explorer
2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​

Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]​
Centaur 2290-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S2 H2 L2 P2 D2
Cost[80br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​


"Very well, officers, you have your plan, now let's put this into action!"
Captain's Log - 2303.Q1
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21122.6 - Captain Victoria Eaton

We have departed Starbase 3 with parts of the ship still smelling of sealant, but everything looks to be ship shape and Bristol fashion. We will stretch the dear girl's legs before departing on our first mission.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21128.5 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

Thanks to the performances of Lieutenant Leaniss, we have been assigned to visit a quarrelsome colony world of the Andorians in the outer part of their sector. I am told it is a pleasant world, nice and crisp like the homeworld. I feel it will be a nice change of pace to be back among my own species for a while.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21129.3 - Captain T'Lorel

Long Range Sensor nets from Starbase 1 have picked up a Federation freighter on an unauthorised course. We are to intercept it and discover what it's intentions are.

I have plotted the most direct course and are preparing to intercept at Warp 7. They are not responding to long range hails


Captain's Log, USS Kumari, Stardate 21129.6 - Captain Rachel Ainsworth

We have just received word from a freighter in orbit around Dunwich IV that the colony has been wiped out by plague. Another plague world, what the hell is this? We have responded to the SS Nkumba and ordered them to decamp to orbit the barren moon and wait there.

What I don't understand is, Dunwich IV is a Tellarite colony of some twenty thousand souls, and we have been receiving routine traffic indicating that nothing is wrong up until... My god, we still are receiving routine traffic. Either the SS Nkumba is gravely mistaken, or this is a trap. I have bumped this up the chain and requested reinforcements. In the interim, it's yellow alert, shields up, and maximum warp. If this is a trap, they've caught a lion, not a mouse.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21129.7

We have received emergency orders direct from Starfleet Command redirecting us to the Dunwich IV system, where a suspected catastrophe has occurred.

I have, of course, heard reports of a plague that has appeared from time, to time, in the Romulan Border Zone. But this will be my crew's first encounter. I have ordered shields to full, and we are all going over our containment procedures. I must confess a little trepidation. What I've heard of this "Ulith III Biophage" ... the reshaping of flesh. It touches on something ancient and primal within the minds of mortal creatures...


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21129.9

I have prided myself on my logic and dispassion for all my life. Today is the first time outside of certain private ceremonies that I have truly felt my self-control waver.

The SS Franklin has been altered by a bio-technical infection that has fused flesh and machine, letting an unknown intelligence pilot the craft. After further review, we have identified the contagion as the same one found on the outposts of Ulith III and Korlonia II. I have eliminated the contagion with a spread of photon torpedoes, taking care to irradiate the debris to destroy all biological matter.

My science officer has assessed the Franklin's origin to be the colony world of Dunwich IV, and we are now proceeding there at maximum warp.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, Stardate 21130.0

We have just been placed on notice to be prepared for an emergency deployment to a developing situation at Dunwich IV in the Romulan Border Zone. I am unsure as to what the situation is, but it has put the crew on edge. We have moved to Yellow Alert for the time being.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Kumari, Stardate 21130.2

My god.

It is every bit as bad as the SS Nkumba reported. The colonists have been ... fused. The communications centres have fallen silent since our arrival in the system.

I have taken charge of the situation, while Sector tells me that reinforcements are inbound. The Nkumba has been scanned thoroughly and is clean, so they have been allowed to depart, and they are making their way clear of the area.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21130.2

The Sarek has just arrived in the Dunwich system. We immediately observed a Romulan Bird of Prey decloak and destroy the SS Nkumba, a freighter moving to escape the system. That Bird of Prey began to hail the USS Kumari and inform them that they are outnumbered, and must leave the system or be destroyed. However, our arrival has caused them to fall silent and move to a standoff position.

I have spoken privately to Captain Ainsworth of the Kumari, and was able, with considerable difficulty, to restrain the human commander's passion, to prevent them from immediately opening fire on the Romulan. I have asked the sensor officer to find a way to expose the presence or absence of cloaked vessels in this system.


Bridge Transcript, USS Sarek, Stardate 21130.3

[Capt. T'Lorel] You are in violation of Federation sovereign space, you are required to abandon your position now, and return to Romulan space.

[Commander Tolanek] It is you who must withdraw. Our patience is over. Stand aside, Starfleet, or be destroyed.

-- Channel cut --

[Lt Cdr Winslow] Captain, more ships decloaking! There are three more Birds of Prey, two D7s and one of their new explorers!

[Capt. T'Lorel] Four birds of prey and a heavy warbird to two Excelsiors, two Centaurs, two Mirandas and a Constellation. These are not logical odds for the Romulans to attack with. Signal the fleet, prepare to-

[Lt Cdr Winslow] Captain, there's a new ship arriving ... it's the Enterprise!

[Lt T'Pael] Captain, the Romulans have ceased their advance. They are coming around and are retreating.

[Lt sh'Horeth] We are receiving a hail from the Romulans ... it's a different officer this time.

[Capt. T'Lorel] On screen.

[Admiral Sihina] If you will stand in the way of us saving you all, then you must destroy the colony yourselves.

[Capt. T'Lorel] It sounds as if you are familiar with the contagion.

[Admiral Sihina] Only in the sense that a person is familiar with mortality.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, 21130.8

We have secured from Red Alert, are are now orbiting the Dunwich IV colony with the pride of Starfleet alongside. The Sarek, the Kumari, the Courageous, the Cheron, the Challorn, and others are in orbit. There is clearly nothing that can be done for the colonists, but we are loathe to forsake the equipment that could tell the tale of terror of the last days of these poor people. Whatever did this, whatever...

[Communicator beep] Ka'Sharren here. ... On my way.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, 21130.9

The Dunwich IV colony is destroyed. It is a ... gruesome feeling, to fire on cities and towns. But after the hail that the fleet received. That biophage ... it's aware. It can use technology. It learns. It has been sending spoof communications for weeks after biding it's time for breaking out. It ceased the spoof communications the moment the SS Franklin was destroyed, so it is aware of itself from great distances. It learned from the destruction of the Ulith III and Korlonia II colonies, that if it does not control comms, it will be destroyed swiftly.

It told us in the hails that it's hunger will be sated, even if we destroy the colony.

While everyone hopes that that was the end of matters, no one is quite that optimistic. For us, we will return to our mapping mission soon.

[Gain +50 br]

[Dunwich IV colony destroyed. Federation Threat Level + 1. Gain 15 Political Will, Gain 10 Research. Tensions with the Romulans increased]


Captain's Log, USS Excelsior, Stardate 21142.6

We have responded to a disabled Betazoid ship, and were able to get them back underway.

[+25 Diplomacy with Betazed, +5 political will]


Captain's Log, USS Stalwart, Stardate 21146.4

While conducting a mapping mission within the systems neighbouring Andor, we have encountered a heretofore unknown deposit of valuable minerals.

[Gain +25 sr]


Captain's Log, USS Lion, Stardate 21149.3

We have successfully studied a pre-warp civilisation in our sector that is growing near becoming warp capable.

[Gain +10 rp]

Computer, End Log.
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Omake - A Truly United Federation - Void Stalker
A Truly United Federation

Excerpts from a book by Dr. Sarzal Vasad

A Period of Trouble

Despite being founded on the principles of joining there was for a time a fear that certain species would come to dominate the Federation, mainly the Humans and to a lesser extent the Vulcans. This was seen as for a long time Starfleet maintained two yard, the San Francisco Shipyards over Earth which were the only place the flag ships such as the famous Enterprise were built, and a smaller yard known as 40 Erdiani A around Vulcan. In addition to this Starfleet and the Federation Council had their headquarters on Earth and Vulcan hosted the main research facilities, though the head of Starfleet research kept the department headquarters on Earth. In addition to this many of the high ranking Admirals and Department heads in Starfleet were either Human or Vulcan. Though it had been founded on lofty principles some were growing concerned over the diminished voice their race had in a world controlled more and more by Human and Vulcan. In no example could it be seen more by the staff layout of Admiral Mark Rogers, in addition to him four of the other Starfleet Department heads were run by human admirals, including Rear Admiral Maggie Smith of the Explorer Corps. The other four positions were filled by two Vulcans and two Andorians, and the one of those Andorians had been appointed by the previous head of Starfleet.

A Time of Change

With the dawn of the 24th Century peace and Admiral Mark Rogers was stepping down. Though she had led Starfleet against the Klingons the Council had grown concerned about the increased militarization of Starfleet. Missions to seek out and explore had been reduced under his watch as well. Replacing him was Admiral Vitalia Kahurangi who brought Admiral Patricia Chen on to command the Explorer Corps. This did cause some concern as both were human and fears of human domination continued. This was somewhat abated by the quick action of selecting captains for the three Excelsior class ships assigned to the Explorer corps, including the iconic Enterprise who had an Andorian appointed to the captain slot. The other two were commanded by a Vulcan and a Human. This bought Admiral Vitalia sometime before they would judge if she would continue the Human and Vulcan domination. Those fears have both intensified and quieted in her second year were the retiring Andorian head of Shipyard Operations was replaced by a Human Admiral. However within a few months Admiral Vitalia was welcoming a new Lieutenant to the Explorer Corps, former Senator Leaniss of the Amarki, a high level for a race that was not yet a member, in addition she was to serve as the Ambassador aboard the Enterprise.

It was into this backdrop that a proposal by the Admiral at the annual meeting between the Federation Council and Starfleet signaled the change that was to come. Having accumulated some political goodwill and capital Admiral Vitalia used this to propose two expansions to the shipyards. The first was to expand the facility over Vulcan to allow the production of Excelsior class ships there. The second was for a new shipyard facility to be started over Tellar, one of the four founding members and perhaps the least represented. With this move Admiral Vitalia signaled a major shift in Starfleet as previously the now retired Admiral Rogers had pushed long and hard for almost all expansion to be done in Sol, with minor expansion in Vulcan. Previous heads had also focused on the Sol and Vulcan for shipyards and facilities. Even the appointment of a Vulcan to head Starfleet Research did not dampen the optimism, perhaps in part due to the previous head being a Vulcan, along with most of the other previous Admirals in charge of Research and with the primary Science facility being on Vulcan.

Also increasing her standing as someone who was moving beyond the Human and Vulcan domination was that three races joined as affiliate members of the Federation during her first few years. Combined with increased diplomatic contact to existing affiliates it showed the value placed on other races.

This may have been the most important decision made by Admiral Vitalia as she showed through action and example that the Federation was intended for all of its members and allies, not just for a few races to dominate all other. On top of this was the first pure science and exploration ships in several decades were commissioned into Starfleet under her watch pointed to the bright future for the Federation. In turn this gave her a level of positive relations and influence with the Federation Council not seen since her predecessor tried to militarize Starfleet.
2303.Q2 - The Snakepit

The Council is heated. Tellar Prime's ambassadors and Councillors want heads. They storm about demanding the tide bow before them. Their colony should have been saved. Starfleet isn't protecting us, they take the expedient way. Some factions even demand to know why we haven't tried to make peace, tried to communicate with this new entry to the galactic scene.

You do not blame them, as the full story of the Dunwich IV colony's horror has not yet been told. The way that the flesh of colonists sloughed from their bones, the way it formed thick ropes and curls of biomechanical circuitry built by obscene craft to service the entity. The way the twisted intellect on the ground waited, biding its time. So you told them. You tell them about the twenty thousand colonists who perished, and the hundreds who died before at Ulith III and Korlonia II. You tell them of the suspected link to the bombing of the Cheron. You tell them of the terrible sight of the hail sent by the creature. And you tell them of its defiant warning. You tell them of the horrendous fate of the Tregh'bak Klingon colony, only discovered in time to prevent its spread because of the warning sent by the Federation.

And haven't you set the cat among the pigeons now. The whole chamber is abuzz as you work your way methodically and matter of fact through the litany of flesh. It is not your intention, but somehow your matter of fact delivery does more to strike fear in the Council than any demagoguery could.

"Admiral, what is Starfleet's assessment of the danger posed by this organism to the Federation?" asks the President of the Council.

"Very highly," you reply. "If addressed promptly and effectively, we may be able to make it a footnote in history. If we are clumsy, or unwary, then this could become a threat greater than the Romulans themselves."

"Do you even know if this organism still exists?" asks another Councillor. "We shouldn't move the vast resources of the Federation without a clear idea of how and why."

"I agree, Councillor," you allow begrudgingly. "There is a lot of research that we must now carry out."

"So what is it that you are calling this creature?" asks the Councillor.

"It is the Ulith III Biophage," you answer.

"Hm. A very dry name for such a beastly creature."

"Starfleet is not in the business of promoting fear for the sake of fear or influence," you reply. "We look to the stars as they are, never blinking. Even when the stars look back at us."

[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have ninety-two (92) Political Will to spend.


Federation Council Options for 2303.Q2
  • Request mining colony in the Biroth system 10pp (6 turns, then +15 Sr/year, +5 RP/year)
  • Request mining colony on Josephine III 10pp (4 turns, then +20 Br/year)
  • Request expansion of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 20pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth)
  • Request expansion of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 20pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth)
  • Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 30pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth)
  • Request new Shipyard in orbit around Andor, 40pp (10 turns, gain new shipyard starting with one 2.5m t berth)
  • Request funding to start Utopia Planitia Shipyards, 150pp (16 turns, gain new shipyard starting with 2 3m t berths, 2 1m t berths)
  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp for home sectors, 30pp for border sectors
  • Reduce Militarisation Level 25pp
  • Increase Threat Level 25pp
  • Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
  • Request Academy Expansion, 20pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Start of Ambassador class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 45pp
  • Request Start of Renaissance class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 45pp
  • Request Start of Custom ship project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 60pp
  • Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 15pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy)
  • Arrange to have an Old Guard Admiral convinced it is time to retire, 20pp


Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 50 [Now 68]
Current Maximum Combat = 120 [Now 89]

(Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 10 pts over - will increase with Threat Level by 10)

Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 3
Current Militarisation Level = 3
Current Federation Threat Level = 8

Council Objectives:
85 Science by 2311
2 New Oberths by 2311

Starfleet Ambitions:
Operate no fewer than 5 concurrent Five Year Missions by 2311.

Current Federation Full Members:

Current Federation Affiliates:
Betazoids 202/500 + 16 = 218/500
Rigellians 155/500 + 6 = 161/500
Caitians 120/500 + 3 = 123/500
Amarki 140/500 + 0 = 140/500
Risa 100/500 + 20 = 120/500

Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Orions 35/100
Yrillians 35/100
Dawiar 15/100

Major Powers
Romulans - Unknown! (Starfleet Intelligence is unsure of Romulan intent!)
Klingons - At Peace (Pleased to have fought alongside you in battle)[/QUOTE]
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2303.Q2 - The Snakepit Epilogue
The Federation Council impresses on you strongly by the end of deliberations that there are to be no incursions into the neutral zone until they can come to an arrangement with the Romulan Star Empire. You are likewise to avoid sparking a war unnecessarily. However, if the Romulans are found in Federation space again, Starfleet may repel them in whatever manner it sees fit. For all the Romulans are demonstrating a vested interest in suppressing this Biophage, the Federation Council has not the least interest in allowing a foreign power to decide when to enact General Order 24 on a Federation world.

Quarantine procedures are being implemented across the Romulan Border Zone. No traffic is to be allowed to cross from that sector of space into the neighbouring Andor sector except through the orbital outpost at Indi Beta, which will be responsible for scanning all traffic. Anything picked up on long-range sensors outside of this will be intercepted and, if not responding to hails, destroyed as a precaution. Any ship employing sensor dampening fields will be forced to lower them or likewise be destroyed. Transmission of supplies to outposts is to be one-way only - no pickups for the duration of this crisis. So far they are not to be implemented across the home sectors, but the sensor profile of the Biophage is being distributed to all ships and outposts, and anything that matches is to be reported to Starfleet immediately.

During the hearings you receive the preliminary reports from Starfleet Medical's Infectious Diseases division. There are definite signs of some genetic engineering taking place in the biomechanical cell samples, but they cannot say too much more at this time. Working with the sample is reported to be extremely hazardous work. After a few near-missteps, the work is proceeding in an isolated and magnetically suspended annex with an all-volunteer team, upon which a constant firing solution is maintained for the base phaser banks. While this has successfully removed the threat of contagion, it has dramatically slowed progress for the scientists.

On the last day of the hearing Vice Admiral Hamsfeld approaches you and informs you that he plans with retire within six months. He has served as head of Starfleet Operations for four years now, and replacing him will no doubt be a difficult task. After thanking him for letting you know, you discuss with Hamsfeld what to do with your explorers during this crisis.

[ ] Restrict their operations to the Romulan Border Zone (Reduced rewards for exploration, but able to respond to any Biophage outbreaks or Romulan incursions)
[ ] Exclude them from the Romulan Border Zone (Rely on the USS Kumari and the other ships in the area - your Five Year Mission ships are kept safe)
[ ] Continue normal operations (They may be nearby, they may not, rewards continue as normal)
[ ] A custom plan (Write in)
Captain's Log - 2303.Q2
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21204.3 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

While in the Tau Cygni we have encountered a hermit human couple on the edge of the star system, orbiting Tau Cygni VII in a small station that provides emergency repairs and supplies. We have beamed aboard to meet these spacefarers. I won't say that they are greatly pleased to see us, as it seems they have gone to great lengths to be left alone. However, they have allowed us over.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 21205.4 - Captain Revak

We have arrived at the Vulcan colony world of Alat IV to render assistance to the USS T'Kumbra. The Miranda-class vessel issued a distress call 12 hours ago, reporting that they have experienced an unexpected failure of the starboard impulse engine. While making a brief pulse at full impulse to change orbits, the impulse engine overloaded. We are taking the craft under tractor tow to Starbase 2 for repairs.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21205.9 - Captain Victoria Eaton

Our friends from Amarki have sent out a call for help. Their flagship and a small task force ran afoul of the Orion Syndicate while exploring colony candidates around Paling IV. The Syndicate ships were destroyed, but their flagship has lost their warp drive, and Admiral Aelin is requesting help. I have ordered the Courageous to respond.

Truthfully, myself and the crew are deeply relieved at being able to respond to something so banal after the Dunwich IV disaster.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21206.4 - Captain T'Lorel

We appear to have encountered a warp capable civilisation in the Vispus system, just to the rimward-side of the Romulan Border Zone. From our initial hails, we have learned that they call themselves the Caldonians, and they appear to be a race dedicated to science. They are of a similar level of advancement to the Dawiar that we contacted previously, but appear to be developing at a much more rapid pace. The arrival of the Sarek in orbit has provoked great fascination in the population, with great competition to be hosted aboard. They are full of scientific questions. It is a welcome change of pace.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21207.1

There is something fishy going on here. The records that we have do not indicate any ships actually undergoing repairs at this station. The hermit couple cannot quite explain how they sustain themselves out here, and some of the components on this station are suspicious at best.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21208.3

We have taken the hermit couple into custody. They have been running a trap operation, luring in ships, disposing of their crew and disassembling their ships! I grew suspicious while talking to one of them, and told the Enterprise to raise shields. Just afterwards, a tremendous disabling bolt of energy, gathered from tapping the intense magnetic field of the gas giant below, was fired at the ship. If the shields had not been raised, we may have become helpless. Precise phaser strikes disabled the weapons, but the couple refused to surrender the station. Stranded aboard, I was able to stun one of them, and then grappled with the other to secure control of the facility.

We have uncovered a vast array of raw shipbuilding materials, which we will confiscate.

[Gained +100br, +20sr]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, Stardate 21208.7

Admiral Aelin and a number of senior Amarki officers have been our guests aboard the Courageous for the last few days while repairs are made to their damaged warp drive. I have managed to pass on the sacred rites of loose leaf tea to Admiral Aelin, who promises to spread this gospel back to Amarkia. In between cups of tea, however, we have regaled them with tales of our battles with the Romulans and Klingons, which has fascinated their warrior sensibilities no end. My engineer, however, tells me that the repairs are now complete, so we will bid the Admiral adieu. Suffice to say, they depart in better spirits than they arrived, as do we.

[Gained 25 Diplomacy with Amarki, +10pp]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21210.4

Representatives to the Federation have been selected and dispatched. The scientific ethos of the Federation has fascinated the Caldonians, and they are fast-tracking Affiliate Membership. I have taken the liberty of partially opening up the shipboard library of cultural and scientific texts. This has done much to assure any Caldonian doubters of the nature of the United Federation of Planets. We have also demonstrated what we have to offer by, at the request of the local government, putting the Sarek through a series of drills, including, at one stage a fire-power demonstration that involved a phaser strike on a desert test site.

[Gained Federation Affiliates, the Caldonians, +5pp, and +5rp/turn]
2303.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 21287.5

There is a distinct feeling of unease in the air as the various department representatives take their seats around the Ship Design Bureau conference hall. Rear Admiral Park Seong-Ho of the Infectious Disease Institute delivers the latest bad news. Several bright scientists are dead, and a part of the facility lies vaporised. The speed of infection exhibited by the Ulith III Biophage is astonishing. If a sample of it were to get onto a Starfleet vessel, it would be a matter of a half hour to an hour before it was effectively assimilated. It matches uploaded logs from the Dunwich IV colony, where after a very slow infiltration of communications equipment capable of long range hails, it unleashed on the population. Over 90% of the colony was subsumed before the first day was out.

I am told that we are making progress with securing cooperation with the Romulans, itself no small marker of the seriousness with which that empire regards this problem. We have received a ... if not an explicit admission, then an implicit admission that the Biophage has their fingerprints on its genetic code. The impression one of the Betazoids in the diplomatic party had was that this was a ghost from the past for them rather than fresh trickery. Hopefully we will learn more soon.

Computer, End Log


Current RP Pool = 90pt

10pts are required to activate a Tech Team
90 / 10 = 9 rem 0

9 Tech Teams may be activated. Unusued rp will carry forward to next year

[ ] Submit a Research Plan, using up to nine Tech Teams

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost
Last edited:
Omake - Enterprise & the Orion Trade Deal - AKuz

(Someone tell me if the picture is too bug and gutting ur interwebs)


Captain Nash Ka'Sharren sits in the Enterprise's conference room, looking out the bank of windows that line the conference room, and watching the sparkling patterns of crisscrossing lights that cover the Orion capital's night side. It looks delicate and beautiful from orbit.

Thanks to a visit as an Ensign, she knows better.

The Andorian officer listens to her senior officers hash out the details of their diplomatic visit to Alukk, with Commander Ajam reading from a PADD, "Beta Shift has the highest ratings from our latest drills, so with the Captain's permission I've informed those officers that their sections will have the option of taking a twenty four hour leave. Alpha, Delta, and Gamma shifts will have the option afterwards in that order."

The Andorian Captain nods. "Have you distributed the currency awareness bulletins to them as well?"

"Yes, Ma'am, as well as Energy Crédit vouchers and corporate ID cards"

Nash holds back a grimace. Currency, corporate IDs... it's such a bother. Capital based economies are so annoying to deal with… "Thank you, Commander." Nash turns back to face the conference table, her senior staff arrayed along its sides before her, "Lieutenant Leaniss, have we heard back from the Orion Executive Council yet?"

Senator Leaniss, now Starfleet Lieutenant Leaniss, shifts slightly in her seat, still adjusting to the flow of Starfleet life. "Well, Captain the Executive Council has invited you and your Staff to a pre-meeting tour of Alukk's highlights, then an informal gathering afterwards." She consults her PADD again. "The meeting itself is to confirm the agenda for the next week, as well as officially receiving the current draft version of the trade agreements and discussion thereof."

Doctor Asurva leans forward. "The real work is going to happen at the 'Informal meeting' afterwards." The Orion woman smiles and shrugs, "Business on Alukk is conducted as much on personality and who you know as anything else."

Leaniss raises an eyebrow. "That's true in a lot of places, Doctor?"

"Well yes." The Doctor struggles for the right words. "There's a higher level of self interest and cronyism than you find in the Federation." She bobs her head, faintly embarrassed, "The older Matriarchs and Executives that operate at the level of the Executive Council are ruthless about maintaining their own personal power, even at the expense of others." She shrugs again, "At their level acquiring money for the sake of acquiring money is common… and it's often seen as a way for them to 'keep score.' Wealth determines a person's value to society."

Commander Ajam shakes her head. "I'm glad Earth has grown out of that mentality"

Doctor Asurva closes her eyes for a moment. "Commander, there are many things to recommend in their system when power hasn't been distributed so unevenly. Though I do agree with you. Just… Just keep in mind that Orion culture can be rewarding, yet dangerous to the unwary."

The Captain nods, her face very serious. "She's right. Believe me, there's a lot to like and a lot to dislike about Orion. Just be careful, being in Starfleet doesn't always protect you." She looks around the room, and in particular at Lieutenant Leaniss. This will be the Amarki woman's first footsteps on the soil of a foreign world.


The Enterprise's away team materialises on the transporter pad, and Captain Ka'Sharren takes a look around the wide open park that the transporter pad is centered in, looking for their liaisons from the Orion Executive Co-operation and Development Council.

Two red-haired Orion women wearing nearly identical well tailored business suits step forward, smiling.

The slightly taller one with a slightly blue coloured suit opens her arms wide in greeting, "Captain Ka'Sharren, Lieutenant Commander Mrr'Shan, Senator Leaniss, Doctor Asurva..." She pauses for a moment trying to recognize the last member of the Away Team. "...Ensign. Ah, Greetings!" She does a slight bow. "I am Vice-President Lavana Molhane of Molhane Energy and Savings, Public Relations Department! The council has sent me to liaise with you and make your stay on Alukk as comfortable as possible"

The other liaison, with a golden scarf wrapped around her neck also smiles at the group. "I am… her... colleague, Leticia Madurai, Vice-President of Consumer Relations with Madurai Music and Manufacturing."

Lieutenant Leaniss, smiles and steps forward to return Molhane's bow. "It is just Lieutenant Leaniss now, less presumptuous that way, don't you think? Ms Molhane?"

The Executive smiles back. "Of course, Lieutenant." She continues to smile and fishes a set of cards from her pocket. "As well, on behalf of Molhane Energy and Savings, and as token of goodwill, I would like to present you with these Energy Credit vouchers. Good at all major retailers affiliated with the ECDC." she holds them out and continues to smile, "Just look for the blue star!" she adds cheerily, as Madurai gives her a side-eye.

Doctor Asurva smiles. "Thank you but no thank you, Ms Molhane, Starfleet Guidelines prevent us from accepting gratuities!"

Madurai's smile turns into a sincere smirk and she pats her own pocket absently.

The Molhane Executive smiles slightly tighter, and continues just as cheerily as before. "Ah, that is fair, though I do hope you appreciate the spirit of the gesture!"

Lieutenant Leaniss steps off the PADD, looking around at the enormously tall buildings surrounding the small park, and the the sunlight glinting off the glass the structures seem to be made out of. She turns back to their hosts, "Of course! I always appreciate acts of sincere gratitude."

The Orion Executive continues to smile, "If you would like, we do have a carefully crafted itinerary, designed to showcase the best of Alukk.." She gestures at the well kept streets and gleaming buildings, inviting the Starfleet Officers to follow her. "We have a stop at Blue Star Gardens, home of the Tenacious Tennamous, then a leisurely lunch-"

Madurai cuts in smoothly, "Taking in the splendour of the city from Suncity towers, the restaurant on the hundred and fiftieth floor is one of the highest rated in the Golden Bloom Group!"

The Andorian Captain cuts both off. "Appreciated, Ms Molhane, Ms Madurai, I really do appreciate the suggestions," she lies, "But we'd hoped for a more… self-guided tour"

"That's... fine…" says the Spindial Executive, smiling over gritted teeth, "Whatever strikes your fancy on your visit to Alukk, we of the ECDC are eager to make your stay a happy one!"


"Wait, the Senator shot someone?" says Ensign Wolfe, head and only member of Enterprise's Xenology and Political Science team, meeting with the Away team in the Enterprise's transporter room, PADD in hand. Commander Ajam next to him looks not quite as shocked.

"It was just a light stun." Lieutenant Leaniss looks slightly defensive. "That slave peddler wouldn't leave us alone!"

"Contrrract holderrr for Generrrationally Indenturrrred Worrrkerrrrs," corrects Lieutenant Commander Mrr'Shan, leaning heavily on her Andorian Captain, focusing hard on her words and slipping into a heavy Caitian accent.

Captain Ka'Sharren is more sober, having spend the entire visit dodging drinks: from street vendors, offers during the talks, and at the afterparties. Yes, afterparties plural, Nash supposes that she isn't that surprised, it would have been a diplomatic slight to turn down any one of the company's' invitations.

Lieutenant Leaniss and Doctor Asurva have one of the Federation diplomats hanging heavily between them, the Federation representative only fitfully awake. "I am sorry Ensign, we will give you a debriefing later, but Representative Northwind should probably be put under medical supervision."

Leaniss smiles. "A lot of Diplomacy happened after the meeting," she chuckles. "And if we were any amount of successful the trade terms should be better tomorrow. Northwind might not remember, but we gave a good impression to that Blue Star rep. Drunk her right under the table," she says over her shoulder as she and the greenskinned doctor carefully maneuver their fallen colleague out of the transporter room.

Ka'Sharren pats Mrr'shan on the shoulder as her friend tries to make her way out the door after them. "Ensign Wolfe. Could you please see that the Lieutenant-Commander makes it to her quarters safely?"

The Human Ensign sighs and looks down at his PADD, he can brief his superiors on everything he learned talking to the understaffed and overworked Orion men serving as "Executive Assistants" later, "Yes ma'am."

Mrr'shan gives a heavy blink to Ka'Sharren as the Ensign slips one of her arms around his shoulders. "See you tomorrrrrow, Nashhhhhh," she says happily as the doors whoosh shut, thankfully quieting the Caitian's attempt to sing.

"Sorry about that Commander. The Orion executives seem to play as hard as they work. Very high stress environment." Ka'Sharren shrugs, "How are the crew doing?"

"Three emergency beam outs, ten Paid Extraditions from Security and Justice Syndicate custody, three from Alukk Private Security, and twenty-three requests for reimbursement from businesses." She smiles. "All in all a fairly quiet night, comparatively."